### # Copyright (c) 2002-2004, Jeremiah Fincher # Copyright (c) 2008-2010, James McCoy # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions, and the following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions, and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # * Neither the name of the author of this software nor the name of # contributors to this software may be used to endorse or promote products # derived from this software without specific prior written consent. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" # AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR # CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF # SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS # INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN # CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) # ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ### import re import sys import cgi import json import time import socket import urllib import supybot.conf as conf import supybot.utils as utils import supybot.world as world from supybot.commands import * import supybot.ircmsgs as ircmsgs import supybot.ircutils as ircutils import supybot.callbacks as callbacks from supybot.i18n import PluginInternationalization, internationalizeDocstring _ = PluginInternationalization('Google') import json class Google(callbacks.PluginRegexp): threaded = True callBefore = ['Web'] regexps = ['googleSnarfer'] _colorGoogles = {} def _getColorGoogle(self, m): s = m.group(1) ret = self._colorGoogles.get(s) if not ret: L = list(s) L[0] = ircutils.mircColor(L[0], 'blue')[:-1] L[1] = ircutils.mircColor(L[1], 'red')[:-1] L[2] = ircutils.mircColor(L[2], 'yellow')[:-1] L[3] = ircutils.mircColor(L[3], 'blue')[:-1] L[4] = ircutils.mircColor(L[4], 'green')[:-1] L[5] = ircutils.mircColor(L[5], 'red') ret = ''.join(L) self._colorGoogles[s] = ret return ircutils.bold(ret) _googleRe = re.compile(r'\b(google)\b', re.I) def outFilter(self, irc, msg): if msg.command == 'PRIVMSG' and \ self.registryValue('colorfulFilter', msg.args[0]): s = msg.args[1] s = re.sub(self._googleRe, self._getColorGoogle, s) msg = ircmsgs.privmsg(msg.args[0], s, msg=msg) return msg _gsearchUrl = 'http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/services/search/web' @internationalizeDocstring def search(self, query, channel, options={}): """Perform a search using Google's AJAX API. search("search phrase", options={}) Valid options are: smallsearch - True/False (Default: False) filter - {active,moderate,off} (Default: "moderate") language - Restrict search to documents in the given language (Default: "lang_en") """ ref = self.registryValue('referer') if not ref: ref = 'http://%s/%s' % (dynamic.irc.server, dynamic.irc.nick) headers = dict(utils.web.defaultHeaders) headers['Referer'] = ref opts = {'q': query, 'v': '1.0'} for (k, v) in options.iteritems(): if k == 'smallsearch': if v: opts['rsz'] = 'small' else: opts['rsz'] = 'large' elif k == 'filter': opts['safe'] = v elif k == 'language': opts['lr'] = v defLang = self.registryValue('defaultLanguage', channel) if 'lr' not in opts and defLang: opts['lr'] = defLang if 'safe' not in opts: opts['safe'] = self.registryValue('searchFilter', dynamic.channel) if 'rsz' not in opts: opts['rsz'] = 'large' text = utils.web.getUrl('%s?%s' % (self._gsearchUrl, urllib.urlencode(opts)), headers=headers).decode('utf8') data = json.loads(text) if data['responseStatus'] != 200: raise callbacks.Error(_('We broke The Google!')) return data def formatData(self, data, bold=True, max=0, onetoone=False): if isinstance(data, basestring): return data results = [] if max: data = data[:max] for result in data: title = utils.web.htmlToText(result['titleNoFormatting']\ .encode('utf-8')) url = result['unescapedUrl'] if sys.version_info[0] < 3: url = url.encode('utf-8') if title: if bold: title = ircutils.bold(title) results.append(format('%s: %u', title, url)) else: results.append(url) if sys.version_info[0] < 3: repl = lambda x:x if isinstance(x, unicode) else unicode(x, 'utf8') results = list(map(repl, results)) if not results: return [_('No matches found.')] elif onetoone: return results else: return [u'; '.join(results)] @internationalizeDocstring def lucky(self, irc, msg, args, opts, text): """[--snippet] <search> Does a google search, but only returns the first result. If option --snippet is given, returns also the page text snippet. """ opts = dict(opts) data = self.search(text, msg.args[0], {'smallsearch': True}) if data['responseData']['results']: url = data['responseData']['results'][0]['unescapedUrl'] if 'snippet' in opts: snippet = data['responseData']['results'][0]['content'] snippet = " | " + utils.web.htmlToText(snippet, tagReplace='') else: snippet = "" result = url + snippet irc.reply(result) else: irc.reply(_('Google found nothing.')) lucky = wrap(lucky, [getopts({'snippet':'',}), 'text']) @internationalizeDocstring def google(self, irc, msg, args, optlist, text): """<search> [--{filter,language} <value>] Searches google.com for the given string. As many results as can fit are included. --language accepts a language abbreviation; --filter accepts a filtering level ('active', 'moderate', 'off'). """ if 'language' in optlist and optlist['language'].lower() not in \ conf.supybot.plugins.Google.safesearch.validStrings: irc.errorInvalid('language') data = self.search(text, msg.args[0], dict(optlist)) if data['responseStatus'] != 200: irc.reply(_('We broke The Google!')) return bold = self.registryValue('bold', msg.args[0]) max = self.registryValue('maximumResults', msg.args[0]) # We don't use supybot.reply.oneToOne here, because you generally # do not want @google to echo ~20 lines of results, even if you # have reply.oneToOne enabled. onetoone = self.registryValue('oneToOne', msg.args[0]) for result in self.formatData(data['responseData']['results'], bold=bold, max=max, onetoone=onetoone): irc.reply(result) google = wrap(google, [getopts({'language':'something', 'filter':''}), 'text']) @internationalizeDocstring def cache(self, irc, msg, args, url): """<url> Returns a link to the cached version of <url> if it is available. """ data = self.search(url, msg.args[0], {'smallsearch': True}) if data['responseData']['results']: m = data['responseData']['results'][0] if m['cacheUrl']: url = m['cacheUrl'].encode('utf-8') irc.reply(url) return irc.error(_('Google seems to have no cache for that site.')) cache = wrap(cache, ['url']) @internationalizeDocstring def fight(self, irc, msg, args): """<search string> <search string> [<search string> ...] Returns the results of each search, in order, from greatest number of results to least. """ channel = msg.args[0] results = [] for arg in args: data = self.search(arg, channel, {'smallsearch': True}) count = data['responseData']['cursor'].get('estimatedResultCount', 0) results.append((int(count), arg)) results.sort() results.reverse() if self.registryValue('bold', msg.args[0]): bold = ircutils.bold else: bold = repr s = ', '.join([format('%s: %i', bold(s), i) for (i, s) in results]) irc.reply(s) @internationalizeDocstring def translate(self, irc, msg, args, sourceLang, targetLang, text): """<source language> [to] <target language> <text> Returns <text> translated from <source language> into <target language>. """ channel = msg.args[0] headers = dict(utils.web.defaultHeaders) headers['User-Agent'] = ('Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686) ' 'Gecko/20071127 Firefox/') sourceLang = urllib.quote(sourceLang) targetLang = urllib.quote(targetLang) text = urllib.quote(text) result = utils.web.getUrlFd('http://translate.google.com/translate_a/t' '?client=t&hl=en&sl=%s&tl=%s&multires=1' '&otf=1&ssel=0&tsel=0&uptl=en&sc=1&text=' '%s' % (sourceLang, targetLang, text), headers).read().decode('utf8') while ',,' in result: result = result.replace(',,', ',null,') while '[,' in result: result = result.replace('[,', '[') data = json.loads(result) try: language = data[2] except: language = 'unknown' irc.reply(''.join(x[0] for x in data[0]), language) translate = wrap(translate, ['something', 'to', 'something', 'text']) def googleSnarfer(self, irc, msg, match): r"^google\s+(.*)$" if not self.registryValue('searchSnarfer', msg.args[0]): return searchString = match.group(1) data = self.search(searchString, msg.args[0], {'smallsearch': True}) if data['responseData']['results']: url = data['responseData']['results'][0]['unescapedUrl'] irc.reply(url, prefixNick=False) googleSnarfer = urlSnarfer(googleSnarfer) def _googleUrl(self, s, channel): s = urllib.quote_plus(s) url = r'http://%s/search?q=%s' % \ (self.registryValue('baseUrl', channel), s) return url _calcRe1 = re.compile(r'<span class="cwcot".*?>(.*?)</span>', re.I) _calcRe2 = re.compile(r'<div class="vk_ans.*?>(.*?)</div>', re.I | re.S) _calcRe3 = re.compile(r'<div class="side_div" id="rhs_div">.*?<input class="ucw_data".*?value="(.*?)"', re.I) @internationalizeDocstring def calc(self, irc, msg, args, expr): """<expression> Uses Google's calculator to calculate the value of <expression>. """ channel = msg.args[0] if not ircutils.isChannel(channel): channel = None url = self._googleUrl(expr, channel) h = {"User-Agent":"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.2; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/32.0.1667.0 Safari/537.36"} html = utils.web.getUrl(url, headers=h).decode('utf8') match = self._calcRe1.search(html) if not match: match = self._calcRe2.search(html) if not match: match = self._calcRe3.search(html) if not match: irc.reply("I could not find an output from Google Calc for: %s" % expr) self.log.info("HTML: {0}".format(html)) return else: s = match.group(1) else: s = match.group(1) else: s = match.group(1) # do some cleanup of text s = re.sub(r'<sup>(.*)</sup>⁄<sub>(.*)</sub>', r' \1/\2', s) s = re.sub(r'<sup>(.*)</sup>', r'^\1', s) s = utils.web.htmlToText(s) irc.reply("%s = %s" % (expr, s)) calc = wrap(calc, ['text']) _phoneRe = re.compile(r'Phonebook.*?<font size=-1>(.*?)<a href') @internationalizeDocstring def phonebook(self, irc, msg, args, phonenumber): """<phone number> Looks <phone number> up on Google. """ channel = msg.args[0] if not ircutils.isChannel(channel): channel = None url = self._googleUrl(phonenumber, channel) html = utils.web.getUrl(url).decode('utf8') m = self._phoneRe.search(html) if m is not None: s = m.group(1) s = s.replace('<b>', '') s = s.replace('</b>', '') s = utils.web.htmlToText(s) irc.reply(s) else: irc.reply(_('Google\'s phonebook didn\'t come up with anything.')) phonebook = wrap(phonebook, ['text']) Class = Google # vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab textwidth=79: