2003-08-20 16:26:23 +00:00

520 lines
18 KiB

"""Ultra-liberal RSS parser
Visit for the latest version
Handles RSS 0.9x and RSS 1.0 feeds
RSS 0.9x elements:
- title, link, description, webMaster, managingEditor, language
copyright, lastBuildDate, pubDate
RSS 1.0 elements:
- dc:rights, dc:language, dc:creator, dc:date, dc:subject,
Things it handles that choke other RSS parsers:
- bastard combinations of RSS 0.9x and RSS 1.0 (most Movable Type feeds)
- illegal XML characters (most Radio feeds)
- naked and/or invalid HTML in description (The Register)
- content:encoded in item element (Aaron Swartz)
- guid in item element (Scripting News)
- fullitem in item element (Jon Udell)
- non-standard namespaces (BitWorking)
Requires Python 2.2 or later
__author__ = "Mark Pilgrim ("
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2002, Mark Pilgrim"
__contributors__ = ["Jason Diamond ("]
__license__ = "GPL"
__history__ = """
1.0 - 9/27/2002 - MAP - fixed namespace processing on prefixed RSS 2.0 elements,
added Simon Fell's test suite
1.1 - 9/29/2002 - MAP - fixed infinite loop on incomplete CDATA sections
2.0 - 10/19/2002
JD - use inchannel to watch out for image and textinput elements which can
also contain title, link, and description elements
JD - check for isPermaLink="false" attribute on guid elements
JD - replaced openAnything with open_resource supporting ETag and
If-Modified-Since request headers
JD - parse now accepts etag, modified, agent, and referrer optional
JD - modified parse to return a dictionary instead of a tuple so that any
etag or modified information can be returned and cached by the caller
2.0.1 - 10/21/2002 - MAP - changed parse() so that if we don't get anything
because of etag/modified, return the old etag/modified to the caller to
indicate why nothing is being returned
2.0.2 - 10/21/2002 - JB - added the inchannel to the if statement, otherwise its
useless. Fixes the problem JD was addressing by adding it.
2.1 - 11/14/2002 - MAP - added gzip support
2.2 - 1/27/2003 - MAP - added attribute support, admin:generatorAgent.
start_admingeneratoragent is an example of how to handle elements with
only attributes, no content.
import timeoutsocket #
except ImportError:
import cgi, re, sgmllib, string, StringIO, urllib, gzip
sgmllib.tagfind = re.compile('[a-zA-Z][-_.:a-zA-Z0-9]*')
def decodeEntities(data):
data = data or ''
data = data.replace('&lt;', '<')
data = data.replace('&gt;', '>')
data = data.replace('&quot;', '"')
data = data.replace('&apos;', "'")
data = data.replace('&amp;', '&')
return data
class RSSParser(sgmllib.SGMLParser):
namespaces = {"": "",
"": "",
"": "",
"": "ti",
"": "co",
"": "sy",
"": "dc",
"": "admin"}
def reset(self): = {}
self.items = []
self.elementstack = []
self.inchannel = 0
self.initem = 0
self.namespacemap = {}
def push(self, element, expectingText):
self.elementstack.append([element, expectingText, []])
def pop(self, element):
if not self.elementstack: return
if self.elementstack[-1][0] != element: return
element, expectingText, pieces = self.elementstack.pop()
if not expectingText: return
output = "".join(pieces)
output = decodeEntities(output)
if self.initem:
self.items[-1][element] = output
elif self.inchannel:[element] = output
def _addNamespaces(self, attrs):
for prefix, value in attrs:
if not prefix.startswith("xmlns:"): continue
prefix = prefix[6:]
if self.namespaces.has_key(value):
self.namespacemap[prefix] = self.namespaces[value]
def _mapToStandardPrefix(self, name):
colonpos = name.find(':')
if colonpos <> -1:
prefix = name[:colonpos]
suffix = name[colonpos+1:]
prefix = self.namespacemap.get(prefix, prefix)
name = prefix + ':' + suffix
return name
def _getAttribute(self, attrs, name):
value = [v for k, v in attrs if self._mapToStandardPrefix(k) == name]
if value:
value = value[0]
value = None
return value
def start_channel(self, attrs):
self.push('channel', 0)
self.inchannel = 1
def end_channel(self):
self.inchannel = 0
def start_item(self, attrs):
self.push('item', 0)
self.initem = 1
def end_item(self):
self.initem = 0
def start_dc_language(self, attrs):
self.push('language', 1)
start_language = start_dc_language
def end_dc_language(self):
end_language = end_dc_language
def start_dc_creator(self, attrs):
self.push('creator', 1)
start_managingeditor = start_dc_creator
start_webmaster = start_dc_creator
def end_dc_creator(self):
end_managingeditor = end_dc_creator
end_webmaster = end_dc_creator
def start_dc_rights(self, attrs):
self.push('rights', 1)
start_copyright = start_dc_rights
