These are a list of recurrent bugs in Supybot, and ways to notice them. It just might come in useful for people maintaining code. 1. Using == or != when you mean ircutils.strEqual. Nicks, prefixes, and channels should be compared for equality not by == or !=, but by ircutils.strEqual. This does a case-normalized check. Don't just use lower() because that doesn't use the rfc1459 casemapping. To find: grep == plugins/*.py | egrep "nick|channel" grep "!=" plugins/*.py | egrep "nick|channel" 2. Using a warning log when it really should be an info log. Users don't like to see warnings. If we have warning logs, they'll complain. So let's try to make them complain as little as possible, and only use warnings when you've encountered a *very* odd situation, or when you need more information before determining if something is correct. An example: The Services plugin has two methods, doNickservNotice and doChanservNotice, which doNotice dispatches to appropriately. Now, we can't possibly predict all the possible messages that ChanServ or NickServ might send to us. So I put a default clause in there that just says, "Hey, this is an unexpected message from ChanServ/NickServ: ..." I log this at warning level because I want to know when there's a NickServ/ChanServ message I haven't seen before. This works: the warning makes users report it. Another example: We used to log failures in snarfers at the warning level. But do the users really want to be warned when a given "url" isn't valid? No! So now we just make it an info log, so that users who care can still see why a snarfer didn't snarf, but no one complains to us about it. To find: grep log.warning plugins/*.py 3. Spelling errors. They plague almost every large piece of software. Supybot is no different, but we have a weapon against them: Give a set of files, and it'll extract all the non-raw literal strings from the source code and output them to a file, with the originating file, line number, and string. Spell-checking Supybot is just a matter of taking this 10,000 line file and an hour and running aspell over it, correcting the errors in the original file as you find them. To find: src/*.py plugins/*.py scripts/supybot* 4. Pegging the CPU. It has happened in the past that bugs in Supybot have caused 100% CPU usage. These are insidious, and generally hard to track down. Here are our tools against them; we assuming that the bug is reproducible. First, I load the Debug plugin and settrace to a file, then I quickly reproduce the bug, and let the CPU spin for awhile. Then I kill the bot and check the trace file (which should be large). I look for patterns that would indicate an infinite loop of some sort. Second, I strace the bot when it's looping. If I see output, it's making syscalls; if I don't see any output, it's not. If it's making syscalls, that might mean it's looping in the network drivers somehow; if not, it's somewhere else. Third, I check that no regexps could be causing it. They're notorious for appearing safe, but actually hiding exponential complexity code (the kind of code that strong cryptography is based on). After that, I pray harder :)