### # Copyright (c) 2002-2004, Jeremiah Fincher # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions, and the following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions, and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # * Neither the name of the author of this software nor the name of # contributors to this software may be used to endorse or promote products # derived from this software without specific prior written consent. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" # AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR # CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF # SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS # INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN # CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) # ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ### """ Provides fun commands that require a database to operate. """ __revision__ = "$Id$" import supybot.plugins as plugins import re import csv import sets import random import itertools import supybot.dbi as dbi import supybot.conf as conf import supybot.ircdb as ircdb import supybot.utils as utils import supybot.world as world import supybot.ircmsgs as ircmsgs import supybot.ircutils as ircutils import supybot.privmsgs as privmsgs import supybot.registry as registry import supybot.callbacks as callbacks class FunDBRecord(object): __metaclass__ = dbi.Record __fields__ = [ 'by', 'text', ] class DbiFunDBDB(object): class FunDBDB(dbi.DB): Record = FunDBRecord def __init__(self, filename): self.dbs = ircutils.IrcDict() self.filename = filename def close(self): for type in self.dbs.itervalues(): for db in type.itervalues(): db.close() def _getDb(self, channel, type): type = type.lower() if channel not in self.dbs: self.dbs[channel] = {} if type not in self.dbs[channel]: filename = self.filename.replace('db', '%s.db' % type.capitalize()) filename = plugins.makeChannelFilename(filename, channel) self.dbs[channel][type] = self.FunDBDB(filename) return self.dbs[channel][type] def get(self, channel, type, id): db = self._getDb(channel, type) return db.get(id) def add(self, channel, type, text, by): db = self._getDb(channel, type) return db.add(db.Record(by=by, text=text)) def remove(self, channel, type, id): db = self._getDb(channel, type) db.remove(id) def change(self, channel, type, id, f): db = self._getDb(channel, type) record = db.get(id) record.text = f(record.text) db.set(id, record) def random(self, channel, type): db = self._getDb(channel, type) return db.random() def size(self, channel, type): db = self._getDb(channel, type) return itertools.ilen(db) def search(self, channel, type, p): db = self._getDb(channel, type) return db.select(p) FunDBDB = plugins.DB('FunDB', {'flat': DbiFunDBDB}) conf.registerPlugin('FunDB') conf.registerChannelValue(conf.supybot.plugins.FunDB, 'showIds', registry.Boolean(True, """Determines whether the bot will show the id of an insult/praise/lart.""")) class FunDB(callbacks.Privmsg): """ Contains the 'fun' commands that require a database. Currently includes commands for larting, praising, and insulting. """ _types = ('insult', 'lart', 'praise') def __init__(self): self.__parent = super(FunDB, self) self.__parent.__init__() self.db = FunDBDB() def die(self): self.db.close() self.__parent.die() def _getBy(self, by): try: return ircdb.users.getUser(int(by)).name except ValueError: return by def _validType(self, irc, type, error=True): lowerTypes = [t.lower() for t in self._types] if type.lower() not in lowerTypes: if error: irc.error('%r is not a valid type. Valid types include %s.' % (type, utils.commaAndify(self._types))) return False else: return True def _validId(self, irc, id, error=True): try: return int(id) except ValueError: if error: irc.error('The <id> argument must be an integer.') return None def _isRegistered(self, irc, msg): try: return ircdb.users.getUserId(msg.prefix) except KeyError: irc.errorNotRegistered() return None def add(self, irc, msg, args): """[<channel>] <lart|insult|praise> <text> Adds another record to the data referred to in the first argument. For commands that will later respond with an ACTION (lart and praise), $who should be in the message to show who should be larted or praised. I.e. 'fundb add lart slices $who in half with a free AOL cd' would make the bot, when it used that lart against, say, jemfinch, to say '/me slices jemfinch in half with a free AOL cd' <channel> is only necessary if the message isn't sent in the channel itself. """ channel = privmsgs.getChannel(msg, args) (type, s) = privmsgs.getArgs(args, required=2) type = type.lower() userId = self._isRegistered(irc, msg) if not userId: return if not self._validType(irc, type): return if type == "lart" or type == "praise": if '$who' not in s: irc.error('There must be a $who in the lart/praise somewhere') return id = self.db.add(channel, type, s, userId) irc.replySuccess('(%s #%s added)' % (type, id)) def remove(self, irc, msg, args): """[<channel>] <lart|insult|praise> <id> Removes the data, referred to in the first argument, with the id number <id> from the database. <channel> is only necessary if the message isn't sent in the channel itself. """ channel = privmsgs.getChannel(msg, args) (type, id) = privmsgs.getArgs(args, required=2) if not self._isRegistered(irc, msg): return if not self._validType(irc, type): return id = self._validId(irc, id) if id is None: return try: self.db.remove(channel, type, id) irc.replySuccess() except KeyError: irc.error('There is no %s with that id.' % type) def search(self, irc, msg, args): """[<channel>] <lart|insult|praise> <text> Searches the database specified for <text>, and returns the records with matching ids as well as a snippet of the text of each record. """ channel = privmsgs.getChannel(msg, args) (type, text) = privmsgs.getArgs(args, required=2) if not self._validType(irc, type): return def p(record): return text in record.text results = self.db.search(channel, type, p) L = ['#%s: %s' % (record.id, utils.ellipsisify(record.text, 50)) \ for record in results] if not L: irc.error('There is no %s containing that text.' % type) else: irc.reply(utils.commaAndify(L)) def change(self, irc, msg, args): """[<channel>] <lart|insult|praise> <id> <regexp> Changes the data, referred to in the first argument, with the id number <id> according to the regular expression <regexp>. <id> is the zero-based index into the db; <regexp> is a regular expression of the form s/regexp/replacement/flags. <channel> is only necessary if the message isn't sent in the channel itself. """ channel = privmsgs.getChannel(msg, args) (type, id, regexp) = privmsgs.getArgs(args, required=3) if not self._validType(irc, type): return id = self._validId(irc, id) if id is None: return if not self._isRegistered(irc, msg): return try: replacer = utils.perlReToReplacer(regexp) except ValueError, e: irc.error('That regexp wasn\'t valid: %s.' % e.args[0]) return except re.error, e: irc.error(utils.exnToString(e)) return try: self.db.change(channel, type, id, replacer) irc.replySuccess() except KeyError: irc.error('There is no %s with that id.' % type) def stats(self, irc, msg, args): """[<channel>] <lart|insult|praise> Returns the number of records, of the type specified, currently in the database. <channel> is only necessary if the message isn't sent in the channel itself. """ channel = privmsgs.getChannel(msg, args) type = privmsgs.getArgs(args) if not self._validType(irc, type): return total = self.db.size(channel, type) irc.reply('There %s currently %s in my database.' % (utils.be(total), utils.nItems(type, total))) def get(self, irc, msg, args): """[<channel>] <lart|insult|praise> <id> Gets the record with id <id> from the type specified. <channel> is only necessary if the message isn't sent in the channel itself. """ channel = privmsgs.getChannel(msg, args) (type, id) = privmsgs.getArgs(args, required=2) if not self._validType(irc, type): return id = self._validId(irc, id) if id is None: return try: x = self.db.get(channel, type, id) irc.reply(x.text) except KeyError: irc.error('There is no %s with that id.' % type) def info(self, irc, msg, args): """[<channel>] <lart|insult|praise> <id> Gets the info for the record with id <id> from the type specified. <channel> is only necessary if the message isn't sent in the channel itself. """ channel = privmsgs.getChannel(msg, args) (type, id) = privmsgs.getArgs(args, required=2) if not self._validType(irc, type): return id = self._validId(irc, id) if id is None: return try: x = self.db.get(channel, type, id) reply = '%s #%s: %r; Created by %s.' % (type, x.id, x.text, self._getBy(x.by)) irc.reply(reply) except KeyError: irc.error('There is no %s with that id.' % type) def _formatResponse(self, s, id, channel): if self.registryValue('showIds', channel): return '%s (#%s)' % (s, id) else: return s _meRe = re.compile(r'\bme\b', re.I) _myRe = re.compile(r'\bmy\b', re.I) def _replaceFirstPerson(self, s, nick): s = self._meRe.sub(nick, s) s = self._myRe.sub('%s\'s' % nick, s) return s def insult(self, irc, msg, args): """[<channel>] <nick> Insults <nick>. <channel> is only necessary if the message isn't sent in the channel itself. """ channel = privmsgs.getChannel(msg, args) nick = privmsgs.getArgs(args) if not nick: raise callbacks.ArgumentError insult = self.db.random(channel, 'insult') if insult is None: irc.error('There are currently no available insults.') else: nick = self._replaceFirstPerson(nick, msg.nick) s = '%s: %s' % (nick, insult.text.replace('$who', nick)) irc.reply(self._formatResponse(s, insult.id, channel), prefixName=False) def lart(self, irc, msg, args): """[<channel>] [<id>] <text> [for <reason>] Uses a lart on <text> (giving the reason, if offered). Will use lart number <id> from the database when <id> is given. <channel> is only necessary if the message isn't sent in the channel itself. """ channel = privmsgs.getChannel(msg, args) (id, nick) = privmsgs.getArgs(args, optional=1) id = self._validId(irc, id, error=False) if id is None: nick = privmsgs.getArgs(args) nick = nick.rstrip('.') if not nick: raise callbacks.ArgumentError if ircutils.strEqual(nick, irc.nick): nick = msg.nick try: (nick, reason) = itertools.imap(' '.join, utils.itersplit('for'.__eq__, nick.split(), 1)) except ValueError: reason = '' if id: try: lart = self.db.get(channel, 'lart', id) except KeyError: irc.error('There is no such lart.') return else: lart = self.db.random(channel, 'lart') if lart is None: irc.error('There are currently no available larts.') else: nick = self._replaceFirstPerson(nick, msg.nick) reason = self._replaceFirstPerson(reason, msg.nick) s = lart.text.replace('$who', nick) if reason: s = '%s for %s' % (s, reason) s = s.rstrip('.') irc.reply(self._formatResponse(s, lart.id, channel), action=True) def praise(self, irc, msg, args): """[<channel>] [<id>] <text> [for <reason>] Uses a praise on <text> (giving the reason, if offered). Will use praise number <id> from the database when <id> is given. <channel> is only necessary if the message isn't sent in the channel itself. """ channel = privmsgs.getChannel(msg, args) (id, nick) = privmsgs.getArgs(args, optional=1) id = self._validId(irc, id, error=False) if id is None: nick = privmsgs.getArgs(args) nick = nick.rstrip('.') if not nick: raise callbacks.ArgumentError try: (nick, reason) = itertools.imap(' '.join, utils.itersplit('for'.__eq__, nick.split(), 1)) except ValueError: reason = '' if id: try: praise = self.db.get(channel, 'praise', id) except KeyError: irc.error('There is no such praise.') return else: praise = self.db.random(channel, 'praise') if praise is None: irc.error('There are currently no available praises.') else: nick = self._replaceFirstPerson(nick, msg.nick) reason = self._replaceFirstPerson(reason, msg.nick) s = praise.text.replace('$who', nick) if reason: s = '%s for %s' % (s, reason) s = s.rstrip('.') irc.reply(self._formatResponse(s, praise.id, channel), action=True) Class = FunDB # vim:set shiftwidth=4 tabstop=8 expandtab textwidth=78: