msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-01-22 07:53+CET\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=CHARSET\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: ENCODING\n"
"Generated-By: pygettext.py 1.5\n"

#: config.py:47
msgid ""
"Determines the maximum size of a string\n"
"    given to the levenshtein command.  The levenshtein command uses an O(m*n)\n"
"    algorithm, which means that with strings of length 256, it can take 1.5\n"
"    seconds to finish; with strings of length 384, though, it can take 4\n"
"    seconds to finish, and with strings of much larger lengths, it takes more\n"
"    and more time.  Using nested commands, strings can get quite large, hence\n"
"    this variable, to limit the size of arguments passed to the levenshtein\n"
"    command."
msgstr ""

#: config.py:58
msgid ""
"Determines the maximum time, in seconds, that\n"
"    a regular expression is given to execute before being terminated. Since\n"
"    there is a possibility that user input for the re command can cause it to\n"
"    eat up large amounts of ram or cpu time, it's a good idea to keep this \n"
"    low. Most normal regexps should not take very long at all."
msgstr ""

#: plugin.py:52
#, docstring
msgid ""
"        Returns the 8-bit value of <letter>.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: plugin.py:61
#, docstring
msgid ""
"        Returns the character associated with the 8-bit value <number>\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: plugin.py:68
msgid "That number doesn't map to an 8-bit character."
msgstr ""

#: plugin.py:73
#, docstring
msgid ""
"<encoding> <text>\n"
"        Returns an encoded form of the given text; the valid encodings are\n"
"        available in the documentation of the Python codecs module:\n"
"        <http://docs.python.org/library/codecs.html#standard-encodings>.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: plugin.py:89 plugin.py:126
msgid "encoding"
msgstr ""

#: plugin.py:108
#, docstring
msgid ""
"<encoding> <text>\n"
"        Returns an un-encoded form of the given text; the valid encodings are\n"
"        available in the documentation of the Python codecs module:\n"
"        <http://docs.python.org/library/codecs.html#standard-encodings>.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: plugin.py:132
msgid "base64 string"
msgstr ""

#: plugin.py:133
msgid "Base64 strings must be a multiple of 4 in length, padded with '=' if necessary."
msgstr ""

#: plugin.py:149
#, docstring
msgid ""
"<string1> <string2>\n"
"        Returns the levenshtein distance (also known as the \"edit distance\"\n"
"        between <string1> and <string2>)\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: plugin.py:156
msgid "Levenshtein distance is a complicated algorithm, try it with some smaller inputs."
msgstr ""

#: plugin.py:164
#, docstring
msgid ""
"<string> [<length>]\n"
"        Returns the Soundex hash to a given length.  The length defaults to\n"
"        4, since that's the standard length for a soundex hash.  For unlimited\n"
"        length, use 0. Maximum length 1024.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: plugin.py:178
#, docstring
msgid ""
"        Returns the length of <text>.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: plugin.py:187
#, docstring
msgid ""
"<regexp> <text>\n"
"        If <regexp> is of the form m/regexp/flags, returns the portion of\n"
"        <text> that matches the regexp.  If <regexp> is of the form\n"
"        s/regexp/replacement/flags, returns the result of applying such a\n"
"        regexp to <text>.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: plugin.py:199
msgid "You probably don't want to match the empty string."
msgstr ""

#: plugin.py:212
#, docstring
msgid ""
"<password> <text>\n"
"        Returns <text> XOR-encrypted with <password>.  See\n"
"        http://www.yoe.org/developer/xor.html for information about XOR\n"
"        encryption.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: plugin.py:225
#, docstring
msgid ""
"        Returns the md5 hash of a given string.  Read\n"
"        http://www.rsasecurity.com/rsalabs/faq/3-6-6.html for more information\n"
"        about md5.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: plugin.py:236
#, docstring
msgid ""
"        Returns the SHA hash of a given string.  Read\n"
"        http://www.secure-hash-algorithm-md5-sha-1.co.uk/ for more information\n"
"        about SHA.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""