.. _plugin-Web: Documentation for the Web plugin for Supybot ============================================ Purpose ------- This plugin allows you to view website information, like the title of a page. Also provides a Snarfer for URLs. Usage ----- Add the help for 'help Web' here. .. _commands-Web: Commands -------- .. _command-web-doctype: doctype Returns the DOCTYPE string of . Only HTTP urls are valid, of course. .. _command-web-fetch: fetch Returns the contents of , or as much as is configured in supybot.plugins.Web.fetch.maximum. If that configuration variable is set to 0, this command will be effectively disabled. .. _command-web-headers: headers Returns the HTTP headers of . Only HTTP urls are valid, of course. .. _command-web-location: location If the is redirected to another page, returns the URL of that page. This works even if there are multiple redirects. Only HTTP urls are valid. Useful to "un-tinify" URLs. .. _command-web-size: size Returns the Content-Length header of . Only HTTP urls are valid, of course. .. _command-web-title: title [--no-filter] Returns the HTML ... of a URL. If --no-filter is given, the bot won't strip special chars (action, DCC, ...). .. _command-web-urlquote: urlquote Returns the URL quoted form of the text. .. _command-web-urlunquote: urlunquote Returns the text un-URL quoted. .. _conf-Web: Configuration ------------- .. _conf-supybot.plugins.Web.checkIgnored: supybot.plugins.Web.checkIgnored This config variable defaults to "True", is network-specific, and is channel-specific. Determines whether the title snarfer checks if the author of a message is ignored. .. _conf-supybot.plugins.Web.fetch: supybot.plugins.Web.fetch This is a group of: .. _conf-supybot.plugins.Web.fetch.maximum: supybot.plugins.Web.fetch.maximum This config variable defaults to "0", is not network-specific, and is not channel-specific. Determines the maximum number of bytes the bot will download via the 'fetch' command in this plugin. .. _conf-supybot.plugins.Web.fetch.timeout: supybot.plugins.Web.fetch.timeout This config variable defaults to "5", is not network-specific, and is not channel-specific. Determines the maximum number of seconds the bot will wait for the site to respond, when using the 'fetch' command in this plugin. If 0, will use socket.defaulttimeout .. _conf-supybot.plugins.Web.nonSnarfingRegexp: supybot.plugins.Web.nonSnarfingRegexp This config variable defaults to "", is network-specific, and is channel-specific. Determines what URLs matching the given regexp will not be snarfed. Give the empty string if you have no URLs that you'd like to exclude from being snarfed. .. _conf-supybot.plugins.Web.public: supybot.plugins.Web.public This config variable defaults to "True", is not network-specific, and is not channel-specific. Determines whether this plugin is publicly visible. .. _conf-supybot.plugins.Web.snarfMultipleUrls: supybot.plugins.Web.snarfMultipleUrls This config variable defaults to "False", is network-specific, and is channel-specific. Determines whether the title snarfer will query all URLs in a message, or only the first one. .. _conf-supybot.plugins.Web.snarferPrefix: supybot.plugins.Web.snarferPrefix This config variable defaults to "Title:", is network-specific, and is channel-specific. Determines the string used at before a web page's title. .. _conf-supybot.plugins.Web.snarferReportIOExceptions: supybot.plugins.Web.snarferReportIOExceptions This config variable defaults to "False", is network-specific, and is channel-specific. Determines whether the bot will notfiy the user about network exceptions like hostnotfound, timeout .... .. _conf-supybot.plugins.Web.snarferShowDomain: supybot.plugins.Web.snarferShowDomain This config variable defaults to "True", is network-specific, and is channel-specific. Determines whether domain names should be displayed by the title snarfer. .. _conf-supybot.plugins.Web.snarferShowTargetDomain: supybot.plugins.Web.snarferShowTargetDomain This config variable defaults to "False", is network-specific, and is channel-specific. Determines whether the domain name displayed by the snarfer will be the original one (posted on IRC) or the target one (got after following redirects, if any). .. _conf-supybot.plugins.Web.timeout: supybot.plugins.Web.timeout This config variable defaults to "5", is not network-specific, and is not channel-specific. Determines the maximum number of seconds the bot will wait for the site to respond, when using a command in this plugin other than 'fetch'. If 0, will use socket.defaulttimeout .. _conf-supybot.plugins.Web.titleSnarfer: supybot.plugins.Web.titleSnarfer This config variable defaults to "False", is network-specific, and is channel-specific. Determines whether the bot will output the HTML title of URLs it sees in the channel. .. _conf-supybot.plugins.Web.urlWhitelist: supybot.plugins.Web.urlWhitelist This config variable defaults to " ", is not network-specific, and is not channel-specific. If set, bot will only fetch data from urls in the whitelist, i.e. starting with http://domain/optionalpath/. This will apply to all commands that retrieve data from user-supplied URLs, including fetch, headers, title, doctype.