### # Copyright (c) 2003, Daniel Berlin # Based on code from kibot # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions, and the following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions, and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # * Neither the name of the author of this software nor the name of # contributors to this software may be used to endorse or promote products # derived from this software without specific prior written consent. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" # AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR # CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF # SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS # INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN # CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) # ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ### """ Bugzilla bug retriever """ __revision__ = "$Id$" import os import re import csv import getopt import urllib import xml.dom.minidom as minidom from itertools import imap, ifilter from htmlentitydefs import entitydefs as entities import supybot.conf as conf import supybot.utils as utils import supybot.plugins as plugins from supybot.commands import * import supybot.ircutils as ircutils import supybot.privmsgs as privmsgs import supybot.registry as registry import supybot.webutils as webutils import supybot.callbacks as callbacks import supybot.structures as structures statusKeys = ['unconfirmed', 'new', 'assigned', 'reopened', 'resolved', 'verified', 'closed'] resolutionKeys = ['fixed', 'invalid', 'worksforme', 'needinfo', 'test-request', 'wontfix', 'cantfix', 'moved', 'duplicate', 'remind', 'later', 'notabug', 'notgnome', 'incomplete', 'gnome1.x', 'moved'] priorityKeys = ['p1', 'p2', 'p3', 'p4', 'p5', 'Low', 'Normal', 'High', 'Immediate', 'Urgent'] severityKeys = ['enhancement', 'trivial', 'minor', 'normal', 'major', 'critical', 'blocker'] class BugzillaError(Exception): """A bugzilla error""" pass def configure(advanced): from supybot.questions import output, expect, anything, yn conf.registerPlugin('Bugzilla', True) output("""The Bugzilla plugin has the functionality to watch for URLs that match a specific pattern (we call this a snarfer). When a Supybot sees such a URL, it will parse the web page for information and reply with the results.""") if yn('Do you want this bug snarfer enabled by default?', default=False): conf.supybot.plugins.Bugzilla.bugSnarfer.setValue(True) conf.registerPlugin('Bugzilla') conf.registerChannelValue(conf.supybot.plugins.Bugzilla, 'bugSnarfer', registry.Boolean(False, """Determines whether the bug snarfer will be enabled, such that any Bugzilla URLs and bug ### seen in the channel will have their information reported into the channel.""")) conf.registerChannelValue(conf.supybot.plugins.Bugzilla, 'bold', registry.Boolean(True, """Determines whether results are bolded.""")) conf.registerChannelValue(conf.supybot.plugins.Bugzilla, 'replyNoBugzilla', registry.String('I don\'t have a bugzilla %r.', """Determines the phrase to use when notifying the user that there is no information about that bugzilla site.""")) conf.registerChannelValue(conf.supybot.plugins.Bugzilla, 'snarfTarget', registry.String('', """Determines the bugzilla site to query when the snarf command is triggered""")) class Bugzillae(registry.SpaceSeparatedListOfStrings): List = ircutils.IrcSet conf.registerGlobalValue(conf.supybot.plugins.Bugzilla, 'bugzillae', Bugzillae([], """Determines what bugzillae will be added to the bot when it starts.""")) def registerBugzilla(name, url='', description=''): conf.supybot.plugins.Bugzilla.bugzillae().add(name) group = conf.registerGroup(conf.supybot.plugins.Bugzilla.bugzillae, name) URL = conf.registerGlobalValue(group, 'url', registry.String(url, '')) DESC = conf.registerGlobalValue(group, 'description', registry.String(description, '')) if url: URL.setValue(url) if description: DESC.setValue(description) class Bugzilla(callbacks.PrivmsgCommandAndRegexp): """Show a link to a bug report with a brief description""" threaded = True callBefore = ['URL'] regexps = ['bzSnarfer', 'bugzSnarf'] def __init__(self): callbacks.PrivmsgCommandAndRegexp.__init__(self) self.entre = re.compile('&(\S*?);') # Schema: {name, [url, description]} self.db = ircutils.IrcDict() for name in self.registryValue('bugzillae'): registerBugzilla(name) group = self.registryValue('bugzillae.