So, you want to hack on Supybot? Cool! I'm glad -- more developers means more users, and more users means better software (although I suppose more developers means better software even without the addition of more users :)) Anyway, there are a few things you should know before you submit your code to be accepted into Supybot. The first, and most important thing is that we really do value your contribution. We may say that it's not appropriate for the core distribution and any number of varying reasons, but regardless, we're happy that you're hacking on Supybot and bending it to your will, and we'll be happy to post your patch as long as it applies cleanly. The second thing you should know is that, despite the fact that we're happy you want to contribute to Supybot, we're not afraid to piss you off by turning down your code. We won't hesitate to reject code because it's "bad" or because it doesn't fit our style guidelines (read docs/STYLE). We don't really care if it makes you angry or makes you use another IRC bot; we're in the practice of writing good software, not placating whiners. Despite this, we're not entirely heartless, and if you've done something we're interested in, we're willing to work with you and your code until such a time as it's ready to be accepted into the core. But if, at some point, we say, "This needs fixed" and you say, "I refuse to fix it," you can go put your code on the patch tracker; our time together is done. Supybot is #1 here -- we don't care about your feelings, we don't care about jamessan's feelings, we don't care about jemfinch's feelings if it means that the code quality and user experience of Supybot is to suffer. Anyway, the normal process is that you'll submit a few patches, jemfinch will review them and tell you what needs to happen for them to be accepted into the core, you'll fix those problems, jemfinch will review them again, that cycle will repeat a few times. When your code is to jemfinch's satisfaction, it'll be integrated into the core. For many people, this is the end of the line. For some others (perhaps you!), you'll continue to write patches for Supybot, and your coding ability and commitment will be obvious through those. If your code quality is consistently high enough that jemfinch (or other Supybot developers) don't have to spend a significant amount of time reviewing your code, you'll be added as a developer on the project and given commit access to our CVS repository. From then on, you can do what you want, but be aware that the other developers are watching what you do -- if you have a big architecture change, you should probably talk to them before you commit. So welcome aboard, and have fun hacking on Supybot!