# Contributing to Limnoria ## Guidelines Follow the [Style Guidelines]. When adding a string that will be shown on IRC, always internationalize it (wrap it in a call to `_()`). When making a trivial change to an internationalized string that does not affect the meaning of the string (typo fix, etc.), please update the `msgid` entry in localization file. It helps preserve the translation without the translator having to review it. Last rule: you shouldn't add a mandatory dependency. Limnoria does not come with any (besides Python), so please try to keep all dependencies optional. [Style Guidelines]:http://supybot.aperio.fr/doc/develop/style.html ## Sending patches When you send a pull request, **send it to the testing branch**. It will be merged to master when it's considered to be stable enough to be supported. Don't fear that you spam Limnoria by sending many pull requests. According to @ProgVal, it's easier for them to accept pull requests than to cherry-pick everything manually. Having at least one test case in any non-trivial pull-request is very appreciated. See also [Contributing to Limnoria] at [Limnoria documentation]. [Contributing to Limnoria]:http://supybot.aperio.fr/doc/contribute/index.html#contributing-to-limnoria [Limnoria documentation]:http://supybot.aperio.fr/doc/index.html