### # Copyright (c) 2002-2005, Jeremiah Fincher # Copyright (c) 2009-2010, James McCoy # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions, and the following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions, and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # * Neither the name of the author of this software nor the name of # contributors to this software may be used to endorse or promote products # derived from this software without specific prior written consent. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" # AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR # CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF # SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS # INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN # CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) # ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ### """ Includes wrappers for commands. """ import time import Queue import types import getopt import inspect import threading import multiprocessing #python2.6 or later! import Queue try: import resource except ImportError: # Windows! resource = None from . import callbacks, conf, ircdb, ircmsgs, ircutils, log, utils, world from .i18n import PluginInternationalization, internationalizeDocstring _ = PluginInternationalization() ### # Non-arg wrappers -- these just change the behavior of a command without # changing the arguments given to it. ### # Thread has to be a non-arg wrapper because by the time we're parsing and # validating arguments, we're inside the function we'd want to thread. def thread(f): """Makes sure a command spawns a thread when called.""" def newf(self, irc, msg, args, *L, **kwargs): if world.isMainThread(): targetArgs = (self.callingCommand, irc, msg, args) + tuple(L) t = callbacks.CommandThread(target=self._callCommand, args=targetArgs, kwargs=kwargs) t.start() else: f(self, irc, msg, args, *L, **kwargs) return utils.python.changeFunctionName(newf, f.__name__, f.__doc__) class ProcessTimeoutError(Exception): """Gets raised when a process is killed due to timeout.""" pass def process(f, *args, **kwargs): """Runs a function in a subprocess. Several extra keyword arguments can be supplied. , the pluginname, and , the command name, are strings used to create the process name, for identification purposes. , if supplied, limits the length of execution of target function to seconds.""" timeout = kwargs.pop('timeout', None) heap_size = kwargs.pop('heap_size', None) if resource and heap_size is None: heap_size = resource.RLIM_INFINITY if world.disableMultiprocessing: pn = kwargs.pop('pn', 'Unknown') cn = kwargs.pop('cn', 'unknown') try: return f(*args, **kwargs) except Exception as e: raise e try: q = multiprocessing.Queue() except OSError: log.error('Using multiprocessing.Queue raised an OSError.\n' 'This is probably caused by your system denying semaphore\n' 'usage. You should run these two commands:\n' '\tsudo rmdir /dev/shm\n' '\tsudo ln -Tsf /{run,dev}/shm\n' '(See https://github.com/travis-ci/travis-core/issues/187\n' 'for more information about this bug.)\n') raise def newf(f, q, *args, **kwargs): if resource: rsrc = resource.RLIMIT_DATA resource.setrlimit(rsrc, (heap_size, heap_size)) try: r = f(*args, **kwargs) q.put(r) except Exception as e: q.put(e) targetArgs = (f, q,) + args p = callbacks.CommandProcess(target=newf, args=targetArgs, kwargs=kwargs) p.start() p.join(timeout) if p.is_alive(): p.terminate() q.close() raise ProcessTimeoutError("%s aborted due to timeout." % (p.name,)) try: v = q.get(block=False) except Queue.Empty: return None finally: q.close() if isinstance(v, Exception): raise v else: return v def regexp_wrapper(s, reobj, timeout, plugin_name, fcn_name): '''A convenient wrapper to stuff regexp search queries through a subprocess. This is used because specially-crafted regexps can use exponential time and hang the bot.''' def re_bool(s, reobj): """Since we can't enqueue match objects into the multiprocessing queue, we'll just wrap the function to return bools.""" if reobj.search(s) is not None: return True else: return False try: v = process(re_bool, s, reobj, timeout=timeout, pn=plugin_name, cn=fcn_name) return v except ProcessTimeoutError: return False class UrlSnarfThread(world.SupyThread): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): assert 'url' in kwargs kwargs['name'] = 'Thread #%s (for snarfing %s)' % \ (world.threadsSpawned, kwargs.pop('url')) super(UrlSnarfThread, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.setDaemon(True) def run(self): try: super(UrlSnarfThread, self).run() except utils.web.Error as e: log.debug('Exception in urlSnarfer: %s', utils.exnToString(e)) class SnarfQueue(ircutils.FloodQueue): timeout = conf.supybot.snarfThrottle def key(self, channel): return channel _snarfed = SnarfQueue() class SnarfIrc(object): def __init__(self, irc, channel, url): self.irc = irc self.url = url self.channel = channel def __getattr__(self, attr): return getattr(self.irc, attr) def reply(self, *args, **kwargs): _snarfed.enqueue(self.channel, self.url) return self.irc.reply(*args, **kwargs) # This lock is used to serialize the calls to snarfers, so # earlier snarfers are guaranteed to beat out later snarfers. _snarfLock = threading.Lock() def urlSnarfer(f): """Protects the snarfer from loops (with other bots) and whatnot.""" def newf(self, irc, msg, match, *L, **kwargs): url = match.group(0) channel = msg.args[0] if not irc.isChannel(channel) or (ircmsgs.isCtcp(msg) and not ircmsgs.isAction(msg)): return if ircdb.channels.getChannel(channel).lobotomized: self.log.debug('Not snarfing in %s: lobotomized.', channel) return if _snarfed.has(channel, url): self.log.info('Throttling snarf of %s in %s.', url, channel) return irc = SnarfIrc(irc, channel, url) def doSnarf(): _snarfLock.acquire() try: # This has to be *after* we've acquired the lock so we can be # sure that all previous urlSnarfers have already run to # completion. if msg.repliedTo: self.log.debug('Not snarfing, msg is already repliedTo.') return f(self, irc, msg, match, *L, **kwargs) finally: _snarfLock.release() if threading.currentThread() is not world.mainThread: doSnarf() else: L = list(L) t = UrlSnarfThread(target=doSnarf, url=url) t.start() newf = utils.python.changeFunctionName(newf, f.__name__, f.__doc__) return newf ### # Converters, which take irc, msg, args, and a state object, and build up the # validated and converted args for the method in state.args. ### # This is just so we can centralize this, since it may change. def _int(s): base = 10 if s.startswith('0x'): base = 16 s = s[2:] elif s.startswith('0b'): base = 2 s = s[2:] elif s.startswith('0') and len(s) > 1: base = 8 s = s[1:] try: return int(s, base) except ValueError: if base == 10 and '.' not in s: try: return int(float(s)) except OverflowError: raise ValueError('I don\'t understand numbers that large.') else: raise def getInt(irc, msg, args, state, type=_('integer'), p=None): try: i = _int(args[0]) if p is not None: if not p(i): state.errorInvalid(type, args[0]) state.args.append(i) del args[0] except ValueError: state.errorInvalid(type, args[0]) def getNonInt(irc, msg, args, state, type=_('non-integer value')): try: i = _int(args[0]) state.errorInvalid(type, args[0]) except ValueError: state.args.append(args.pop(0)) def getLong(irc, msg, args, state, type='long'): getInt(irc, msg, args, state, type) state.args[-1] = long(state.args[-1]) def getFloat(irc, msg, args, state, type=_('floating point number')): try: state.args.append(float(args[0])) del args[0] except ValueError: state.errorInvalid(type, args[0]) def getPositiveInt(irc, msg, args, state, *L): getInt(irc, msg, args, state, p=lambda i: i>0, type=_('positive integer'), *L) def getNonNegativeInt(irc, msg, args, state, *L): getInt(irc, msg, args, state, p=lambda i: i>=0, type=_('non-negative integer'), *L) def getIndex(irc, msg, args, state): getInt(irc, msg, args, state, type=_('index')) if state.args[-1] > 0: state.args[-1] -= 1 def getId(irc, msg, args, state, kind=None): type = 'id' if kind is not None and not kind.endswith('id'): type = kind + ' id' original = args[0] try: args[0] = args[0].lstrip('#') getInt(irc, msg, args, state, type=type) except Exception as e: args[0] = original raise def getExpiry(irc, msg, args, state): now = int(time.time()) try: expires = _int(args[0]) if expires: expires += now state.args.append(expires) del args[0] except ValueError: state.errorInvalid(_('number of seconds'), args[0]) def getBoolean(irc, msg, args, state): try: state.args.append(utils.str.toBool(args[0])) del args[0] except ValueError: state.errorInvalid(_('boolean'), args[0]) def getNetworkIrc(irc, msg, args, state, errorIfNoMatch=False): if args: for otherIrc in world.ircs: if otherIrc.network.lower() == args[0].lower(): state.args.append(otherIrc) del args[0] return if errorIfNoMatch: raise callbacks.ArgumentError else: state.args.append(irc) def getHaveVoice(irc, msg, args, state, action=_('do that')): getChannel(irc, msg, args, state) if state.channel not in irc.state.channels: state.error(_('I\'m not even in %s.') % state.channel, Raise=True) if not irc.state.channels[state.channel].isVoice(irc.nick): state.error(_('I need to be voiced to %s.') % action, Raise=True) def getHaveVoicePlus(irc, msg, args, state, action=_('do that')): getChannel(irc, msg, args, state) if state.channel not in irc.state.channels: state.error(_('I\'m not even in %s.') % state.channel, Raise=True) if not irc.state.channels[state.channel].isVoicePlus(irc.nick): # isOp includes owners and protected users state.error(_('I need to be at least voiced to %s.') % action, Raise=True) def getHaveHalfop(irc, msg, args, state, action=_('do that')): getChannel(irc, msg, args, state) if state.channel not in irc.state.channels: state.error(_('I\'m not even in %s.') % state.channel, Raise=True) if not irc.state.channels[state.channel].isHalfop(irc.nick): state.error(_('I need to be halfopped to %s.') % action, Raise=True) def getHaveHalfopPlus(irc, msg, args, state, action=_('do that')): getChannel(irc, msg, args, state) if state.channel not in irc.state.channels: state.error(_('I\'m not even in %s.') % state.channel, Raise=True) if not irc.state.channels[state.channel].isHalfopPlus(irc.nick): # isOp includes owners and protected users state.error(_('I need to be at least halfopped to %s.') % action, Raise=True) def getHaveOp(irc, msg, args, state, action=_('do that')): getChannel(irc, msg, args, state) if state.channel not in irc.state.channels: state.error(_('I\'m not even in %s.') % state.channel, Raise=True) if not irc.state.channels[state.channel].isOp(irc.nick): state.error(_('I need to be opped to %s.') % action, Raise=True) def validChannel(irc, msg, args, state): if irc.isChannel(args[0]): state.args.append(args.pop(0)) else: state.errorInvalid(_('channel'), args[0]) def getHostmask(irc, msg, args, state): if ircutils.isUserHostmask(args[0]) or \ (not conf.supybot.protocols.irc.strictRfc() and args[0].startswith('$')): state.args.append(args.pop(0)) else: try: hostmask = irc.state.nickToHostmask(args[0]) state.args.append(hostmask) del args[0] except KeyError: state.errorInvalid(_('nick or hostmask'), args[0]) def getBanmask(irc, msg, args, state): getHostmask(irc, msg, args, state) getChannel(irc, msg, args, state) channel = state.channel banmaskstyle = conf.supybot.protocols.irc.banmask state.args[-1] = banmaskstyle.makeBanmask(state.args[-1]) def getUser(irc, msg, args, state): try: state.args.append(ircdb.users.getUser(msg.prefix)) except KeyError: state.errorNotRegistered(Raise=True) def getOtherUser(irc, msg, args, state): # Although