### # Copyright (c) 2002-2005, Jeremiah Fincher # Copyright (c) 2009, James Vega # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions, and the following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions, and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # * Neither the name of the author of this software nor the name of # contributors to this software may be used to endorse or promote products # derived from this software without specific prior written consent. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" # AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR # CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF # SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS # INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN # CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) # ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ### """ Provides a great number of useful utility functions for IRC. Things to muck around with hostmasks, set bold or color on strings, IRC-case-insensitive dicts, a nick class to handle nicks (so comparisons and hashing and whatnot work in an IRC-case-insensitive fashion), and numerous other things. """ import re import time import random import string import textwrap from cStringIO import StringIO as sio import supybot.utils as utils def debug(s, *args): """Prints a debug string. Most likely replaced by our logging debug.""" print '***', s % args def isUserHostmask(s): """Returns whether or not the string s is a valid User hostmask.""" p1 = s.find('!') p2 = s.find('@') if p1 < p2-1 and p1 >= 1 and p2 >= 3 and len(s) > p2+1: return True else: return False def isServerHostmask(s): """s => bool Returns True if s is a valid server hostmask.""" return not isUserHostmask(s) def nickFromHostmask(hostmask): """hostmask => nick Returns the nick from a user hostmask.""" assert isUserHostmask(hostmask) return hostmask.split('!', 1)[0] def userFromHostmask(hostmask): """hostmask => user Returns the user from a user hostmask.""" assert isUserHostmask(hostmask) return hostmask.split('!', 1)[1].split('@', 1)[0] def hostFromHostmask(hostmask): """hostmask => host Returns the host from a user hostmask.""" assert isUserHostmask(hostmask) return hostmask.split('@', 1)[1] def splitHostmask(hostmask): """hostmask => (nick, user, host) Returns the nick, user, host of a user hostmask.""" assert isUserHostmask(hostmask) nick, rest = hostmask.split('!', 1) user, host = rest.split('@', 1) return (nick, user, host) def joinHostmask(nick, ident, host): """nick, user, host => hostmask Joins the nick, ident, host into a user hostmask.""" assert nick and ident and host return '%s!%s@%s' % (nick, ident, host) _rfc1459trans = string.maketrans(string.ascii_uppercase + r'\[]~', string.ascii_lowercase + r'|{}^') def toLower(s, casemapping=None): """s => s Returns the string s lowered according to IRC case rules.""" if casemapping is None or casemapping == 'rfc1459': return s.translate(_rfc1459trans) elif casemapping == 'ascii': # freenode return s.lower() else: raise ValueError, 'Invalid casemapping: %r' % casemapping def strEqual(nick1, nick2): """s1, s2 => bool Returns True if nick1 == nick2 according to IRC case rules.""" assert isinstance(nick1, basestring) assert isinstance(nick2, basestring) return toLower(nick1) == toLower(nick2) nickEqual = strEqual _nickchars = r'[]\`_^{|}' nickRe = re.compile(r'^[A-Za-z%s][-0-9A-Za-z%s]*$' % (re.escape(_nickchars), re.escape(_nickchars))) def isNick(s, strictRfc=True, nicklen=None): """s => bool Returns True if s is a valid IRC nick.""" if strictRfc: ret = bool(nickRe.match(s)) if ret and nicklen is not None: ret = len(s) <= nicklen return ret else: return not isChannel(s) and \ not isUserHostmask(s) and \ not ' ' in s and not '!' in s def isChannel(s, chantypes='#&+!', channellen=50): """s => bool Returns True if s is a valid IRC channel name.""" return s and \ ',' not in s and \ '\x07' not in s and \ s[0] in chantypes and \ len(s) <= channellen and \ len(s.split(None, 1)) == 1 _patternCache = utils.structures.CacheDict(1000) def _hostmaskPatternEqual(pattern, hostmask): try: return _patternCache[pattern](hostmask) is not None except KeyError: # We make our own regexps, rather than use fnmatch, because fnmatch's # case-insensitivity is not IRC's case-insensitity. fd = sio() for c in pattern: if c == '*': fd.write('.*') elif c == '?': fd.write('.') elif c in '[{': fd.write('[[{]') elif c in '}]': fd.write(r'[}\]]') elif c in '|\\': fd.write(r'[|\\]') elif c in '^~': fd.write('[~^]') else: fd.write(re.escape(c)) fd.write('$') f = re.compile(fd.getvalue(), re.I).match _patternCache[pattern] = f return f(hostmask) is not None _hostmaskPatternEqualCache = utils.structures.CacheDict(1000) def hostmaskPatternEqual(pattern, hostmask): """pattern, hostmask => bool Returns True if hostmask matches the hostmask pattern pattern.""" try: return _hostmaskPatternEqualCache[(pattern, hostmask)] except KeyError: b = _hostmaskPatternEqual(pattern, hostmask) _hostmaskPatternEqualCache[(pattern, hostmask)] = b return b def banmask(hostmask): """Returns a properly generic banning hostmask for a hostmask. >>> banmask('nick!user@host.domain.tld') '*!*@*.domain.tld' >>> banmask('nick!user@') '*!*@10.0.0.*' """ assert isUserHostmask(hostmask) host = hostFromHostmask(hostmask) if utils.net.isIP(host): L = host.split('.') L[-1] = '*' return '*!*@' + '.'.join(L) elif utils.net.isIPV6(host): L = host.split(':') L[-1] = '*' return '*!*@' + ':'.join(L) else: if '.' in host: return '*!*@*%s' % host[host.find('.'):] else: return '*!*@' + host _plusRequireArguments = 'ovhblkqe' _minusRequireArguments = 'ovhbkqe' def separateModes(args): """Separates modelines into single mode change tuples. Basically, you should give it the .args of a MODE IrcMsg. Examples: >>> separateModes(['+ooo', 'jemfinch', 'StoneTable', 'philmes']) [('+o', 'jemfinch'), ('+o', 'StoneTable'), ('+o', 'philmes')] >>> separateModes(['+o-o', 'jemfinch', 'PeterB']) [('+o', 'jemfinch'), ('-o', 'PeterB')] >>> separateModes(['+s-o', 'test']) [('+s', None), ('-o', 'test')] >>> separateModes(['+sntl', '100']) [('+s', None), ('+n', None), ('+t', None), ('+l', 100)] """ if not args: return [] modes = args[0] assert modes[0] in '+-', 'Invalid args: %r' % args args = list(args[1:]) ret = [] for c in modes: if c in '+-': last = c else: if last == '+': requireArguments = _plusRequireArguments else: requireArguments = _minusRequireArguments if c in requireArguments: arg = args.pop(0) try: arg = int(arg) except ValueError: pass ret.append((last + c, arg)) else: ret.append((last + c, None)) return ret def joinModes(modes): """[(mode, targetOrNone), ...] => args Joins modes of the same form as returned by separateModes.""" args = [] modeChars = [] currentMode = '\x00' for (mode, arg) in modes: if arg is not None: args.append(arg) if not mode.startswith(currentMode): currentMode = mode[0] modeChars.append(mode[0]) modeChars.append(mode[1]) args.insert(0, ''.join(modeChars)) return args def bold(s): """Returns the string s, bolded.""" return '\x02%s\x02' % s def reverse(s): """Returns the string s, reverse-videoed.""" return '\x16%s\x16' % s def underline(s): """Returns the string s, underlined.""" return '\x1F%s\x1F' % s # Definition of mircColors dictionary moved below because it became an IrcDict. def mircColor(s, fg=None, bg=None): """Returns s with the appropriate mIRC color codes applied.""" if fg is None and bg is None: return s elif bg is None: fg = mircColors[str(fg)] return '\x03%s%s\x03' % (fg.zfill(2), s) elif fg is None: bg = mircColors[str(bg)] # According to the mirc color doc, a fg color MUST be specified if a # background color is specified. So, we'll specify 00 (white) if the # user doesn't specify one. return '\x0300,%s%s\x03' % (bg.zfill(2), s) else: fg = mircColors[str(fg)] bg = mircColors[str(bg)] # No need to zfill fg because the comma delimits. return '\x03%s,%s%s\x03' % (fg, bg.zfill(2), s) def canonicalColor(s, bg=False, shift=0): """Assigns an (fg, bg) canonical color pair to a string based on its hash value. This means it might change between Python versions. This pair can be used as a *parameter to mircColor. The shift parameter is how much to right-shift the hash value initially. """ h = hash(s) >> shift fg = h % 14 + 2 # The + 2 is to rule out black and white. if bg: bg = (h >> 4) & 3 # The 5th, 6th, and 7th least significant bits. if fg < 8: bg += 8 else: bg += 2 return (fg, bg) else: return (fg, None) def stripBold(s): """Returns the string s, with bold removed.""" return s.replace('\x02', '') _stripColorRe = re.compile(r'\x03(?:\d{1,2},\d{1,2}|\d{1,2}|,\d{1,2}|)') def stripColor(s): """Returns the string s, with color removed.""" return _stripColorRe.sub('', s) def stripReverse(s): """Returns the string s, with reverse-video removed.""" return s.replace('\x16', '') def stripUnderline(s): """Returns the string s, with underlining removed.""" return s.replace('\x1f', '').replace('\x1F', '') def stripFormatting(s): """Returns the string s, with all formatting removed.""" # stripColor has to go first because of some strings, check the tests. s = stripColor(s) s = stripBold(s) s = stripReverse(s) s = stripUnderline(s) return s.replace('\x0f', '').replace('\x0F', '') class FormatContext(object): def __init__(self): self.reset() def reset(self): self.fg = None self.bg = None self.bold = False self.reverse = False self.underline = False def start(self, s): """Given a string, starts all the formatters in this context.""" if self.bold: s = '\x02' + s if self.reverse: s = '\x16' + s if self.underline: s = '\x1f' + s if self.fg is not None or self.bg is not None: s = mircColor(s, fg=self.fg, bg=self.bg)[:-1] # Remove \x03. return s def end(self, s): """Given a string, ends all the formatters in this context.""" if self.bold or self.reverse or \ self.fg or self.bg or self.underline: # Should we individually end formatters? s += '\x0f' return s class FormatParser(object): def __init__(self, s): self.fd = sio(s) self.last = None def getChar(self): if self.last is not None: c = self.last self.last = None return c else: return self.fd.read(1) def ungetChar(self, c): self.last = c def parse(self): context = FormatContext() c = self.getChar() while c: if c == '\x02': context.bold = not context.bold elif c == '\x16': context.reverse = not context.reverse elif c == '\x1f': context.underline = not context.underline elif c == '\x0f': context.reset() elif c == '\x03': self.getColor(context) c = self.getChar() return context def getInt(self): i = 0 setI = False c = self.getChar() while c.isdigit() and i < 100: setI = True i *= 10 i += int(c) c = self.getChar() self.ungetChar(c) if setI: return i else: return None def getColor(self, context): context.fg = self.getInt() c = self.getChar() if c == ',': context.bg = self.getInt() def wrap(s, length): processed = [] chunks = textwrap.wrap(s, length) context = None for chunk in chunks: if context is not None: chunk = context.start(chunk) context = FormatParser(chunk).parse() processed.append(context.end(chunk)) return processed def isValidArgument(s): """Returns whether s is strictly a valid argument for an IRC message.""" return '\r' not in s and '\n' not in s and '\x00' not in s def safeArgument(s): """If s is unsafe for IRC, returns a safe version.""" if isinstance(s, unicode): s = s.encode('utf-8') elif not isinstance(s, basestring): debug('Got a non-string in safeArgument: %r', s) s = str(s) if isValidArgument(s): return s else: return repr(s) def replyTo(msg): """Returns the appropriate target to send responses to msg.""" if isChannel(msg.args[0]): return msg.args[0] else: return msg.nick def dccIP(ip): """Converts an IP string to the DCC integer form.""" assert utils.net.isIP(ip), \ 'argument must be a string ip in xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx format.' i = 0 x = 256**3 for quad in ip.split('.'): i += int(quad)*x x /= 256 return i def unDccIP(i): """Takes an integer DCC IP and return a normal string IP.""" assert isinstance(i, (int, long)), '%r is not an number.' % i L = [] while len(L) < 4: L.append(i % 256) i /= 256 L.reverse() return '.'.join(utils.iter.imap(str, L)) class IrcString(str): """This class does case-insensitive comparison and hashing of nicks.""" def __new__(cls, s=''): x = super(IrcString, cls).__new__(cls, s) x.lowered = toLower(x) return x def __eq__(self, s): try: return toLower(s) == self.lowered except: return False def __ne__(self, s): return not (self == s) def __hash__(self): return hash(self.lowered) class IrcDict(utils.InsensitivePreservingDict): """Subclass of dict to make key comparison IRC-case insensitive.""" def key(self, s): if s is not None: s = toLower(s) return s class CallableValueIrcDict(IrcDict): def __getitem__(self, k): v = super(IrcDict, self).__getitem__(k) if callable(v): v = v() return v class IrcSet(utils.NormalizingSet): """A sets.Set using IrcStrings instead of regular strings.""" def normalize(self, s): return IrcString(s) def __reduce__(self): return (self.__class__, (list(self),)) class FloodQueue(object): timeout = 0 def __init__(self, timeout=None, queues=None): if timeout is not None: self.timeout = timeout if queues is None: queues = IrcDict() self.queues = queues def __repr__(self): return 'FloodQueue(timeout=%r, queues=%s)' % (self.timeout, repr(self.queues)) def key(self, msg): # This really ought to be configurable without subclassing, but for # now, it works. # used to be msg.user + '@' + msg.host but that was too easily abused. return msg.host def getTimeout(self): if callable(self.timeout): return self.timeout() else: return self.timeout def _getQueue(self, msg, insert=True): key = self.key(msg) try: return self.queues[key] except KeyError: if insert: # python-- # instancemethod.__repr__ calls the instance.__repr__, which # means that our __repr__ calls self.queues.__repr__, which # calls structures.TimeoutQueue.__repr__, which calls # getTimeout.__repr__, which calls our __repr__, which calls... getTimeout = lambda : self.getTimeout() q = utils.structures.TimeoutQueue(getTimeout) self.queues[key] = q return q else: return None def enqueue(self, msg, what=None): if what is None: what = msg q = self._getQueue(msg) q.enqueue(what) def len(self, msg): q = self._getQueue(msg, insert=False) if q is not None: return len(q) else: return 0 def has(self, msg, what=None): q = self._getQueue(msg, insert=False) if q is not None: if what is None: what = msg for elt in q: if elt == what: return True return False mircColors = IrcDict({ 'white': '0', 'black': '1', 'blue': '2', 'green': '3', 'red': '4', 'brown': '5', 'purple': '6', 'orange': '7', 'yellow': '8', 'light green': '9', 'teal': '10', 'light blue': '11', 'dark blue': '12', 'pink': '13', 'dark grey': '14', 'light grey': '15', 'dark gray': '14', 'light gray': '15', }) # We'll map integers to their string form so mircColor is simpler. for (k, v) in mircColors.items(): if k is not None: # Ignore empty string for None. sv = str(v) mircColors[sv] = sv def standardSubstitute(irc, msg, text, env=None): """Do the standard set of substitutions on text, and return it""" if isChannel(msg.args[0]): channel = msg.args[0] else: channel = 'somewhere' def randInt(): return str(random.randint(-1000, 1000)) def randDate(): t = pow(2,30)*random.random()+time.time()/4.0 return time.ctime(t) def randNick(): if channel != 'somewhere': L = list(irc.state.channels[channel].users) if len(L) > 1: n = msg.nick while n == msg.nick: n = utils.iter.choice(L) return n else: return msg.nick else: return 'someone' ctime = time.strftime("%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y") localtime = time.localtime() vars = CallableValueIrcDict({ 'who': msg.nick, 'nick': msg.nick, 'user': msg.user, 'host': msg.host, 'channel': channel, 'botnick': irc.nick, 'now': ctime, 'ctime': ctime, 'randnick': randNick, 'randomnick': randNick, 'randdate': randDate, 'randomdate': randDate, 'rand': randInt, 'randint': randInt, 'randomint': randInt, 'today': time.strftime('%d %b %Y', localtime), 'year': localtime[0], 'month': localtime[1], 'monthname': time.strftime('%b', localtime), 'date': localtime[2], 'day': time.strftime('%A', localtime), 'h': localtime[3], 'hr': localtime[3], 'hour': localtime[3], 'm': localtime[4], 'min': localtime[4], 'minute': localtime[4], 's': localtime[5], 'sec': localtime[5], 'second': localtime[5], 'tz': time.strftime('%Z', localtime), }) if env is not None: vars.update(env) t = string.Template(text) t.idpattern = '[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' return t.safe_substitute(vars) if __name__ == '__main__': import sys, doctest doctest.testmod(sys.modules['__main__']) # 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