### # Copyright (c) 2002-2004, Jeremiah Fincher # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions, and the following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions, and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # * Neither the name of the author of this software nor the name of # contributors to this software may be used to endorse or promote products # derived from this software without specific prior written consent. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" # AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR # CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF # SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS # INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN # CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) # ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ### import re import supybot.conf as conf import supybot.utils as utils from supybot.commands import * import supybot.ircutils as ircutils import supybot.registry as registry import supybot.callbacks as callbacks # Copied from the old privmsgs.py. def getChannel(msg, args=()): """Returns the channel the msg came over or the channel given in args. If the channel was given in args, args is modified (the channel is removed). """ if args and ircutils.isChannel(args[0]): if conf.supybot.reply.requireChannelCommandsToBeSentInChannel(): if args[0] != msg.args[0]: s = 'Channel commands must be sent in the channel to which ' \ 'they apply; if this is not the behavior you desire, ' \ 'ask the bot\'s administrator to change the registry ' \ 'variable ' \ 'supybot.reply.requireChannelCommandsToBeSentInChannel ' \ 'to False.' raise callbacks.Error, s return args.pop(0) elif ircutils.isChannel(msg.args[0]): return msg.args[0] else: raise callbacks.Error, 'Command must be sent in a channel or ' \ 'include a channel in its arguments.' def getArgs(args, required=1, optional=0): if len(args) < required: raise callbacks.ArgumentError if len(args) < required + optional: ret = list(args) + ([''] * (required + optional - len(args))) elif len(args) >= required + optional: ret = list(args[:required + optional - 1]) ret.append(' '.join(args[required + optional - 1:])) if len(ret) == 1: return ret[0] else: return ret class AliasError(Exception): pass class RecursiveAlias(AliasError): pass dollarRe = re.compile(r'\$(\d+)') def findBiggestDollar(alias): dollars = dollarRe.findall(alias) dollars = map(int, dollars) dollars.sort() if dollars: return dollars[-1] else: return 0 atRe = re.compile(r'@(\d+)') def findBiggestAt(alias): ats = atRe.findall(alias) ats = map(int, ats) ats.sort() if ats: return ats[-1] else: return 0 def makeNewAlias(name, alias): original = alias biggestDollar = findBiggestDollar(original) biggestAt = findBiggestAt(original) wildcard = '$*' in original if biggestAt and wildcard: raise AliasError, 'Can\'t mix $* and optional args (@1, etc.)' if original.count('$*') > 1: raise AliasError, 'There can be only one $* in an alias.' testTokens = callbacks.tokenize(original) if testTokens and isinstance(testTokens[0], list): raise AliasError, 'Commands may not be the result of nesting.' def f(self, irc, msg, args): alias = original.replace('$nick', msg.nick) if '$channel' in original: channel = getChannel(msg, args) alias = alias.replace('$channel', channel) tokens = callbacks.tokenize(alias) if not wildcard and biggestDollar or biggestAt: args = getArgs(args, required=biggestDollar, optional=biggestAt) # Gotta have a mutable sequence (for replace). if biggestDollar + biggestAt == 1: # We got a string, no tuple. args = [args] def regexpReplace(m): idx = int(m.group(1)) return args[idx-1] def replace(tokens, replacer): for (i, token) in enumerate(tokens): if isinstance(token, list): replace(token, replacer) else: tokens[i] = replacer(token) replace(tokens, lambda s: dollarRe.sub(regexpReplace, s)) if biggestAt: assert not wildcard args = args[biggestDollar:] replace(tokens, lambda s: atRe.sub(regexpReplace, s)) if wildcard: assert not biggestAt # Gotta remove the things that have already been subbed in. i = biggestDollar while i: args.pop(0) i -= 1 def everythingReplace(tokens): for (i, token) in enumerate(tokens): if isinstance(token, list): if everythingReplace(token): return if token == '$*': tokens[i:i+1] = args return True elif '$*' in token: tokens[i] = token.replace('$*', ' '.join(args)) return True return False everythingReplace(tokens) self.Proxy(irc, msg, tokens) doc =format('\n\nAlias for %q.', (biggestDollar, 'argument'), alias) f = utils.changeFunctionName(f, name, doc) return f class Alias(callbacks.Plugin): def __init__(self, irc): self.__parent = super(Alias, self) self.__parent.__init__(irc) # Schema: {alias: [command, locked]} self.aliases = {} # XXX This should go. aliases should be a space separate list, etc. group = conf.supybot.plugins.Alias.aliases for (name, alias) in registry._cache.iteritems(): name = name.lower() if name.startswith('supybot.plugins.alias.aliases.'): name = name[len('supybot.plugins.alias.aliases.'):] if '.' in name: continue conf.registerGlobalValue(group, name, registry.String('', '')) conf.registerGlobalValue(group.get(name), 'locked', registry.Boolean(False, '')) for (name, value) in group.getValues(fullNames=False): name = name.lower() # Just in case. command = value() locked = value.locked() self.aliases[name] = [command, locked] for (alias, (command, locked)) in self.aliases.items(): try: self.addAlias(irc, alias, command, locked) except Exception, e: self.log.exception('Exception when trying to add alias %s. ' 'Removing from the Alias database.', alias) del self.aliases[alias] def lock(self, irc, msg, args, name): """ Locks an alias so that no one else can change it. """ if hasattr(self, name) and self.isCommandMethod(name): self.aliases[name][1] = True conf.supybot.plugins.Alias.aliases.get(name).locked.setValue(True) irc.replySuccess() else: irc.error('There is no such alias.') lock = wrap(lock, [('checkCapability', 'admin'), 'commandName']) def unlock(self, irc, msg, args, name): """ Unlocks an alias so that people can define new aliases over it. """ if hasattr(self, name) and self.isCommandMethod(name): self.aliases[name][1] = False conf.supybot.plugins.Alias.aliases.get(name).locked.setValue(False) irc.replySuccess() else: irc.error('There is no such alias.') unlock = wrap(unlock, [('checkCapability', 'admin'), 'commandName']) _invalidCharsRe = re.compile(r'[\[\]\s]') def addAlias(self, irc, name, alias, lock=False): if self._invalidCharsRe.search(name): raise AliasError, 'Names cannot contain spaces or square brackets.' if '|' in name: raise AliasError, 'Names cannot contain pipes.' if irc.getCallback(name): raise AliasError, 'Names cannot coincide with names of plugins.' realName = callbacks.canonicalName(name) if name != realName: s = format('That name isn\'t valid. Try %q instead.', realName) raise AliasError, s name = realName if self.isCommandMethod(name): if realName not in self.aliases: s = 'You can\'t overwrite commands in this plugin.' raise AliasError, s if name in self.aliases: (currentAlias, locked) = self.aliases[name] if locked and currentAlias != alias: raise AliasError, format('Alias %q is locked.', name) try: f = makeNewAlias(name, alias) except RecursiveAlias: raise AliasError, 'You can\'t define a recursive alias.' if name in self.aliases: # We gotta remove it so its value gets updated. conf.supybot.plugins.Alias.aliases.unregister(name) conf.supybot.plugins.Alias.aliases.register(name, registry.String(alias, '')) conf.supybot.plugins.Alias.aliases.get(name).register('locked', registry.Boolean(lock, '')) setattr(self.__class__, name, f) self.aliases[name] = [alias, lock] def removeAlias(self, name, evenIfLocked=False): name = callbacks.canonicalName(name) if hasattr(self, name) and self.isCommandMethod(name): if evenIfLocked or not self.aliases[name][1]: delattr(self.__class__, name) del self.aliases[name] conf.supybot.plugins.Alias.aliases.unregister(name) else: raise AliasError, 'That alias is locked.' else: raise AliasError, 'There is no such alias.' def add(self, irc, msg, args, name, alias): """ Defines an alias that executes . The should be in the standard "command argument [nestedcommand argument]" arguments to the alias; they'll be filled with the first, second, etc. arguments. $1, $2, etc. can be used for required arguments. @1, @2, etc. can be used for optional arguments. $* simply means "all remaining arguments," and cannot be combined with optional arguments. """ if ' ' not in alias: # If it's a single word, they probably want $*. alias += ' $*' try: self.addAlias(irc, name, alias) self.log.info('Adding alias %q for %q (from %s)', name, alias, msg.prefix) irc.replySuccess() except AliasError, e: irc.error(str(e)) add = wrap(add, ['commandName', 'text']) def remove(self, irc, msg, args, name): """ Removes the given alias, if unlocked. """ try: self.removeAlias(name) self.log.info('Removing alias %q (from %s)', name, msg.prefix) irc.replySuccess() except AliasError, e: irc.error(str(e)) remove = wrap(remove, ['commandName']) Class = Alias # vim:set shiftwidth=4 tabstop=4 expandtab textwidth=79: