### # Copyright (c) 2002-2004, Jeremiah Fincher # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions, and the following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions, and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # * Neither the name of the author of this software nor the name of # contributors to this software may be used to endorse or promote products # derived from this software without specific prior written consent. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" # AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR # CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF # SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS # INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN # CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) # ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ### """ Includes wrappers for commands. """ __revision__ = "$Id$" import supybot.fix as fix import time import types import getopt import threading import supybot.log as log import supybot.conf as conf import supybot.utils as utils import supybot.world as world import supybot.ircdb as ircdb import supybot.ircmsgs as ircmsgs import supybot.ircutils as ircutils import supybot.webutils as webutils import supybot.callbacks as callbacks import supybot.structures as structures ### # Non-arg wrappers -- these just change the behavior of a command without # changing the arguments given to it. ### # Thread has to be a non-arg wrapper because by the time we're parsing and # validating arguments, we're inside the function we'd want to thread. def thread(f): """Makes sure a command spawns a thread when called.""" def newf(self, irc, msg, args, *L, **kwargs): if world.isMainThread(): t = callbacks.CommandThread(target=irc._callCommand, args=(f.func_name, self), kwargs=kwargs) t.start() else: f(self, irc, msg, args, *L, **kwargs) return utils.changeFunctionName(newf, f.func_name, f.__doc__) class UrlSnarfThread(world.SupyThread): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): assert 'url' in kwargs kwargs['name'] = 'Thread #%s (for snarfing %s)' % \ (world.threadsSpawned, kwargs.pop('url')) super(UrlSnarfThread, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.setDaemon(True) def run(self): try: super(UrlSnarfThread, self).run() except webutils.WebError, e: log.debug('Exception in urlSnarfer: %s' % utils.exnToString(e)) class SnarfQueue(ircutils.FloodQueue): timeout = conf.supybot.snarfThrottle def key(self, channel): return channel _snarfed = SnarfQueue() class SnarfIrc(object): def __init__(self, irc, channel, url): self.irc = irc self.url = url self.channel = channel def __getattr__(self, attr): return getattr(self.irc, attr) def reply(self, *args, **kwargs): _snarfed.enqueue(self.channel, self.url) return self.irc.reply(*args, **kwargs) # This lock is used to serialize the calls to snarfers, so # earlier snarfers are guaranteed to beat out later snarfers. _snarfLock = threading.Lock() def urlSnarfer(f): """Protects the snarfer from loops (with other bots) and whatnot.""" def newf(self, irc, msg, match, *L, **kwargs): url = match.group(0) channel = msg.args[0] if not irc.isChannel(channel): return if ircdb.channels.getChannel(channel).lobotomized: self.log.info('Not snarfing in %s: lobotomized.', channel) return if _snarfed.has(channel, url): self.log.info('Throttling snarf of %s in %s.', url, channel) return irc = SnarfIrc(irc, channel, url) def doSnarf(): _snarfLock.acquire() try: if msg.repliedTo: self.log.debug('Not snarfing, msg is already repliedTo.') return f(self, irc, msg, match, *L, **kwargs) finally: _snarfLock.release() if threading.currentThread() is not world.mainThread: doSnarf() else: L = list(L) t = UrlSnarfThread(target=doSnarf, url=url) t.start() newf = utils.changeFunctionName(newf, f.func_name, f.__doc__) return newf ### # Converters, which take irc, msg, args, and a state object, and build up the # validated and converted args for the method in state.args. ### # This is just so we can centralize this, since it may change. def _int(s): base = 10 if s.startswith('0x'): base = 16 s = s[2:] elif s.startswith('0b'): base = 2 s = s[2:] elif s.startswith('0') and len(s) > 1: base = 8 s = s[1:] try: return int(s, base) except ValueError: if base == 10: return int(float(s)) else: raise def getInt(irc, msg, args, state, type='integer', p=None): try: i = _int(args[0]) if p is not None: if not p(i): irc.errorInvalid(type, args[0]) state.args.append(i) del args[0] except ValueError: irc.errorInvalid(type, args[0]) def getNonInt(irc, msg, args, state, type='non-integer value'): try: i = _int(args[0]) irc.errorInvalid(type, args[0]) except ValueError: state.args.append(args.pop(0)) def getFloat(irc, msg, args, state, type='floating point number'): try: state.args.append(float(args[0])) del args[0] except ValueError: irc.errorInvalid(type, args[0]) def getPositiveInt(irc, msg, args, state, *L): getInt(irc, msg, args, state, p=lambda i: i>0, type='positive integer', *L) def getNonNegativeInt(irc, msg, args, state, *L): getInt(irc, msg, args, state, p=lambda i: i>=0, type='non-negative integer', *L) def getIndex(irc, msg, args, state): getInt(irc, msg, args, state, type='index') if state.args[-1] > 0: state.args[-1] -= 1 def getId(irc, msg, args, state, kind=None): type = 'id' if kind is not None and not kind.endswith('id'): type = kind + ' id' original = args[0] try: args[0] = args[0].lstrip('#') getInt(irc, msg, args, state, type=type) except Exception, e: args[0] = original def getExpiry(irc, msg, args, state): now = int(time.time()) try: expires = _int(args[0]) if expires: expires += now state.args.append(expires) del args[0] except ValueError: irc.errorInvalid('number of seconds', args[0]) def getBoolean(irc, msg, args, state): try: state.args.append(utils.toBool(args[0])) del args[0] except ValueError: irc.errorInvalid('boolean', args[0]) def getChannelDb(irc, msg, args, state, **kwargs): if not conf.supybot.databases.plugins.channelSpecific(): state.args.append(None) state.channel = None else: getChannel(irc, msg, args, state, **kwargs) def getHaveOp(irc, msg, args, state, action='do that'): if state.channel not in irc.state.channels: irc.error('I\'m not even in %s.' % state.channel, Raise=True) if irc.nick not in irc.state.channels[state.channel].ops: irc.error('I need to be opped to %s.' % action, Raise=True) def validChannel(irc, msg, args, state): if irc.isChannel(args[0]): state.args.append(args.pop(0)) else: irc.errorInvalid('channel', args[0]) def getHostmask(irc, msg, args, state): if ircutils.isUserHostmask(args[0]): state.args.append(args.pop(0)) else: try: hostmask = irc.state.nickToHostmask(args[0]) state.args.append(hostmask) del args[0] except KeyError: irc.errorInvalid('nick or hostmask', args[0]) def getBanmask(irc, msg, args, state): getHostmask(irc, msg, args, state) # XXX Channel-specific stuff. state.args[-1] = ircutils.banmask(state.args[-1]) def getUser(irc, msg, args, state): try: state.args.append(ircdb.users.getUser(msg.prefix)) except KeyError: irc.errorNotRegistered(Raise=True) def getOtherUser(irc, msg, args, state): if ircutils.isUserHostmask(args[0]): irc.errorNoUser(args[0]) try: state.args.append(ircdb.users.getUser(args[0])) del args[0] except KeyError: try: getHostmask(irc, msg, args, state) hostmask = state.args.pop() state.args.append(ircdb.users.getUser(hostmask)) except (KeyError, callbacks.Error): irc.errorNoUser(name=hostmask) def _getRe(f): def get(irc, msg, args, state): original = args[:] s = args.pop(0) def isRe(s): try: _ = f(s) return True except ValueError: return False try: while len(s) < 512 and not isRe(s): s += ' ' + args.pop(0) if len(s) < 512: state.args.append(f(s)) else: irc.errorInvalid('regular expression', s) except IndexError: args[:] = original irc.errorInvalid('regular expression', s) return get getMatcher = _getRe(utils.perlReToPythonRe) getReplacer = _getRe(utils.perlReToReplacer) def getNick(irc, msg, args, state): if ircutils.isNick(args[0]): if 'nicklen' in irc.state.supported: if len(args[0]) > irc.state.supported['nicklen']: irc.errorInvalid('nick', args[0], 'That nick is too long for this server.') state.args.append(args.pop(0)) else: irc.errorInvalid('nick', s) def getSeenNick(irc, msg, args, state, errmsg=None): try: _ = irc.state.nickToHostmask(args[0]) state.args.append(args.pop(0)) except KeyError: if errmsg is None: errmsg = 'I haven\'t seen %s.' % args[0] irc.error(errmsg) def getChannel(irc, msg, args, state): if args and irc.isChannel(args[0]): channel = args.pop(0) elif irc.isChannel(msg.args[0]): channel = msg.args[0] else: state.log.debug('Raising ArgumentError because there is no channel.') raise callbacks.ArgumentError state.channel = channel state.args.append(channel) def inChannel(irc, msg, args, state): if not state.channel: getChannel(irc, msg, args, state) if state.channel not in irc.state.channels: irc.error('I\'m not in %s.' % state.channel, Raise=True) def onlyInChannel(irc, msg, args, state): if not (irc.isChannel(msg.args[0]) and msg.args[0] in irc.state.channels): irc.error('This command may only be given in a channel that I am in.', Raise=True) else: state.channel = msg.args[0] state.args.append(state.channel) def callerInGivenChannel(irc, msg, args, state): channel = args[0] if irc.isChannel(channel): if channel in irc.state.channels: if msg.nick in irc.state.channels[channel].users: state.args.append(args.pop(0)) else: irc.error('You must be in %s.' % channel, Raise=True) else: irc.error('I\'m not in %s.' % channel, Raise=True) else: irc.errorInvalid('channel', args[0]) def nickInChannel(irc, msg, args, state): inChannel(irc, msg, args, state) if args[0] not in irc.state.channels[state.channel].users: irc.error('%s is not in %s.' % (args[0], state.channel), Raise=True) state.args.append(args.pop(0)) def getChannelOrNone(irc, msg, args, state): try: getChannel(irc, msg, args, state) except callbacks.ArgumentError: state.args.append(None) def checkChannelCapability(irc, msg, args, state, cap): if not state.channel: getChannel(irc, msg, args, state) cap = ircdb.canonicalCapability(cap) cap = ircdb.makeChannelCapability(state.channel, cap) if not ircdb.checkCapability(msg.prefix, cap): irc.errorNoCapability(cap, Raise=True) def getLowered(irc, msg, args, state): state.args.append(ircutils.toLower(args.pop(0))) def getSomething(irc, msg, args, state, errorMsg=None, p=None): if p is None: p = lambda _: True if not args[0] or not p(args[0]): if errorMsg is None: errorMsg = 'You must not give the empty string as an argument.' irc.error(errorMsg, Raise=True) else: state.args.append(args.pop(0)) def getSomethingNoSpaces(irc, msg, args, state, *L): def p(s): return len(s.split(None, 1)) == 1 getSomething(irc, msg, args, state, p=p, *L) def private(irc, msg, args, state): if irc.isChannel(msg.args[0]): irc.errorRequiresPrivacy(Raise=True) def public(irc, msg, args, state, errmsg=None): if not irc.isChannel(msg.args[0]): if errmsg is None: errmsg = 'This message must be sent in a channel.' irc.error(errmsg, Raise=True) def checkCapability(irc, msg, args, state, cap): cap = ircdb.canonicalCapability(cap) if not ircdb.checkCapability(msg.prefix, cap): irc.errorNoCapability(cap, Raise=True) def anything(irc, msg, args, state): state.args.append(args.pop(0)) def getGlob(irc, msg, args, state): glob = args.pop(0) if '*' not in glob and '?' not in glob: glob = '*%s*' % glob state.args.append(glob) def getUrl(irc, msg, args, state): if webutils.urlRe.match(args[0]): state.args.append(args.pop(0)) else: irc.errorInvalid('url', args[0]) def getHttpUrl(irc, msg, args, state): if webutils.urlRe.match(args[0]) and args[0].startswith('http://'): state.args.append(args.pop(0)) else: irc.errorInvalid('http url', args[0]) def getNow(irc, msg, args, state): state.args.append(int(time.time())) def getCommandName(irc, msg, args, state): state.args.append(callbacks.canonicalName(args.pop(0))) def getIp(irc, msg, args, state): if utils.isIP(args[0]): state.args.append(args.pop(0)) else: irc.errorInvalid('ip', args[0]) def getLetter(irc, msg, args, state): if len(args[0]) == 1: state.args.append(args.pop(0)) else: irc.errorInvalid('letter', args[0]) def getMatch(irc, msg, args, state, regexp, errmsg): m = regexp.search(args[0]) if m is not None: state.args.append(m) del args[0] else: irc.error(errmsg, Raise=True) def getLiteral(irc, msg, args, state, literals, errmsg=None): if isinstance(literals, basestring): literals = (literals,) if args[0] in literals: state.args.append(args.pop(0)) elif errmsg is not None: irc.error(errmsg, Raise=True) else: raise callbacks.ArgumentError def getPlugin(irc, msg, args, state, require=True): cb = irc.getCallback(args[0]) if cb is not None: state.args.append(cb) del args[0] elif require: irc.errorInvalid('plugin', args[0]) else: state.args.append(None) def getIrcColor(irc, msg, args, state): if args[0] in ircutils.mircColors: state.args.append(ircutils.mircColors[args.pop(0)]) else: irc.errorInvalid('irc color') wrappers = ircutils.IrcDict({ 'id': getId, 'ip': getIp, 'int': getInt, 'index': getIndex, 'color': getIrcColor, 'now': getNow, 'url': getUrl, 'httpUrl': getHttpUrl, 'float': getFloat, 'nonInt': getNonInt, 'positiveInt': getPositiveInt, 'nonNegativeInt': getNonNegativeInt, 'letter': getLetter, 'haveOp': getHaveOp, 'expiry': getExpiry, 'literal': getLiteral, 'nick': getNick, 'seenNick': getSeenNick, 'channel': getChannel, 'inChannel': inChannel, 'onlyInChannel': onlyInChannel, 'nickInChannel': nickInChannel, 'callerInGivenChannel': callerInGivenChannel, 'plugin': getPlugin, 'boolean': getBoolean, 'lowered': getLowered, 'anything': anything, 'something': getSomething, 'filename': getSomething, # XXX Check for validity. 'commandName': getCommandName, 'glob': getGlob, 'text': anything, 'somethingWithoutSpaces': getSomethingNoSpaces, 'capability': getSomethingNoSpaces, 'channelDb': getChannelDb, 'hostmask': getHostmask, 'banmask': getBanmask, 'user': getUser, 'matches': getMatch, 'public': public, 'private': private, 'otherUser': getOtherUser, 'regexpMatcher': getMatcher, 'validChannel': validChannel, 'regexpReplacer': getReplacer, 'checkCapability': checkCapability, 'checkChannelCapability': checkChannelCapability, }) def addConverter(name, wrapper): wrappers[name] = wrapper class UnknownConverter(KeyError): pass def getConverter(name): try: return wrappers[name] except KeyError, e: raise UnknownConverter, str(e) def callConverter(name, irc, msg, args, state, *L): getConverter(name)(irc, msg, args, state, *L) ### # Contexts. These determine what the nature of conversions is; whether they're # defaulted, or many of them are allowed, etc. Contexts should be reusable; # i.e., they should not maintain state between calls. ### def contextify(spec): if not isinstance(spec, context): spec = context(spec) return spec def setDefault(state, default): if callable(default): state.args.append(default()) else: state.args.append(default) class context(object): def __init__(self, spec): self.args = () self.spec = spec # for repr if isinstance(spec, tuple): assert spec, 'tuple spec must not be empty.' self.args = spec[1:] self.converter = getConverter(spec[0]) elif spec is None: self.converter = getConverter('anything') else: assert isinstance(spec, basestring) self.args = () self.converter = getConverter(spec) def __call__(self, irc, msg, args, state): if args and not (state.types or state.allowExtra): # We're the last context/type, we should combine the remaining # arguments into one string. args[:] = [' '.join(args)] log.debug('args before %r: %r', self, args) self.converter(irc, msg, args, state, *self.args) log.debug('args after %r: %r', self, args) def __repr__(self): return '<%s for %s>' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.spec) # additional means: Look for this (and make sure it's of this type). If # there are no arguments for us to check, then use our default. class additional(context): # XXX We should allow contexts as well as specs. def __init__(self, spec, default=None): self.__parent = super(additional, self) self.__parent.__init__(spec) self.default = default def __call__(self, irc, msg, args, state): try: self.__parent.__call__(irc, msg, args, state) except IndexError: log.debug('Got IndexError, returning default.') setDefault(state, self.default) # optional means: Look for this, but if it's not the type I'm expecting or # there are no arguments for us to check, then use the default value. class optional(additional): def __call__(self, irc, msg, args, state): try: super(optional, self).__call__(irc, msg, args, state) except (callbacks.ArgumentError, callbacks.Error), e: log.debug('Got %s, returning default.', utils.exnToString(e)) setDefault(state, self.default) class any(context): def __call__(self, irc, msg, args, state): st = state.essence() st.types = ["something so context.__call__ won't combineRest."] try: while args: super(any, self).__call__(irc, msg, args, st) except IndexError: pass state.args.append(st.args) class many(any): def __call__(self, irc, msg, args, state): super(many, self).__call__(irc, msg, args, state) if not state.args[-1]: state.args.pop() raise callbacks.ArgumentError class first(context): def __init__(self, *specs, **kw): if 'default' in kw: self.default = kw.pop('default') assert not kw, 'Bad kwargs for first.__init__' self.specs = map(contextify, specs) def __call__(self, irc, msg, args, state): for spec in self.specs: try: spec(irc, msg, args, state) return except Exception, e: continue if hasattr(self, 'default'): state.args.append(self.default) else: raise e class reverse(context): def __call__(self, irc, msg, args, state): args[:] = args[::-1] super(reverse, self).__call__(irc, msg, args, state) args[:] = args[::-1] class getopts(context): """The empty string indicates that no argument is taken; None indicates that there is no converter for the argument.""" def __init__(self, getopts): self.spec = getopts # for repr self.getopts = {} self.getoptL = [] for (name, spec) in getopts.iteritems(): if spec == '': self.getoptL.append(name) self.getopts[name] = None else: self.getoptL.append(name + '=') self.getopts[name] = contextify(spec) log.debug('getopts: %r', self.getopts) log.debug('getoptL: %r', self.getoptL) def __call__(self, irc, msg, args, state): log.debug('args before %r: %r', self, args) (optlist, rest) = getopt.getopt(args, '', self.getoptL) getopts = [] for (opt, arg) in optlist: opt = opt[2:] # Strip -- log.debug('opt: %r, arg: %r', opt, arg) context = self.getopts[opt] if context is not None: st = state.essence() context(irc, msg, [arg], st) assert len(st.args) == 1 getopts.append((opt, st.args[0])) else: getopts.append((opt, True)) state.args.append(getopts) args[:] = rest log.debug('args after %r: %r', self, args) # XXX Not ready. class compose(context): def __init__(self, *specs): self.spec = specs self.specs = list(specs) utils.mapinto(contextify, self.specs) def __call__(self, irc, msg, args, state): st = state.essence() for context in self.specs: context(irc, msg, args, st) args = st.args state.args.extend(st.args) ### # This is our state object, passed to converters along with irc, msg, and args. ### class State(object): log = log def __init__(self, types): self.args = [] self.kwargs = {} self.types = types self.channel = None def essence(self): st = State(self.types) for (attr, value) in self.__dict__.iteritems(): if attr not in ('args', 'kwargs', 'channel'): setattr(st, attr, value) return st def __repr__(self): return '%s(args=%r, kwargs=%r, channel=%r)' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.args, self.kwargs, self.channel) ### # This is a compiled Spec object. ### class Spec(object): def _state(self, types, attrs={}): st = State(types) st.__dict__.update(attrs) st.allowExtra = self.allowExtra return st def __init__(self, types, allowExtra=False): self.types = types self.allowExtra = allowExtra utils.mapinto(contextify, self.types) def __call__(self, irc, msg, args, stateAttrs={}): state = self._state(self.types[:], stateAttrs) while state.types: context = state.types.pop(0) try: context(irc, msg, args, state) except IndexError: raise callbacks.ArgumentError if args and not state.allowExtra: log.debug('args and not self.allowExtra: %r', args) raise callbacks.ArgumentError return state # This is used below, but we need to rename it so its name isn't # shadowed by our locals. def wrap(f, specList=[], **kw): spec = Spec(specList, **kw) def newf(self, irc, msg, args, **kwargs): state = spec(irc, msg, args, stateAttrs={'cb': self, 'log': self.log}) f(self, irc, msg, args, *state.args, **state.kwargs) return utils.changeFunctionName(newf, f.func_name, f.__doc__) __all__ = ['wrap', 'context', 'additional', 'optional', 'any', 'compose', 'Spec', 'first', 'urlSnarfer', 'thread', 'reverse', 'many', 'getopts', 'getConverter', 'addConverter', 'callConverter'] if world.testing: __all__.append('Spec') # vim:set shiftwidth=4 tabstop=8 expandtab textwidth=78: