.. _plugin-URL: Documentation for the URL plugin for Supybot ============================================ Purpose ------- Keeps track of URLs posted to a channel, along with relevant context. Allows searching for URLs and returning random URLs. Also provides statistics on the URLs in the database. Usage ----- This plugin records how many URLs have been mentioned in a channel and what the last URL was. .. _commands-URL: Commands -------- .. _command-url-last: last [] [--{from,with,without,near,proto} ] [--nolimit] Gives the last URL matching the given criteria. --from is from whom the URL came; --proto is the protocol the URL used; --with is something inside the URL; --without is something that should not be in the URL; --near is something in the same message as the URL. If --nolimit is given, returns all the URLs that are found to just the URL. is only necessary if the message isn't sent in the channel itself. .. _command-url-stats: stats [] Returns the number of URLs in the URL database. is only required if the message isn't sent in the channel itself. .. _conf-URL: Configuration ------------- .. _conf-supybot.plugins.URL.nonSnarfingRegexp: supybot.plugins.URL.nonSnarfingRegexp This config variable defaults to "", is network-specific, and is channel-specific. Determines what URLs are not to be snarfed and stored in the database for the channel; URLs matching the given regexp will not be snarfed. Give the empty string if you have no URLs that you'd like to exclude from being snarfed. .. _conf-supybot.plugins.URL.public: supybot.plugins.URL.public This config variable defaults to "True", is not network-specific, and is not channel-specific. Determines whether this plugin is publicly visible.