### # Copyright (c) 2005, Jeremiah Fincher # Copyright (c) 2009, James McCoy # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions, and the following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions, and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # * Neither the name of the author of this software nor the name of # contributors to this software may be used to endorse or promote products # derived from this software without specific prior written consent. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" # AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR # CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF # SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS # INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN # CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) # ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ### import re import sys import socket import supybot.conf as conf import supybot.utils as utils from supybot.commands import * import supybot.utils.minisix as minisix import supybot.plugins as plugins import supybot.commands as commands import supybot.ircutils as ircutils import supybot.callbacks as callbacks from supybot.i18n import PluginInternationalization, internationalizeDocstring _ = PluginInternationalization('Web') if minisix.PY3: from html.parser import HTMLParser from html.entities import entitydefs else: from HTMLParser import HTMLParser from htmlentitydefs import entitydefs class Title(utils.web.HtmlToText): entitydefs = entitydefs.copy() entitydefs['nbsp'] = ' ' def __init__(self): self.inTitle = False self.inSvg = False utils.web.HtmlToText.__init__(self) @property def inHtmlTitle(self): return self.inTitle and not self.inSvg def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs): if tag == 'title': self.inTitle = True elif tag == 'svg': self.inSvg = True def handle_endtag(self, tag): if tag == 'title': self.inTitle = False elif tag == 'svg': self.inSvg = False def append(self, data): if self.inHtmlTitle: super(Title, self).append(data) class DelayedIrc: def __init__(self, irc): self._irc = irc self._replies = [] def reply(self, *args, **kwargs): self._replies.append(('reply', args, kwargs)) def error(self, *args, **kwargs): self._replies.append(('error', args, kwargs)) def __getattr__(self, name): assert name not in ('reply', 'error', '_irc', '_msg', '_replies') return getattr(self._irc, name) def fetch_sandbox(f): """Runs a command in a forked process with limited memory resources to prevent memory bomb caused by specially crafted http responses.""" def process(self, irc, msg, *args, **kwargs): delayed_irc = DelayedIrc(irc) f(self, delayed_irc, msg, *args, **kwargs) return delayed_irc._replies def newf(self, irc, *args): try: replies = commands.process(process, self, irc, *args, timeout=10, heap_size=1024*1024, pn=self.name(), cn=f.__name__) except commands.ProcessTimeoutError: raise utils.web.Error(_('Page is too big or the server took ' 'too much time to answer the request.')) else: for (method, args, kwargs) in replies: getattr(irc, method)(*args, **kwargs) newf.__doc__ = f.__doc__ return newf def catch_web_errors(f): """Display a nice error instead of "An error has occurred".""" def newf(self, irc, *args, **kwargs): try: f(self, irc, *args, **kwargs) except utils.web.Error as e: irc.reply(str(e)) newf.__doc__ = f.__doc__ return newf class Web(callbacks.PluginRegexp): """Add the help for "@help Web" here.""" regexps = ['titleSnarfer'] def noIgnore(self, irc, msg): return not self.registryValue('checkIgnored', msg.args[0]) def getTitle(self, url, raiseErrors): size = conf.supybot.protocols.http.peekSize() (target, text) = utils.web.getUrlTargetAndContent(url, size=size) try: text = text.decode(utils.web.getEncoding(text) or 'utf8', 'replace') except UnicodeDecodeError: pass parser = Title() if minisix.PY3 and isinstance(text, bytes): if raiseErrors: irc.error(_('Could not guess the page\'s encoding. (Try ' 'installing python-charade.)'), Raise=True) else: return None parser.feed(text) parser.close() title = ''.join(parser.data).strip() if title: return (target, title) elif raiseErrors: if len(text) < size: irc.reply(_('That URL appears to have no HTML title.')) else: irc.reply(format(_('That URL appears to have no HTML title ' 'within the first %S.'), size)) @fetch_sandbox def titleSnarfer(self, irc, msg, match): channel = msg.args[0] if not irc.isChannel(channel): return if callbacks.addressed(irc.nick, msg): return if self.registryValue('titleSnarfer', channel): url = match.group(0) if not self._checkURLWhitelist(url): return r = self.registryValue('nonSnarfingRegexp', channel) if r and r.search(url): self.log.debug('Not titleSnarfing %q.', url) return (target, title) = self.getTitle(url, False) if title: domain = utils.web.getDomain(target if self.registryValue('snarferShowTargetDomain', channel) else url) s = format(_('Title: %s (at %s)'), title, domain) irc.reply(s, prefixNick=False) titleSnarfer = urlSnarfer(titleSnarfer) titleSnarfer.__doc__ = utils.web._httpUrlRe def _checkURLWhitelist(self, url): if not self.registryValue('urlWhitelist'): return True passed = False for wu in self.registryValue('urlWhitelist'): if wu.endswith('/') and url.find(wu) == 0: passed = True break if (not wu.endswith('/')) and (url.find(wu + '/') == 0 or url == wu): passed = True break return passed @catch_web_errors @fetch_sandbox @internationalizeDocstring def headers(self, irc, msg, args, url): """ Returns the HTTP headers of . Only HTTP urls are valid, of course. """ if not self._checkURLWhitelist(url): irc.error("This url is not on the whitelist.") return fd = utils.web.getUrlFd(url) try: s = ', '.join([format(_('%s: %s'), k, v) for (k, v) in fd.headers.items()]) irc.reply(s) finally: fd.close() headers = wrap(headers, ['httpUrl']) _doctypeRe = re.compile(r'(]+>)', re.M) @catch_web_errors @fetch_sandbox @internationalizeDocstring def doctype(self, irc, msg, args, url): """ Returns the DOCTYPE string of . Only HTTP urls are valid, of course. """ if not self._checkURLWhitelist(url): irc.error("This url is not on the whitelist.") return size = conf.supybot.protocols.http.peekSize() s = utils.web.getUrl(url, size=size) \ .decode('utf8') m = self._doctypeRe.search(s) if m: s = utils.str.normalizeWhitespace(m.group(0)) irc.reply(s) else: irc.reply(_('That URL has no specified doctype.')) doctype = wrap(doctype, ['httpUrl']) @catch_web_errors @fetch_sandbox @internationalizeDocstring def size(self, irc, msg, args, url): """ Returns the Content-Length header of . Only HTTP urls are valid, of course. """ if not self._checkURLWhitelist(url): irc.error("This url is not on the whitelist.") return fd = utils.web.getUrlFd(url) try: try: size = fd.headers['Content-Length'] irc.reply(format(_('%u is %S long.'), url, int(size))) except KeyError: size = conf.supybot.protocols.http.peekSize() s = fd.read(size) if len(s) != size: irc.reply(format(_('%u is %S long.'), url, len(s))) else: irc.reply(format(_('The server didn\'t tell me how long %u ' 'is but it\'s longer than %S.'), url, size)) finally: fd.close() size = wrap(size, ['httpUrl']) @catch_web_errors @fetch_sandbox @internationalizeDocstring def title(self, irc, msg, args, optlist, url): """[--no-filter] Returns the HTML ... of a URL. If --no-filter is given, the bot won't strip special chars (action, DCC, ...). """ if not self._checkURLWhitelist(url): irc.error("This url is not on the whitelist.") return (target, title) = self.getTitle(url, True) if title: if not [y for x,y in optlist if x == 'no-filter']: for i in range(1, 4): title = title.replace(chr(i), '') irc.reply(title) title = wrap(title, [getopts({'no-filter': ''}), 'httpUrl']) @internationalizeDocstring def urlquote(self, irc, msg, args, text): """ Returns the URL quoted form of the text. """ irc.reply(utils.web.urlquote(text)) urlquote = wrap(urlquote, ['text']) @internationalizeDocstring def urlunquote(self, irc, msg, args, text): """ Returns the text un-URL quoted. """ s = utils.web.urlunquote(text) irc.reply(s) urlunquote = wrap(urlunquote, ['text']) @catch_web_errors @fetch_sandbox @internationalizeDocstring def fetch(self, irc, msg, args, url): """ Returns the contents of , or as much as is configured in supybot.plugins.Web.fetch.maximum. If that configuration variable is set to 0, this command will be effectively disabled. """ if not self._checkURLWhitelist(url): irc.error("This url is not on the whitelist.") return max = self.registryValue('fetch.maximum') if not max: irc.error(_('This command is disabled ' '(supybot.plugins.Web.fetch.maximum is set to 0).'), Raise=True) fd = utils.web.getUrl(url, size=max) \ .decode('utf8') irc.reply(fd) fetch = wrap(fetch, ['url']) Class = Web # vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab textwidth=79: