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synced 2025-03-09 16:00:43 +01:00
1025 lines
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1025 lines
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# SOAPpy modules
from Config import Config
from Types import *
from NS import NS
from Utilities import *
import string
import fpconst
import xml.sax
from wstools.XMLname import fromXMLname
try: from M2Crypto import SSL
except: pass
ident = '$Id$'
from version import __version__
# SOAP Parser
class RefHolder:
def __init__(self, name, frame):
self.name = name
self.parent = frame
self.pos = len(frame)
self.subpos = frame.namecounts.get(name, 0)
def __repr__(self):
return "<%s %s at %d>" % (self.__class__, self.name, id(self))
def __str__(self):
return "<%s %s at %d>" % (self.__class__, self.name, id(self))
class SOAPParser(xml.sax.handler.ContentHandler):
class Frame:
def __init__(self, name, kind = None, attrs = {}, rules = {}):
self.name = name
self.kind = kind
self.attrs = attrs
self.rules = rules
self.contents = []
self.names = []
self.namecounts = {}
self.subattrs = []
def append(self, name, data, attrs):
if self.namecounts.has_key(name):
self.namecounts[name] += 1
self.namecounts[name] = 1
def _placeItem(self, name, value, pos, subpos = 0, attrs = None):
self.contents[pos] = value
if attrs:
def __len__(self):
return len(self.contents)
def __repr__(self):
return "<%s %s at %d>" % (self.__class__, self.name, id(self))
def __init__(self, rules = None):
self.body = None
self.header = None
self.attrs = {}
self._data = None
self._next = "E" # Keeping state for message validity
self._stack = [self.Frame('SOAP')]
# Make two dictionaries to store the prefix <-> URI mappings, and
# initialize them with the default
self._prem = {NS.XML_T: NS.XML}
self._prem_r = {NS.XML: NS.XML_T}
self._ids = {}
self._refs = {}
self._rules = rules
def startElementNS(self, name, qname, attrs):
# Workaround two sax bugs
if name[0] == None and name[1][0] == ' ':
name = (None, name[1][1:])
name = tuple(name)
# First some checking of the layout of the message
if self._next == "E":
if name[1] != 'Envelope':
raise Error, "expected `SOAP-ENV:Envelope', gto `%s:%s'" % \
(self._prem_r[name[0]], name[1])
if name[0] != NS.ENV:
raise faultType, ("%s:VersionMismatch" % NS.ENV_T,
"Don't understand version `%s' Envelope" % name[0])
self._next = "HorB"
elif self._next == "HorB":
if name[0] == NS.ENV and name[1] in ("Header", "Body"):
self._next = None
raise Error, \
"expected `SOAP-ENV:Header' or `SOAP-ENV:Body', " \
"got `%s'" % self._prem_r[name[0]] + ':' + name[1]
elif self._next == "B":
if name == (NS.ENV, "Body"):
self._next = None
raise Error, "expected `SOAP-ENV:Body', got `%s'" % \
self._prem_r[name[0]] + ':' + name[1]
elif self._next == "":
raise Error, "expected nothing, got `%s'" % \
self._prem_r[name[0]] + ':' + name[1]
if len(self._stack) == 2:
rules = self._rules
rules = self._stack[-1].rules[name[1]]
rules = None
if type(rules) not in (NoneType, DictType):
kind = rules
kind = attrs.get((NS.ENC, 'arrayType'))
if kind != None:
del attrs._attrs[(NS.ENC, 'arrayType')]
i = kind.find(':')
if i >= 0:
kind = (self._prem[kind[:i]], kind[i + 1:])
kind = None
self.pushFrame(self.Frame(name[1], kind, attrs._attrs, rules))
self._data = [] # Start accumulating
def pushFrame(self, frame):
def popFrame(self):
return self._stack.pop()
def endElementNS(self, name, qname):
# Workaround two sax bugs
if name[0] == None and name[1][0] == ' ':
ns, name = None, name[1][1:]
ns, name = tuple(name)
name = fromXMLname(name) # convert to SOAP 1.2 XML name encoding
if self._next == "E":
raise Error, "didn't get SOAP-ENV:Envelope"
if self._next in ("HorB", "B"):
raise Error, "didn't get SOAP-ENV:Body"
cur = self.popFrame()
attrs = cur.attrs
idval = None
if attrs.has_key((None, 'id')):
idval = attrs[(None, 'id')]
if self._ids.has_key(idval):
raise Error, "duplicate id `%s'" % idval
del attrs[(None, 'id')]
root = 1
if len(self._stack) == 3:
if attrs.has_key((NS.ENC, 'root')):
root = int(attrs[(NS.ENC, 'root')])
# Do some preliminary checks. First, if root="0" is present,
# the element must have an id. Next, if root="n" is present,
# n something other than 0 or 1, raise an exception.
if root == 0:
if idval == None:
raise Error, "non-root element must have an id"
elif root != 1:
raise Error, "SOAP-ENC:root must be `0' or `1'"
del attrs[(NS.ENC, 'root')]
while 1:
href = attrs.get((None, 'href'))
if href:
if href[0] != '#':
raise Error, "Non-local hrefs are not yet suppported."
if self._data != None and string.join(self._data, "").strip() != '':
raise Error, "hrefs can't have data"
href = href[1:]
if self._ids.has_key(href):
data = self._ids[href]
data = RefHolder(name, self._stack[-1])
if self._refs.has_key(href):
self._refs[href] = [data]
del attrs[(None, 'href')]
kind = None
if attrs:
for i in NS.XSI_L:
if attrs.has_key((i, 'type')):
kind = attrs[(i, 'type')]
del attrs[(i, 'type')]
if kind != None:
i = kind.find(':')
if i >= 0:
kind = (self._prem[kind[:i]], kind[i + 1:])
# XXX What to do here? (None, kind) is just going to fail in convertType
kind = (None, kind)
null = 0
if attrs:
for i in (NS.XSI, NS.XSI2):
if attrs.has_key((i, 'null')):
null = attrs[(i, 'null')]
del attrs[(i, 'null')]
if attrs.has_key((NS.XSI3, 'nil')):
null = attrs[(NS.XSI3, 'nil')]
del attrs[(NS.XSI3, 'nil')]
## Check for nil
# check for nil='true'
if type(null) in (StringType, UnicodeType):
if null.lower() == 'true':
null = 1
# check for nil=1, but watch out for string values
null = int(null)
except ValueError, e:
if not e[0].startswith("invalid literal for int()"):
raise e
null = 0
if null:
if len(cur) or \
(self._data != None and string.join(self._data, "").strip() != ''):
raise Error, "nils can't have data"
data = None
if len(self._stack) == 2:
if (ns, name) == (NS.ENV, "Header"):
self.header = data = headerType(attrs = attrs)
self._next = "B"
elif (ns, name) == (NS.ENV, "Body"):
self.body = data = bodyType(attrs = attrs)
self._next = ""
elif len(self._stack) == 3 and self._next == None:
if (ns, name) == (NS.ENV, "Fault"):
data = faultType()
self._next = ""
if cur.rules != None:
rule = cur.rules
if type(rule) in (StringType, UnicodeType):
# XXX Need a namespace here
rule = (None, rule)
elif type(rule) == ListType:
rule = tuple(rule)
# XXX What if rule != kind?
if callable(rule):
data = rule(string.join(self._data, ""))
elif type(rule) == DictType:
data = structType(name = (ns, name), attrs = attrs)
data = self.convertType(string.join(self._data, ""),
rule, attrs)
if (kind == None and cur.kind != None) or \
(kind == (NS.ENC, 'Array')):
kind = cur.kind
if kind == None:
kind = 'ur-type[%d]' % len(cur)
kind = kind[1]
if len(cur.namecounts) == 1:
elemsname = cur.names[0]
elemsname = None
data = self.startArray((ns, name), kind, attrs, elemsname)
if len(self._stack) == 3 and kind == None and \
len(cur) == 0 and \
(self._data == None or string.join(self._data, "").strip() == ''):
data = structType(name = (ns, name), attrs = attrs)
if len(cur) == 0 and ns != NS.URN:
# Nothing's been added to the current frame so it must be a
# simple type.
if kind == None:
# If the current item's container is an array, it will
# have a kind. If so, get the bit before the first [,
# which is the type of the array, therefore the type of
# the current item.
kind = self._stack[-1].kind
if kind != None:
i = kind[1].find('[')
if i >= 0:
kind = (kind[0], kind[1][:i])
elif ns != None:
kind = (ns, name)
if kind != None:
data = self.convertType(string.join(self._data, ""),
kind, attrs)
except UnknownTypeError:
data = None
data = None
if data == None:
if self._data == None:
data = ''
data = string.join(self._data, "")
if len(attrs) == 0:
try: data = str(data)
except: pass
data = structType(name = (ns, name), attrs = attrs)
if isinstance(data, compoundType):
for i in range(len(cur)):
v = cur.contents[i]
data._addItem(cur.names[i], v, cur.subattrs[i])
if isinstance(v, RefHolder):
v.parent = data
if root:
self._stack[-1].append(name, data, attrs)
if idval != None:
self._ids[idval] = data
if self._refs.has_key(idval):
for i in self._refs[idval]:
i.parent._placeItem(i.name, data, i.pos, i.subpos, attrs)
del self._refs[idval]
self.attrs[id(data)] = attrs
if isinstance(data, anyType):
self._data = None # Stop accumulating
def endDocument(self):
if len(self._refs) == 1:
raise Error, \
"unresolved reference " + self._refs.keys()[0]
elif len(self._refs) > 1:
raise Error, \
"unresolved references " + ', '.join(self._refs.keys())
def startPrefixMapping(self, prefix, uri):
self._prem[prefix] = uri
self._prem_r[uri] = prefix
def endPrefixMapping(self, prefix):
del self._prem_r[self._prem[prefix]]
del self._prem[prefix]
def characters(self, c):
if self._data != None:
arrayre = '^(?:(?P<ns>[^:]*):)?' \
'(?P<type>[^[]+)' \
'(?:\[(?P<rank>,*)\])?' \
def startArray(self, name, kind, attrs, elemsname):
if type(self.arrayre) == StringType:
self.arrayre = re.compile (self.arrayre)
offset = attrs.get((NS.ENC, "offset"))
if offset != None:
del attrs[(NS.ENC, "offset")]
if offset[0] == '[' and offset[-1] == ']':
offset = int(offset[1:-1])
if offset < 0:
raise Exception
raise Exception
raise AttributeError, "invalid Array offset"
offset = 0
m = self.arrayre.search(kind)
if m == None:
raise Exception
t = m.group('type')
if t == 'ur-type':
return arrayType(None, name, attrs, offset, m.group('rank'),
m.group('asize'), elemsname)
elif m.group('ns') != None:
return typedArrayType(None, name,
(self._prem[m.group('ns')], t), attrs, offset,
m.group('rank'), m.group('asize'), elemsname)
return typedArrayType(None, name, (None, t), attrs, offset,
m.group('rank'), m.group('asize'), elemsname)
raise AttributeError, "invalid Array type `%s'" % kind
# Conversion
SIGNre = '(?P<sign>-?)'
CENTURYre = '(?P<century>\d{2,})'
YEARre = '(?P<year>\d{2})'
MONTHre = '(?P<month>\d{2})'
DAYre = '(?P<day>\d{2})'
HOURre = '(?P<hour>\d{2})'
MINUTEre = '(?P<minute>\d{2})'
SECONDre = '(?P<second>\d{2}(?:\.\d*)?)'
TIMEZONEre = '(?P<zulu>Z)|(?P<tzsign>[-+])(?P<tzhour>\d{2}):' \
BOSre = '^\s*'
EOSre = '\s*$'
__allres = {'sign': SIGNre, 'century': CENTURYre, 'year': YEARre,
'month': MONTHre, 'day': DAYre, 'hour': HOURre,
'minute': MINUTEre, 'second': SECONDre, 'timezone': TIMEZONEre,
'b': BOSre, 'e': EOSre}
dateTime = '%(b)s%(sign)s%(century)s%(year)s-%(month)s-%(day)sT' \
'%(hour)s:%(minute)s:%(second)s(%(timezone)s)?%(e)s' % __allres
timeInstant = dateTime
timePeriod = dateTime
time = '%(b)s%(hour)s:%(minute)s:%(second)s(%(timezone)s)?%(e)s' % \
date = '%(b)s%(sign)s%(century)s%(year)s-%(month)s-%(day)s' \
'(%(timezone)s)?%(e)s' % __allres
century = '%(b)s%(sign)s%(century)s(%(timezone)s)?%(e)s' % __allres
gYearMonth = '%(b)s%(sign)s%(century)s%(year)s-%(month)s' \
'(%(timezone)s)?%(e)s' % __allres
gYear = '%(b)s%(sign)s%(century)s%(year)s(%(timezone)s)?%(e)s' % \
year = gYear
gMonthDay = '%(b)s--%(month)s-%(day)s(%(timezone)s)?%(e)s' % __allres
recurringDate = gMonthDay
gDay = '%(b)s---%(day)s(%(timezone)s)?%(e)s' % __allres
recurringDay = gDay
gMonth = '%(b)s--%(month)s--(%(timezone)s)?%(e)s' % __allres
month = gMonth
recurringInstant = '%(b)s%(sign)s(%(century)s|-)(%(year)s|-)-' \
'(%(month)s|-)-(%(day)s|-)T' \
'(%(hour)s|-):(%(minute)s|-):(%(second)s|-)' \
'(%(timezone)s)?%(e)s' % __allres
duration = '%(b)s%(sign)sP' \
'((?P<year>\d+)Y)?' \
'((?P<month>\d+)M)?' \
'((?P<day>\d+)D)?' \
'((?P<sep>T)' \
'((?P<hour>\d+)H)?' \
'((?P<minute>\d+)M)?' \
'((?P<second>\d*(?:\.\d*)?)S)?)?%(e)s' % \
timeDuration = duration
# The extra 31 on the front is:
# - so the tuple is 1-based
# - so months[month-1] is December's days if month is 1
months = (31, 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31)
def convertDateTime(self, value, kind):
def getZoneOffset(d):
zoffs = 0
if d['zulu'] == None:
zoffs = 60 * int(d['tzhour']) + int(d['tzminute'])
if d['tzsign'] != '-':
zoffs = -zoffs
except TypeError:
return zoffs
def applyZoneOffset(months, zoffs, date, minfield, posday = 1):
if zoffs == 0 and (minfield > 4 or 0 <= date[5] < 60):
return date
if minfield > 5: date[5] = 0
if minfield > 4: date[4] = 0
if date[5] < 0:
date[4] += int(date[5]) / 60
date[5] %= 60
date[4] += zoffs
if minfield > 3 or 0 <= date[4] < 60: return date
date[3] += date[4] / 60
date[4] %= 60
if minfield > 2 or 0 <= date[3] < 24: return date
date[2] += date[3] / 24
date[3] %= 24
if minfield > 1:
if posday and date[2] <= 0:
date[2] += 31 # zoffs is at most 99:59, so the
# day will never be less than -3
return date
while 1:
# The date[1] == 3 (instead of == 2) is because we're
# going back a month, so we need to know if the previous
# month is February, so we test if this month is March.
leap = minfield == 0 and date[1] == 3 and \
date[0] % 4 == 0 and \
(date[0] % 100 != 0 or date[0] % 400 == 0)
if 0 < date[2] <= months[date[1]] + leap: break
date[2] += months[date[1] - 1] + leap
date[1] -= 1
if date[1] > 0: break
date[1] = 12
if minfield > 0: break
date[0] -= 1
return date
exp = getattr(self.DATETIMECONSTS, kind)
except AttributeError:
return None
if type(exp) == StringType:
exp = re.compile(exp)
setattr (self.DATETIMECONSTS, kind, exp)
m = exp.search(value)
if m == None:
raise Exception
d = m.groupdict()
f = ('century', 'year', 'month', 'day',
'hour', 'minute', 'second')
fn = len(f) # Index of first non-None value
r = []
if kind in ('duration', 'timeDuration'):
if d['sep'] != None and d['hour'] == None and \
d['minute'] == None and d['second'] == None:
raise Exception
f = f[1:]
for i in range(len(f)):
s = d[f[i]]
if s != None:
if f[i] == 'second':
s = float(s)
try: s = int(s)
except ValueError: s = long(s)
if i < fn: fn = i
if fn > len(r): # Any non-Nones?
raise Exception
if d['sign'] == '-':
r[fn] = -r[fn]
return tuple(r)
if kind == 'recurringInstant':
for i in range(len(f)):
s = d[f[i]]
if s == None or s == '-':
if i > fn:
raise Exception
s = None
if i < fn:
fn = i
if f[i] == 'second':
s = float(s)
s = int(s)
except ValueError:
s = long(s)
s = r.pop(0)
if fn == 0:
r[0] += s * 100
fn -= 1
if fn < len(r) and d['sign'] == '-':
r[fn] = -r[fn]
cleanDate(r, fn)
return tuple(applyZoneOffset(self.DATETIMECONSTS.months,
getZoneOffset(d), r, fn, 0))
r = [0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0]
for i in range(len(f)):
field = f[i]
s = d.get(field)
if s != None:
if field == 'second':
s = float(s)
s = int(s)
except ValueError:
s = long(s)
if i < fn:
fn = i
r[i] = s
if fn > len(r): # Any non-Nones?
raise Exception
s = r.pop(0)
if fn == 0:
r[0] += s * 100
fn -= 1
if d.get('sign') == '-':
r[fn] = -r[fn]
cleanDate(r, fn)
zoffs = getZoneOffset(d)
if zoffs:
r = applyZoneOffset(self.DATETIMECONSTS.months, zoffs, r, fn)
if kind == 'century':
return r[0] / 100
s = []
for i in range(1, len(f)):
if d.has_key(f[i]):
s.append(r[i - 1])
if len(s) == 1:
return s[0]
return tuple(s)
except Exception, e:
raise Error, "invalid %s value `%s' - %s" % (kind, value, e)
intlimits = \
'nonPositiveInteger': (0, None, 0),
'non-positive-integer': (0, None, 0),
'negativeInteger': (0, None, -1),
'negative-integer': (0, None, -1),
'long': (1, -9223372036854775808L,
'int': (0, -2147483648L, 2147483647),
'short': (0, -32768, 32767),
'byte': (0, -128, 127),
'nonNegativeInteger': (0, 0, None),
'non-negative-integer': (0, 0, None),
'positiveInteger': (0, 1, None),
'positive-integer': (0, 1, None),
'unsignedLong': (1, 0, 18446744073709551615L),
'unsignedInt': (0, 0, 4294967295L),
'unsignedShort': (0, 0, 65535),
'unsignedByte': (0, 0, 255),
floatlimits = \
'float': (7.0064923216240861E-46, -3.4028234663852886E+38,
'double': (2.4703282292062327E-324, -1.7976931348623158E+308,
zerofloatre = '[1-9]'
def convertType(self, d, t, attrs, config=Config):
return self.convertToBasicTypes(d, t, attrs, config)
def convertToSOAPpyTypes(self, d, t, attrs, config=Config):
def convertToBasicTypes(self, d, t, attrs, config=Config):
dnn = d or ''
if t[0] in NS.EXSD_L:
if t[1] == "integer":
d = int(d)
if len(attrs):
d = long(d)
d = long(d)
return d
if self.intlimits.has_key (t[1]): # integer types
l = self.intlimits[t[1]]
try: d = int(d)
except: d = long(d)
if l[1] != None and d < l[1]:
raise UnderflowError, "%s too small" % d
if l[2] != None and d > l[2]:
raise OverflowError, "%s too large" % d
if l[0] or len(attrs):
return long(d)
return d
if t[1] == "string":
if len(attrs):
return unicode(dnn)
return str(dnn)
return dnn
if t[1] == "boolean":
d = d.strip().lower()
if d in ('0', 'false'):
return 0
if d in ('1', 'true'):
return 1
raise AttributeError, "invalid boolean value"
if t[1] in ('double','float'):
l = self.floatlimits[t[1]]
s = d.strip().lower()
d = float(s)
if config.strict_range:
if d < l[1]: raise UnderflowError
if d > l[2]: raise OverflowError
# some older SOAP impementations (notably SOAP4J,
# Apache SOAP) return "infinity" instead of "INF"
# so check the first 3 characters for a match.
if s == "nan":
return fpconst.NaN
elif s[0:3] in ("inf", "+inf"):
return fpconst.PosInf
elif s[0:3] == "-inf":
return fpconst.NegInf
if fpconst.isNaN(d):
if s != 'nan':
raise ValueError, "invalid %s: %s" % (t[1], s)
elif fpconst.isNegInf(d):
if s != '-inf':
raise UnderflowError, "%s too small: %s" % (t[1], s)
elif fpconst.isPosInf(d):
if s != 'inf':
raise OverflowError, "%s too large: %s" % (t[1], s)
elif d < 0 and d < l[1]:
raise UnderflowError, "%s too small: %s" % (t[1], s)
elif d > 0 and ( d < l[0] or d > l[2] ):
raise OverflowError, "%s too large: %s" % (t[1], s)
elif d == 0:
if type(self.zerofloatre) == StringType:
self.zerofloatre = re.compile(self.zerofloatre)
if self.zerofloatre.search(s):
raise UnderflowError, "invalid %s: %s" % (t[1], s)
return d
if t[1] in ("dateTime", "date", "timeInstant", "time"):
return self.convertDateTime(d, t[1])
if t[1] == "decimal":
return float(d)
if t[1] in ("language", "QName", "NOTATION", "NMTOKEN", "Name",
"NCName", "ID", "IDREF", "ENTITY"):
return collapseWhiteSpace(d)
if t[1] in ("IDREFS", "ENTITIES", "NMTOKENS"):
d = collapseWhiteSpace(d)
return d.split()
if t[0] in NS.XSD_L:
if t[1] in ("base64", "base64Binary"):
if d:
return base64.decodestring(d)
return ''
if t[1] == "hexBinary":
if d:
return decodeHexString(d)
if t[1] == "anyURI":
return urllib.unquote(collapseWhiteSpace(d))
if t[1] in ("normalizedString", "token"):
return collapseWhiteSpace(d)
if t[0] == NS.ENC:
if t[1] == "base64":
if d:
return base64.decodestring(d)
return ''
if t[0] == NS.XSD:
if t[1] == "binary":
e = attrs[(None, 'encoding')]
if d:
if e == 'hex':
return decodeHexString(d)
elif e == 'base64':
return base64.decodestring(d)
return ''
raise Error, "unknown or missing binary encoding"
if t[1] == "uri":
return urllib.unquote(collapseWhiteSpace(d))
if t[1] == "recurringInstant":
return self.convertDateTime(d, t[1])
if t[0] in (NS.XSD2, NS.ENC):
if t[1] == "uriReference":
return urllib.unquote(collapseWhiteSpace(d))
if t[1] == "timePeriod":
return self.convertDateTime(d, t[1])
if t[1] in ("century", "year"):
return self.convertDateTime(d, t[1])
if t[0] in (NS.XSD, NS.XSD2, NS.ENC):
if t[1] == "timeDuration":
return self.convertDateTime(d, t[1])
if t[0] == NS.XSD3:
if t[1] == "anyURI":
return urllib.unquote(collapseWhiteSpace(d))
if t[1] in ("gYearMonth", "gMonthDay"):
return self.convertDateTime(d, t[1])
if t[1] == "gYear":
return self.convertDateTime(d, t[1])
if t[1] == "gMonth":
return self.convertDateTime(d, t[1])
if t[1] == "gDay":
return self.convertDateTime(d, t[1])
if t[1] == "duration":
return self.convertDateTime(d, t[1])
if t[0] in (NS.XSD2, NS.XSD3):
if t[1] == "token":
return collapseWhiteSpace(d)
if t[1] == "recurringDate":
return self.convertDateTime(d, t[1])
if t[1] == "month":
return self.convertDateTime(d, t[1])
if t[1] == "recurringDay":
return self.convertDateTime(d, t[1])
if t[0] == NS.XSD2:
if t[1] == "CDATA":
return collapseWhiteSpace(d)
raise UnknownTypeError, "unknown type `%s'" % (t[0] + ':' + t[1])
# call to SOAPParser that keeps all of the info
def _parseSOAP(xml_str, rules = None):
from cStringIO import StringIO
except ImportError:
from StringIO import StringIO
parser = xml.sax.make_parser()
t = SOAPParser(rules = rules)
e = xml.sax.handler.ErrorHandler()
inpsrc = xml.sax.xmlreader.InputSource()
# turn on namespace mangeling
except xml.sax.SAXParseException, e:
parser._parser = None
raise e
return t
# SOAPParser's more public interface
def parseSOAP(xml_str, attrs = 0):
t = _parseSOAP(xml_str)
if attrs:
return t.body, t.attrs
return t.body
def parseSOAPRPC(xml_str, header = 0, body = 0, attrs = 0, rules = None):
#config=Config, unwrap_outer=1):
t = _parseSOAP(xml_str, rules = rules)
p = t.body[0]
# Empty string, for RPC this translates into a void
if type(p) in (type(''), type(u'')) and p in ('', u''):
name = "Response"
for k in t.body.__dict__.keys():
if k[0] != "_":
name = k
p = structType(name)
if header or body or attrs:
ret = (p,)
if header : ret += (t.header,)
if body: ret += (t.body,)
if attrs: ret += (t.attrs,)
return ret
return p