### # Copyright (c) 2002-2004, Jeremiah Fincher # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions, and the following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions, and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # * Neither the name of the author of this software nor the name of # contributors to this software may be used to endorse or promote products # derived from this software without specific prior written consent. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" # AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR # CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF # SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS # INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN # CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) # ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ### """ This plugin does weather-related stuff. It can't change the weather, though, so don't get your hopes up. We just report it. """ import supybot __revision__ = "$Id$" __contributors__ = { supybot.authors.jamessan: ['cnn', 'wunder', 'temperatureUnit configuration variable', 'convert configuration variable'], supybot.authors.jemfinch: ['weather'], supybot.authors.bwp: ['ham'], } import re import sets import urllib import BeautifulSoup import supybot.conf as conf import supybot.utils as utils from supybot.commands import * import supybot.commands as commands import supybot.ircutils as ircutils import supybot.registry as registry import supybot.webutils as webutils import supybot.callbacks as callbacks unitAbbrevs = utils.abbrev(['Fahrenheit', 'Celsius', 'Centigrade', 'Kelvin']) unitAbbrevs['C'] = 'Celsius' unitAbbrevs['Ce'] = 'Celsius' noLocationError = 'No such location could be found.' class NoLocation(callbacks.Error): pass class WeatherUnit(registry.String): def setValue(self, s): #print '***', repr(s) s = s.capitalize() if s not in unitAbbrevs: raise registry.InvalidRegistryValue,\ 'Unit must be one of Fahrenheit, Celsius, or Kelvin.' s = unitAbbrevs[s] registry.String.setValue(self, s) class WeatherCommand(registry.String): def setValue(self, s): m = Weather.weatherCommands if s not in m: raise registry.InvalidRegistryValue,\ 'Command must be one of %s' % utils.commaAndify(m) else: method = getattr(Weather, s) Weather.weather.im_func.__doc__ = method.__doc__ registry.String.setValue(self, s) # Registry variables moved to the bottom to use Weather.weatherCommands. class Weather(callbacks.Privmsg): """This should never be seen, because this plugin defines a command by the name of 'weather' which should override this help.""" weatherCommands = ['wunder', 'cnn', 'ham'] threaded = True def __init__(self): self.__parent = super(Weather, self) self.__parent.__init__() def callCommand(self, name, irc, msg, *L, **kwargs): try: self.__parent.callCommand(name, irc, msg, *L, **kwargs) except webutils.WebError, e: irc.error(str(e)) def _noLocation(self): raise NoLocation, noLocationError def weather(self, irc, msg, args, location): # This specifically does not have a docstring. channel = None if ircutils.isChannel(msg.args[0]): channel = msg.args[0] if not args: s = self.userValue('lastLocation', msg.prefix) if s: args = [s] self.setUserValue('lastLocation', msg.prefix, location, ignoreNoUser=True) realCommandName = self.registryValue('command', channel) realCommand = getattr(self, realCommandName) try: realCommand(irc, msg, args) except NoLocation: self.log.info('%s lookup failed, Trying others.', realCommandName) for command in self.weatherCommands: if command != realCommandName: self.log.info('Trying %s.', command) try: getattr(self, command)(irc, msg, args) self.log.info('%s lookup succeeded.', command) break except NoLocation: self.log.info('%s lookup failed as backup.', command) weather = wrap(weather, ['text']) def _toCelsius(self, temp, unit): if unit == 'K': return temp - 273.15 elif unit == 'F': return (temp - 32) * 5 /9 else: return temp _temp = re.compile(r'(-?\d+)(.*?)(F|C)') def _getTemp(self, temp, deg, unit, chan): assert unit == unit.upper() assert temp == int(temp) default = self.registryValue('temperatureUnit', chan) if unitAbbrevs[unit] == default: # Short circuit if we're the same unit as the default. return '%s%s%s' % (temp, deg, unit) temp = self._toCelsius(temp, unit) unit = 'C' if default == 'Kelvin': temp = temp + 273.15 unit = 'K' deg = ' ' elif default == 'Fahrenheit': temp = temp * 9 / 5 + 32 unit = 'F' return '%s%s%s' % (temp, deg, unit) _hamLoc = re.compile( r'' r'(.*?), (.*?),(.*?)', re.I) _interregex = re.compile( r'' r'([^,]+), ([^<]+)', re.I) _hamCond = re.compile( r'' r'([^<]+)', re.I) _hamTemp = re.compile( r'' r'(-?\d+)(.*?)(F|C)', re.I) _hamChill = re.compile( r'Wind Chill:\s+' r'([^N][^<]+)', re.I | re.S) _hamHeat = re.compile( r'Heat Index:\s+' r'([^N][^<]+)', re.I | re.S) # States _realStates = sets.Set(['ak', 'al', 'ar', 'az', 'ca', 'co', 'ct', 'dc', 'de', 'fl', 'ga', 'hi', 'ia', 'id', 'il', 'in', 'ks', 'ky', 'la', 'ma', 'md', 'me', 'mi', 'mn', 'mo', 'ms', 'mt', 'nc', 'nd', 'ne', 'nh', 'nj', 'nm', 'nv', 'ny', 'oh', 'ok', 'or', 'pa', 'ri', 'sc', 'sd', 'tn', 'tx', 'ut', 'va', 'vt', 'wa', 'wi', 'wv', 'wy']) # Provinces. (Province being a metric state measurement mind you. :D) _fakeStates = sets.Set(['ab', 'bc', 'mb', 'nb', 'nf', 'ns', 'nt', 'nu', 'on', 'pe', 'qc', 'sk', 'yk']) # Certain countries are expected to use a standard abbreviation # The weather we pull uses weird codes. Map obvious ones here. _hamCountryMap = {'uk': 'gb'} def ham(self, irc, msg, args, loc): """ Returns the approximate weather conditions for a given city. """ #If we received more than one argument, then we have received #a city and state argument that we need to process. if ' ' in loc: #If we received more than 1 argument, then we got a city with a #multi-word name. ie ['Garden', 'City', 'KS'] instead of #['Liberal', 'KS']. We join it together with a + to pass #to our query loc = rsplit(loc, None, 1) state = loc.pop().lower() city = '+'.join(loc) city = city.rstrip(',').lower() #We must break the States up into two sections. The US and #Canada are the only countries that require a State argument. if state in self._realStates: country = 'us' elif state in self._fakeStates: country = 'ca' else: country = state state = '' if country in self._hamCountryMap.keys(): country = self._hamCountryMap[country] url = 'http://www.hamweather.net/cgi-bin/hw3/hw3.cgi?' \ 'pass=&dpp=&forecast=zandh&config=&' \ 'place=%s&state=%s&country=%s' % (city, state, country) html = webutils.getUrl(url) if 'was not found' in html: url = 'http://www.hamweather.net/cgi-bin/hw3/hw3.cgi?' \ 'pass=&dpp=&forecast=zandh&config=&' \ 'place=%s&state=&country=%s' % (city, state) html = webutils.getUrl(url) if 'was not found' in html: # Still. self._noLocation() #We received a single argument. Zipcode or station id. else: zip = loc.replace(',', '') zip = zip.lower() url = 'http://www.hamweather.net/cgi-bin/hw3/hw3.cgi?' \ 'config=&forecast=zandh&pands=%s&Submit=GO' % zip html = webutils.getUrl(url) if 'was not found' in html: self._noLocation() headData = self._hamLoc.search(html) if headData is not None: (city, state, country) = headData.groups() else: headData = self._interregex.search(html) if headData: (city, state) = headData.groups() else: self._noLocation() city = city.strip() state = state.strip() temp = self._hamTemp.search(html) convert = self.registryValue('convert', msg.args[0]) if temp is not None: (temp, deg, unit) = temp.groups() if convert: temp = self._getTemp(int(temp), deg, unit, msg.args[0]) else: temp = deg.join((temp, unit)) conds = self._hamCond.search(html) if conds is not None: conds = conds.group(1) index = '' chill = self._hamChill.search(html) if chill is not None: chill = chill.group(1) chill = utils.htmlToText(chill) if convert: tempsplit = self._temp.search(chill) if tempsplit: (chill, deg, unit) = tempsplit.groups() chill = self._getTemp(int(chill), deg, unit,msg.args[0]) if float(chill[:-2]) < float(temp[:-2]): index = ' (Wind Chill: %s)' % chill heat = self._hamHeat.search(html) if heat is not None: heat = heat.group(1) heat = utils.htmlToText(heat) if convert: tempsplit = self._temp.search(heat) if tempsplit: (heat, deg, unit) = tempsplit.groups() if convert: heat = self._getTemp(int(heat), deg, unit,msg.args[0]) if float(heat[:-2]) > float(temp[:-2]): index = ' (Heat Index: %s)' % heat if temp and conds and city and state: conds = conds.replace('Tsra', 'Thunderstorms') conds = conds.replace('Ts', 'Thunderstorms') s = 'The current temperature in %s, %s is %s%s. Conditions: %s.'% \ (city, state, temp, index, conds) irc.reply(s) else: irc.errorPossibleBug('The format of the page was odd.') ham = commands.wrap(ham, ['something']) _cnnUrl = 'http://weather.cnn.com/weather/search?wsearch=' _cnnFTemp = re.compile(r'(-?\d+)(°)(F)', re.I | re.S) _cnnCond = re.compile(r'align="center">([^<]+)', re.I | re.S) _cnnHumid = re.compile(r'Rel. Humidity: (\d+%)', re.I | re.S) _cnnWind = re.compile(r'Wind: ([^<]+)', re.I | re.S) _cnnLoc = re.compile(r'([^<]+)', re.I | re.S) _cnnMultiLoc = re.compile(r'href="([^f]+forecast.jsp[^"]+)', re.I) # Certain countries are expected to use a standard abbreviation # The weather we pull uses weird codes. Map obvious ones here. _cnnCountryMap = {'uk': 'en', 'de': 'ge'} def cnn(self, irc, msg, args, loc): """ Returns the approximate weather conditions for a given city. """ if ' ' in loc: #If we received more than 1 argument, then we got a city with a #multi-word name. ie ['Garden', 'City', 'KS'] instead of #['Liberal', 'KS']. loc = rsplit(loc, None, 1) state = loc.pop().lower() city = ' '.join(loc) city = city.rstrip(',').lower() if state in self._cnnCountryMap: state = self._cnnCountryMap[state] loc = ' '.join([city, state]) else: #We received a single argument. Zipcode or station id. loc = loc.replace(',', '') url = '%s%s' % (self._cnnUrl, urllib.quote(loc)) text = webutils.getUrl(url) # Errors caught in callCommand. if 'No search results' in text or \ 'does not match a zip code' in text: self._noLocation() elif 'several matching locations for' in text: m = self._cnnMultiLoc.search(text) if m: text = webutils.getUrl(m.group(1)) else: self._noLocation() location = self._cnnLoc.search(text) temp = self._cnnFTemp.search(text) conds = self._cnnCond.search(text) humidity = self._cnnHumid.search(text) wind = self._cnnWind.search(text) convert = self.registryValue('convert', msg.args[0]) if location and temp: location = location.group(1) location = location.split('-')[-1].strip() (temp, deg, unit) = temp.groups() if convert: temp = self._getTemp(int(temp), deg, unit, msg.args[0]) else: temp = deg.join((temp, unit)) resp = ['The current temperature in %s is %s.' % (location, temp)] if conds is not None: resp.append('Conditions: %s.' % conds.group(1)) if humidity is not None: resp.append('Humidity: %s.' % humidity.group(1)) if wind is not None: resp.append('Wind: %s.' % wind.group(1)) resp = map(utils.htmlToText, resp) irc.reply(' '.join(resp)) else: irc.errorPossibleBug('Could not find weather information.') cnn = commands.wrap(cnn, ['something']) _wunderUrl = 'http://mobile.wunderground.com/cgi-bin/' \ 'findweather/getForecast?query=' _wunderLoc = re.compile(r'Page (.+?) Forecast', re.I | re.S) _wunderMultiLoc = re.compile(r' Returns the approximate weather conditions for a given city. """ url = '%s%s' % (self._wunderUrl, urllib.quote(loc)) text = webutils.getUrl(url) if 'Search not found' in text: self._noLocation() if 'Click on a city name' in text: soup = BeautifulSoup.BeautifulSoup() soup.feed(text) newloc = soup.first('a').get('href') if newloc is None: irc.error('Multiple locations found. ' 'Please be more specific.', Raise=True) url = 'http://mobile.wunderground.com%s' % newloc text = webutils.getUrl(url) soup.close() soup = BeautifulSoup.BeautifulSoup() soup.feed(text) # Get the table with all the weather info table = soup.first('table', {'border':'1'}) trs = table.fetch('tr') try: time = trs.pop(0).first('b').string except AttributeError: time = '' info = {} def isText(t): return not isinstance(t,BeautifulSoup.NavigableText) and t.contents def getText(t): s = getattr(t, 'string', None) if s is None: t = t.contents num = t[0].string units = t[1].string # htmlToText strips leading whitespace, so we have to handle # strings with   differently. if units.startswith(' '): units = utils.htmlToText(units) s = ' '.join((num, units)) else: units = utils.htmlToText(units) s = ' '.join((num, units[0], units[1:])) return s for tr in trs: k = tr.first('td').string v = filter(isText, tr.fetch('td')[1].contents) value = map(getText, v) info[k] = ' '.join(value) location = self._wunderLoc.search(text) temp = info['Temperature'] convert = self.registryValue('convert', msg.args[0]) if location and temp: (temp, deg, unit) = temp.split() if convert: temp = self._getTemp(int(temp), deg, unit, msg.args[0]) else: temp = deg.join((temp, unit)) resp = ['The current temperature in %s is %s (%s).' %\ (location.group(1), temp, time)] conds = info['Conditions'] resp.append('Conditions: %s.' % info['Conditions']) humidity = info['Humidity'] resp.append('Humidity: %s.' % info['Humidity']) # Apparently, the "Dew Point" and "Wind" categories are occasionally # set to "-" instead of an actual reading. So, we'll just catch # the ValueError from trying to unpack a tuple of the wrong size. try: (dew, deg, unit) = info['Dew Point'].split() if convert: dew = self._getTemp(int(dew), deg, unit, msg.args[0]) else: dew = deg.join((dew, unit)) resp.append('Dew Point: %s.' % dew) except ValueError: pass try: resp.append('Wind: %s at %s %s.' % tuple(info['Wind'].split())) except ValueError: pass resp.append('Pressure: %s.' % info['Pressure']) resp.append('Visibility: %s.' % info['Visibility']) resp = map(utils.htmlToText, resp) irc.reply(' '.join(resp)) else: irc.error('Could not find weather information.') wunder = commands.wrap(wunder, ['something']) conf.registerPlugin('Weather') conf.registerChannelValue(conf.supybot.plugins.Weather, 'temperatureUnit', WeatherUnit('Fahrenheit', """Sets the default temperature unit to use when reporting the weather.""")) conf.registerChannelValue(conf.supybot.plugins.Weather, 'command', WeatherCommand('wunder', """Sets the default command to use when retrieving the weather. Command must be one of %s.""" % utils.commaAndify(Weather.weatherCommands, And='or'))) conf.registerChannelValue(conf.supybot.plugins.Weather, 'convert', registry.Boolean(True, """Determines whether the weather commands will automatically convert weather units to the unit specified in supybot.plugins.Weather.temperatureUnit.""")) conf.registerUserValue(conf.users.plugins.Weather, 'lastLocation', registry.String('', '')) Class = Weather # vim:set shiftwidth=4 tabstop=8 expandtab textwidth=78: