Signed-off-by: James McCoy <jamessan@users.sourceforge.net> Conflicts: src/registry.py
Read LICENSE. It’s a 3-clause BSD license, but you should read it anyway.
There is much documentation at supybot.fr.cr and at Gribble wiki for your perusal. Please read it; we took the time to write it, you should take the time to read it.
If you have any trouble, feel free to swing by #supybot and #limnoria on irc.freenode.net or #supybot at irc.oftc.net (we have a Limnoria there relaying, so either network works) and ask questions. We’ll be happy to help wherever we can. And by all means, if you find anything hard to understand or think you know of a better way to do something, please post it on issue tracker so we can improve the bot!
The wizards (supybot-wizard, supybot-newplugin, and supybot-adduser) are all installed to your Python directory’s . What that probably means is that you’ll run them like this:
C:\Python2x\python C:\Python2x\Scripts\supybot-wizard
We likewise have tons of developer documentation at supybot.fr.cr for your learning adventures. Have fun :)