### # Copyright (c) 2003-2005, Daniel DiPaolo # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions, and the following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions, and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # * Neither the name of the author of this software nor the name of # contributors to this software may be used to endorse or promote products # derived from this software without specific prior written consent. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" # AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR # CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF # SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS # INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN # CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) # ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ### import os import time import shlex import string from cStringIO import StringIO import supybot.conf as conf import supybot.ircdb as ircdb import supybot.utils as utils from supybot.commands import * import supybot.plugins as plugins import supybot.ircutils as ircutils import supybot.callbacks as callbacks allchars = string.maketrans('', '') class OptionList(object): validChars = allchars.translate(allchars, '|()') def _insideParens(self, lexer): ret = [] while True: token = lexer.get_token() if not token: return '(%s' % ''.join(ret) #) elif token == ')': if '|' in ret: L = map(''.join, utils.iter.split('|'.__eq__, ret, yieldEmpty=True)) return utils.iter.choice(L) else: return '(%s)' % ''.join(ret) elif token == '(': ret.append(self._insideParens(lexer)) elif token == '|': ret.append(token) else: ret.append(token) def tokenize(self, s): lexer = shlex.shlex(StringIO(s)) lexer.commenters = '' lexer.quotes = '' lexer.whitespace = '' lexer.wordchars = self.validChars ret = [] while True: token = lexer.get_token() if not token: break elif token == '(': ret.append(self._insideParens(lexer)) else: ret.append(token) return ''.join(ret) def pickOptions(s): return OptionList().tokenize(s) class SqliteMoobotDB(object): def __init__(self, filename): self.filename = filename self.dbs = ircutils.IrcDict() def close(self): for db in self.dbs.itervalues(): db.close() self.dbs.clear() def _getDb(self, channel): try: import sqlite3 except ImportError: from pysqlite2 import dbapi2 as sqlite3 # for python2.4 if channel in self.dbs: return self.dbs[channel] filename = plugins.makeChannelFilename(self.filename, channel) if os.path.exists(filename): db = sqlite3.connect(filename, check_same_thread = False) db.text_factory = str self.dbs[channel] = db return db db = sqlite3.connect(filename, check_same_thread = False) db.text_factory = str self.dbs[channel] = db cursor = db.cursor() cursor.execute("""CREATE TABLE factoids ( key TEXT PRIMARY KEY, created_by INTEGER, created_at TIMESTAMP, modified_by INTEGER, modified_at TIMESTAMP, locked_at TIMESTAMP, locked_by INTEGER, last_requested_by TEXT, last_requested_at TIMESTAMP, fact TEXT, requested_count INTEGER )""") db.commit() return db def getFactoid(self, channel, key): db = self._getDb(channel) cursor = db.cursor() cursor.execute("""SELECT fact FROM factoids WHERE key LIKE ?""", (key,)) results = cursor.fetchall() if len(results) == 0: return None else: return results[0] def getFactinfo(self, channel, key): db = self._getDb(channel) cursor = db.cursor() cursor.execute("""SELECT created_by, created_at, modified_by, modified_at, last_requested_by, last_requested_at, requested_count, locked_by, locked_at FROM factoids WHERE key LIKE ?""", (key,)) results = cursor.fetchall() if len(results) == 0: return None else: return results[0] def randomFactoid(self, channel): db = self._getDb(channel) cursor = db.cursor() cursor.execute("""SELECT fact, key FROM factoids ORDER BY random() LIMIT 1""") results = cursor.fetchall() if len(results) == 0: return None else: return results[0] def addFactoid(self, channel, key, value, creator_id): db = self._getDb(channel) cursor = db.cursor() cursor.execute("""INSERT INTO factoids VALUES (?, ?, ?, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, ?, 0)""", (key, creator_id, int(time.time()), value)) db.commit() def updateFactoid(self, channel, key, newvalue, modifier_id): db = self._getDb(channel) cursor = db.cursor() cursor.execute("""UPDATE factoids SET fact=?, modified_by=?, modified_at=? WHERE key LIKE ?""", (newvalue, modifier_id, int(time.time()), key)) db.commit() def updateRequest(self, channel, key, hostmask): db = self._getDb(channel) cursor = db.cursor() cursor.execute("""UPDATE factoids SET last_requested_by = ?, last_requested_at = ?, requested_count = requested_count + 1 WHERE key = ?""", (hostmask, int(time.time()), key)) db.commit() def removeFactoid(self, channel, key): db = self._getDb(channel) cursor = db.cursor() cursor.execute("""DELETE FROM factoids WHERE key LIKE ?""", (key,)) db.commit() def locked(self, channel, key): db = self._getDb(channel) cursor = db.cursor() cursor.execute ("""SELECT locked_by FROM factoids WHERE key LIKE ?""", (key,)) if cursor.fetchone()[0] is None: return False else: return True def lock(self, channel, key, locker_id): db = self._getDb(channel) cursor = db.cursor() cursor.execute("""UPDATE factoids SET locked_by=?, locked_at=? WHERE key LIKE ?""", (locker_id, int(time.time()), key)) db.commit() def unlock(self, channel, key): db = self._getDb(channel) cursor = db.cursor() cursor.execute("""UPDATE factoids SET locked_by=?, locked_at=? WHERE key LIKE ?""", (None, None, key)) db.commit() def mostAuthored(self, channel, limit): db = self._getDb(channel) cursor = db.cursor() cursor.execute("""SELECT created_by, count(key) FROM factoids GROUP BY created_by ORDER BY count(key) DESC LIMIT ?""", (limit,)) return cursor.fetchall() def mostRecent(self, channel, limit): db = self._getDb(channel) cursor = db.cursor() cursor.execute("""SELECT key FROM factoids ORDER BY created_at DESC LIMIT ?""", (limit,)) return cursor.fetchall() def mostPopular(self, channel, limit): db = self._getDb(channel) cursor = db.cursor() cursor.execute("""SELECT key, requested_count FROM factoids WHERE requested_count > 0 ORDER BY requested_count DESC LIMIT ?""", (limit,)) results = cursor.fetchall() return results def getKeysByAuthor(self, channel, authorId): db = self._getDb(channel) cursor = db.cursor() cursor.execute("""SELECT key FROM factoids WHERE created_by=? ORDER BY key""", (authorId,)) results = cursor.fetchall() return results def getKeysByGlob(self, channel, glob): db = self._getDb(channel) cursor = db.cursor() glob = '%%%s%%' % glob cursor.execute("""SELECT key FROM factoids WHERE key LIKE ? ORDER BY key""", (glob,)) results = cursor.fetchall() return results def getKeysByValueGlob(self, channel, glob): db = self._getDb(channel) cursor = db.cursor() glob = '%%%s%%' % glob cursor.execute("""SELECT key FROM factoids WHERE fact LIKE ? ORDER BY key""", (glob,)) results = cursor.fetchall() return results MoobotDB = plugins.DB('MoobotFactoids', {'sqlite3': SqliteMoobotDB}) class MoobotFactoids(callbacks.Plugin): """Add the help for "@help MoobotFactoids" here (assuming you don't implement a MoobotFactoids command). This should describe *how* to use this plugin.""" callBefore = ['Dunno'] def __init__(self, irc): self.db = MoobotDB() self.__parent = super(MoobotFactoids, self) self.__parent.__init__(irc) def die(self): self.__parent.die() self.db.close() def reset(self): self.db.close() _replyTag = '' _actionTag = '' def _parseFactoid(self, irc, msg, fact): type = 'define' # Default is to just spit the factoid back as a # definition of what the key is (i.e., "foo is bar") newfact = pickOptions(fact) if newfact.startswith(self._replyTag): newfact = newfact[len(self._replyTag):] type = 'reply' elif newfact.startswith(self._actionTag): newfact = newfact[len(self._actionTag):] type = 'action' newfact = newfact.strip() newfact = ircutils.standardSubstitute(irc, msg, newfact) return (type, newfact) def invalidCommand(self, irc, msg, tokens): if '=~' in tokens: self.changeFactoid(irc, msg, tokens) elif tokens and tokens[0] in ('no', 'no,'): self.replaceFactoid(irc, msg, tokens) elif ['is', 'also'] in utils.seq.window(tokens, 2): self.augmentFactoid(irc, msg, tokens) else: key = ' '.join(tokens) key = self._sanitizeKey(key) channel = plugins.getChannel(msg.args[0]) fact = self.db.getFactoid(channel, key) if fact: self.db.updateRequest(channel, key, msg.prefix) # getFactoid returns "all results", so we need to extract the # first one. fact = fact[0] # Update the requested count/requested by for this key hostmask = msg.prefix # Now actually get the factoid and respond accordingly (type, text) = self._parseFactoid(irc, msg, fact) if type == 'action': irc.reply(text, action=True) elif type == 'reply': irc.reply(text, prefixNick=False) elif type == 'define': irc.reply(format('%s is %s', key, text), prefixNick=False) else: assert False, 'Spurious type from _parseFactoid' else: if 'is' in tokens or '_is_' in tokens: self.addFactoid(irc, msg, tokens) def _getUserId(self, irc, prefix): try: return ircdb.users.getUserId(prefix) except KeyError: irc.errorNotRegistered(Raise=True) def _sanitizeKey(self, key): return key.rstrip('!? ') def _checkNotLocked(self, irc, channel, key): if self.db.locked(channel, key): irc.error(format('Factoid %q is locked.', key), Raise=True) def _getFactoid(self, irc, channel, key): fact = self.db.getFactoid(channel, key) if fact is not None: return fact else: irc.error(format('Factoid %q not found.', key), Raise=True) def _getKeyAndFactoid(self, tokens): if '_is_' in tokens: p = '_is_'.__eq__ elif 'is' in tokens: p = 'is'.__eq__ else: self.log.debug('Invalid tokens for {add,replace}Factoid: %s.', tokens) s = 'Missing an \'is\' or \'_is_\'.' raise ValueError, s (key, newfact) = map(' '.join, utils.iter.split(p, tokens, maxsplit=1)) key = self._sanitizeKey(key) return (key, newfact) def addFactoid(self, irc, msg, tokens): # First, check and see if the entire message matches a factoid key channel = plugins.getChannel(msg.args[0]) id = self._getUserId(irc, msg.prefix) try: (key, fact) = self._getKeyAndFactoid(tokens) except ValueError, e: irc.error(str(e), Raise=True) # Check and make sure it's not in the DB already if self.db.getFactoid(channel, key): irc.error(format('Factoid %q already exists.', key), Raise=True) self.db.addFactoid(channel, key, fact, id) irc.replySuccess() def changeFactoid(self, irc, msg, tokens): id = self._getUserId(irc, msg.prefix) (key, regexp) = map(' '.join, utils.iter.split('=~'.__eq__, tokens, maxsplit=1)) channel = plugins.getChannel(msg.args[0]) # Check and make sure it's in the DB fact = self._getFactoid(irc, channel, key) self._checkNotLocked(irc, channel, key) # It's fair game if we get to here try: r = utils.str.perlReToReplacer(regexp) except ValueError, e: irc.errorInvalid('regexp', regexp, Raise=True) fact = fact[0] new_fact = r(fact) self.db.updateFactoid(channel, key, new_fact, id) irc.replySuccess() def augmentFactoid(self, irc, msg, tokens): # Must be registered! id = self._getUserId(irc, msg.prefix) pairs = list(utils.seq.window(tokens, 2)) isAlso = pairs.index(['is', 'also']) key = ' '.join(tokens[:isAlso]) new_text = ' '.join(tokens[isAlso+2:]) channel = plugins.getChannel(msg.args[0]) fact = self._getFactoid(irc, channel, key) self._checkNotLocked(irc, channel, key) # It's fair game if we get to here fact = fact[0] new_fact = format('%s, or %s', fact, new_text) self.db.updateFactoid(channel, key, new_fact, id) irc.replySuccess() def replaceFactoid(self, irc, msg, tokens): # Must be registered! channel = plugins.getChannel(msg.args[0]) id = self._getUserId(irc, msg.prefix) del tokens[0] # remove the "no," try: (key, fact) = self._getKeyAndFactoid(tokens) except ValueError, e: irc.error(str(e), Raise=True) _ = self._getFactoid(irc, channel, key) self._checkNotLocked(irc, channel, key) self.db.removeFactoid(channel, key) self.db.addFactoid(channel, key, fact, id) irc.replySuccess() def literal(self, irc, msg, args, channel, key): """[] Returns the literal factoid for the given factoid key. No parsing of the factoid value is done as it is with normal retrieval. is only necessary if the message isn't sent in the channel itself. """ fact = self._getFactoid(irc, channel, key) fact = fact[0] irc.reply(fact) literal = wrap(literal, ['channeldb', 'text']) def factinfo(self, irc, msg, args, channel, key): """[] Returns the various bits of info on the factoid for the given key. is only necessary if the message isn't sent in the channel itself. """ # Start building the response string s = key + ': ' # Next, get all the info and build the response piece by piece info = self.db.getFactinfo(channel, key) if not info: irc.error(format('No such factoid: %q', key)) return (created_by, created_at, modified_by, modified_at, last_requested_by, last_requested_at, requested_count, locked_by, locked_at) = info # First, creation info. # Map the integer created_by to the username created_by = plugins.getUserName(created_by) created_at = time.strftime(conf.supybot.reply.format.time(), time.localtime(int(created_at))) s += format('Created by %s on %s.', created_by, created_at) # Next, modification info, if any. if modified_by is not None: modified_by = plugins.getUserName(modified_by) modified_at = time.strftime(conf.supybot.reply.format.time(), time.localtime(int(modified_at))) s += format(' Last modified by %s on %s.',modified_by, modified_at) # Next, last requested info, if any if last_requested_by is not None: last_by = last_requested_by # not an int user id last_at = time.strftime(conf.supybot.reply.format.time(), time.localtime(int(last_requested_at))) req_count = requested_count s += format(' Last requested by %s on %s, requested %n.', last_by, last_at, (requested_count, 'time')) # Last, locked info if locked_at is not None: lock_at = time.strftime(conf.supybot.reply.format.time(), time.localtime(int(locked_at))) lock_by = plugins.getUserName(locked_by) s += format(' Locked by %s on %s.', lock_by, lock_at) irc.reply(s) factinfo = wrap(factinfo, ['channeldb', 'text']) def _lock(self, irc, msg, channel, user, key, locking=True): #self.log.debug('in _lock') #self.log.debug('id: %s', id) id = user.id info = self.db.getFactinfo(channel, key) if not info: irc.error(format('No such factoid: %q', key)) return (created_by, _, _, _, _, _, _, locked_by, _) = info # Don't perform redundant operations if locking and locked_by is not None: irc.error(format('Factoid %q is already locked.', key)) return if not locking and locked_by is None: irc.error(format('Factoid %q is not locked.', key)) return # Can only lock/unlock own factoids unless you're an admin #self.log.debug('admin?: %s', ircdb.checkCapability(id, 'admin')) #self.log.debug('created_by: %s', created_by) if not (ircdb.checkCapability(id, 'admin') or created_by == id): if locking: s = 'lock' else: s = 'unlock' irc.error(format('Cannot %s someone else\'s factoid unless you ' 'are an admin.', s)) return # Okay, we're done, ready to lock/unlock if locking: self.db.lock(channel, key, id) else: self.db.unlock(channel, key) irc.replySuccess() def lock(self, irc, msg, args, channel, user, key): """[] Locks the factoid with the given factoid key. Requires that the user be registered and have created the factoid originally. is only necessary if the message isn't sent in the channel itself. """ self._lock(irc, msg, channel, user, key, True) lock = wrap(lock, ['channeldb', 'user', 'text']) def unlock(self, irc, msg, args, channel, user, key): """[] Unlocks the factoid with the given factoid key. Requires that the user be registered and have locked the factoid. is only necessary if the message isn't sent in the channel itself. """ self._lock(irc, msg, channel, user, key, False) unlock = wrap(unlock, ['channeldb', 'user', 'text']) def most(self, irc, msg, args, channel, method): """[] {popular|authored|recent} Lists the most {popular|authored|recent} factoids. "popular" lists the most frequently requested factoids. "authored" lists the author with the most factoids. "recent" lists the most recently created factoids. is only necessary if the message isn't sent in the channel itself. """ method = method.capitalize() method = getattr(self, '_most%s' % method, None) if method is None: raise callbacks.ArgumentError limit = self.registryValue('mostCount', channel) method(irc, channel, limit) most = wrap(most, ['channeldb', ('literal', ('popular', 'authored', 'recent'))]) def _mostAuthored(self, irc, channel, limit): results = self.db.mostAuthored(channel, limit) L = ['%s (%s)' % (plugins.getUserName(t[0]), int(t[1])) for t in results] if L: author = 'author' if len(L) != 1: author = 'authors' irc.reply(format('Most prolific %s: %L', author, L)) else: irc.error('There are no factoids in my database.') def _mostRecent(self, irc, channel, limit): results = self.db.mostRecent(channel, limit) L = [format('%q', t[0]) for t in results] if L: irc.reply(format('%n: %L', (len(L), 'latest', 'factoid'), L)) else: irc.error('There are no factoids in my database.') def _mostPopular(self, irc, channel, limit): results = self.db.mostPopular(channel, limit) L = [format('%q (%s)', t[0], t[1]) for t in results] if L: irc.reply( format('Top %n: %L', (len(L), 'requested', 'factoid'), L)) else: irc.error('No factoids have been requested from my database.') def listauth(self, irc, msg, args, channel, author): """[] Lists the keys of the factoids with the given author. Note that if an author has an integer name, you'll have to use that author's id to use this function (so don't use integer usernames!). is only necessary if the message isn't sent in the channel itself. """ try: id = ircdb.users.getUserId(author) except KeyError: irc.errorNoUser(name=author, Raise=True) results = self.db.getKeysByAuthor(channel, id) if not results: irc.reply(format('No factoids by %q found.', author)) return keys = [format('%q', t[0]) for t in results] s = format('Author search for %q (%i found): %L', author, len(keys), keys) irc.reply(s) listauth = wrap(listauth, ['channeldb', 'something']) def listkeys(self, irc, msg, args, channel, search): """[] Lists the keys of the factoids whose key contains the provided text. is only necessary if the message isn't sent in the channel itself. """ results = self.db.getKeysByGlob(channel, search) if not results: irc.reply(format('No keys matching %q found.', search)) elif len(results) == 1 and \ self.registryValue('showFactoidIfOnlyOneMatch', channel): key = results[0][0] self.invalidCommand(irc, msg, [key]) else: keys = [format('%q', tup[0]) for tup in results] s = format('Key search for %q (%i found): %L', search, len(keys), keys) irc.reply(s) listkeys = wrap(listkeys, ['channeldb', 'text']) def listvalues(self, irc, msg, args, channel, search): """[] Lists the keys of the factoids whose value contains the provided text. is only necessary if the message isn't sent in the channel itself. """ results = self.db.getKeysByValueGlob(channel, search) if not results: irc.reply(format('No values matching %q found.', search)) return keys = [format('%q', tup[0]) for tup in results] s = format('Value search for %q (%i found): %L', search, len(keys), keys) irc.reply(s) listvalues = wrap(listvalues, ['channeldb', 'text']) def remove(self, irc, msg, args, channel, _, key): """[] Deletes the factoid with the given key. is only necessary if the message isn't sent in the channel itself. """ _ = self._getFactoid(irc, channel, key) self._checkNotLocked(irc, channel, key) self.db.removeFactoid(channel, key) irc.replySuccess() remove = wrap(remove, ['channeldb', 'user', 'text']) def random(self, irc, msg, args, channel): """[] Displays a random factoid (along with its key) from the database. is only necessary if the message isn't sent in the channel itself. """ results = self.db.randomFactoid(channel) if not results: irc.error('No factoids in the database.') return (fact, key) = results irc.reply(format('Random factoid: %q is %q', key, fact)) random = wrap(random, ['channeldb']) Class = MoobotFactoids # vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=8 expandtab textwidth=78: