.. _plugin-AutoMode: Documentation for the AutoMode plugin for Supybot ================================================= Purpose ------- Automatically ops, voices, or halfops, or bans people when they join a channel, according to their capabilities. If you want your bot automatically op users when they join your channel, this is the plugin to load. Usage ----- This plugin, when configured, allows the bot to automatically set modes on users when they join. * if ``plugins.automode.op`` is set to ``True``, users with the ``#channel,op`` capability are opped when they join. * if ``plugins.automode.halfop`` is set to ``True``, users with the ``#channel,halfop`` are halfopped when they join. * if ``plugins.automode.voice`` is set to ``True``, users with the ``#channel,voice`` are voiced when they join. This plugin also kbans people on ``@channel ban list`` (``config plugins.automode.ban``) when they join and if moding users with lower capability is enabled, that is also applied to users with higher capability (``config plugins.automode.fallthrough``). Configuration ------------- supybot.plugins.AutoMode.alternativeCapabilities This config variable defaults to "True", is network-specific, and is channel-specific. Determines whether the bot will check for 'alternative capabilities' (ie. autoop, autohalfop, autovoice) in addition to/instead of classic ones. supybot.plugins.AutoMode.ban This config variable defaults to "True", is network-specific, and is channel-specific. Determines whether the bot will automatically ban people who join the channel and are on the banlist. supybot.plugins.AutoMode.ban.period This config variable defaults to "86400", is network-specific, and is channel-specific. Determines how many seconds the bot will automatically ban a person when banning. supybot.plugins.AutoMode.delay This config variable defaults to "0", is network-specific, and is channel-specific. Determines how many seconds the bot will wait before applying a mode. Has no effect on bans. supybot.plugins.AutoMode.enable This config variable defaults to "True", is network-specific, and is channel-specific. Determines whether this plugin is enabled. supybot.plugins.AutoMode.extra This config variable defaults to " ", is network-specific, and is channel-specific. Extra modes that will be applied to a user. Example syntax: user1+o-v user2+v user3-v supybot.plugins.AutoMode.fallthrough This config variable defaults to "True", is network-specific, and is channel-specific. Determines whether the bot will "fall through" to halfop/voicing when auto-opping is turned off but auto-halfopping/voicing are turned on. supybot.plugins.AutoMode.halfop This config variable defaults to "False", is network-specific, and is channel-specific. Determines whether the bot will automatically halfop people with the ,halfop capability when they join the channel. supybot.plugins.AutoMode.op This config variable defaults to "False", is network-specific, and is channel-specific. Determines whether the bot will automatically op people with the ,op capability when they join the channel. supybot.plugins.AutoMode.owner This config variable defaults to "False", is not network-specific, and is not channel-specific. Determines whether this plugin will automode owners even if they don't have op/halfop/voice/whatever capability. supybot.plugins.AutoMode.public This config variable defaults to "True", is not network-specific, and is not channel-specific. Determines whether this plugin is publicly visible. supybot.plugins.AutoMode.voice This config variable defaults to "False", is network-specific, and is channel-specific. Determines whether the bot will automatically voice people with the ,voice capability when they join the channel.