Anonymous allows you to send messages anonymously as the bot. If `supybot.plugins.Anonymous.allowPrivateTarget` is `True`, you can send messages in query too. ## Usage examples ### Identifying to NickServ One usage example is to identify the bot with NickServ if it fails to identify for some reason. However this isn't recommended unless you don't use CertFP. #### SASL ``` @config networks..sasl.username NSACCOUNTNAME @config networks..sasl.password NSPASSWORD ``` Next time when your bot connects it should identify before connecting with SASL. #### CertFP For help with generating the certificate [please see this page.]( When you have generated the certificate tell the bot to use it by either of thse two commands (or both). The first tells the bot to use the certificate everywhere and the second only on one network. If you run the first, the second isn't necressary unless you have multiple certificates. ``` @config protocols.irc.certfile /home/username/bot/bot.pem @config networks..certfile /home/username/bot/bot.pem ``` ### Proving that you are the owner. When you ask for cloak/vhost for your bot, the network operators will often ask you to prove that you own the bot. You can do this for example with the following method: ``` @load Anonymous @config plugins.anonymous.requirecapability owner @config plugins.anonymous.allowprivatetarget True @anonymous say Hi, my owner is :) ``` This * Loads the plugin. * Makes the plugin require that you are the owner * If anyone could send private messages as the bot, they could also access network services. * Allows sending private messages * Sends message `Hi, my owner is :)` to `operator nick`. * Note that you won't see the messages that are sent to the bot.