# SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. # Copyright (C) YEAR ORGANIZATION # Mika Suomalainen , 2011. # msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: \n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2011-02-26 09:49+CET\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2011-08-03 22:33+0200\n" "Last-Translator: Mika Suomalainen \n" "Language-Team: \n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Generated-By: pygettext.py 1.5\n" #: config.py:50 msgid "" "Determines whether the bot will bold the title of the feed when\n" " it announces new news." msgstr "" "Määrittää korostaako botti otsikon, kun se kuuluttaa uusia\n" " uutisia." #: config.py:53 msgid "" "Determines what string is\n" " used to separate headlines in new feeds." msgstr "" "Määrittää mitä merkkiketjua käytetään\n" " erottamaan otsikot uusissa syötteissä." #: config.py:56 msgid "" "Determines what\n" " prefix is prepended (if any) to the new news item announcements made in the\n" " channel." msgstr "" "Määrittää mikä\n" " etuliite (jos mikään) lisätään kuulutuksiin, jotka on tehty\n" " kanavalla." #: config.py:60 msgid "" "Determines which RSS feeds\n" " should be announced in the channel; valid input is a list of strings\n" " (either registered RSS feeds or RSS feed URLs) separated by spaces." msgstr "" "Määrittää mitä RSS syötteitä kuulutetaan\n" " kanavalla; kelvollinen syöte on lista merkkiketjuista\n" " (joko rekisteröidyt RSS syötteet tai RSS syötteiden URL:it) välilyönneillä erotettuina." #: config.py:64 msgid "" "Indicates how many seconds the bot will\n" " wait between retrieving RSS feeds; requests made within this period will\n" " return cached results." msgstr "" "Määrittää kuinka monta sekuntia botti odottaa\n" " RSS syötteiden päivittämisten välillä; pyynnöt, jotka tehdän tällä ajalla\n" " palauttavat välimuistissa olevia tuloksia." #: config.py:68 msgid "" "Determines what feeds should be accessible as\n" " commands." msgstr "" #: config.py:71 msgid "" "Determines whether the bot will list the link\n" " along with the title of the feed when the rss command is called.\n" " supybot.plugins.RSS.announce.showLinks affects whether links will be\n" " listed when a feed is automatically announced." msgstr "" #: config.py:84 msgid "" "Determines whether the bot will list the link\n" " along with the title of the feed when a feed is automatically\n" " announced." msgstr "" #: plugin.py:62 msgid "" "This plugin is useful both for announcing updates to RSS feeds in a\n" " channel, and for retrieving the headlines of RSS feeds via command. Use\n" " the \"add\" command to add feeds to this plugin, and use the \"announce\"\n" " command to determine what feeds should be announced in a given channel." msgstr "" #: plugin.py:316 msgid "" " \n" "\n" " Adds a command to this plugin that will look up the RSS feed at the\n" " given URL.\n" " " msgstr "" #: plugin.py:327 msgid "" "\n" "\n" " Removes the command for looking up RSS feeds at from\n" " this plugin.\n" " " msgstr "" #: plugin.py:333 msgid "That's not a valid RSS feed command name." msgstr "" #: plugin.py:344 msgid "" "[]\n" "\n" " Returns the list of feeds announced in . is\n" " only necessary if the message isn't sent in the channel itself.\n" " " msgstr "" #: plugin.py:351 msgid "I am currently not announcing any feeds." msgstr "" #: plugin.py:356 msgid "" "[] [ ...]\n" "\n" " Adds the list of feeds to the current list of announced feeds in\n" " . Valid feeds include the names of registered feeds as\n" " well as URLs for RSS feeds. is only necessary if the\n" " message isn't sent in the channel itself.\n" " " msgstr "" #: plugin.py:374 msgid "" "[] [ ...]\n" "\n" " Removes the list of feeds from the current list of announced feeds\n" " in . Valid feeds include the names of registered feeds as\n" " well as URLs for RSS feeds. is only necessary if the\n" " message isn't sent in the channel itself.\n" " " msgstr "" #: plugin.py:392 msgid "" " []\n" "\n" " Gets the title components of the given RSS feed.\n" " If is given, return only that many headlines.\n" " " msgstr "" #: plugin.py:405 msgid "Couldn't get RSS feed." msgstr "" #: plugin.py:420 msgid "" "\n" "\n" " Returns information from the given RSS feed, namely the title,\n" " URL, description, and last update date, if available.\n" " " msgstr "" #: plugin.py:433 msgid "I couldn't retrieve that RSS feed." msgstr "" #: plugin.py:446 msgid "Title: %s; URL: %u; Description: %s; Last updated: %s." msgstr ""