def end_dc_rights(self):
end_copyright = end_dc_rights
def start_dc_date(self, attrs):
self.push('date', 1)
start_lastbuilddate = start_dc_date
start_pubdate = start_dc_date
def end_dc_date(self):
end_lastbuilddate = end_dc_date
end_pubdate = end_dc_date
def start_dc_subject(self, attrs):
self.push('category', 1)
def end_dc_subject(self):
def start_link(self, attrs):
self.push('link', self.inchannel or self.initem)
def end_link(self):
def start_guid(self, attrs):
self.guidislink = ('ispermalink', 'false') not in attrs
self.push('guid', 1)
def end_guid(self):
if self.guidislink:
self.items[-1]['link'] = self.items[-1]['guid']
def start_title(self, attrs):
self.push('title', self.inchannel or self.initem)
def start_description(self, attrs):
self.push('description', self.inchannel or self.initem)
def start_content_encoded(self, attrs):
self.push('content_encoded', 1)
start_fullitem = start_content_encoded
def end_content_encoded(self):
end_fullitem = end_content_encoded
def start_admin_generatoragent(self, attrs):
self.push('generator', 1)
value = self._getAttribute(attrs, 'rdf:resource')
if value:
def unknown_starttag(self, tag, attrs):
colonpos = tag.find(':')
if colonpos <> -1:
prefix = tag[:colonpos]
suffix = tag[colonpos+1:]
prefix = self.namespacemap.get(prefix, prefix)
if prefix:
prefix = prefix + '_'
methodname = 'start_' + prefix + suffix
method = getattr(self, methodname)
return method(attrs)
except AttributeError:
return self.push(prefix + suffix, 0)
return self.push(tag, 0)
def unknown_endtag(self, tag):
colonpos = tag.find(':')
if colonpos <> -1:
prefix = tag[:colonpos]
suffix = tag[colonpos+1:]
prefix = self.namespacemap.get(prefix, prefix)
if prefix:
prefix = prefix + '_'
methodname = 'end_' + prefix + suffix
method = getattr(self, methodname)
return method()
except AttributeError:
return self.pop(prefix + suffix)
return self.pop(tag)
def handle_charref(self, ref):
# called for each character reference, e.g. for "&#160;", ref will be "160"
# Reconstruct the original character reference.
if not self.elementstack: return
self.elementstack[-1][2].append("&#%(ref)s;" % locals())
def handle_entityref(self, ref):
# called for each entity reference, e.g. for "&copy;", ref will be "copy"
# Reconstruct the original entity reference.
if not self.elementstack: return
self.elementstack[-1][2].append("&%(ref)s;" % locals())
def handle_data(self, text):
# called for each block of plain text, i.e. outside of any tag and
# not containing any character or entity references
if not self.elementstack: return
def handle_comment(self, text):
# called for each comment, e.g. <!-- insert message here -->
def handle_pi(self, text):
# called for each processing instruction, e.g. <?instruction>
def handle_decl(self, text):
# called for the DOCTYPE, if present, e.g.
# <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
# "">
_new_declname_match = re.compile(r'[a-zA-Z][-_.a-zA-Z0-9:]*\s*').match
def _scan_name(self, i, declstartpos):
rawdata = self.rawdata
n = len(rawdata)
if i == n:
return None, -1
m = self._new_declname_match(rawdata, i)
if m:
s =
name = s.strip()
if (i + len(s)) == n:
return None, -1 # end of buffer
return string.lower(name), m.end()
self.updatepos(declstartpos, i)
self.error("expected name token")
def parse_declaration(self, i):
# override internal declaration handler to handle CDATA blocks
if self.rawdata[i:i+9] == '<![CDATA[':
k = self.rawdata.find(']]>', i)
if k == -1: k = len(self.rawdata)
return k+3
return sgmllib.SGMLParser.parse_declaration(self, i)
def open_resource(source, etag=None, modified=None, agent=None, referrer=None):
URI, filename, or string --> stream
This function lets you define parsers that take any input source
(URL, pathname to local or network file, or actual data as a string)
and deal with it in a uniform manner. Returned object is guaranteed
to have all the basic stdio read methods (read, readline, readlines).
Just .close() the object when you're done with it.
If the etag argument is supplied, it will be used as the value of an
If-None-Match request header.
If the modified argument is supplied, it must be a tuple of 9 integers
as returned by gmtime() in the standard Python time module. This MUST
be in GMT (Greenwich Mean Time). The formatted date/time will be used
as the value of an If-Modified-Since request header.
If the agent argument is supplied, it will be used as the value of a
User-Agent request header.
If the referrer argument is supplied, it will be used as the value of a
Referer[sic] request header.
The optional arguments are only used if the source argument is an HTTP
URL and the urllib2 module is importable (i.e., you must be using Python
version 2.0 or higher).
if hasattr(source, "read"):
return source
if source == "-":
return sys.stdin
# try to open with urllib2 (to use optional headers)
import urllib2
request = urllib2.Request(source)
if etag:
request.add_header("If-None-Match", etag)
if modified:
request.add_header("If-Modified-Since", format_http_date(modified))
if agent:
request.add_header("User-Agent", agent)
if referrer:
request.add_header("Referer", referrer)
request.add_header("Accept-encoding", "gzip")
return urllib2.urlopen(request)
except urllib2.HTTPError:
# either the resource is not modified or some other HTTP
# error occurred so return an empty resource
return StringIO.StringIO("")
# source must not be a valid URL but it might be a valid filename
except ImportError:
# urllib2 isn't available so try to open with urllib
return urllib.urlopen(source)
# source still might be a filename
# try to open with native open function (if source is a filename)
return open(source)
# treat source as string
return StringIO.StringIO(str(source))
def get_etag(resource):
Get the ETag associated with a response returned from a call to
If the resource was not returned from an HTTP server or the server did
not specify an ETag for the resource, this will return None.
if hasattr(resource, "info"):
return None
def get_modified(resource):
Get the Last-Modified timestamp for a response returned from a call to
If the resource was not returned from an HTTP server or the server did
not specify a Last-Modified timestamp, this function will return None.
Otherwise, it returns a tuple of 9 integers as returned by gmtime() in
the standard Python time module().
if hasattr(resource, "info"):
last_modified ="Last-Modified")
if last_modified:
return parse_http_date(last_modified)
return None
short_weekdays = ["Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat", "Sun"]
long_weekdays = ["Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday"]
months = ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"]
def format_http_date(date):
Formats a tuple of 9 integers into an RFC 1123-compliant timestamp as
required in RFC 2616. We don't use time.strftime() since the %a and %b
directives can be affected by the current locale (HTTP dates have to be
in English). The date MUST be in GMT (Greenwich Mean Time).
return "%s, %02d %s %04d %02d:%02d:%02d GMT" % (short_weekdays[date[6]], date[2], months[date[1] - 1], date[0], date[3], date[4], date[5])
rfc1123_match = re.compile(r"(?P<weekday>[A-Z][a-z]{2}), (?P<day>\d{2}) (?P<month>[A-Z][a-z]{2}) (?P<year>\d{4}) (?P<hour>\d{2}):(?P<minute>\d{2}):(?P<second>\d{2}) GMT").match
rfc850_match = re.compile(r"(?P<weekday>[A-Z][a-z]+), (?P<day>\d{2})-(?P<month>[A-Z][a-z]{2})-(?P<year>\d{2}) (?P<hour>\d{2}):(?P<minute>\d{2}):(?P<second>\d{2}) GMT").match
asctime_match = re.compile(r"(?P<weekday>[A-Z][a-z]{2}) (?P<month>[A-Z][a-z]{2}) ?(?P<day>\d\d?) (?P<hour>\d{2}):(?P<minute>\d{2}):(?P<second>\d{2}) (?P<year>\d{4})").match
def parse_http_date(date):
Parses any of the three HTTP date formats into a tuple of 9 integers as
returned by time.gmtime(). This should not use time.strptime() since
that function is not available on all platforms and could also be
affected by the current locale.
date = str(date)
year = 0
weekdays = short_weekdays
m = rfc1123_match(date)
if not m:
m = rfc850_match(date)
if m:
year = 1900
weekdays = long_weekdays
m = asctime_match(date)
if not m:
return None
year = year + int("year"))
month = months.index("month")) + 1
day = int("day"))
hour = int("hour"))
minute = int("minute"))
second = int("second"))
weekday = weekdays.index("weekday"))
a = int((14 - month) / 12)
julian_day = (day - 32045 + int(((153 * (month + (12 * a) - 3)) + 2) / 5) + int((146097 * (year + 4800 - a)) / 400)) - (int((146097 * (year + 4799)) / 400) - 31738) + 1
daylight_savings_flag = 0
return (year, month, day, hour, minute, second, weekday, julian_day, daylight_savings_flag)
# the month or weekday lookup probably failed indicating an invalid timestamp
return None
def parse(uri, etag=None, modified=None, agent=None, referrer=None):
r = RSSParser()
f = open_resource(uri, etag=etag, modified=modified, agent=agent, referrer=referrer)
data =
if hasattr(f, "headers"):
if f.headers.get('content-encoding', None) == 'gzip':
data = gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=StringIO.StringIO(data)).read()
result = {"channel":, "items": r.items}
newEtag = get_etag(f)
if newEtag: result["etag"] = newEtag
elif etag: result["etag"] = etag
newModified = get_modified(f)
if newModified: result["modified"] = newModified
elif modified: result["modified"] = modified
return result
if __name__ == '__main__':
import sys
if sys.argv[1:]:
urls = sys.argv[1:]
from pprint import pprint
for url in urls:
print url
result = parse(url)