### # Copyright (c) 2002-2004, Jeremiah Fincher # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions, and the following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions, and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # * Neither the name of the author of this software nor the name of # contributors to this software may be used to endorse or promote products # derived from this software without specific prior written consent. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" # AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR # CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF # SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS # INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN # CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) # ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ### """ Provides numerous filters, and a command (outfilter) to set them as filters on the output of the bot. """ __revision__ = "$Id$" import supybot.plugins as plugins import re import string import random import itertools from cStringIO import StringIO import supybot.conf as conf import supybot.utils as utils from supybot.commands import * import supybot.ircmsgs as ircmsgs import supybot.ircutils as ircutils import supybot.registry as registry import supybot.callbacks as callbacks conf.registerPlugin('Filter') conf.registerGroup(conf.supybot.plugins.Filter, 'spellit') conf.registerGlobalValue(conf.supybot.plugins.Filter.spellit, 'replaceLetters', registry.Boolean(True, """Determines whether or not to replace letters in the output of spellit.""")) conf.registerGlobalValue(conf.supybot.plugins.Filter.spellit, 'replacePunctuation', registry.Boolean(True, """Determines whether or not to replace punctuation in the output of spellit.""")) conf.registerGlobalValue(conf.supybot.plugins.Filter.spellit, 'replaceNumbers', registry.Boolean(True, """Determines whether or not to replace numbers in the output of spellit.""")) conf.registerGroup(conf.supybot.plugins.Filter, 'shrink') conf.registerChannelValue(conf.supybot.plugins.Filter.shrink, 'minimum', registry.PositiveInteger(4, """Determines the minimum number of a letters in a word before it will be shrunken by the shrink command/filter.""")) class MyFilterProxy(object): def reply(self, s): self.s = s class Filter(callbacks.Privmsg): """This plugin offers several commands which transform text in some way. It also provides the capability of using such commands to 'filter' the output of the bot -- for instance, you could make everything the bot says be in leetspeak, or Morse code, or any number of other kinds of filters. Not very useful, but definitely quite fun :)""" def __init__(self): self.outFilters = ircutils.IrcDict() callbacks.Privmsg.__init__(self) def outFilter(self, irc, msg): if msg.command == 'PRIVMSG': if msg.args[0] in self.outFilters: if ircmsgs.isAction(msg): s = ircmsgs.unAction(msg) else: s = msg.args[1] methods = self.outFilters[msg.args[0]] for filtercommand in methods: myIrc = MyFilterProxy() filtercommand(myIrc, msg, [s]) s = myIrc.s if ircmsgs.isAction(msg): msg = ircmsgs.action(msg.args[0], s, msg=msg) else: msg = ircmsgs.IrcMsg(msg=msg, args=(msg.args[0], s)) return msg _filterCommands = ['jeffk', 'leet', 'rot13', 'hexlify', 'binary', 'lithp', 'scramble', 'morse', 'reverse', 'colorize', 'squish', 'supa1337', 'colorstrip', 'aol', 'rainbow', 'spellit', 'hebrew', 'undup', 'gnu', 'shrink'] def outfilter(self, irc, msg, args, channel, command): """[<channel>] [<command>] Sets the outFilter of this plugin to be <command>. If no command is given, unsets the outFilter. <channel> is only necessary if the message isn't sent in the channel itself. """ if command: if not self.isDisabled(command) and \ command in self._filterCommands: method = getattr(self, command) self.outFilters.setdefault(channel, []).append(method) irc.replySuccess() else: irc.error('That\'s not a valid filter command.') else: self.outFilters[channel] = [] irc.replySuccess() outfilter = wrap(outfilter, [('checkChannelCapability', 'op'), additional('commandName')]) def hebrew(self, irc, msg, args, text): """<text> Removes all the vowels from <text>. (If you're curious why this is named 'hebrew' it's because I (jemfinch) thought of it in Hebrew class, and printed Hebrew often elides the vowels.) """ text = filter(lambda c: c not in 'aeiou', text) irc.reply(text) hebrew = wrap(hebrew, ['text']) def squish(self, irc, msg, args, text): """<text> Removes all the spaces from <text>. """ text = ''.join(text.split()) irc.reply(text) squish = wrap(squish, ['text']) def undup(self, irc, msg, args, text): """<text> Returns <text>, with all consecutive duplicated letters removed. """ L = [text[0]] for c in text: if c != L[-1]: L.append(c) irc.reply(''.join(L)) undup = wrap(undup, ['text']) def binary(self, irc, msg, args, text): """<text> Returns the binary representation of <text>. """ L = [] for c in text: LL = [] i = ord(c) counter = 8 while i: counter -= 1 if i & 1: LL.append('1') else: LL.append('0') i >>= 1 while counter: LL.append('0') counter -= 1 LL.reverse() L.extend(LL) irc.reply(''.join(L)) binary = wrap(binary, ['text']) def hexlify(self, irc, msg, args, text): """<text> Returns a hexstring from the given string; a hexstring is a string composed of the hexadecimal value of each character in the string """ irc.reply(text.encode('hex_codec')) hexlify = wrap(hexlify, ['text']) def unhexlify(self, irc, msg, args, text): """<hexstring> Returns the string corresponding to <hexstring>. Obviously, <hexstring> must be a string of hexadecimal digits. """ try: irc.reply(text.decode('hex_codec')) except TypeError: irc.error('Invalid input.') unhexlify = wrap(unhexlify, ['text']) def rot13(self, irc, msg, args, text): """<text> Rotates <text> 13 characters to the right in the alphabet. Rot13 is commonly used for text that simply needs to be hidden from inadvertent reading by roaming eyes, since it's easily reversible. """ irc.reply(text.encode('rot13')) rot13 = wrap(rot13, ['text']) def lithp(self, irc, msg, args, text): """<text> Returns the lisping version of <text> """ text = text.replace('sh', 'th') text = text.replace('SH', 'TH') text = text.replace('Sh', 'Th') text = text.replace('ss', 'th') text = text.replace('SS', 'TH') text = text.replace('s', 'th') text = text.replace('z', 'th') text = text.replace('S', 'Th') text = text.replace('Z', 'Th') text = text.replace('x', 'kth') text = text.replace('X', 'KTH') text = text.replace('cce', 'kth') text = text.replace('CCE', 'KTH') text = text.replace('tion', 'thion') text = text.replace('TION', 'THION') irc.reply(text) lithp = wrap(lithp, ['text']) _leettrans = string.maketrans('oOaAeElBTiIts', '004433187!1+5') _leetres = [(re.compile(r'\b(?:(?:[yY][o0O][oO0uU])|u)\b'), 'j00'), (re.compile(r'fear'), 'ph33r'), (re.compile(r'[aA][tT][eE]'), '8'), (re.compile(r'[aA][tT]'), '@'), (re.compile(r'[sS]\b'), 'z'), (re.compile(r'x'), '><'),] def leet(self, irc, msg, args, text): """<text> Returns the l33tspeak version of <text> """ for (r, sub) in self._leetres: text = re.sub(r, sub, text) text = text.translate(self._leettrans) irc.reply(text) leet = wrap(leet, ['text']) _supaleetreplacers = [('xX', '><'), ('kK', '|<'), ('rR', '|2'), ('hH', '|-|'), ('L', '|_'), ('uU', '|_|'), ('O', '()'), ('nN', '|\\|'), ('mM', '/\\/\\'), ('G', '6'), ('Ss', '$'), ('i', ';'), ('aA', '/-\\'), ('eE', '3'), ('t', '+'), ('T', '7'), ('l', '1'), ('D', '|)'), ('B', '|3'), ('I', ']['), ('Vv', '\\/'), ('wW', '\\/\\/'), ('d', 'c|'), ('b', '|>'), ('c', '<'), ('h', '|n'),] def supa1337(self, irc, msg, args, text): """<text> Replies with an especially k-rad translation of <text>. """ for (r, sub) in self._leetres: text = re.sub(r, sub, text) for (letters, replacement) in self._supaleetreplacers: for letter in letters: text = text.replace(letter, replacement) irc.reply(text) supa1337 = wrap(supa1337, ['text']) _scrambleRe = re.compile(r'(?:\b|(?![a-zA-Z]))([a-zA-Z])([a-zA-Z]*)' r'([a-zA-Z])(?:\b|(?![a-zA-Z]))') def scramble(self, irc, msg, args, text): """<text> Replies with a string where each word is scrambled; i.e., each internal letter (that is, all letters but the first and last) are shuffled. """ def _subber(m): L = list(m.group(2)) random.shuffle(L) return '%s%s%s' % (m.group(1), ''.join(L), m.group(3)) s = self._scrambleRe.sub(_subber, text) irc.reply(s) scramble = wrap(scramble, ['text']) _code = { "A" : ".-", "B" : "-...", "C" : "-.-.", "D" : "-..", "E" : ".", "F" : "..-.", "G" : "--.", "H" : "....", "I" : "..", "J" : ".---", "K" : "-.-", "L" : ".-..", "M" : "--", "N" : "-.", "O" : "---", "P" : ".--.", "Q" : "--.-", "R" : ".-.", "S" : "...", "T" : "-", "U" : "..-", "V" : "...-", "W" : ".--", "X" : "-..-", "Y" : "-.--", "Z" : "--..", "0" : "-----", "1" : ".----", "2" : "..---", "3" : "...--", "4" : "....-", "5" : ".....", "6" : "-....", "7" : "--...", "8" : "---..", "9" : "----.", "." : ".-.-.-", "," : "--..--", ":" : "---...", "?" : "..--..", "'" : ".----.", "-" : "-....-", "/" : "-..-.", '"' : ".-..-.", "@" : ".--.-.", "=" : "-...-" } _revcode = dict([(y, x) for (x, y) in _code.items()]) _unmorsere = re.compile('([.-]+)') def unmorse(self, irc, msg, args, text): """<Morse code text> Does the reverse of the morse command. """ text = text.replace('_', '-') def morseToLetter(m): s = m.group(1) return self._revcode.get(s, s) text = self._unmorsere.sub(morseToLetter, text) text = text.replace(' ', '\x00') text = text.replace(' ', '') text = text.replace('\x00', ' ') irc.reply(text) unmorse = wrap(unmorse, ['text']) def morse(self, irc, msg, args, text): """<text> Gives the Morse code equivalent of a given string. """ L = [] for c in text.upper(): if c in self._code: L.append(self._code[c]) else: L.append(c) irc.reply(' '.join(L)) morse = wrap(morse, ['text']) def reverse(self, irc, msg, args, text): """<text> Reverses <text>. """ irc.reply(text[::-1]) reverse = wrap(reverse, ['text']) def _color(self, c, fg=None): if c == ' ': return c if fg is None: fg = str(random.randint(2, 15)).zfill(2) return '\x03%s%s' % (fg, c) def colorize(self, irc, msg, args, text): """<text> Returns <text> with each character randomly colorized. """ L = [self._color(c) for c in text] irc.reply('%s%s' % (''.join(L), '\x03')) colorize = wrap(colorize, ['text']) def rainbow(self, irc, msg, args, text): """<text> Returns <text> colorized like a rainbow. """ colors = itertools.cycle([4, 7, 8, 3, 2, 12, 6]) L = [self._color(c, fg=colors.next()) for c in text] irc.reply(''.join(L) + '\x03') rainbow = wrap(rainbow, ['text']) def stripcolor(self, irc, msg, args, text): """<text> Returns <text> stripped of all color codes. """ irc.reply(ircutils.stripColor(text)) stripcolor = wrap(stripcolor, ['text']) def aol(self, irc, msg, args, text): """<text> Returns <text> as if an AOLuser had said it. """ text = text.replace(' you ', ' u ') text = text.replace(' are ', ' r ') text = text.replace(' love ', ' <3 ') text = text.replace(' luv ', ' <3 ') text = text.replace(' too ', ' 2 ') text = text.replace(' to ', ' 2 ') text = text.replace(' two ', ' 2 ') text = text.replace('fore', '4') text = text.replace(' for ', ' 4 ') text = text.replace('be', 'b') text = text.replace('four', ' 4 ') text = text.replace(' their ', ' there ') text = text.replace(', ', ' ') text = text.replace(',', ' ') text = text.replace("'", '') text = text.replace('one', '1') smiley = random.choice(['<3', ':)', ':-)', ':D', ':-D']) text += smiley*3 irc.reply(text) aol = wrap(aol, ['text']) def jeffk(self, irc, msg, args, text): """<text> Returns <text> as if JeffK had said it himself. """ def randomlyPick(L): return random.choice(L) def quoteOrNothing(m): return randomlyPick(['"', '']).join(m.groups()) def randomlyReplace(s, probability=0.5): def f(m): if random.random() < probability: return m.expand(s) else: return m.group(0) return f def randomExclaims(m): if random.random() < 0.85: return ('!' * random.randrange(1, 5)) + m.group(1) else: return '.' + m.group(1) def randomlyShuffle(m): L = list(m.groups()) random.shuffle(L) return ''.join(L) def lessRandomlyShuffle(m): L = list(m.groups()) if random.random() < .4: random.shuffle(L) return ''.join(L) def randomlyLaugh(text, probability=.3): if random.random() < probability: if random.random() < .5: insult = random.choice([' fagot1', ' fagorts', ' jerks', 'fagot' ' jerk', ' dumbshoes', ' dumbshoe']) else: insult = '' laugh1 = random.choice(['ha', 'hah', 'lol', 'l0l', 'ahh']) laugh2 = random.choice(['ha', 'hah', 'lol', 'l0l', 'ahh']) laugh1 = laugh1 * random.randrange(1, 5) laugh2 = laugh2 * random.randrange(1, 5) exclaim = random.choice(['!', '~', '!~', '~!!~~', '!!~', '~~~!']) exclaim += random.choice(['!', '~', '!~', '~!!~~', '!!~', '~~~!']) if random.random() < 0.5: exclaim += random.choice(['!', '~', '!~', '~!!~~', '!!~', '~~~!']) laugh = ''.join([' ', laugh1, laugh2, insult, exclaim]) text += laugh return text if random.random() < .03: irc.reply(randomlyLaugh('NO YUO', probability=1)) return alwaysInsertions = { r'er\b': 'ar', r'\bthe\b': 'teh', r'\byou\b': 'yuo', r'\bis\b': 'si', r'\blike\b': 'liek', r'[^e]ing\b': 'eing', } for (r, s) in alwaysInsertions.iteritems(): text = re.sub(r, s, text) randomInsertions = { r'i': 'ui', r'le\b': 'al', r'i': 'io', r'l': 'll', r'to': 'too', r'that': 'taht', r'[^s]c([ei])': r'sci\1', r'ed\b': r'e', r'\band\b': 'adn', r'\bhere\b': 'hear', r'\bthey\'re': 'their', r'\bthere\b': 'they\'re', r'\btheir\b': 'there', r'[^e]y': 'ey', } for (r, s) in randomInsertions.iteritems(): text = re.sub(r, randomlyReplace(s), text) text = re.sub(r'(\w)\'(\w)', quoteOrNothing, text) text = re.sub(r'\.(\s+|$)', randomExclaims, text) text = re.sub(r'([aeiou])([aeiou])', randomlyShuffle, text) text = re.sub(r'([bcdfghkjlmnpqrstvwxyz])([bcdfghkjlmnpqrstvwxyz])', lessRandomlyShuffle, text) text = randomlyLaugh(text) if random.random() < .4: text = text.upper() irc.reply(text) jeffk = wrap(jeffk, ['text']) # Keeping these separate so people can just replace the alphabets for # whatever their language of choice _spellLetters = { 'a': 'ay', 'b': 'bee', 'c': 'see', 'd': 'dee', 'e': 'ee', 'f': 'eff', 'g': 'gee', 'h': 'aych', 'i': 'eye', 'j': 'jay', 'k': 'kay', 'l': 'ell', 'm': 'em', 'n': 'en', 'o': 'oh', 'p': 'pee', 'q': 'cue', 'r': 'arr', 's': 'ess', 't': 'tee', 'u': 'you', 'v': 'vee', 'w': 'double-you', 'x': 'ecks', 'y': 'why', 'z': 'zee' } for (k, v) in _spellLetters.items(): _spellLetters[k.upper()] = v _spellPunctuation = { '!': 'exclamation point', '"': 'quote', '#': 'pound', '$': 'dollar sign', '%': 'percent', '&': 'ampersand', '\'': 'single quote', '(': 'left paren', ')': 'right paren', '*': 'asterisk', '+': 'plus', ',': 'comma', '-': 'minus', '.': 'period', '/': 'slash', ':': 'colon', ';': 'semicolon', '<': 'less than', '=': 'equals', '>': 'greater than', '?': 'question mark', '@': 'at', '[': 'left bracket', '\\': 'backslash', ']': 'right bracket', '^': 'caret', '_': 'underscore', '`': 'backtick', '{': 'left brace', '|': 'pipe', '}': 'right brace', '~': 'tilde' } _spellNumbers = { '0': 'zero', '1': 'one', '2': 'two', '3': 'three', '4': 'four', '5': 'five', '6': 'six', '7': 'seven', '8': 'eight', '9': 'nine' } def spellit(self, irc, msg, args, text): """<text> Returns <text>, phonetically spelled out. """ d = {} if self.registryValue('spellit.replaceLetters'): d.update(self._spellLetters) if self.registryValue('spellit.replaceNumbers'): d.update(self._spellNumbers) if self.registryValue('spellit.replacePunctuation'): d.update(self._spellPunctuation) # A bug in unicode on OSX prevents me from testing this. ## dd = {} ## for (c, v) in d.iteritems(): ## dd[ord(c)] = unicode(v + ' ') ## irc.reply(unicode(text).translate(dd)) out = StringIO() write = out.write for c in text: try: c = d[c] write(' ') except KeyError: pass write(c) irc.reply(out.getvalue()) spellit = wrap(spellit, ['text']) def gnu(self, irc, msg, args, text): """<text> Returns <text> as GNU/RMS would say it. """ irc.reply(' '.join(['GNU/' + s for s in text.split()])) gnu = wrap(gnu, ['text']) def shrink(self, irc, msg, args, text): """<text> Returns <text> with each word longer than supybot.plugins.Filter.shrink.minimum being shrunken (i.e., like "internationalization" becomes "i18n"). """ L = [] minimum = self.registryValue('shrink.minimum', msg.args[0]) for word in text.split(): if len(word) >= minimum: word = '%s%s%s' % (word[0], len(word)-2, word[-1]) L.append(word) irc.reply(' '.join(L)) shrink = wrap(shrink, ['text']) Class = Filter # vim:set shiftwidth=4 tabstop=8 expandtab textwidth=78: