### # Copyright (c) 2004-2005, Jeremiah Fincher # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions, and the following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions, and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # * Neither the name of the author of this software nor the name of # contributors to this software may be used to endorse or promote products # derived from this software without specific prior written consent. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" # AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR # CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF # SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS # INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN # CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) # ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ### import re import os import time import string import textwrap import supybot.utils as utils def error(s): """Replace me with something better from another module!""" print '***', s def exception(s): """Ditto!""" print '***', s, 'A bad exception.' class RegistryException(Exception): pass class InvalidRegistryFile(RegistryException): pass class InvalidRegistryName(RegistryException): pass class InvalidRegistryValue(RegistryException): pass class NonExistentRegistryEntry(RegistryException): pass _cache = utils.InsensitivePreservingDict() _lastModified = 0 def open(filename, clear=False): """Initializes the module by loading the registry file into memory.""" global _lastModified if clear: _cache.clear() _fd = file(filename) fd = utils.file.nonCommentNonEmptyLines(_fd) acc = '' for line in fd: line = line.rstrip('\r\n') # XXX There should be some way to determine whether or not we're # starting a new variable or not. As it is, if there's a backslash # at the end of every line in a variable, it won't be read, and # worse, the error will pass silently. if line.endswith('\\'): acc += line[:-1] continue else: acc += line try: (key, value) = re.split(r'(?', _cache[name] self.set(_cache[name]) if self._supplyDefault: for (k, v) in _cache.iteritems(): if k.startswith(self._name): rest = k[len(self._name)+1:] # +1 is for . parts = split(rest) if len(parts) == 1 and parts[0] == name: try: self.__makeChild(group, v) except InvalidRegistryValue: # It's probably supposed to be registered later. pass def register(self, name, node=None): if not isValidRegistryName(name): raise InvalidRegistryName, name if node is None: node = Group() # We tried in any number of horrible ways to make it so that # re-registering something would work. It doesn't, plain and simple. # For the longest time, we had an "Is this right?" comment here, but # from experience, we now know that it most definitely *is* right. if name not in self._children: self._children[name] = node self._added.append(name) names = split(self._name) names.append(name) fullname = join(names) node.setName(fullname) else: # We do this so the return value from here is at least useful; # otherwise, we're just returning a useless, unattached node # that's simply a waste of space. node = self._children[name] return node def unregister(self, name): try: node = self._children[name] del self._children[name] # We do this because we need to remove case-insensitively. name = name.lower() for elt in reversed(self._added): if elt.lower() == name: self._added.remove(elt) if node._name in _cache: del _cache[node._name] return node except KeyError: self.__nonExistentEntry(name) def rename(self, old, new): node = self.unregister(old) self.register(new, node) def getValues(self, getChildren=False, fullNames=True): L = [] if self._orderAlphabetically: self._added.sort() for name in self._added: node = self._children[name] if hasattr(node, 'value') or hasattr(node, 'help'): if node.__class__ is not self.X: L.append((node._name, node)) if getChildren: L.extend(node.getValues(getChildren, fullNames)) if not fullNames: L = [(split(s)[-1], node) for (s, node) in L] return L class Value(Group): """Invalid registry value. If you're getting this message, report it, because we forgot to put a proper help string here.""" def __init__(self, default, help, setDefault=True, showDefault=True, **kwargs): self.__parent = super(Value, self) self.__parent.__init__(help, **kwargs) self._default = default self._showDefault = showDefault self._help = utils.str.normalizeWhitespace(help.strip()) if setDefault: self.setValue(default) def error(self): if self.__doc__: s = self.__doc__ else: s = """%s has no docstring. If you're getting this message, report it, because we forgot to put a proper help string here."""%\ self._name e = InvalidRegistryValue(utils.str.normalizeWhitespace(s)) e.value = self raise e def setName(self, *args): if self._name == 'unset': self._lastModified = 0 self.__parent.setName(*args) self._lastModified = time.time() def set(self, s): """Override this with a function to convert a string to whatever type you want, and call self.setValue to set the value.""" self.setValue(s) def setValue(self, v): """Check conditions on the actual value type here. I.e., if you're a IntegerLessThanOneHundred (all your values must be integers less than 100) convert to an integer in set() and check that the integer is less than 100 in this method. You *must* call this parent method in your own setValue.""" self._lastModified = time.time() self.value = v if self._supplyDefault: for (name, v) in self._children.items(): if v.__class__ is self.X: self.unregister(name) def __str__(self): return repr(self()) def serialize(self): return str(self) # We tried many, *many* different syntactic methods here, and this one was # simply the best -- not very intrusive, easily overridden by subclasses, # etc. def __call__(self): if _lastModified > self._lastModified: if self._name in _cache: self.set(_cache[self._name]) return self.value class Boolean(Value): """Value must be either True or False (or On or Off).""" def set(self, s): try: v = utils.str.toBool(s) except ValueError: if s.strip().lower() == 'toggle': v = not self.value else: self.error() self.setValue(v) def setValue(self, v): super(Boolean, self).setValue(bool(v)) class Integer(Value): """Value must be an integer.""" def set(self, s): try: self.setValue(int(s)) except ValueError: self.error() class NonNegativeInteger(Integer): """Value must be a non-negative integer.""" def setValue(self, v): if v < 0: self.error() super(NonNegativeInteger, self).setValue(v) class PositiveInteger(NonNegativeInteger): """Value must be positive (non-zero) integer.""" def setValue(self, v): if not v: self.error() super(PositiveInteger, self).setValue(v) class Float(Value): """Value must be a floating-point number.""" def set(self, s): try: self.setValue(float(s)) except ValueError: self.error() def setValue(self, v): try: super(Float, self).setValue(float(v)) except ValueError: self.error() class PositiveFloat(Float): """Value must be a floating-point number greater than zero.""" def setValue(self, v): if v <= 0: self.error() else: super(PositiveFloat, self).setValue(v) class Probability(Float): """Value must be a floating point number in the range [0, 1].""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.__parent = super(Probability, self) self.__parent.__init__(*args, **kwargs) def setValue(self, v): if 0 <= v <= 1: self.__parent.setValue(v) else: self.error() class String(Value): """Value is not a valid Python string.""" def set(self, s): if not s: s = '""' elif s[0] != s[-1] or s[0] not in '\'"': s = repr(s) try: v = utils.safeEval(s) if not isinstance(v, basestring): raise ValueError self.setValue(v) except ValueError: # This catches utils.safeEval(s) errors too. self.error() _printable = string.printable[:-4] def _needsQuoting(self, s): return s.translate(utils.str.chars, self._printable) and s.strip() != s def __str__(self): s = self.value if self._needsQuoting(s): s = repr(s) return s class OnlySomeStrings(String): validStrings = () def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): assert self.validStrings, 'There must be some valid strings. ' \ 'This is a bug.' self.__parent = super(OnlySomeStrings, self) self.__parent.__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.__doc__ = format('Valid values include %L.', map(repr, self.validStrings)) def help(self): strings = [s for s in self.validStrings if s] return format('%s Valid strings: %L.', self._help, strings) def normalize(self, s): lowered = s.lower() L = list(map(str.lower, self.validStrings)) try: i = L.index(lowered) except ValueError: return s # This is handled in setValue. return self.validStrings[i] def setValue(self, s): s = self.normalize(s) if s in self.validStrings: self.__parent.setValue(s) else: self.error() class NormalizedString(String): def __init__(self, default, *args, **kwargs): default = self.normalize(default) self.__parent = super(NormalizedString, self) self.__parent.__init__(default, *args, **kwargs) self._showDefault = False def normalize(self, s): return utils.str.normalizeWhitespace(s.strip()) def set(self, s): s = self.normalize(s) self.__parent.set(s) def setValue(self, s): s = self.normalize(s) self.__parent.setValue(s) def serialize(self): s = str(self) prefixLen = len(self._name) + 2 lines = textwrap.wrap(s, width=76-prefixLen) last = len(lines)-1 for (i, line) in enumerate(lines): if i != 0: line = ' '*prefixLen + line if i != last: line += '\\' lines[i] = line ret = os.linesep.join(lines) return ret class StringSurroundedBySpaces(String): def setValue(self, v): if v.lstrip() == v: v= ' ' + v if v.rstrip() == v: v += ' ' super(StringSurroundedBySpaces, self).setValue(v) class StringWithSpaceOnRight(String): def setValue(self, v): if v.rstrip() == v: v += ' ' super(StringWithSpaceOnRight, self).setValue(v) class Regexp(Value): """Value must be a valid regular expression.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): kwargs['setDefault'] = False self.sr = '' self.value = None self.__parent = super(Regexp, self) self.__parent.__init__(*args, **kwargs) def error(self, e): self.__parent.error('Value must be a regexp of the form %s' % e) def set(self, s): try: if s: self.setValue(utils.str.perlReToPythonRe(s), sr=s) else: self.setValue(None) except ValueError, e: self.error(e) def setValue(self, v, sr=None): parent = super(Regexp, self) if v is None: self.sr = '' parent.setValue(None) elif sr is not None: self.sr = sr parent.setValue(v) else: raise InvalidRegistryValue, \ 'Can\'t setValue a regexp, there would be an inconsistency '\ 'between the regexp and the recorded string value.' def __str__(self): self() # Gotta update if we've been reloaded. return self.sr class SeparatedListOf(Value): List = list Value = Value sorted = False def splitter(self, s): """Override this with a function that takes a string and returns a list of strings.""" raise NotImplementedError def joiner(self, L): """Override this to join the internal list for output.""" raise NotImplementedError def set(self, s): L = self.splitter(s) for (i, s) in enumerate(L): v = self.Value(s, '') L[i] = v() self.setValue(L) def setValue(self, v): super(SeparatedListOf, self).setValue(self.List(v)) def __str__(self): values = self() if self.sorted: values = sorted(values) if values: return self.joiner(values) else: # We must return *something* here, otherwise down along the road we # can run into issues showing users the value if they've disabled # nick prefixes in any of the numerous ways possible. Since the # config parser doesn't care about this space, we'll use it :) return ' ' class SpaceSeparatedListOf(SeparatedListOf): def splitter(self, s): return s.split() joiner = ' '.join class SpaceSeparatedListOfStrings(SpaceSeparatedListOf): Value = String class SpaceSeparatedSetOfStrings(SpaceSeparatedListOfStrings): List = set class CommaSeparatedListOfStrings(SeparatedListOf): Value = String def splitter(self, s): return re.split(r'\s*,\s*', s) joiner = ', '.join # vim:set shiftwidth=4 tabstop=4 expandtab textwidth=79: