### # Copyright (c) 2002-2005, Jeremiah Fincher # Copyright (c) 2008-2009, James McCoy # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions, and the following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions, and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # * Neither the name of the author of this software nor the name of # contributors to this software may be used to endorse or promote products # derived from this software without specific prior written consent. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" # AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR # CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF # SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS # INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN # CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) # ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ### import gc import os import sys import time import socket import linecache import re import supybot.log as log import supybot.conf as conf import supybot.i18n as i18n import supybot.utils as utils import supybot.world as world import supybot.ircdb as ircdb from supybot.commands import * import supybot.irclib as irclib import supybot.plugin as plugin import supybot.plugins as plugins import supybot.drivers as drivers import supybot.ircmsgs as ircmsgs import supybot.ircutils as ircutils import supybot.registry as registry import supybot.callbacks as callbacks from supybot.i18n import PluginInternationalization, internationalizeDocstring _ = PluginInternationalization('Owner') ### # supybot.commands. ### def registerDefaultPlugin(command, plugin): command = callbacks.canonicalName(command) conf.registerGlobalValue(conf.supybot.commands.defaultPlugins, command, registry.String(plugin, '')) # This must be set, or the quotes won't be removed. conf.supybot.commands.defaultPlugins.get(command).set(plugin) registerDefaultPlugin('list', 'Misc') registerDefaultPlugin('help', 'Misc') registerDefaultPlugin('ignore', 'Admin') registerDefaultPlugin('reload', 'Owner') registerDefaultPlugin('enable', 'Owner') registerDefaultPlugin('disable', 'Owner') registerDefaultPlugin('unignore', 'Admin') registerDefaultPlugin('capabilities', 'User') registerDefaultPlugin('addcapability', 'Admin') registerDefaultPlugin('removecapability', 'Admin') class Owner(callbacks.Plugin): """Owner-only commands for core Supybot. This is a core Supybot module that should not be removed!""" # This plugin must be first; its priority must be lowest; otherwise odd # things will happen when adding callbacks. def __init__(self, irc=None): if irc is not None: assert not irc.getCallback(self.name()) self.__parent = super(Owner, self) self.__parent.__init__(irc) # Setup command flood detection. self.commands = ircutils.FloodQueue(conf.supybot.abuse.flood.interval()) conf.supybot.abuse.flood.interval.addCallback(self.setFloodQueueTimeout) # Setup plugins and default plugins for commands. # # This needs to be done before we connect to any networks so that the # children of supybot.plugins (the actual plugins) exist and can be # loaded. for (name, s) in registry._cache.iteritems(): if 'alwaysLoadDefault' in name or 'alwaysLoadImportant' in name: continue if name.startswith('supybot.plugins'): try: (_, _, name) = registry.split(name) except ValueError: # unpack list of wrong size. continue # This is just for the prettiness of the configuration file. # There are no plugins that are all-lowercase, so we'll at # least attempt to capitalize them. if name == name.lower(): name = name.capitalize() conf.registerPlugin(name) if name.startswith('supybot.commands.defaultPlugins'): try: (_, _, _, name) = registry.split(name) except ValueError: # unpack list of wrong size. continue registerDefaultPlugin(name, s) # Setup Irc objects, connected to networks. If world.ircs is already # populated, chances are that we're being reloaded, so don't do this. if not world.ircs: for network in conf.supybot.networks(): try: self._connect(network) except socket.error as e: self.log.error('Could not connect to %s: %s.', network, e) except Exception as e: self.log.exception('Exception connecting to %s:', network) self.log.error('Could not connect to %s: %s.', network, e) def callPrecedence(self, irc): return ([], [cb for cb in irc.callbacks if cb is not self]) def outFilter(self, irc, msg): if msg.command == 'PRIVMSG' and not world.testing: if ircutils.strEqual(msg.args[0], irc.nick): self.log.warning('Tried to send a message to myself: %r.', msg) return None return msg def reset(self): # This has to be done somewhere, I figure here is as good place as any. callbacks.IrcObjectProxy._mores.clear() self.__parent.reset() def _connect(self, network, serverPort=None, password='', ssl=False): try: group = conf.supybot.networks.get(network) (server, port) = group.servers()[0] except (registry.NonExistentRegistryEntry, IndexError): if serverPort is None: raise ValueError('connect requires a (server, port) ' \ 'if the network is not registered.') conf.registerNetwork(network, password, ssl) serverS = '%s:%s' % serverPort conf.supybot.networks.get(network).servers.append(serverS) assert conf.supybot.networks.get(network).servers(), \ 'No servers are set for the %s network.' % network self.log.info('Creating new Irc for %s.', network) newIrc = irclib.Irc(network) for irc in world.ircs: if irc != newIrc: newIrc.state.history = irc.state.history driver = drivers.newDriver(newIrc) self._loadPlugins(newIrc) return newIrc def _loadPlugins(self, irc): self.log.info('Loading plugins (connecting to %s).', irc.network) alwaysLoadImportant = conf.supybot.plugins.alwaysLoadImportant() important = conf.supybot.commands.defaultPlugins.importantPlugins() for (name, value) in conf.supybot.plugins.getValues(fullNames=False): if irc.getCallback(name) is None: load = value() if not load and name in important: if alwaysLoadImportant: s = '%s is configured not to be loaded, but is being '\ 'loaded anyway because ' \ 'supybot.plugins.alwaysLoadImportant is True.' self.log.warning(s, name) load = True if load: # We don't load plugins that don't start with a capital # letter. if name[0].isupper() and not irc.getCallback(name): # This is debug because each log logs its beginning. self.log.debug('Loading %s.', name) try: m = plugin.loadPluginModule(name, ignoreDeprecation=True) plugin.loadPluginClass(irc, m) except callbacks.Error as e: # This is just an error message. log.warning(str(e)) except plugins.NoSuitableDatabase as e: s = 'Failed to load %s: no suitable database(%s).' % (name, e) log.warning(s) except ImportError as e: e = str(e) if e.endswith(name): s = 'Failed to load {0}: No plugin named {0} exists.'.format( utils.str.dqrepr(name)) elif "No module named 'config'" in e: s = ("Failed to load %s: This plugin may be incompatible " "with your current Python version. If this error is appearing " "with stock Supybot plugins, remove the stock plugins directory " "(usually ~/Limnoria/plugins) from 'config directories.plugins'." % name) else: s = 'Failed to load %s: import error (%s).' % (name, e) log.warning(s) except Exception as e: log.exception('Failed to load %s:', name) else: # Let's import the module so configuration is preserved. try: _ = plugin.loadPluginModule(name) except Exception as e: log.debug('Attempted to load %s to preserve its ' 'configuration, but load failed: %s', name, e) world.starting = False def do376(self, irc, msg): msgs = conf.supybot.networks.get(irc.network).channels.joins() if msgs: for msg in msgs: irc.queueMsg(msg) do422 = do377 = do376 def setFloodQueueTimeout(self, *args, **kwargs): self.commands.timeout = conf.supybot.abuse.flood.interval() def doPrivmsg(self, irc, msg): assert self is irc.callbacks[0], \ 'Owner isn\'t first callback: %r' % irc.callbacks if ircmsgs.isCtcp(msg): return s = callbacks.addressed(irc.nick, msg) if s: ignored = ircdb.checkIgnored(msg.prefix) if ignored: self.log.info('Ignoring command from %s.', msg.prefix) return maximum = conf.supybot.abuse.flood.command.maximum() self.commands.enqueue(msg) if conf.supybot.abuse.flood.command() \ and self.commands.len(msg) > maximum \ and not ircdb.checkCapability(msg.prefix, 'trusted'): punishment = conf.supybot.abuse.flood.command.punishment() banmask = ircutils.banmask(msg.prefix) self.log.info('Ignoring %s for %s seconds due to an apparent ' 'command flood.', banmask, punishment) ircdb.ignores.add(banmask, time.time() + punishment) irc.reply('You\'ve given me %s commands within the last ' '%i seconds; I\'m now ignoring you for %s.' % (maximum, conf.supybot.abuse.flood.interval(), utils.timeElapsed(punishment, seconds=False))) return try: tokens = callbacks.tokenize(s, channel=msg.args[0]) self.Proxy(irc, msg, tokens) except SyntaxError as e: irc.queueMsg(callbacks.error(msg, str(e))) def logmark(self, irc, msg, args, text): """ Logs to the global Supybot log at critical priority. Useful for marking logfiles for later searching. """ self.log.critical(text) irc.replySuccess() logmark = wrap(logmark, ['text']) def announce(self, irc, msg, args, text): """ Sends to all channels the bot is currently on and not lobotomized in. """ u = ircdb.users.getUser(msg.prefix) text = 'Announcement from my owner (%s): %s' % (u.name, text) for channel in irc.state.channels: c = ircdb.channels.getChannel(channel) if not c.lobotomized: irc.queueMsg(ircmsgs.privmsg(channel, text)) irc.noReply() announce = wrap(announce, ['text']) def defaultplugin(self, irc, msg, args, optlist, command, plugin): """[--remove] [] Sets the default plugin for to . If --remove is given, removes the current default plugin for . If no plugin is given, returns the current default plugin set for . See also, supybot.commands.defaultPlugins.importantPlugins. """ remove = False for (option, arg) in optlist: if option == 'remove': remove = True (_, cbs) = irc.findCallbacksForArgs([command]) if remove: try: conf.supybot.commands.defaultPlugins.unregister(command) irc.replySuccess() except registry.NonExistentRegistryEntry: s = 'I don\'t have a default plugin set for that command.' irc.error(s) elif not cbs: irc.errorInvalid('command', command) elif plugin: if not plugin.isCommand(command): irc.errorInvalid('command in the %s plugin' % plugin.name(), command) registerDefaultPlugin(command, plugin.name()) irc.replySuccess() else: try: irc.reply(conf.supybot.commands.defaultPlugins.get(command)()) except registry.NonExistentRegistryEntry: s = 'I don\'t have a default plugin set for that command.' irc.error(s) defaultplugin = wrap(defaultplugin, [getopts({'remove': ''}), 'commandName', additional('plugin')]) def ircquote(self, irc, msg, args, s): """ Sends the raw string given to the server. """ try: m = ircmsgs.IrcMsg(s) except Exception as e: irc.error(utils.exnToString(e)) else: irc.queueMsg(m) irc.noReply() ircquote = wrap(ircquote, ['text']) def quit(self, irc, msg, args, text): """[] Exits the bot with the QUIT message . If is not given, the default quit message (supybot.plugins.Owner.quitMsg) will be used. If there is no default quitMsg set, your nick will be used. The standard substitutions ($version, $nick, etc.) are all handled appropriately. """ text = text or self.registryValue('quitMsg') or msg.nick text = ircutils.standardSubstitute(irc, msg, text) irc.noReply() m = ircmsgs.quit(text) world.upkeep() for irc in world.ircs[:]: irc.queueMsg(m) irc.die() quit = wrap(quit, [additional('text')]) def flush(self, irc, msg, args): """takes no arguments Runs all the periodic flushers in world.flushers. This includes flushing all logs and all configuration changes to disk. """ world.flush() irc.replySuccess() flush = wrap(flush) def upkeep(self, irc, msg, args, level): """[] Runs the standard upkeep stuff (flushes and gc.collects()). If given a level, runs that level of upkeep (currently, the only supported level is "high", which causes the bot to flush a lot of caches as well as do normal upkeep stuff). """ L = [] if level == 'high': L.append(format('Regexp cache flushed: %n cleared.', (len(re._cache), 'regexp'))) re.purge() L.append(format('Pattern cache flushed: %n cleared.', (len(ircutils._patternCache), 'compiled pattern'))) ircutils._patternCache.clear() L.append(format('hostmaskPatternEqual cache flushed: %n cleared.', (len(ircutils._hostmaskPatternEqualCache), 'result'))) ircutils._hostmaskPatternEqualCache.clear() L.append(format('ircdb username cache flushed: %n cleared.', (len(ircdb.users._nameCache), 'username to id mapping'))) ircdb.users._nameCache.clear() L.append(format('ircdb hostmask cache flushed: %n cleared.', (len(ircdb.users._hostmaskCache), 'hostmask to id mapping'))) ircdb.users._hostmaskCache.clear() L.append(format('linecache line cache flushed: %n cleared.', (len(linecache.cache), 'line'))) linecache.clearcache() if sys.version_info[0] < 3: sys.exc_clear() collected = world.upkeep() if gc.garbage: L.append('Garbage! %r.' % gc.garbage) L.append(format('%n collected.', (collected, 'object'))) irc.reply(' '.join(L)) upkeep = wrap(upkeep, [additional(('literal', ['high']))]) def load(self, irc, msg, args, optlist, name): """[--deprecated] Loads the plugin from any of the directories in conf.supybot.directories.plugins; usually this includes the main installed directory and 'plugins' in the current directory. --deprecated is necessary if you wish to load deprecated plugins. """ ignoreDeprecation = False for (option, argument) in optlist: if option == 'deprecated': ignoreDeprecation = True if name.endswith('.py'): name = name[:-3] if irc.getCallback(name): irc.error('%s is already loaded.' % name.capitalize()) return try: module = plugin.loadPluginModule(name, ignoreDeprecation) except plugin.Deprecated: irc.error('%s is deprecated. Use --deprecated ' 'to force it to load.' % name.capitalize()) return except ImportError as e: if str(e).endswith(name): irc.error('No plugin named %s exists.' % utils.str.dqrepr(name)) elif "No module named 'config'" in str(e): irc.error('This plugin may be incompatible with your current Python ' 'version. Try running 2to3 on it.') else: irc.error(str(e)) return cb = plugin.loadPluginClass(irc, module) name = cb.name() # Let's normalize this. conf.registerPlugin(name, True) irc.replySuccess() load = wrap(load, [getopts({'deprecated': ''}), 'something']) def reload(self, irc, msg, args, name): """ Unloads and subsequently reloads the plugin by name; use the 'list' command to see a list of the currently loaded plugins. """ if ircutils.strEqual(name, self.name()): irc.error('You can\'t reload the %s plugin.' % name) return callbacks = irc.removeCallback(name) if callbacks: module = sys.modules[callbacks[0].__module__] if hasattr(module, 'reload'): x = module.reload() try: module = plugin.loadPluginModule(name) if hasattr(module, 'reload') and 'x' in locals(): module.reload(x) if hasattr(module, 'config'): reload(module.config) for callback in callbacks: callback.die() del callback gc.collect() # This makes sure the callback is collected. callback = plugin.loadPluginClass(irc, module) irc.replySuccess() except ImportError: for callback in callbacks: irc.addCallback(callback) irc.error('No plugin named %s exists.' % name) else: irc.error('There was no plugin %s.' % name) reload = wrap(reload, ['something']) def unload(self, irc, msg, args, name): """ Unloads the callback by name; use the 'list' command to see a list of the currently loaded plugins. Obviously, the Owner plugin can't be unloaded. """ if ircutils.strEqual(name, self.name()): irc.error('You can\'t unload the %s plugin.' % name) return # Let's do this so even if the plugin isn't currently loaded, it doesn't # stay attempting to load. conf.registerPlugin(name, False) callbacks = irc.removeCallback(name) if callbacks: for callback in callbacks: callback.die() del callback gc.collect() irc.replySuccess() else: irc.error('There was no plugin %s.' % name) unload = wrap(unload, ['something']) def defaultcapability(self, irc, msg, args, action, capability): """{add|remove} Adds or removes (according to the first argument) from the default capabilities given to users (the configuration variable supybot.capabilities stores these). """ if action == 'add': conf.supybot.capabilities().add(capability) irc.replySuccess() elif action == 'remove': try: conf.supybot.capabilities().remove(capability) irc.replySuccess() except KeyError: if ircdb.isAntiCapability(capability): irc.error('That capability wasn\'t in ' 'supybot.capabilities.') else: anticap = ircdb.makeAntiCapability(capability) conf.supybot.capabilities().add(anticap) irc.replySuccess() defaultcapability = wrap(defaultcapability, [('literal', ['add','remove']), 'capability']) def disable(self, irc, msg, args, plugin, command): """[] Disables the command for all users (including the owners). If is given, only disables the from . If you want to disable a command for most users but not for yourself, set a default capability of -plugin.command or -command (if you want to disable the command in all plugins). """ if command in ('enable', 'identify'): irc.error('You can\'t disable %s.' % command) return if plugin: if plugin.isCommand(command): pluginCommand = '%s.%s' % (plugin.name(), command) conf.supybot.commands.disabled().add(pluginCommand) plugin._disabled.add(command) else: irc.error('%s is not a command in the %s plugin.' % (command, plugin.name())) return else: conf.supybot.commands.disabled().add(command) self._disabled.add(command) irc.replySuccess() disable = wrap(disable, [optional('plugin'), 'commandName']) def enable(self, irc, msg, args, plugin, command): """[] Enables the command for all users. If if given, only enables the from . This command is the inverse of disable. """ try: if plugin: plugin._disabled.remove(command, plugin.name()) command = '%s.%s' % (plugin.name(), command) else: self._disabled.remove(command) conf.supybot.commands.disabled().remove(command) irc.replySuccess() except KeyError: irc.error('That command wasn\'t disabled.') enable = wrap(enable, [optional('plugin'), 'commandName']) def rename(self, irc, msg, args, command_plugin, command, newName): """ Renames in to the . """ if not command_plugin.isCommand(command): what = 'command in the %s plugin' % command_plugin.name() irc.errorInvalid(what, command) if hasattr(command_plugin, newName): irc.error('The %s plugin already has an attribute named %s.' % (command_plugin, newName)) return plugin.registerRename(command_plugin.name(), command, newName) plugin.renameCommand(command_plugin, command, newName) irc.replySuccess() rename = wrap(rename, ['plugin', 'commandName', 'commandName']) def unrename(self, irc, msg, args, plugin): """ Removes all renames in . The plugin will be reloaded after this command is run. """ try: conf.supybot.commands.renames.unregister(plugin.name()) except registry.NonExistentRegistryEntry: irc.errorInvalid('plugin', plugin.name()) self.reload(irc, msg, [plugin.name()]) # This makes the replySuccess. unrename = wrap(unrename, ['plugin']) def reloadlocale(self, irc, msg, args): """takes no argument Reloads the locale of the bot.""" i18n.reloadLocales() irc.replySuccess() Class = Owner # vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab textwidth=79: