Anonymous allows you to send messages anonymously as the bot. If `supybot.plugins.Anonymous.allowPrivateTarget` is `True`, you can send messages in query too. ## Usage examples ### Proving that you are the owner. When you ask for cloak/vhost for your bot, the network operators will often ask you to prove that you own the bot. You can do this for example with the following method: ``` @load Anonymous @config plugins.anonymous.requirecapability owner @config plugins.anonymous.allowprivatetarget True @anonymous say Hi, my owner is :) ``` This * Loads the plugin. * Makes the plugin require that you are the owner * If anyone could send private messages as the bot, they could also access network services. * Allows sending private messages * Sends message `Hi, my owner is :)` to `operator nick`. * Note that you won't see the messages that are sent to the bot.