### # Copyright (c) 2002-2004, Jeremiah Fincher # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions, and the following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions, and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # * Neither the name of the author of this software nor the name of # contributors to this software may be used to endorse or promote products # derived from this software without specific prior written consent. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" # AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR # CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF # SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS # INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN # CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) # ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ### from testsupport import * import sets import supybot.utils as utils class UtilsTest(SupyTestCase): def testExnToString(self): try: raise KeyError, 1 except Exception, e: self.assertEqual(utils.exnToString(e), 'KeyError: 1') try: raise EOFError except Exception, e: self.assertEqual(utils.exnToString(e), 'EOFError') def testMatchCase(self): f = utils.matchCase self.assertEqual('bar', f('foo', 'bar')) self.assertEqual('Bar', f('Foo', 'bar')) self.assertEqual('BAr', f('FOo', 'bar')) self.assertEqual('BAR', f('FOO', 'bar')) self.assertEqual('bAR', f('fOO', 'bar')) self.assertEqual('baR', f('foO', 'bar')) self.assertEqual('BaR', f('FoO', 'bar')) def testPluralize(self): f = utils.pluralize self.assertEqual('bike', f('bike', 1)) self.assertEqual('bikes', f('bike', 2)) self.assertEqual('BIKE', f('BIKE', 1)) self.assertEqual('BIKES', f('BIKE', 2)) self.assertEqual('match', f('match', 1)) self.assertEqual('matches', f('match', 2)) self.assertEqual('Patch', f('Patch', 1)) self.assertEqual('Patches', f('Patch', 2)) self.assertEqual('fish', f('fish', 1)) self.assertEqual('fishes', f('fish', 2)) self.assertEqual('try', f('try', 1)) self.assertEqual('tries', f('try', 2)) self.assertEqual('day', f('day', 1)) self.assertEqual('days', f('day', 2)) def testDepluralize(self): f = utils.depluralize self.assertEqual('bike', f('bikes')) self.assertEqual('Bike', f('Bikes')) self.assertEqual('BIKE', f('BIKES')) self.assertEqual('match', f('matches')) self.assertEqual('Match', f('Matches')) self.assertEqual('fish', f('fishes')) self.assertEqual('try', f('tries')) def testTimeElapsed(self): self.assertRaises(ValueError, utils.timeElapsed, 0, leadingZeroes=False, seconds=False) then = 0 now = 0 for now, expected in [(0, '0 seconds'), (1, '1 second'), (60, '1 minute and 0 seconds'), (61, '1 minute and 1 second'), (62, '1 minute and 2 seconds'), (122, '2 minutes and 2 seconds'), (3722, '1 hour, 2 minutes, and 2 seconds'), (7322, '2 hours, 2 minutes, and 2 seconds'), (90061,'1 day, 1 hour, 1 minute, and 1 second'), (180122, '2 days, 2 hours, 2 minutes, ' 'and 2 seconds')]: self.assertEqual(utils.timeElapsed(now - then), expected) def timeElapsedShort(self): self.assertEqual(utils.timeElapsed(123, short=True), '2m 3s') def testEachSubstring(self): s = 'foobar' L = ['f', 'fo', 'foo', 'foob', 'fooba', 'foobar'] self.assertEqual(list(utils.eachSubstring(s)), L) def testDistance(self): self.assertEqual(utils.distance('', ''), 0) self.assertEqual(utils.distance('a', 'b'), 1) self.assertEqual(utils.distance('a', 'a'), 0) self.assertEqual(utils.distance('foobar', 'jemfinch'), 8) self.assertEqual(utils.distance('a', 'ab'), 1) self.assertEqual(utils.distance('foo', ''), 3) self.assertEqual(utils.distance('', 'foo'), 3) self.assertEqual(utils.distance('appel', 'nappe'), 2) self.assertEqual(utils.distance('nappe', 'appel'), 2) def testAbbrev(self): L = ['abc', 'bcd', 'bbe', 'foo', 'fool'] d = utils.abbrev(L) def getItem(s): return d[s] self.assertRaises(KeyError, getItem, 'f') self.assertRaises(KeyError, getItem, 'fo') self.assertRaises(KeyError, getItem, 'b') self.assertEqual(d['bb'], 'bbe') self.assertEqual(d['bc'], 'bcd') self.assertEqual(d['a'], 'abc') self.assertEqual(d['ab'], 'abc') self.assertEqual(d['fool'], 'fool') self.assertEqual(d['foo'], 'foo') def testAbbrevFailsWithDups(self): L = ['english', 'english'] self.assertRaises(ValueError, utils.abbrev, L) def testSoundex(self): L = [('Euler', 'E460'), ('Ellery', 'E460'), ('Gauss', 'G200'), ('Ghosh', 'G200'), ('Hilbert', 'H416'), ('Heilbronn', 'H416'), ('Knuth', 'K530'), ('Kant', 'K530'), ('Lloyd', 'L300'), ('Ladd', 'L300'), ('Lukasiewicz', 'L222'), ('Lissajous', 'L222')] for (name, key) in L: soundex = utils.soundex(name) self.assertEqual(soundex, key, '%s was %s, not %s' % (name, soundex, key)) self.assertRaises(ValueError, utils.soundex, '3') self.assertRaises(ValueError, utils.soundex, "'") def testDQRepr(self): L = ['foo', 'foo\'bar', 'foo"bar', '"', '\\', '', '\x00'] for s in L: r = utils.dqrepr(s) self.assertEqual(s, eval(r), s) self.failUnless(r[0] == '"' and r[-1] == '"', s) ## def testQuoted(self): ## s = 'foo' ## t = 'let\'s' ## self.assertEqual("'%s'" % s, utils.quoted(s), s) ## self.assertEqual('"%s"' % t, utils.quoted(t), t) def testPerlReToPythonRe(self): r = utils.perlReToPythonRe('m/foo/') self.failUnless(r.search('foo')) r = utils.perlReToPythonRe('/foo/') self.failUnless(r.search('foo')) r = utils.perlReToPythonRe('m/\\//') self.failUnless(r.search('/')) r = utils.perlReToPythonRe('m/cat/i') self.failUnless(r.search('CAT')) self.assertRaises(ValueError, utils.perlReToPythonRe, 'm/?/') def testP2PReDifferentSeparator(self): r = utils.perlReToPythonRe('m!foo!') self.failUnless(r.search('foo')) def testPerlReToReplacer(self): f = utils.perlReToReplacer('s/foo/bar/') self.assertEqual(f('foobarbaz'), 'barbarbaz') f = utils.perlReToReplacer('s/fool/bar/') self.assertEqual(f('foobarbaz'), 'foobarbaz') f = utils.perlReToReplacer('s/foo//') self.assertEqual(f('foobarbaz'), 'barbaz') f = utils.perlReToReplacer('s/ba//') self.assertEqual(f('foobarbaz'), 'foorbaz') f = utils.perlReToReplacer('s/ba//g') self.assertEqual(f('foobarbaz'), 'foorz') f = utils.perlReToReplacer('s/ba\\///g') self.assertEqual(f('fooba/rba/z'), 'foorz') f = utils.perlReToReplacer('s/cat/dog/i') self.assertEqual(f('CATFISH'), 'dogFISH') f = utils.perlReToReplacer('s/foo/foo\/bar/') self.assertEqual(f('foo'), 'foo/bar') f = utils.perlReToReplacer('s/^/foo/') self.assertEqual(f('bar'), 'foobar') def testPReToReplacerDifferentSeparator(self): f = utils.perlReToReplacer('s#foo#bar#') self.assertEqual(f('foobarbaz'), 'barbarbaz') def testPerlReToReplacerBug850931(self): f = utils.perlReToReplacer('s/\b(\w+)\b/\1./g') self.assertEqual(f('foo bar baz'), 'foo. bar. baz.') def testPerlVariableSubstitute(self): f = utils.perlVariableSubstitute vars = {'foo': 'bar', 'b a z': 'baz', 'b': 'c', 'i': 100, 'f': lambda: 'called'} self.assertEqual(f(vars, '$foo'), 'bar') self.assertEqual(f(vars, '${foo}'), 'bar') self.assertEqual(f(vars, '$b'), 'c') self.assertEqual(f(vars, '${b}'), 'c') self.assertEqual(f(vars, '$i'), '100') self.assertEqual(f(vars, '${i}'), '100') self.assertEqual(f(vars, '$f'), 'called') self.assertEqual(f(vars, '${f}'), 'called') self.assertEqual(f(vars, '${b a z}'), 'baz') self.assertEqual(f(vars, '$b:$i'), 'c:100') def testFindBinaryInPath(self): if os.name == 'posix': self.assertEqual(None, utils.findBinaryInPath('asdfhjklasdfhjkl')) self.failUnless(utils.findBinaryInPath('sh').endswith('/bin/sh')) def testCommaAndify(self): L = ['foo'] original = L[:] self.assertEqual(utils.commaAndify(L), 'foo') self.assertEqual(utils.commaAndify(L, And='or'), 'foo') self.assertEqual(L, original) L.append('bar') original = L[:] self.assertEqual(utils.commaAndify(L), 'foo and bar') self.assertEqual(utils.commaAndify(L, And='or'), 'foo or bar') self.assertEqual(L, original) L.append('baz') original = L[:] self.assertEqual(utils.commaAndify(L), 'foo, bar, and baz') self.assertEqual(utils.commaAndify(L, And='or'), 'foo, bar, or baz') self.assertEqual(utils.commaAndify(L, comma=';'), 'foo; bar; and baz') self.assertEqual(utils.commaAndify(L, comma=';', And='or'), 'foo; bar; or baz') self.assertEqual(L, original) self.failUnless(utils.commaAndify(sets.Set(L))) def testCommaAndifyRaisesTypeError(self): L = [(2,)] self.assertRaises(TypeError, utils.commaAndify, L) L.append((3,)) self.assertRaises(TypeError, utils.commaAndify, L) def testUnCommaThe(self): self.assertEqual(utils.unCommaThe('foo bar'), 'foo bar') self.assertEqual(utils.unCommaThe('foo bar, the'), 'the foo bar') self.assertEqual(utils.unCommaThe('foo bar, The'), 'The foo bar') self.assertEqual(utils.unCommaThe('foo bar,the'), 'the foo bar') def testNormalizeWhitespace(self): self.assertEqual(utils.normalizeWhitespace('foo bar'), 'foo bar') self.assertEqual(utils.normalizeWhitespace('foo\nbar'), 'foo bar') self.assertEqual(utils.normalizeWhitespace('foo\tbar'), 'foo bar') def testSortBy(self): L = ['abc', 'z', 'AD'] utils.sortBy(len, L) self.assertEqual(L, ['z', 'AD', 'abc']) utils.sortBy(str.lower, L) self.assertEqual(L, ['abc', 'AD', 'z']) L = ['supybot', 'Supybot'] utils.sortBy(str.lower, L) self.assertEqual(L, ['supybot', 'Supybot']) def testSorted(self): L = ['a', 'c', 'b'] self.assertEqual(utils.sorted(L), ['a', 'b', 'c']) self.assertEqual(L, ['a', 'c', 'b']) def mycmp(x, y): return -cmp(x, y) self.assertEqual(utils.sorted(L, mycmp), ['c', 'b', 'a']) def testNItems(self): self.assertEqual(utils.nItems('tool', 1, 'crazy'), '1 crazy tool') self.assertEqual(utils.nItems('tool', 1), '1 tool') self.assertEqual(utils.nItems('tool', 2, 'crazy'), '2 crazy tools') self.assertEqual(utils.nItems('tool', 2), '2 tools') def testItersplit(self): itersplit = utils.itersplit L = [1, 2, 3] * 3 s = 'foo bar baz' self.assertEqual(list(itersplit(lambda x: x == 3, L)), [[1, 2], [1, 2], [1, 2]]) self.assertEqual(list(itersplit(lambda x: x == 3, L, yieldEmpty=True)), [[1, 2], [1, 2], [1, 2], []]) self.assertEqual(list(itersplit(lambda x: x, [])), []) self.assertEqual(list(itersplit(lambda c: c.isspace(), s)), map(list, s.split())) self.assertEqual(list(itersplit('for'.__eq__, ['foo', 'for', 'bar'])), [['foo'], ['bar']]) self.assertEqual(list(itersplit('for'.__eq__, ['foo','for','bar','for', 'baz'], 1)), [['foo'], ['bar', 'for', 'baz']]) def testIterableMap(self): class alist(utils.IterableMap): def __init__(self): self.L = [] def __setitem__(self, key, value): self.L.append((key, value)) def iteritems(self): for (k, v) in self.L: yield (k, v) AL = alist() self.failIf(AL) AL[1] = 2 AL[2] = 3 AL[3] = 4 self.failUnless(AL) self.assertEqual(AL.items(), [(1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4)]) self.assertEqual(list(AL.iteritems()), [(1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4)]) self.assertEqual(AL.keys(), [1, 2, 3]) self.assertEqual(list(AL.iterkeys()), [1, 2, 3]) self.assertEqual(AL.values(), [2, 3, 4]) self.assertEqual(list(AL.itervalues()), [2, 3, 4]) self.assertEqual(len(AL), 3) def testFlatten(self): def lflatten(seq): return list(utils.flatten(seq)) self.assertEqual(lflatten([]), []) self.assertEqual(lflatten([1]), [1]) self.assertEqual(lflatten(range(10)), range(10)) twoRanges = range(10)*2 twoRanges.sort() self.assertEqual(lflatten(zip(range(10), range(10))), twoRanges) self.assertEqual(lflatten([1, [2, 3], 4]), [1, 2, 3, 4]) self.assertEqual(lflatten([[[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]]]), []) self.assertEqual(lflatten([1, [2, [3, 4], 5], 6]), [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]) self.assertRaises(TypeError, lflatten, 1) def testEllipsisify(self): f = utils.ellipsisify self.assertEqual(f('x'*30, 30), 'x'*30) self.failUnless(len(f('x'*35, 30)) <= 30) self.failUnless(f(' '.join(['xxxx']*10), 30)[:-3].endswith('xxxx')) def testSaltHash(self): s = utils.saltHash('jemfinch') (salt, hash) = s.split('|') self.assertEqual(utils.saltHash('jemfinch', salt=salt), s) def testSafeEval(self): for s in ['1', '()', '(1,)', '[]', '{}', '{1:2}', '{1:(2,3)}', '1.0', '[1,2,3]', 'True', 'False', 'None', '(True,False,None)', '"foo"', '{"foo": "bar"}']: self.assertEqual(eval(s), utils.safeEval(s)) for s in ['lambda: 2', 'import foo', 'foo.bar']: self.assertRaises(ValueError, utils.safeEval, s) def testSafeEvalTurnsSyntaxErrorIntoValueError(self): self.assertRaises(ValueError, utils.safeEval, '/usr/local/') def testLines(self): L = ['foo', 'bar', '#baz', ' ', 'biff'] self.assertEqual(list(utils.nonEmptyLines(L)), ['foo', 'bar', '#baz', 'biff']) self.assertEqual(list(utils.nonCommentLines(L)), ['foo', 'bar', ' ', 'biff']) self.assertEqual(list(utils.nonCommentNonEmptyLines(L)), ['foo', 'bar', 'biff']) def testIsIP(self): self.failIf(utils.isIP('a.b.c')) self.failIf(utils.isIP('')) self.failUnless(utils.isIP('127.1')) self.failUnless(utils.isIP('')) self.failUnless(utils.isIP('')) # This test is too flaky to bother with. # self.failUnless(utils.isIP('')) def testIsIPV6(self): f = utils.isIPV6 self.failUnless(f('2001::')) self.failUnless(f('2001:888:0:1::666')) def testInsensitivePreservingDict(self): ipd = utils.InsensitivePreservingDict d = ipd(dict(Foo=10)) self.failUnless(d['foo'] == 10) self.assertEqual(d.keys(), ['Foo']) self.assertEqual(d.get('foo'), 10) self.assertEqual(d.get('Foo'), 10) # vim:set shiftwidth=4 tabstop=8 expandtab textwidth=78: