Q: Why does my bot not recognize me or tell me that I don't have the "owner" capability? A: Because you've not given it anything to recognize you from! You'll need to identify with the bot ("help identify" to see how that works) or add your hostmask to your user record ("help addhostmask" to see how that works) for it to know that you're you. You may wish to note that addhostmask can accept a password; rather than identify, you can send the command "addhostmask myOwnerUser [hostmask] myOwnerUserPassword" and the bot will add your current hostmask to your owner user (of course, you should change myOwnerUser and myOwnerUserPassword appropriately for your bot). Q: What's a hostmask? A: Each user on IRC is uniquely identified by a string which we call a "hostmask." The IRC RFC refers to it as a prefix. Either way, it consists of a nick, a user, and a host, in the form nick!user@host. If your Supybot complains that something you've given to it isn't a hostmask, make sure that you have those three components and that they're joined in the appropriate manner. Q: How do I make my Supybot op my users? A: First, you'll have to make sure that your users register with the bot. They can do this with the "register" command. After they do so, you'll want to add the #channel,op capability to their user. Use the "channel addcapability" command to do this. After that, your users should be able to use the "op" command to get ops. If you want your users to be auto-opped when they join the channel, you'll need to load the Enforcer plugin and turn its autoOp configuration variable on. Use the "config" command to do so. Here's an example of how to do these steps: <jemfinch> I'm going to make an example session for giving you auto-ops, for our FAQ. <dunk1> ah ok ;] <jemfinch> First, I need you to register with supybot, using the "register" command (remember to send it in private). <dunk1> done <jemfinch> what name are you registered under? <dunk1> dunk1 <jemfinch> ok, cool. <jemfinch> @channel addcapability dunk1 op <supybot> jemfinch: The operation succeeded. <jemfinch> now use the "op" command to get ops. <dunk1> @op --- supybot gives channel operator status to dunk1 <dunk1> works! <dunk1> ;] <jemfinch> @load Enforcer <supybot> jemfinch: The operation succeeded. <jemfinch> @config channel supybot.plugins.Enforcer.autoOp On <supybot> jemfinch: The operation succeeded. <jemfinch> ok, now cycle the channel (part and then rejoin) <-- dunk1 (dunker@freebsd.nl) has left #supybot --> dunk1 (dunker@freebsd.nl) has joined #supybot --- supybot gives channel operator status to dunk1 <jemfinch> cool, thanks :) Q: Can users with the "admin" capability change configuration variables? A: Currently, no. Feel free to make your case to us as to why a certain configuration variable should only require the "admin" capability instead of the "owner" capability, and if we agree with you, we'll change it for the next release. Q: Can Supybot do factoids? A: Supybot most certainly can! In fact, we offer three full-fledged factoids-related plugins! Factoids (written by jemfinch) is Supybot's original factoids-related plugin. It offers full integration with Supybot's nested commands as well as a complete 1:n key to factoid ratio, with lookup by individual number. Factoids also uses a channel-specific database instead of a global database, though that's configurable with the supybot.databases.plugins.channelSpecific configuration variable. MoobotFactoids (written by Strike) is much more full-featured, offering users the ability to define factoids in a slightly more user-friendly way, as well as parsing factoids to handle <reply>, <action>, and alternations (defining a factoid "test" as "<reply>(foo|bar|baz)" will make the bot send "foo" or "bar" or "baz" to the channel (without the normal "test is " at the beginning)). If you're accustomed to Moobot's factoids or Blootbot's factoids, then this is the Factoids plugin for you. Unfortunately, due to the more natural definition syntax (required to be compatible with Moobot) you can't define Factoids with nested commands; you'll have to evaluate the command first and then copy the result into your factoid definition. Infobot (written by jamessan) is used for Infobot compatibility; if you still want the basic functionality of Infobot, this is the plugin to use. Q: Can I import my Infobot/Blootbot/Moobot factoids into Supybot? A: As of present, we have no automated way to do so. Strike has written a few scripts for importing a Moobot database into MoobotFactoids, however, so you'll want to talk to him about helping you with that. We're certainly happy to help you convert such databases; if you can provide us with such a database exported to a flat file, we can probably do the rest of the work to write a script that imports it into a database for one of our factoids-related plugins. Q: Do I really have to use separate databases for each channel? A: Of course not! We default to separate databases for each channel because, well, that's what jemfinch always thought was reasonable. Anyway, if you change the configuration variable supybot.databases.plugins.channelSpecific to False instead of True, for *most* databases, each channel will share the same database (the exceptions are ChannelStats, Herald, Seen, and WordStats, which are inherently rather channel-based). Q: Karma doesn't seem to work for me. A: Karma by default doesn't acknowledge karma updates. If you check the karma of whatever you increased/decreased, you'll note that your increment or decrement still took place. If you'd rather Karma acknowledge karma updates, change the supybot.plugins.Karma.response configuration variable to On. Q: I added an alias, but it doesn't work! A: Take a look at "help <alias you added>". If the alias the bot has listed doesn't match what you're giving it, chances are you need to quote your alias in order for the brackets not to be evaluated. For instance, if you're adding an alias to give you a link to your homepage, you need to say: alias add mylink "format concat http://my.host.com/ [urlquote $1]" and not: alias add mylink format concat http://my.host.com/ [urlquote $1] The first version works; the second version will always return the same url. Q: Is there a command that can tell me what capability another command requires? A: No, there isn't, and there probably never will be. Commands have the flexibility to check any capabilities they wish to check; while this flexibility is useful, it also makes it hard to guess what capability a certain command requires. We could make a solution that would work in a large majority of cases, but it wouldn't (and couldn't!) be absolutely correct in all circumstances, and since we're anal and we hate doing things halfway, we probably won't ever add this partial solution. Besides, is the error message so bad? If we did have such a command, many users would call the command, see that they could perform it, and then run the command, thus doubling the activity in the channel. Is that something you want? Q: How do I make my Supybot connect to multiple servers? A: Just use the "connect" command in the Network plugin. Easy as pie! Q: My bot can't handle nicks with brackets in them! It always complains about something not being a valid command, or about spurious or missing right brackets, etc. A: You should quote arguments (using double quotes, like this: "foo[bar]") that have brackets in them that you don't wish to be evaluated as nested commands. Otherwise, you can turn off nested commands by setting supybot.commands.nested to False. Q: I've edited my configuration file, but my Supybot doesn't notice the changes! Even if I restart it, it doesn't see them. What's the deal? A: Supybot won't reload its configuration files unless you tell it to. In addition, when Supybot exits (and periodically while it runs) it flushes its configuration file to disk. The safest way to avoid problems with configuration file edits is simply to exit the bot before editing the configuration file(s). If you don't wish to do that, however, you can edit the file, save the changes, and tell the bot to reload its configuration, either via the reload command in the Config plugin, or by sending the bot a SIGHUP. There is a brief period in this whole sequence where the bot can flush its configuration to disk after you write your changes, but we even have something to fix that: set the configuration variable supybot.flush to False, and then reload the configuration. Q: I found a bug, what do I do? A: Submit it on Sourceforge through our Sourceforge project page: <http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=58965&atid=489447>. If Sourceforge happens to be down when you try to submit your bug, then post it in the "Supybot Developer Discussion" forum at our forums at <http://forums.supybot.org/>. If that doesn't work, email supybot-bugs@lists.sourceforge.net. If that doesn't work, email jemfinch@supybot.org. If that doesn't work, find yourself some carrier pigeons and ... hah! You thought I was serious! Anyway, when you submit your bug, we'll need several things. If the bug involved an uncaught exception, we need the traceback (basically the stuff from "Uncaught exception in ..." to the next log entry). We'd also like to see the commands that caused the bug, or happened around the time you saw the bug. If the bug involved a database, we'd love to see the database. Remember, it's always worse to send us too little information in a bug report than too much. Q: Is there a way just to load *all* the plugins Supybot has? A: No, there isn't. Even if there were, some plugins conflict with other plugins, so it wouldn't make much sense to load them. For instance, what would a bot do with Factoids, MoobotFactoids, and Infobot all loaded? Probably just annoy people :) If you want to know more about the plugins that are available, check out our "Plugin index" at our website.