.. _plugin-Poll: Documentation for the Poll plugin for Supybot ============================================= Purpose ------- Poll: Provides a simple way to vote on answers to a question Usage ----- Provides a simple way to vote on answers to a question For example, this creates a poll:: @poll add "Is this a test?" "Yes" "No" "Maybe" The operation succeeded. Poll # 42 created. Creates a poll that can be voted on in this way:: @vote 42 Yes @vote 42 No @vote 42 No And results:: @poll results 2 votes for No, 1 vote for Yes, and 0 votes for Maybe Longer answers are possible, and voters only need to use the first word of each answer to vote. For example, this creates a poll that can be voted on in the same way:: @poll add "Is this a test?" "Yes totally" "No no no" "Maybe" The operation succeeded. Poll # 43 created. You can also add a number or letter at the beginning of each question to make it easier:: @poll add "Who is the best captain?" "1 James T Kirk" "2 Jean-Luc Picard" "3 Benjamin Sisko" "4 Kathryn Janeway" The operation succeeded. Poll # 44 created. @vote 42 1 @vote 42 4 @vote 42 4 .. _commands-Poll: Commands -------- .. _command-poll-add: add [] [ [ [...]]] Creates a new poll with the specified and answers on the . The first word of each answer is used as its id to vote, so each answer should start with a different word. is only necessary if this command is run in private, and defaults to the current channel otherwise. .. _command-poll-close: close [] Closes the specified poll. .. _command-poll-results: results [] Returns the results of the specified poll. .. _command-poll-vote: vote [] Registers your vote on the poll as being the answer identified by (which is the first word of each possible answer). .. _conf-Poll: Configuration ------------- .. _conf-supybot.plugins.Poll.public: supybot.plugins.Poll.public This config variable defaults to "True", is not network-specific, and is not channel-specific. Determines whether this plugin is publicly visible. .. _conf-supybot.plugins.Poll.requireManageCapability: supybot.plugins.Poll.requireManageCapability This config variable defaults to "channel,op; channel,halfop", is network-specific, and is channel-specific. Determines the capabilities required (if any) to open and close polls. Use 'channel,capab' for channel-level capabilities. Note that absence of an explicit anticapability means user has capability.