ircdb.users.getUser could accept a hostmask, we're explicitly # excluding that from our interface with this check if ircutils.isUserHostmask(args[0]): state.errorNoUser(args[0]) try: state.args.append(ircdb.users.getUser(args[0])) del args[0] except KeyError: try: getHostmask(irc, msg, [args[0]], state) hostmask = state.args.pop() state.args.append(ircdb.users.getUser(hostmask)) del args[0] except (KeyError, callbacks.Error): state.errorNoUser(name=args[0]) def _getRe(f): def get(irc, msg, args, state, convert=True): original = args[:] s = args.pop(0) def isRe(s): try: foo = f(s) return True except ValueError: return False try: while len(s) < 512 and not isRe(s): s += ' ' + args.pop(0) if len(s) < 512: if convert: state.args.append(f(s)) else: state.args.append(s) else: state.errorInvalid(_('regular expression'), s) except IndexError: args[:] = original state.errorInvalid(_('regular expression'), s) return get getMatcher = _getRe(utils.str.perlReToPythonRe) getReplacer = _getRe(utils.str.perlReToReplacer) def getNick(irc, msg, args, state): if ircutils.isNick(args[0], conf.supybot.protocols.irc.strictRfc()): if 'nicklen' in irc.state.supported: if len(args[0]) > irc.state.supported['nicklen']: state.errorInvalid(_('nick'), args[0], _('That nick is too long for this server.')) state.args.append(args.pop(0)) else: state.errorInvalid(_('nick'), args[0]) def getSeenNick(irc, msg, args, state, errmsg=None): try: foo = irc.state.nickToHostmask(args[0]) state.args.append(args.pop(0)) except KeyError: if errmsg is None: errmsg = _('I haven\'t seen %s.') % args[0] state.error(errmsg, Raise=True) def getChannel(irc, msg, args, state): if state.channel: return if args and irc.isChannel(args[0]): channel = args.pop(0) elif irc.isChannel(msg.args[0]): channel = msg.args[0] else: state.log.debug('Raising ArgumentError because there is no channel.') raise callbacks.ArgumentError state.channel = channel state.args.append(channel) def getChannelDb(irc, msg, args, state, **kwargs): channelSpecific = conf.supybot.databases.plugins.channelSpecific try: getChannel(irc, msg, args, state, **kwargs) channel = channelSpecific.getChannelLink(state.channel) state.channel = channel state.args[-1] = channel except (callbacks.ArgumentError, IndexError): if channelSpecific(): raise channel = channelSpecific.link() if not conf.get(channelSpecific.link.allow, channel): log.warning('channelSpecific.link is globally set to %s, but ' '%s disallowed linking to its db.', channel, channel) raise else: channel = channelSpecific.getChannelLink(channel) state.channel = channel state.args.append(channel) def inChannel(irc, msg, args, state): getChannel(irc, msg, args, state) if state.channel not in irc.state.channels: state.error(_('I\'m not in %s.') % state.channel, Raise=True) def onlyInChannel(irc, msg, args, state): if not (irc.isChannel(msg.args[0]) and msg.args[0] in irc.state.channels): state.error(_('This command may only be given in a channel that I am ' 'in.'), Raise=True) else: state.channel = msg.args[0] state.args.append(state.channel) def callerInGivenChannel(irc, msg, args, state): channel = args[0] if irc.isChannel(channel): if channel in irc.state.channels: if msg.nick in irc.state.channels[channel].users: state.args.append(args.pop(0)) else: state.error(_('You must be in %s.') % channel, Raise=True) else: state.error(_('I\'m not in %s.') % channel, Raise=True) else: state.errorInvalid(_('channel'), args[0]) def nickInChannel(irc, msg, args, state): originalArgs = state.args[:] inChannel(irc, msg, args, state) state.args = originalArgs if args[0] not in irc.state.channels[state.channel].users: state.error(_('%s is not in %s.') % (args[0], state.channel), Raise=True) state.args.append(args.pop(0)) def getChannelOrNone(irc, msg, args, state): try: getChannel(irc, msg, args, state) except callbacks.ArgumentError: state.args.append(None) def