### # Copyright (c) 2002-2005, Jeremiah Fincher # Copyright (c) 2008, James McCoy # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions, and the following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions, and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # * Neither the name of the author of this software nor the name of # contributors to this software may be used to endorse or promote products # derived from this software without specific prior written consent. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" # AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR # CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF # SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS # INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN # CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) # ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ### import re from supybot.test import * class MiscTestCase(ChannelPluginTestCase): plugins = ('Misc', 'Utilities', 'Anonymous', 'Plugin', 'Channel', 'Dict', 'User', 'String') def testReplyWhenNotCommand(self): try: original = conf.supybot.reply.whenNotCommand() conf.supybot.reply.whenNotCommand.setValue(True) self.prefix = 'somethingElse!user@host.domain.tld' self.assertRegexp('foo', 'not.*command') self.assertRegexp('foo bar baz', 'not.*command') finally: conf.supybot.reply.whenNotCommand.setValue(original) def testReplyWhenNotCommandButFirstCommandIsPluginName(self): try: original = conf.supybot.reply.whenNotCommand() conf.supybot.reply.whenNotCommand.setValue(True) self.assertRegexp('misc foo', '"list Misc"') finally: conf.supybot.reply.whenNotCommand.setValue(original) # if network: # def testNotReplyWhenRegexpsMatch(self): # try: # orig = conf.supybot.reply.whenNotCommand() # gk = conf.supybot.plugins.Gameknot.gameSnarfer() # conf.supybot.reply.whenNotCommand.setValue(True) # conf.supybot.plugins.Gameknot.gameSnarfer.setValue(True) # self.prefix = 'somethingElse!user@host.domain.tld' # self.assertSnarfNotError( # 'http://gameknot.com/chess.pl?bd=1019508') # finally: # conf.supybot.reply.whenNotCommand.setValue(orig) # conf.supybot.plugins.Gameknot.gameSnarfer.setValue(gk) def testNotReplyWhenNotCanonicalName(self): try: original = str(conf.supybot.reply.whenNotCommand) conf.supybot.reply.whenNotCommand.set('True') self.prefix = 'somethingElse!user@host.domain.tld' self.assertNotRegexp('LeN foobar', 'command') self.assertResponse('lEn foobar', '6') finally: conf.supybot.reply.whenNotCommand.set(original) def testHelp(self): self.assertHelp('help list') self.assertRegexp('help help', r'^\(\x02help') #self.assertRegexp('help misc help', r'^\(\x02misc help') self.assertError('help nonExistentCommand') def testPluginHelp(self): self.assertResponse('help Misc', 'Error: There is no command "misc". ' "However, 'Misc' is the name of a loaded plugin, " "and you may be able to find its help using " "'plugin help Misc' and its provided " "commands using 'list Misc'.") self.assertNotError('unload Plugin') self.assertResponse('help Misc', 'Error: There is no command "misc". ' "However, 'Misc' is the name of a loaded plugin, " "and you may be able to find its provided commands using " "'list Misc'.") def testHelpIncludeFullCommandName(self): self.assertHelp('help channel capability add') m = self.getMsg('help channel capability add') self.assertTrue('channel capability add' in m.args[1]) def testHelpDoesAmbiguityWithDefaultPlugins(self): m = self.getMsg('help list') # Misc.list and User.list. self.assertFalse(m.args[1].startswith('Error')) def testHelpIsCaseInsensitive(self): self.assertHelp('help LIST') def testList(self): self.assertNotError('list') self.assertNotError('list Misc') self.assertRegexp('list --unloaded', 'Ctcp') def testListIsCaseInsensitive(self): self.assertNotError('list misc') def testListPrivate(self): # If Anonymous changes to public, these tests will break. So if # the next assert fails, change the plugin we test for public/private # to some other non-public plugin. name = 'Anonymous' conf.supybot.plugins.Anonymous.public.setValue(False) self.assertNotRegexp('list', name) self.assertRegexp('list --private', name) conf.supybot.plugins.Anonymous.public.setValue(True) self.assertRegexp('list', name) self.assertNotRegexp('list --private', name) def testListUnloaded(self): unloadedPlugin = 'Alias' loadedPlugin = 'Anonymous' self.assertRegexp('list --unloaded', 'Alias') self.assertNotRegexp('list --unloaded', 'Anonymous') def testListDoesNotIncludeNonCanonicalName(self): self.assertNotRegexp('list Owner', '_exec') def testListNoIncludeDispatcher(self): self.assertNotRegexp('list Misc', 'misc') def testListIncludesDispatcherIfThereIsAnOriginalCommand(self): self.assertRegexp('list Dict', r'\bdict\b') if network: def testVersion(self): print('*** This test should start passing when we have our '\ 'threaded issues resolved.') self.assertNotError('version') def testSource(self): self.assertNotError('source') def testTell(self): # This test fails because the test is seeing us as owner and Misc.tell # allows the owner to send messages to people the bot hasn't seen. oldprefix, self.prefix = self.prefix, 'tester!foo@bar__no_testcap__baz' self.nick = 'tester' m = self.getMsg('tell aljsdkfh [plugin tell]') self.assertTrue('let you do' in m.args[1]) m = self.getMsg('tell #foo [plugin tell]') self.assertTrue('No need for' in m.args[1]) m = self.getMsg('tell me you love me') m = self.irc.takeMsg() self.assertTrue(m.args[0] == self.nick) def testNoNestedTell(self): self.assertRegexp('echo [tell %s foo]' % self.nick, 'nested') def testTellDoesNotPropogateAction(self): m = self.getMsg('tell foo [action bar]') self.assertFalse(ircmsgs.isAction(m)) def testLast(self): orig = conf.supybot.plugins.Misc.timestampFormat() try: conf.supybot.plugins.Misc.timestampFormat.setValue('') self.feedMsg('foo bar baz') self.assertResponse('last', '<%s> foo bar baz' % self.nick) self.assertRegexp('last', r'<%s> @last' % self.nick) self.assertResponse('last --with foo', '<%s> foo bar baz' % \ self.nick) self.assertResponse('last --without foo', '<%s> @last' % self.nick) self.assertRegexp(r'last --regexp m/\s+/', r'last --without foo') self.assertResponse('last --regexp m/bar/', '<%s> foo bar baz' % self.nick) self.assertResponse('last --from %s' % self.nick.upper(), '<%s> @last --regexp m/bar/' % self.nick) self.assertResponse('last --from %s*' % self.nick[0], '<%s> @last --from %s' % (self.nick, self.nick.upper())) conf.supybot.plugins.Misc.timestampFormat.setValue('foo') self.assertSnarfNoResponse('foo bar baz', 1) self.assertResponse('last', 'foo <%s> foo bar baz' % self.nick) finally: conf.supybot.plugins.Misc.timestampFormat.setValue(orig) def testNestedLastTimestampConfig(self): tsConfig = conf.supybot.plugins.Misc.last.nested.includeTimestamp orig = tsConfig() try: tsConfig.setValue(True) self.getMsg('foo bar baz') chars = conf.supybot.reply.whenAddressedBy.chars() chars = re.escape(chars) self.assertRegexp('echo [last]', r'[%s]foo bar baz' % chars) finally: tsConfig.setValue(orig) def testNestedLastNickConfig(self): nickConfig = conf.supybot.plugins.Misc.last.nested.includeNick orig = nickConfig() try: nickConfig.setValue(True) self.getMsg('foo bar baz') chars = conf.supybot.reply.whenAddressedBy.chars() chars = re.escape(chars) self.assertRegexp('echo [last]', '<%s> [%s]foo bar baz' % (self.nick, chars)) finally: nickConfig.setValue(orig) def testMore(self): self.assertResponse('echo %s' % ('abc '*400), 'abc '*112 + ' \x02(3 more messages)\x02') self.assertResponse('more', 'abc '*112 + ' \x02(2 more messages)\x02') self.assertResponse('more', 'abc '*112 + ' \x02(1 more message)\x02') self.assertResponse('more', ' '.join(['abc']*(400-112*3))) self.assertResponse('more', "Error: That's all, there is no more.") def testMoreMores(self): with conf.supybot.plugins.Misc.mores.context(2): self.assertResponse('echo %s' % ('abc '*400), 'abc '*112 + ' \x02(3 more messages)\x02') self.assertResponse('more', 'abc '*112 + ' \x02(2 more messages)\x02') m = self.irc.takeMsg() self.assertIsNot(m, None) self.assertEqual( m.args[1], 'abc '*112 + ' \x02(1 more message)\x02') self.assertResponse('more', ' '.join(['abc']*(400-112*3))) self.assertResponse('more', "Error: That's all, there is no more.") def testMoreBatch(self): self.irc.state.capabilities_ack.add('batch') self.irc.state.capabilities_ack.add('draft/multiline') self.irc.state.capabilities_ls['draft/multiline'] = 'max-bytes=4096' with conf.supybot.protocols.irc.experimentalExtensions.context(True): with conf.supybot.plugins.Misc.mores.context(2): self.assertResponse('echo %s' % ('abc '*400), 'abc '*112 + ' \x02(3 more messages)\x02') self.irc.feedMsg(ircmsgs.privmsg( self.channel, "@more", prefix=self.prefix)) # First message opens the batch m = self.irc.takeMsg() self.assertEqual(m.command, 'BATCH', m) batch_name = m.args[0][1:] self.assertEqual( m, ircmsgs.IrcMsg(command='BATCH', args=('+' + batch_name, 'draft/multiline', self.channel))) # Second message, first PRIVMSG m = self.irc.takeMsg() self.assertEqual( m, ircmsgs.IrcMsg(command='PRIVMSG', args=(self.channel, "abc " * 112 + " \x02(2 more messages)\x02"), server_tags={'batch': batch_name})) # Third message, last PRIVMSG m = self.irc.takeMsg() self.assertEqual( m, ircmsgs.IrcMsg(command='PRIVMSG', args=(self.channel, "abc " * 112 + " \x02(1 more message)\x02"), server_tags={'batch': batch_name})) # Last message, closes the batch m = self.irc.takeMsg() self.assertEqual( m, ircmsgs.IrcMsg(command='BATCH', args=( '-' + batch_name,))) def testMoreBatchMaxLines(self): self.irc.state.capabilities_ack.add('batch') self.irc.state.capabilities_ack.add('draft/multiline') self.irc.state.capabilities_ls['draft/multiline'] = \ 'max-bytes=4096,max-lines=2' with conf.supybot.protocols.irc.experimentalExtensions.context(True): with conf.supybot.plugins.Misc.mores.context(3): self.assertResponse('echo %s' % ('abc '*400), 'abc '*112 + ' \x02(3 more messages)\x02') self.irc.feedMsg(ircmsgs.privmsg( self.channel, "@more", prefix=self.prefix)) # First message opens the batch m = self.irc.takeMsg() self.assertEqual(m.command, 'BATCH', m) batch_name = m.args[0][1:] self.assertEqual( m, ircmsgs.IrcMsg(command='BATCH', args=('+' + batch_name, 'draft/multiline', self.channel))) # Second message, first PRIVMSG m = self.irc.takeMsg() self.assertEqual( m, ircmsgs.IrcMsg(command='PRIVMSG', args=(self.channel, "abc " * 112 + " \x02(2 more messages)\x02"), server_tags={'batch': batch_name})) # Third message, last PRIVMSG m = self.irc.takeMsg() self.assertEqual( m, ircmsgs.IrcMsg(command='PRIVMSG', args=(self.channel, "abc " * 112 + " \x02(1 more message)\x02"), server_tags={'batch': batch_name})) # Last message, closes the batch m = self.irc.takeMsg() self.assertEqual( m, ircmsgs.IrcMsg(command='BATCH', args=( '-' + batch_name,))) def testClearMores(self): self.assertRegexp('echo %s' % ('abc'*700), 'more') self.assertRegexp('more', 'more') self.assertNotError('clearmores') self.assertError('more') def testInvalidCommand(self): self.assertError('echo []') def testInvalidCommands(self): with conf.supybot.abuse.flood.command.invalid.maximum.context(3): self.assertNotRegexp('foo', 'given me', frm='f!f@__no_testcap__') self.assertNotRegexp('bar', 'given me', frm='f!f@__no_testcap__') self.assertNotRegexp('baz', 'given me', frm='f!f@__no_testcap__') self.assertRegexp('qux', 'given me', frm='f!f@__no_testcap__') def testMoreIsCaseInsensitive(self): self.assertNotError('echo %s' % ('abc'*2000)) self.assertNotError('more') nick = ircutils.nickFromHostmask(self.prefix) self.assertNotError('more %s' % nick) self.assertNotError('more %s' % nick.upper()) self.assertNotError('more %s' % nick.lower()) def testApropos(self): self.assertNotError('apropos f') self.assertRegexp('apropos asldkfjasdlkfja', 'No appropriate commands') def testAproposIsNotCaseSensitive(self): self.assertNotRegexp('apropos LIST', 'No appropriate commands') def testAproposDoesntReturnNonCanonicalNames(self): self.assertNotRegexp('apropos exec', '_exec') # 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