%s' % name, value=False) self.db[name] = [group.url(), group.description()] self.shorthand = utils.abbrev(self.db.keys()) def keywords2query(self, keywords): """Turn a list of keywords into a URL query string""" query = [] for k in keywords: k = k.lower() if k in statusKeys: query.append('bug_status=%s' % k.upper()) elif k in resolutionKeys: query.append('resolution=%s' % k.upper()) elif k in priorityKeys: query.append('priority=%s' % k.upper()) elif k in severityKeys: query.append('bug_severity=%s' % k.upper()) query.append('ctype=csv') return query def add(self, irc, msg, args, name, url, description): """ [] Add a bugzilla to the list of defined bugzillae. is the name that will be used to reference the bugzilla in all commands. Unambiguous abbreviations of will be accepted also. is the common name for the bugzilla and will be listed with the bugzilla query; if not given, it defaults to . """ if not description: description = name if url[-1] == '/': url = url[:-1] self.db[name] = [url, description] registerBugzilla(name, url, description) self.shorthand = utils.abbrev(self.db.keys()) irc.replySuccess() add = wrap(add, ['text', 'url', additional('text')]) def remove(self, irc, msg, args, name): """ Remove the bugzilla associated with from the list of defined bugzillae. """ try: name = self.shorthand[name] del self.db[name] self.registryValue('bugzillae').remove(name) self.shorthand = utils.abbrev(self.db.keys()) irc.replySuccess() except KeyError: s = self.registryValue('replyNoBugzilla', msg.args[0]) irc.error(s % name) remove = wrap(remove, ['text']) def list(self, irc, msg, args, name): """[] List defined bugzillae. If is specified, list the information for that bugzilla. """ if name: try: name = self.shorthand[name] (url, description) = self.db[name] irc.reply('%s: %s, %s' % (name, description, url)) except KeyError: s = self.registryValue('replyNoBugzilla', msg.args[0]) irc.error(s % name) else: if self.db: L = self.db.keys() L.sort() irc.reply(utils.commaAndify(L)) else: irc.reply('I have no defined bugzillae.') list = wrap(list, [additional('text')]) def bugzSnarf(self, irc, msg, match): r"""\bbug\b(?:id|ids|#)?\s+(?:id|ids|#)?(?P\d+)""" snarfTarget = self.registryValue('snarfTarget') if not snarfTarget: return bugid = match.group('bug') name = self.shorthand[snarfTarget] try: (url, description) = self.db[name] except KeyError: s = self.registryValue('replyNoBugzilla', name) irc.error(s % name) return if not self.registryValue('bugSnarfer', name): return queryurl = '%s/xml.cgi?id=%s' % (url, bugid) bold = self.registryValue('bold', name) try: summary = self._get_short_bug_summary(queryurl,description,bugid) except BugzillaError, e: irc.error(str(e)) return except IOError, e: s = '%s. Try yourself: %s' % (e, queryurl) irc.error(s) report = {} report['id'] = bugid report['url'] = str('%s/show_bug.cgi?id=%s' % (url, bugid)) report['title'] = str(summary['title']) report['summary'] = str(self._mk_summary_string(summary, bold)) report['product'] = str(summary['product']) s = '%(product)s bug #%(id)s: %(title)s %(summary)s' % report irc.reply(s, prefixName=False) def bzSnarfer(self, irc, msg, match): r"(http://\S+)/show_bug.cgi\?id=([0-9]+)" if not self.registryValue('bugSnarfer', msg.args[0]): return queryurl = '%s/xml.cgi?id=%s' % (match.group(1), match.group(2)) try: summary = self._get_short_bug_summary(queryurl, 'Snarfed Bugzilla URL', match.group(2)) except BugzillaError, e: irc.reply(str(e)) return except IOError, e: msgtouser = '%s. Try yourself: %s' % (e, queryurl) irc.reply(msgtouser) return bold = self.registryValue('bold', msg.args[0]) report = {} report['id'] = match.group(2) report['url'] = str('%s/show_bug.cgi?id=%s' % (match.group(1), match.group(2))) report['title'] = str(summary['title']) report['summary'] = str(self._mk_summary_string(summary, bold)) report['product'] = str(summary['product']) s = '%(product)s bug #%(id)s: %(title)s %(summary)s' % report irc.reply(s, prefixName=False) bzSnarfer = urlSnarfer(bzSnarfer) def urlquery2bugslist(self, url, query): """Given a URL and query list for a CSV bug list, it'll return all the bugs in a dict """ bugs = {} try: url = '%s/buglist.cgi?%s' % (url, '&'.join(query)) u = webutils.getUrlFd(url) except webutils.WebError, e: return bugs # actually read in the file csvreader = csv.reader(u) # read header fields = csvreader.next() # read the rest of the list for bug in csvreader: if isinstance(bug, basestring): bugid = bug else: if bug: bugid = bug[0] else: raise callbacks.Error, 'No bugs found.' try: bugid = int(bugid) except ValueError: pass bugs[bugid] = {} i = 1 for f in fields[1:]: bugs[bugid][f] = bug[i] i += 1 u.close() return bugs def search(self, irc, msg, args, optlist, name, searchstr): """[--keywords=] Look for bugs with , also matching . can be statuses, severities, priorities, or resolutions, separated by commas""" keywords = None for (option, arguments) in optlist: if option == 'keywords': keywords = arguments.split(',') if not keywords: keywords = ['UNCONFIRMED', 'NEW', 'ASSIGNED', 'REOPENED'] query = self.keywords2query(keywords) query.append('short_desc_type=allwordssubstr') query.append('short_desc=%s' % urllib.quote(searchstr)) query.append('order=Bug+Number') try: name = self.shorthand[name] (url, description) = self.db[name] except KeyError: s = self.registryValue('replyNoBugzilla', msg.args[0]) irc.error(s % name) return bugs = self.urlquery2bugslist(url, query) bugids = bugs.keys() bugids.sort() if not bugs: irc.error('I could not find any bugs.') return s = '%s match %r (%s): %s.' % \ (utils.nItems('bug', len(bugs)), searchstr, ' AND '.join(keywords), utils.commaAndify(map(str, bugids))) irc.reply(s) search = wrap(search, [getopts({'keywords':'text'}), 'text', 'text']) def bug(self, irc, msg, args, name, number): """ Look up bug in the bugzilla associated with . """ try: name = self.shorthand[name] (url, description) = self.db[name] except KeyError: s = self.registryValue('replyNoBugzilla', msg.args[0]) irc.error(s % name) return queryurl = '%s/xml.cgi?id=%s' % (url, number) try: summary = self._get_short_bug_summary(queryurl,description,number) except BugzillaError, e: irc.error(str(e)) return except IOError, e: s = '%s. Try yourself: %s' % (e, queryurl) irc.error(s) bold = self.registryValue('bold', msg.args[0]) report = {} report['zilla'] = description report['id'] = number report['url'] = '%s/show_bug.cgi?id=%s' % (url, number) report['title'] = str(summary['title']) report['summary'] = self._mk_summary_string(summary, bold) s = '%(zilla)s bug #%(id)s: %(title)s %(summary)s %(url)s' % report irc.reply(s) bug = wrap(bug, ['text', ('id', 'bug')]) def _mk_summary_string(self, summary, bold): L = [] if bold: decorate = lambda s: ircutils.bold(s) else: decorate = lambda s: s if 'product' in summary: L.append(decorate('Product: ') + summary['product']) if 'component' in summary: L.append(decorate('Component: ') + summary['component']) if 'severity' in summary: L.append(decorate('Severity: ') + summary['severity']) if 'assigned to' in summary: L.append(decorate('Assigned to: ') + summary['assigned to']) if 'status' in summary: L.append(decorate('Status: ') + summary['status']) if 'resolution' in summary: L.append(decorate('Resolution: ') + summary['resolution']) return ', '.join(imap(str, L)) def _get_short_bug_summary(self, url, desc, number): try: bugxml = self._getbugxml(url, desc) zilladom = minidom.parseString(bugxml) except Exception, e: s = 'Could not parse XML returned by %s bugzilla: %s' % (desc, e) raise BugzillaError, s bug_n = zilladom.getElementsByTagName('bug')[0] if bug_n.hasAttribute('error'): errtxt = bug_n.getAttribute('error') s = 'Error getting %s bug #%s: %s' % (desc, number, errtxt) raise BugzillaError, s summary = {} try: node = bug_n.getElementsByTagName('short_desc')[0] summary['title'] = self._getnodetxt(node) node = bug_n.getElementsByTagName('bug_status')[0] summary['status'] = self._getnodetxt(node) try: node = bug_n.getElementsByTagName('resolution')[0] summary['resolution'] = self._getnodetxt(node) except: pass node = bug_n.getElementsByTagName('assigned_to')[0] summary['assigned to'] = self._getnodetxt(node) node = bug_n.getElementsByTagName('product')[0] summary['product'] = self._getnodetxt(node) node = bug_n.getElementsByTagName('component')[0] summary['component'] = self._getnodetxt(node) node = bug_n.getElementsByTagName('bug_severity')[0] summary['severity'] = self._getnodetxt(node) except Exception, e: s = 'Could not parse XML returned by %s bugzilla: %s' % (desc, e) raise BugzillaError, s return summary def _getbugxml(self, url, desc): try: bugxml = webutils.getUrl(url) except webutils.WebError, e: raise IOError, 'Connection to %s bugzilla failed' % desc if not bugxml: raise IOError, 'Error getting bug content from %s' % desc return bugxml def _getnodetxt(self, node): L = [] for childnode in node.childNodes: if childnode.nodeType == childnode.TEXT_NODE: L.append(childnode.data) val = ''.join(L) if node.hasAttribute('encoding'): encoding = node.getAttribute('encoding') if encoding == 'base64': try: val = val.decode('base64') except: val = 'Cannot convert bug data from base64.' while self.entre.search(val): entity = self.entre.search(val).group(1) if entity in entities: val = self.entre.sub(entities[entity], val) else: val = self.entre.sub('?', val) return val Class = Bugzilla # vim:set shiftwidth=4 tabstop=8 expandtab textwidth=78: