.. _plugin-Alias: Documentation for the Alias plugin for Supybot ============================================== Purpose ------- Allows aliases for other commands. NOTE THAT IT'S RECOMMENDED TO USE Aka PLUGIN INSTEAD! Usage ----- This plugin allows users to define aliases to commands and combinations of commands (via nesting). This plugin is only kept for backward compatibility, you should use the built-in Aka plugin instead (you can migrate your existing aliases using the 'importaliasdatabase' command. To add an alias, `trout`, which expects a word as an argument:: @alias add trout "action slaps $1 with a large trout" jamessan: The operation succeeded. @trout me * bot slaps me with a large trout To add an alias, `lastfm`, which expects a last.fm user and replies with their recently played items:: @alias add lastfm "rss [format concat http://ws.audioscrobbler.com/1.0/user/ [format concat [urlquote $1] /recenttracks.rss]]" Note that if the nested commands being aliased hadn't been quoted, then those commands would have been run immediately, and `@lastfm` would always reply with the same information, the result of those commands. .. _commands-Alias: Commands -------- .. _command-alias-add: add Defines an alias that executes . The should be in the standard "command argument [nestedcommand argument]" arguments to the alias; they'll be filled with the first, second, etc. arguments. $1, $2, etc. can be used for required arguments. @1, @2, etc. can be used for optional arguments. $* simply means "all remaining arguments," and cannot be combined with optional arguments. .. _command-alias-list: list [--locked|--unlocked] Lists alias names of a particular type, defaults to all aliases if no --locked or --unlocked option is given. .. _command-alias-lock: lock Locks an alias so that no one else can change it. .. _command-alias-remove: remove Removes the given alias, if unlocked. .. _command-alias-unlock: unlock Unlocks an alias so that people can define new aliases over it. .. _conf-Alias: Configuration ------------- .. _conf-supybot.plugins.Alias.public: supybot.plugins.Alias.public This config variable defaults to "True", is not network-specific, and is not channel-specific. Determines whether this plugin is publicly visible. .. _conf-supybot.plugins.Alias.validName: supybot.plugins.Alias.validName This config variable defaults to "^[^\\x00-\\x20]+$", is not network-specific, and is not channel-specific. Regex which alias names must match in order to be valid