getChannelOrGlobal(irc, msg, args, state): if args and args[0] == 'global': channel = args.pop(0) channel = 'global' elif args and irc.isChannel(args[0]): channel = args.pop(0) state.channel = channel elif irc.isChannel(msg.args[0]): channel = msg.args[0] state.channel = channel else: state.log.debug('Raising ArgumentError because there is no channel.') raise callbacks.ArgumentError state.args.append(channel) def checkChannelCapability(irc, msg, args, state, cap): getChannel(irc, msg, args, state) cap = ircdb.canonicalCapability(cap) cap = ircdb.makeChannelCapability(state.channel, cap) if not ircdb.checkCapability(msg.prefix, cap): state.errorNoCapability(cap, Raise=True) def getOp(irc, msg, args, state): checkChannelCapability(irc, msg, args, state, 'op') def getHalfop(irc, msg, args, state): checkChannelCapability(irc, msg, args, state, 'halfop') def getVoice(irc, msg, args, state): checkChannelCapability(irc, msg, args, state, 'voice') def getLowered(irc, msg, args, state): state.args.append(ircutils.toLower(args.pop(0))) def getSomething(irc, msg, args, state, errorMsg=None, p=None): if p is None: p = lambda _: True if not args[0] or not p(args[0]): if errorMsg is None: errorMsg = _('You must not give the empty string as an argument.') state.error(errorMsg, Raise=True) else: state.args.append(args.pop(0)) def getSomethingNoSpaces(irc, msg, args, state, *L): def p(s): return len(s.split(None, 1)) == 1 L = L or [_('You must not give a string containing spaces as an argument.')] getSomething(irc, msg, args, state, p=p, *L) def private(irc, msg, args, state): if irc.isChannel(msg.args[0]): state.errorRequiresPrivacy(Raise=True) def public(irc, msg, args, state, errmsg=None): if not irc.isChannel(msg.args[0]): if errmsg is None: errmsg = _('This message must be sent in a channel.') state.error(errmsg, Raise=True) def checkCapability(irc, msg, args, state, cap): cap = ircdb.canonicalCapability(cap) if not ircdb.checkCapability(msg.prefix, cap): state.errorNoCapability(cap, Raise=True) def checkCapabilityButIgnoreOwner(irc, msg, args, state, cap): cap = ircdb.canonicalCapability(cap) if not ircdb.checkCapability(msg.prefix, cap, ignoreOwner=True): state.errorNoCapability(cap, Raise=True) def owner(irc, msg, args, state): checkCapability(irc, msg, args, state, 'owner') def admin(irc, msg, args, state): checkCapability(irc, msg, args, state, 'admin') def anything(irc, msg, args, state): state.args.append(args.pop(0)) def getGlob(irc, msg, args, state): glob = args.pop(0) if '*' not in glob and '?' not in glob: glob = '*%s*' % glob state.args.append(glob) def getUrl(irc, msg, args, state): if utils.web.urlRe.match(args[0]): state.args.append(args.pop(0)) else: state.errorInvalid(_('url'), args[0]) def getEmail(irc, msg, args, state): if utils.net.emailRe.match(args[0]): state.args.append(args.pop(0)) else: state.errorInvalid(_('email'), args[0]) def getHttpUrl(irc, msg, args, state): if utils.web.httpUrlRe.match(args[0]): state.args.append(args.pop(0)) elif utils.web.httpUrlRe.match('http://' + args[0]): state.args.append('http://' + args.pop(0)) else: state.errorInvalid(_('http url'), args[0]) def getNow(irc, msg, args, state): state.args.append(int(time.time())) def getCommandName(irc, msg, args, state): if ' ' in args[0]: state.errorInvalid(_('command name'), args[0]) else: state.args.append(callbacks.canonicalName(args.pop(0))) def getIp(irc, msg, args, state): if utils.net.isIP(args[0]): state.args.append(args.pop(0)) else: state.errorInvalid(_('ip'), args[0]) def getLetter(irc, msg, args, state): if len(args[0]) == 1: state.args.append(args.pop(0)) else: state.errorInvalid(_('letter'), args[0]) def getMatch(irc, msg, args, state, regexp, errmsg): m = regexp.search(args[0]) if m is not None: state.args.append(m) del args[0] else: state.error(errmsg, Raise=True) def getLiteral(irc, msg, args, state, literals, errmsg=None): # ??? Should we allow abbreviations? if isinstance(literals, basestring): literals = (literals,) abbrevs = utils.abbrev(literals) if args[0] in abbrevs: state.args.append(abbrevs[args.pop(0)]) elif errmsg is not None: state.error(errmsg, Raise=True) else: raise callbacks.ArgumentError def getTo(irc, msg, args, state): if args[0].lower() == 'to': args.pop(0) def getPlugin(irc, msg, args, state, require=True): cb = irc.getCallback(args[0]) if cb is not None: state.args.append(cb) del args[0] elif require: state.errorInvalid(_('plugin'), args[0]) else: state.args.append(None) def getIrcColor(irc, msg, args, state): if args[0] in ircutils.mircColors: state.args.append(ircutils.mircColors[args.pop(0)]) else: state.errorInvalid(_('irc color')) def getText(irc, msg, args, state): if args: state.args.append(' '.join(args)) args[:] = [] else: raise IndexError wrappers = ircutils.IrcDict({ 'admin': admin, 'anything': anything, 'banmask': getBanmask, 'boolean': getBoolean, 'callerInGivenChannel': callerInGivenChannel, 'isGranted': getHaveHalfopPlus, # Backward compatibility 'capability': getSomethingNoSpaces, 'channel': getChannel, 'channelOrGlobal': getChannelOrGlobal, 'channelDb': getChannelDb, 'checkCapability': checkCapability, 'checkCapabilityButIgnoreOwner': checkCapabilityButIgnoreOwner, 'checkChannelCapability': checkChannelCapability, 'color': getIrcColor, 'commandName': getCommandName, 'email': getEmail, 'expiry': getExpiry, 'filename': getSomething, # XXX Check for validity. 'float': getFloat, 'glob': getGlob, 'halfop': getHalfop, 'haveHalfop': getHaveHalfop, 'haveHalfop+': getHaveHalfopPlus, 'haveOp': getHaveOp, 'haveOp+': getHaveOp, # We don't handle modes greater than op. 'haveVoice': getHaveVoice, 'haveVoice+': getHaveVoicePlus, 'hostmask': getHostmask, 'httpUrl': getHttpUrl, 'id': getId, 'inChannel': inChannel, 'index': getIndex, 'int': getInt, 'ip': getIp, 'letter': getLetter, 'literal': getLiteral, 'long': getLong, 'lowered': getLowered, 'matches': getMatch, 'networkIrc': getNetworkIrc, 'nick': getNick, 'nickInChannel': nickInChannel, 'nonInt': getNonInt, 'nonNegativeInt': getNonNegativeInt, 'now': getNow, 'onlyInChannel': onlyInChannel, 'op': getOp, 'otherUser': getOtherUser, 'owner': owner, 'plugin': getPlugin, 'positiveInt': getPositiveInt, 'private': private, 'public': public, 'regexpMatcher': getMatcher, 'regexpReplacer': getReplacer, 'seenNick': getSeenNick, 'something': getSomething, 'somethingWithoutSpaces': getSomethingNoSpaces, 'text': getText, 'to': getTo, 'url': getUrl, 'user': getUser, 'validChannel': validChannel, 'voice': getVoice, }) def addConverter(name, wrapper): wrappers[name] = wrapper class UnknownConverter(KeyError): pass def getConverter(name): try: return wrappers[name] except KeyError as e: raise UnknownConverter(str(e)) def callConverter(name, irc, msg, args, state, *L): getConverter(name)(irc, msg, args, state, *L) ### # Contexts. These determine what the nature of conversions is; whether they're # defaulted, or many of them are allowed, etc. Contexts should be reusable; # i.e., they should not maintain state between calls. ### def contextify(spec): if not isinstance(spec, context): spec = context(spec) return spec def setDefault(state, default): if callable(default): state.args.append(default()) else: state.args.append(default) class context(object): def __init__(self, spec): self.args = () self.spec = spec # for repr if isinstance(spec, tuple): assert spec, 'tuple spec must not be empty.' self.args = spec[1:] self.converter = getConverter(spec[0]) elif spec is None: self.converter = getConverter('anything') elif isinstance(spec, basestring): self.args = () self.converter = getConverter(spec) else: assert isinstance(spec, context) self.converter = spec def __call__(self, irc, msg, args, state): log.debug('args before %r: %r', self, args) self.converter(irc, msg, args, state, *self.args) log.debug('args after %r: %r', self, args) def __repr__(self): return '<%s for %s>' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.spec) class rest(context): def __call__(self, irc, msg, args, state): if args: original = args[:] args[:] = [' '.join(args)] try: super(rest, self).__call__(irc, msg, args, state) except Exception as e: args[:] = original else: raise IndexError # additional means: Look for this (and make sure it's of this type). If # there are no arguments for us to check, then use our default. class additional(context): def __init__(self, spec, default=None): self.__parent = super(additional, self) self.__parent.__init__(spec) self.default = default def __call__(self, irc, msg, args, state): try: self.__parent.__call__(irc, msg, args, state) except IndexError: log.debug('Got IndexError, returning default.') setDefault(state, self.default) # optional means: Look for this, but if it's not the type I'm expecting or # there are no arguments for us to check, then use the default value. class optional(additional): def __call__(self, irc, msg, args, state): try: super(optional, self).__call__(irc, msg, args, state) except (callbacks.ArgumentError, callbacks.Error) as e: log.debug('Got %s, returning default.', utils.exnToString(e)) state.errored = False setDefault(state, self.default) class any(context): def __init__(self, spec, continueOnError=False): self.__parent = super(any, self) self.__parent.__init__(spec) self.continueOnError = continueOnError def __call__(self, irc, msg, args, state): st = state.essence() try: while args: self.__parent.__call__(irc, msg, args, st) except IndexError: pass except (callbacks.ArgumentError, callbacks.Error) as e: if not self.continueOnError: raise else: log.debug('Got %s, returning default.', utils.exnToString(e)) pass state.args.append(st.args) class many(any): def __call__(self, irc, msg, args, state): super(many, self).__call__(irc, msg, args, state) if not state.args[-1]: state.args.pop() raise callbacks.ArgumentError class first(context): def __init__(self, *specs, **kw): if 'default' in kw: self.default = kw.pop('default') assert not kw, 'Bad kwargs for first.__init__' self.spec = specs # for __repr__ self.specs = list(map(contextify, specs)) def __call__(self, irc, msg, args, state): errored = False for spec in self.specs: try: spec(irc, msg, args, state) return except Exception as e: e2 = e # 'e' is local. errored = state.errored state.errored = False continue if hasattr(self, 'default'): state.args.append(self.default) else: state.errored = errored raise e2 class reverse(context): def __call__(self, irc, msg, args, state): args[:] = args[::-1] super(reverse, self).__call__(irc, msg, args, state) args[:] = args[::-1] class commalist(context): def __call__(self, irc, msg, args, state): original = args[:] st = state.essence() trailingComma = True try: while trailingComma: arg = args.pop(0) if not arg.endswith(','): trailingComma = False for part in arg.split(','): if part: # trailing commas super(commalist, self).__call__(irc, msg, [part], st) state.args.append(st.args) except Exception as e: args[:] = original raise class getopts(context): """The empty string indicates that no argument is taken; None indicates that there is no converter for the argument.""" def __init__(self, getopts): self.spec = getopts # for repr self.getopts = {} self.getoptL = [] self.getoptLs = '' for (name, spec) in getopts.iteritems(): if spec == '': if len(name) == 1: self.getoptLs += name self.getopts[name] = None self.getoptL.append(name) self.getopts[name] = None else: if len(name) == 1: self.getoptLs += name + ':' self.getopts[name] = contextify(spec) self.getoptL.append(name + '=') self.getopts[name] = contextify(spec) log.debug('getopts: %r', self.getopts) log.debug('getoptL: %r', self.getoptL) def __call__(self, irc, msg, args, state): log.debug('args before %r: %r', self, args) (optlist, rest) = getopt.getopt(args, self.getoptLs, self.getoptL) getopts = [] for (opt, arg) in optlist: if opt.startswith('--'): opt = opt[2:] # Strip -- else: opt = opt[1:] log.debug('opt: %r, arg: %r', opt, arg) context = self.getopts[opt] if context is not None: st = state.essence() context(irc, msg, [arg], st) assert len(st.args) == 1 getopts.append((opt, st.args[0])) else: getopts.append((opt, True)) state.args.append(getopts) args[:] = rest log.debug('args after %r: %r', self, args) ### # This is our state object, passed to converters along with irc, msg, and args. ### class State(object): log = log def __init__(self, types): self.args = [] self.kwargs = {} self.types = types self.channel = None self.errored = False def __getattr__(self, attr): if attr.startswith('error'): self.errored = True return getattr(dynamic.irc, attr) else: raise AttributeError(attr) def essence(self): st = State(self.types) for (attr, value) in self.__dict__.iteritems(): if attr not in ('args', 'kwargs'): setattr(st, attr, value) return st def __repr__(self): return '%s(args=%r, kwargs=%r, channel=%r)' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.args, self.kwargs, self.channel) ### # This is a compiled Spec object. ### class Spec(object): def _state(self, types, attrs={}): st = State(types) st.__dict__.update(attrs) st.allowExtra = self.allowExtra return st def __init__(self, types, allowExtra=False): self.types = types self.allowExtra = allowExtra utils.seq.mapinto(contextify, self.types) def __call__(self, irc, msg, args, stateAttrs={}): state = self._state(self.types[:], stateAttrs) while state.types: context = state.types.pop(0) try: context(irc, msg, args, state) except IndexError: raise callbacks.ArgumentError if args and not state.allowExtra: log.debug('args and not self.allowExtra: %r', args) raise callbacks.ArgumentError return state def _wrap(f, specList=[], name=None, checkDoc=True, **kw): name = name or f.__name__ assert (not checkDoc) or (hasattr(f, '__doc__') and f.__doc__), \ 'Command %r has no docstring.' % name spec = Spec(specList, **kw) def newf(self, irc, msg, args, **kwargs): state = spec(irc, msg, args, stateAttrs={'cb': self, 'log': self.log}) self.log.debug('State before call: %s', state) if state.errored: self.log.debug('Refusing to call %s due to state.errored.', f) else: try: f(self, irc, msg, args, *state.args, **state.kwargs) except TypeError: self.log.error('Spec: %s', specList) self.log.error('Received args: %s', args) code = f.__code__ funcArgs = inspect.getargs(code)[0][len(self.commandArgs):] self.log.error('Extra args: %s', funcArgs) self.log.debug('Make sure you did not wrap a wrapped ' 'function ;)') raise newf2 = utils.python.changeFunctionName(newf, name, f.__doc__) newf2.__module__ = f.__module__ return internationalizeDocstring(newf2) def wrap(f, *args, **kwargs): if callable(f): # Old-style call OR decorator syntax with no converter. # f is the command. return _wrap(f, *args, **kwargs) else: # Call with the Python decorator syntax assert isinstance(f, list) or isinstance(f, tuple) specList = f def decorator(f): return _wrap(f, specList, *args, **kwargs) return decorator wrap.__doc__ = """Useful wrapper for plugin commands. Valid converters are: %s. :param f: A command, taking (self, irc, msg, args, ...) as arguments :param specList: A list of converters and contexts""" % \ ', '.join(sorted(wrappers.keys())) __all__ = [ # Contexts. 'any', 'many', 'optional', 'additional', 'rest', 'getopts', 'first', 'reverse', 'commalist', # Converter helpers. 'getConverter', 'addConverter', 'callConverter', # Decorators. 'urlSnarfer', 'thread', # Functions. 'wrap', 'process', 'regexp_wrapper', # Stuff for testing. 'Spec', ] # This doesn't work. Suck. ## if world.testing: ## __all__.append('Spec') # vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab textwidth=79: