import os import sys import imp import supybot.log as log import cgi log.setLevel(10) def genModules(*dirs):'Generating Documentation') for plugindir in dirs: path, plugin = os.path.split(plugindir.rstrip(os.sep)) if len(plugin) and plugin[0].isupper(): try: fm = imp.find_module(plugin, [path]) except ImportError: continue if fm[0]: continue try: yield imp.load_module(plugin, *fm) except ImportError: continue else: continue class PluginDoc(object): def __init__(self, mod): self.mod = mod self.lines = [] def appendLine(self, line, indent=0): self.lines.append('%s%s' % (' ' * indent * 2, cgi.escape(line))) def renderSTX(self): lines = [] inst = self.mod.Class(None) self.appendLine('Documentation for the %s plugin for supybot' % self.mod.Class.__name__) self.appendLine('') self.appendLine('Commands', 1) self.appendLine('') for command in inst.listCommands(): self.appendLine(command, 2) self.appendLine('') help = inst.getCommandHelp([command]) doc = getattr(self.mod.Class, command).__doc__.splitlines() if doc: args = doc.pop(0) doc = [l.strip() for l in doc] self.appendLine('Arguments: **%s**' % args, 3) self.appendLine('') self.appendLine('Description: %s' % ''.join(doc), 3) self.appendLine('') else: self.appendLine('No help Associated with this command', 3) return '\n'.join(self.lines) f = open('f.stx', 'w') def main(*args): for m in genModules(*args): f.write(PluginDoc(m).renderSTX()) if __name__ == '__main__': main(*sys.argv[1:])