### # Copyright (c) 2004, Jeremiah Fincher # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions, and the following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions, and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # * Neither the name of the author of this software nor the name of # contributors to this software may be used to endorse or promote products # derived from this software without specific prior written consent. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" # AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR # CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF # SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS # INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN # CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) # ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ### """ Turns the bot into a poker dealer. """ import supybot __revision__ = "$Id$" __author__ = supybot.authors.jemfinch __contributors__ = {} ### # TODO: # # Betting timeouts. # Change the "bet" command to allow saying a specific amount to bet to. # Change the stack command to see another person's stack. # Keep a bankroll in the users registry. # Allow the "sit" command to have specified a stack size, subtracting it from # the bankroll. # Write a command to allow Owner users to give a person money. # Re-expand the commands using forwarder so they can have better help. # Have tables in each channel be entirely configurable. # Have the bot automatically start the next hand if people are seated. # Improve the "you've bet X already" to say something cooler when X is 0. # Have a slight pause before sending the "foo, it's your turn to bet" message, # and if the user replies before then, don't send it. ### import sets import random import operator import itertools import poker import supybot.conf as conf import supybot.utils as utils import supybot.ircdb as ircdb from supybot.commands import * import supybot.plugins as plugins import supybot.ircutils as ircutils import supybot.privmsgs as privmsgs import supybot.registry as registry import supybot.callbacks as callbacks def configure(advanced): # This will be called by setup.py to configure this module. Advanced is # a bool that specifies whether the user identified himself as an advanced # user or not. You should effect your configuration by manipulating the # registry as appropriate. from supybot.questions import expect, anything, something, yn conf.registerPlugin('Holdem', True) class PokerError(ValueError): pass Holdem = conf.registerPlugin('Holdem') conf.registerChannelValue(Holdem, 'blind', registry.PositiveInteger(10, """Determines what the small blind is. The big blind will be twice this.""")) conf.registerChannelValue(Holdem, 'color', registry.Boolean(True, """Determines whether the bot will use color to distinguish between consecutive hands.""")) users = {} class Player(object): def __init__(self, user, stack): self.user = user self.stack = stack def __hash__(self): return hash(self.user) def nick(self): return users[self.user] class Table(object): def __init__(self, channel): self.irc = None self.button = 0 self.players = [] self.channel = channel self.waitingToJoin = [] self.waitingToLeave = [] self.colors = itertools.cycle(['red', 'orange', 'yellow', 'green', 'light blue', 'blue', 'purple']) def _color(self, s): if conf.get(conf.supybot.plugins.Holdem.color, self.channel): s = ircutils.mircColor(s, self.color) s = ircutils.bold(s) return s def public(self, s, noColor=False): if not noColor: s = self._color(s) self.irc.reply(s, to=self.channel) def private(self, player, s, noColor=False): if not noColor: s = self._color(s) self.irc.reply(s, to=users[player.user], private=True) def error(self, s): s = self._color('%s: %s' % (self.irc.msg.nick, s)) self.irc.reply(s, to=self.channel) def sit(self, player): if player in self.players: self.error('You\'re already seated.') return self.waitingToJoin.append(player) self.irc.reply('You will be dealt in when the next hand begins.') def stand(self, player): if player in self.players: self.waitingToLeave.append(player) self.irc.reply('You will leave this table when this hand ends.') elif player in self.waitingToJoin: self.waitingToJoin.remove(player) else: self.error('You aren\'t currently seated.') def deal(self, startingPlayer): # Ignore player. self.color = self.colors.next() self.blind = conf.get(conf.supybot.plugins.Holdem.blind, self.channel) if self.waitingToJoin: self.players.extend(self.waitingToJoin) self.waitingToJoin = [] while self.waitingToLeave: playa = self.waitingToLeave.pop() self.players.remove(playa) for player in self.players[:]: if player.stack < 2*self.blind: self.public('%s doesn\'t have enough money to play this hand.' % player.nick()) self.players.remove(player) if len(self.players) < 2: self.public('I can\'t deal a new game with fewer than 2 people.') return self.hands = {} self.buckets = {} for player in self.players: self.buckets[player] = 0 self.foldedBuckets = [] self.tableCards = [] self.button += 1 self.button %= len(self.players) self._waitingOn = self.button self.deck = poker.deck[:] random.shuffle(self.deck) for player in self.players: self.hands[player] = [self.deck.pop()] for player in self.players: self.hands[player].append(self.deck.pop()) self.hand(player) self.public('The cards are dealt.') self.startRound() # Blinds. smallBlind = self.nextPlayer() smallBlind.stack -= self.blind self.buckets[smallBlind] += self.blind self.currentBets[smallBlind] = self.blind self.public('%s places small blind of %s.' % (smallBlind.nick(), self.blind)) bigBlind = self.nextPlayer() bigBlind.stack -= 2*self.blind self.buckets[bigBlind] += 2*self.blind self.currentBets[bigBlind] = 2*self.blind self.public('%s places big blind of %s.' % (bigBlind.nick(), 2*self.blind)) self.currentBet = 2*self.blind self.startBettingRound() def startRound(self): self.couldBet = {} self.currentBet = 0 self.currentBets = {} self._waitingOn = self.button for player in self.hands: self.currentBets[player] = 0 def nextRound(self): self.startRound() self.deck.pop() # Burn a card. if len(self.tableCards) == 0: self.tableCards.append(self.deck.pop()) self.tableCards.append(self.deck.pop()) self.tableCards.append(self.deck.pop()) self.public('Flop dealt, table shows %s.' % self.tableCards) self.startBettingRound() elif len(self.tableCards) == 3: self.tableCards.append(self.deck.pop()) self.public('Turn dealt, table shows %s.' % self.tableCards) self.startBettingRound() elif len(self.tableCards) == 4: self.tableCards.append(self.deck.pop()) self.public('River dealt, table shows %s.' % self.tableCards) self.startBettingRound() else: self.finishGame() def finishGame(self): try: if len(self.buckets) == 1: total = self.pot() player = self.buckets.keys()[0] player.stack += total self.public('%s wins the hand for %s.' % (player.nick(), total)) return assert len(self.hands) == len(self.buckets) hands = [(player, poker.score(hand + self.tableCards)) for (player, hand) in self.hands.iteritems()] utils.sortBy(operator.itemgetter(1), hands) hands.reverse() buckets = self.buckets.values() + self.foldedBuckets for (player, (kind, hand)) in hands: amountBet = self.buckets[player] totalReceived = 0 for (i, bucket) in enumerate(buckets): received = min(bucket, amountBet) totalReceived += received buckets[i] -= received player.stack += totalReceived self.public('%s wins %s with a %s, %s' % (player.nick(), totalReceived, kind[2:], hand)) buckets = filter(None, buckets) if not buckets: break finally: self.public('This hand is finished, prepare for the next hand.') def waitingOn(self): self._waitingOn %= len(self.players) return self.players[self._waitingOn] def pot(self): return sum(self.buckets.values()) + sum(self.foldedBuckets) def startBettingRound(self): player = self.nextPlayer() if player is None: self.nextRound() return s = 'Betting begins with %s.' % self.waitingOn().nick() s = 'The pot is currently at %s. %s' % (self.pot(), s) self.public(s) def checkWrongPlayer(self, player): if player != self.waitingOn(): self.public('It\'s not your turn, %s.' % player.nick()) return True return False def nextPlayer(self): seen = sets.Set() while 1: self._waitingOn += 1 player = self.waitingOn() if player in seen: return None # Handled by checkEndOfRound. seen.add(player) if player not in self.buckets or player.stack <= 0: continue else: break return self.waitingOn() def checkEndOfRound(self): # if all currentBets are not currentBet for all users with stacks. if len(self.buckets) == 1: # Only one guy left, let's distribute. self.finishGame() return finished = True for player in self.buckets: if player not in self.couldBet: finished = False break if self.currentBet > self.currentBets[player] and player.stack: finished = False break if finished: self.nextRound() else: player = self.nextPlayer() if player is not None: self.public('%s, it\'s your turn. The current bet is %s. ' 'You\'ve bet %s already this round.' % (player.nick(), self.currentBet, self.currentBets[player])) else: self.nextRound() def checkNoCurrentBet(self): if self.currentBet: self.error('There\'s a bet of %s, you must call it, ' 'raise it, or fold.' % self.currentBet) return True return False def hand(self, player): try: self.private(player, 'Your hand is %s.' % self.hands[player]) except KeyError: self.error('You\'re not dealt in right now.') def table(self, player): self.public('The table shows %s.' % self.tableCards) def fold(self, player): if self.checkWrongPlayer(player): return bucket = self.buckets.pop(player) if bucket: self.foldedBuckets.append(bucket) del self.hands[player] self.public('%s folds.' % player.name()) self.checkEndOfRound() def check(self, player): if self.checkWrongPlayer(player): return if self.currentBet and self.currentBets[player] < self.currentBet: self.error('There is a bet of %s, you must call it, raise it, ' 'or fold.' % self.currentBet) self.public('%s checks.' % player.nick()) self.couldBet[player] = True self.checkEndOfRound() def addCurrentBet(self, player, amount): self.couldBet[player] = True self.buckets[player] += amount self.currentBets[player] += amount self.currentBet = max(self.currentBet, self.currentBets[player]) player.stack -= amount return amount def call(self, player): if self.checkWrongPlayer(player): return toCall = self.currentBet - self.currentBets[player] bet = self.addCurrentBet(player, min(toCall, player.stack)) self.public('%s calls %s.' % (player.nick(), bet)) self.checkEndOfRound() def bet(self, player, amount): if self.checkWrongPlayer(player): return if self.checkNoCurrentBet(): return if amount > player.stack: self.error('You only have %s in your stack, you can\'t ' 'bet that much. Perhaps you should use the allin ' 'command.' % player.stack) return if amount < 2*self.blind: self.error('You must bet at least the big blind.') return bet = self.addCurrentBet(player, amount) self.public('%s bets %s.' % (player.nick(), bet)) self.checkEndOfRound() def RAISE(self, player, amount): if self.checkWrongPlayer(player): return if not self.currentBet: self.error('You can\'t raise when there\'s no current ' 'bet. Perhaps you should use the bet command.') return if amount < self.currentBet: self.error('You can\'t raise by less than the current ' 'bet of %s.' % self.currentBet) return totalRaise = amount + self.currentBet - self.currentBets[player] bet = self.addCurrentBet(player, min(totalRaise, player.stack)) self.public('%s raises to %s.' % (player.nick(), bet)) self.checkEndOfRound() def allin(self, player): if self.checkWrongPlayer(player): return bet = self.addCurrentBet(player, player.stack) self.public('%s goes all-in, %s.' % (player.nick(), bet)) self.checkEndOfRound() def getPlayer(irc, msg, args, state): callConverter('user', irc, msg, args, state) Holdem = irc.getCallback('Holdem') try: state.args[-1] = Holdem.getPlayer(state.args[-1]) except KeyError: irc.error('You\'re not currently seated, sit down first.', Raise=True) addConverter('player', getPlayer) class Holdem(callbacks.Privmsg): def __init__(self): self.players = {} self.tables = ircutils.IrcDict() self.__parent = super(Holdem, self) self.__parent.__init__() setattr(self.__class__, 'raise', self.__class__.RAISE) def __call__(self, irc, msg): try: # users is a global, used by Tables. users[ircdb.users.getUser(msg.prefix)] = msg.nick except KeyError: pass self.__parent.__call__(irc, msg) def callCommand(self, name, irc, msg, *args, **kwargs): if irc.isChannel(msg.args[0]): self.__parent.callCommand(name, irc, msg, *args, **kwargs) def getPlayer(self, user): if user not in self.players: self.players[user] = Player(user, 1000) return self.players[user] def getTable(self, irc, channel): table = self.tables[channel] table.irc = irc return table def forwarder(name): def f(self, irc, msg, args, channel, player): """takes no arguments Does %s in the current game in the channel in which it's given. """ try: table = self.getTable(irc, channel) getattr(table, name)(player) except KeyError: return f.__doc__ %= name f = utils.changeFunctionName(f, name) f = wrap(f, ['onlyInChannel', 'player']) return f #forwarder = staticmethod(forwarder) def start(self, irc, msg, args, player): """takes no arguments Starts a table in the channel this message is sent in. """ channel = msg.args[0] if channel in self.tables: irc.error('There\'s already a table in this channel.', Raise=True) else: self.tables[channel] = Table(channel) irc.replySuccess() start = wrap(start, ['player']) sit = forwarder('sit') call = forwarder('call') deal = forwarder('deal') fold = forwarder('fold') hand = forwarder('hand') table = forwarder('table') check = forwarder('check') allin = forwarder('allin') stand = forwarder('stand') def stack(self, irc, msg, args, player): """takes no arguments Returns the size of your stack. """ irc.reply(player.stack) stack = wrap(stack, ['player']) def bet(self, irc, msg, args, channel, player, amount): """ Bets . """ if channel in self.tables: self.getTable(irc, channel).bet(player, amount) bet = wrap(bet, ['onlyInChannel', 'player', 'positiveInt']) def RAISE(self, irc, msg, args, channel, player, amount): """ Calls the current bet and raises it by . """ if channel in self.tables: self.getTable(irc, channel).RAISE(player, amount) RAISE = wrap(RAISE, ['onlyInChannel', 'player', 'positiveInt']) Class = Holdem # vim:set shiftwidth=4 tabstop=8 expandtab textwidth=78: