### # Copyright (c) 2002-2004, Jeremiah Fincher # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions, and the following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions, and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # * Neither the name of the author of this software nor the name of # contributors to this software may be used to endorse or promote products # derived from this software without specific prior written consent. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" # AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR # CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF # SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS # INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN # CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) # ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ### """ Handles URL snarfing for Gameknot.com and the gkstats command. """ __revision__ = "$Id$" import supybot.plugins as plugins import re import sets import supybot.registry as registry import supybot.conf as conf import supybot.utils as utils from supybot.commands import * import supybot.plugins as plugins import supybot.ircutils as ircutils import supybot.webutils as webutils import supybot.privmsgs as privmsgs import supybot.callbacks as callbacks def configure(advanced): from supybot.questions import output, expect, anything, something, yn conf.registerPlugin('Gameknot', True) if advanced: output("""The Gameknot plugin has the functionality to watch for URLs that match a specific pattern (we call this a snarfer). When supybot sees such a URL, he will parse the web page for information and reply with the results.""") if yn('Do you want the Gameknot stats snarfer enabled by default?', default=False): conf.supybot.plugins.Gameknot.statSnarfer.setValue(True) if yn('Do you want the Gameknot Game links snarfer enabled by ' 'default?', default=False): conf.supybot.plugins.Gameknot.gameSnarfer.setValue(True) conf.registerPlugin('Gameknot') conf.registerChannelValue(conf.supybot.plugins.Gameknot, 'gameSnarfer', registry.Boolean(False, """Determines whether the game URL snarfer is enabled. If so, the bot will reply to the channel with a summary of the game data when it sees a Gameknot game link on the channel.""")) conf.registerChannelValue(conf.supybot.plugins.Gameknot, 'statSnarfer', registry.Boolean(False, """Determines whether the stats URL snarfer is enabled. If so, the bot will reply to the channel with a summary of the stats of any player whose stats URL is seen on the channel.""")) class Gameknot(callbacks.PrivmsgCommandAndRegexp): threaded = True callBefore = ['URL'] regexps = ['gameknotSnarfer', 'gameknotStatsSnarfer'] _gkrating = re.compile(r'(\d+)') _gkgames = re.compile(r's:(\d+)') _gkrecord = re.compile(r'"#FFFF00">(\d+)[^"]+"#FFFF00">(\d+)[^"]+' r'"#FFFF00">(\d+)') _gkteam = re.compile(r'Team:(<.*?>)+(?P.*?)') _gkseen = re.compile(r'(seen on GK:\s+([^[]+ago)|.*?is hiding.*?)') def getStats(self, name): gkprofile = 'http://www.gameknot.com/stats.pl?%s' % name try: profile = webutils.getUrl(gkprofile) rating = self._gkrating.search(profile).group(1) games = self._gkgames.search(profile).group(1) (w, l, d) = self._gkrecord.search(profile).groups() try: w = int(w) l = int(l) d = int(d) wp = 100. * w / (w + l + d) # win percent lp = 100. * l / (w + l + d) # loss percent dp = 100. * d / (w + l + d) # draw percent except (ValueError, ZeroDivisionError): w = w wp = 0. l = l lp = 0. d = d dp = 0. seen = self._gkseen.search(utils.htmlToText(profile)) if seen is None: seen = '' elif 'is hiding' in seen.group(0): seen = '%s is hiding his/her online status.' % name elif seen.group(2).startswith('0'): seen = '%s is on gameknot right now.' % name else: seen = '%s was last seen on Gameknot %s.' % (name, seen.group(2)) games = utils.nItems('game', int(games), between='active') if 'Team:' in profile: team = self._gkteam.search(profile).group('name') team = utils.htmlToText(team) s = '%s (team: %s) is rated %s and has %s ' \ 'and a record of %s, %s, and %s ' \ '(win/loss/draw percentage: %.2f%%/%.2f%%/%.2f%%). %s' % \ (name, team, rating, games, utils.nItems('win', w), utils.nItems('loss', l), utils.nItems('draw', d), wp, lp, dp, seen) else: s = '%s is rated %s and has %s ' \ 'and a record of %s, %s, and %s ' \ '(win/loss/draw percentage: %.2f%%/%.2f%%/%.2f%%). %s' % \ (name, rating, games, utils.nItems('win', w), utils.nItems('loss', l), utils.nItems('draw', d), wp, lp, dp, seen) return s except AttributeError: if ('User %s not found!' % name.lower()) in profile: raise callbacks.Error, 'No user %s exists.' % name else: raise callbacks.Error,'The format of the page was odd. %s' % \ conf.supybot.replies.possibleBug() except webutils.WebError, e: raise callbacks.Error, webutils.strError(e) def gkstats(self, irc, msg, args, name): """ Returns the stats Gameknot keeps on . Gameknot is an online website for playing chess (rather similar to correspondence chess, just somewhat faster) against players from all over the world. """ irc.reply(self.getStats(name)) gkstats = wrap(gkstats, ['text']) _gkPlayer = re.compile(r"popd\('(Rating[^']+)'\).*?>([^<]+)<") _gkRating = re.compile(r": (\d+)[^:]+:
(\d+)[^,]+, (\d+)[^,]+, (\d+)") _gkGameTitle = re.compile(r"

(.*?)\s* ") _gkWon = re.compile(r'>(\S+)\s+won') _gkReason = re.compile(r'won\s+\(\S+\s+(\S+)\)') def gameknotSnarfer(self, irc, msg, match): r"http://(?:www\.)?gameknot\.com/chess\.pl\?bd=\d+(&r=\d+)?" if not self.registryValue('gameSnarfer', msg.args[0]): return url = match.group(0) s = webutils.getUrl(url) try: if 'no longer available' in s: s = 'That game is no longer available.' irc.reply(s, prefixName=True) return m = self._gkGameTitle.search(s) if m is None: self.log.debug('_gkGameTitle didn\'t match (%s).', url) return gameTitle = m.groups() gameTitle = ircutils.bold(gameTitle) L = self._gkPlayer.findall(s) if not L: self.log.debug('_gkPlayer didn\'t match (%s).', url) return ((wRating, wName), (bRating, bName)) = L wName = ircutils.bold(wName) bName = ircutils.bold(bName) if 'to move...' in s: if 'white to move' in s: toMove = wName + ' to move.' else: toMove = bName + ' to move.' else: # Game is over. m = self._gkWon.search(s) if m: winner = m.group(1) m = self._gkReason.search(s) if m: reason = m.group(1) else: reason = 'lost' if winner == 'white': toMove = '%s won, %s %s.' % (wName, bName, reason) else: toMove = '%s won, %s %s.' % (bName, wName, reason) else: toMove = 'The game was a draw.' (wRating, wWins, wLosses, wDraws) = \ self._gkRating.search(wRating).groups() (bRating, bWins, bLosses, bDraws) = \ self._gkRating.search(bRating).groups() wStats = '%s; W-%s, L-%s, D-%s' % (wRating, wWins, wLosses, wDraws) bStats = '%s; W-%s, L-%s, D-%s' % (bRating, bWins, bLosses, bDraws) s = '%s: %s (%s) vs. %s (%s); %s' % \ (gameTitle, wName, wStats, bName, bStats, toMove) irc.reply(s, prefixName=False) except ValueError: s = '%s doesn\'t appear to be a proper Gameknot game.' % url self.log.debug('Unable to snarf. %s' % s) except Exception, e: self.log.warning(utils.exnToString(e)) gameknotSnarfer = urlSnarfer(gameknotSnarfer) def gameknotStatsSnarfer(self, irc, msg, match): r"http://gameknot\.com/stats\.pl\?([^& ]+)" if not self.registryValue('statSnarfer', msg.args[0]): return name = match.group(1) s = self.getStats(name) irc.reply(s, prefixName=False) gameknotStatsSnarfer = urlSnarfer(gameknotStatsSnarfer) Class = Gameknot # vim:set shiftwidth=4 tabstop=8 expandtab textwidth=78: