Ok, so you've decided to try out Supybot. That's great! The more people who use Supybot, the more people can submit bugs and help us to make it the best IRC bot in the world :) First things first: Supybot *requires* Python 2.3. There ain't no getting around it. If you're a Python developer, you probably know how superior 2.3 is to previous incarnations. If you're not, just think about the difference between a bowl of plain vanilla ice cream and a banana split. Or something like that. Either way, *We're* Python developers and we like banana splits. So what do you do? First thing you'll want to do is run (with root/admin privileges) "python setup.py install". This will install Supybot globally. If you need to install locally for whatever reason, see the addendum near the end of this document. ### TODO: Local installs. ### TODO: Explain how to run tests? After that, you'll want to run supybot-wizard and generate yourself a configuration file. To run this configuration file, you'll want to type "supybot ", replacing with the name of the configuration file you just generated with the supybot-wizard. The supybot program accepts several command-line parameters which you can see by simply running "supybot --help" After that, you should have a bot up and running in the # TODO: Identification, owner, etc. # Common problems # import error in http (relies on python-xml) # import error in database-based plugins. # Can't find the wizard. Full path on Windows and MacOS X.