Daniel DiPaolo 151b2f829b The "DocBook is fun" commit. We now have a whole new DTD and stylesheets to
use, as well as all the docs being in SGML now.
2004-02-26 17:33:02 +00:00

285 lines
12 KiB

<!DOCTYPE article SYSTEM "supybot.dtd">
<article class="faq">
<contrib>DocBook translator</contrib>
<title>Supybot Frequently Asked Questions</title>
<date>18 Feb 2004</date>
<revremark>Initial Docbook translation</revremark>
<date>26 Feb 2004</date>
<revremark>Changed to Supybot DTD</revremark>
<qandaset defaultlabel="qanda">
Why does my bot not recognize me or tell me that I don't
have the <capability>owner</capability> capability?
Because you're not given it anything to recognize you
from! You'll need to identify with the bot
(<botcommand>help identify</botcommand> to see how that
works) or add your hostmask to your user record
(<botcommand>help addhostmask</botcommand> to see how that
works) for it to know that you're you. You may wish to
note that <botcommand>addhostmask</botcommand> can accept
a password; rather than identify, you can send the command
<botcommand>addhostmask myOwnerUser [hostmask]
myOwnerUserPassword</botcommand> and the bot will add your
current hostmask to your owner user (of course, you should
change <literal>myOwnerUser</literal> and
<literal>myOwnerUserPassword</literal> appropriately for
your bot).
How do I make Supybot op my users?
First, you'll have to make sure that your users register
with the bot. They can do this with the
<botcommand>register</botcommand> command. After they do
so, you'll want to add the
<capability>#channel,op</capability> capability to their
user. Use the <botcommand>channel
addcapability</botcommand> command to do this. After
that, your users should be able to use the
<botcommand>op</botcommand> command to get ops.
If you want your users to be auto-opped when they join the
channel, you'll need to load the <plugin>Enforcer</plugin>
plugin and turn its <registrygroup>autoOp</registrygroup>
configuration variable on. Use the
<botcommand>config</botcommand> command to do so. Here's
an example of how to do these steps:
&lt;jemfinch|lambda&gt; I'm going to make an example session for giving
you auto-ops, for our FAQ.
&lt;dunk1&gt; ah ok ;]
&lt;jemfinch|lambda&gt; First, I need you to register with supybot, using
the "register" command (remember to send it in private).
&lt;dunk1&gt; done
&lt;jemfinch|lambda&gt; what name are you registered under?
&lt;dunk1&gt; dunk1
&lt;jemfinch|lambda&gt; ok, cool.
&lt;jemfinch|lambda&gt; @channel addcapability dunk1 op
&lt;supybot&gt; jemfinch|lambda: The operation succeeded.
&lt;jemfinch|lambda&gt; now use the "op" command to get ops.
&lt;dunk1&gt; @op
&mdash; supybot gives channel operator status to dunk1
&lt;dunk1&gt; works!
&lt;dunk1&gt; ;]
&lt;jemfinch|lambda&gt; @load Enforcer
&lt;supybot&gt; jemfinch|lambda: The operation succeeded.
&lt;jemfinch|lambda&gt; @config supybot.plugins.Enforcer.autoOp.#supybot On
&lt;supybot&gt; jemfinch|lambda: The operation succeeded.
&lt;jemfinch|lambda&gt; ok, now cycle the channel (part and then rejoin)
&lt;&ndash; dunk1 ( has left #supybot
&ndash;&gt; dunk1 ( has joined #supybot
&mdash; supybot gives channel operator status to dunk1
&lt;jemfinch|lambda&gt; cool, thanks :)
Can users with the <capability>admin</capability>
capability change configuration variables?
Currently, no. Since this is the first release of Supybot
that uses the registry, we wanted to stay on the
conservative side and require the
<capability>owner</capability> capability for changing all
non-channel-related configuration variables. Feel free to
make your case to us as to why a certain configuration
variable should only require the
<capability>admin</capability> capability instead of the
<capability>owner</capability> capability, and if we agree
with you, we'll change it for the next release.
How do I make my Supybot connect to multiple servers?
You'll need to use the <plugin>Relay</plugin> plugin. As
long as you don't call the <botcommand>relay
join</botcommand> command, it won't actually do any
relaying between channels (even if the bot is on the same
channel on different networks). In order to use the Relay
plugin, you'll want to first call the <botcommand>relay
start</botcommand> command, followed by the
<botcommand>relay connect</botcommand> command. These
commands are (unfortunately) not persistent at this time,
so you'll need to give them to the bot anytime you start
it up. We'll probably have this lack of persistence
rectified before the next release.
Can Supybot do factoids?
Supybot most certainly can! In fact, we offer two
full-fledged factoids-related plugins!
<plugin>Factoids</plugin> (written by
<nick>jemfinch</nick>) is Supybot's original
factoids-related plugin. It offers full integration with
Supybot's nested commands as well as a complete 1:n key to
factoid ratio, with lookup by individual number.
<plugin>Factoids</plugin> also uses a channel-specific
database instead of a global database, although in the
future it will likely be a configuration option whether to
use channel-specific or global databases for such plugins.
<plugin>MoobotFactoids</plugin> (written by
<nick>Strike</nick>) is much more full-featured, offering
users the ability to define factoids in a slightly more
user-friendly way, as well as parsing factoids to handle
&lt;reply&gt;, &lt;action&gt;, "see", and alternations
(defining a factoid "test" as "&lt;reply&gt;(foo|bar|baz)"
will make the bot send "foo" or "bar" or "baz" to the
channel (without the normal "test is " at the beginning)).
If you're accustomed to Moobot's factoids or Blootbot's
factoids, then this is the Factoids plugin for you.
Unfortunately, due to the more natural definition syntax
(required to be compatible with Moobot) you can't define
Factoids with nested commands; you'll have to evaluate the
command first and then copy the result into your factoid
definition. <plugin>MoobotFactoids</plugin> uses a global
database, so the factoids are the same for all channels.
In the future, we plan to have a compatibility plugin for
Infobot, but as of present we've not yet written one.
Can I import my Infobot/Blootbot/Moobot factoids into
As of present, we have no automated way to do so.
<nick>Strike</nick> has written a few scripts for
importing a Moobot database into
<plugin>MoobotFactoids</plugin>, however, so you'll want
to talk to him about helping you with that. We're
certainly happy to help you convert such databases; if you
can provide us with such a database exported to a flat
file, we can probably do the rest of the work to write a
script that imports it into a database for one of our
factoids-related plugins.
I found a bug, what do I do?
Submit it on Sourceforge through our Sourceforge project
</ulink>. If Sourceforge happens to be down when you try
to submit your bug, then post it in the "Supybot Developer
Discussion" forum at our forums at
<ulink url="">
</ulink>. If that doesn't work, email
<email></email>. If
that doesn't work, email
<email></email>. If that doesn't
work, find yourself some carrier pigeons and &hellip; hah!
You thought I was serious!
Anyway, when you submit your bug, we'll need several
things. If the bug involved an uncaught exception, we
need the traceback (basically the stuff from
&ldquo;Uncaught exception in &hellip;&rdquo; to the next
log entry). We'd also like to see the commands that
caused the bug, or happened around the time you saw the
bug. If the bug involved a database, we'd love to see the
database. Remember, it's always worse to send us too much
information in a bug report than too little.
Karma doesn't seem to work for me.
<plugin>Karma</plugin> by default doesn't acknowledge
karma updates. If you check the karma of whatever you
increased/decreased, you'll note that your increment or
decrement still took place. If you'd rather
<plugin>Karma</plugin> acknowledge karma updates, change
configuration variable to <literal>On</literal>.