### # Copyright (c) 2020-2021, Valentin Lorentz # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions, and the following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions, and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # * Neither the name of the author of this software nor the name of # contributors to this software may be used to endorse or promote products # derived from this software without specific prior written consent. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" # AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR # CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF # SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS # INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN # CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) # ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ### import re import json import importlib import urllib.parse from supybot import utils, callbacks, httpserver from supybot.commands import urlSnarfer, wrap from supybot.i18n import PluginInternationalization from . import activitypub as ap from .utils import parse_xsd_duration importlib.reload(ap) _ = PluginInternationalization("Fediverse") _username_regexp = re.compile("@(?P[^@ ]+)@(?P[^@ ]+)") def html_to_text(html): return utils.web.htmlToText(html).split("\n", 1)[0].strip() class FediverseHttp(httpserver.SupyHTTPServerCallback): name = "minimal ActivityPub server" defaultResponse = _( """ You shouldn't be here, this subfolder is not for you. Go back to the index and try out other plugins (if any).""" ) def doGetOrHead(self, handler, path, write_content): if path == "/instance_actor": self.instance_actor(write_content) else: self.send_response(404) self.end_headers() self.wfile.write(b"Error 404. There is nothing to see here.") def doWellKnown(self, handler, path): actor_url = ap.get_instance_actor_url() instance_hostname = urllib.parse.urlsplit(actor_url).hostname instance_account = "acct:%s@%s" % ( instance_hostname, instance_hostname, ) if path == "/webfinger?resource=%s" % instance_account: headers = {"Content-Type": "application/jrd+json"} content = { "subject": instance_account, "links": [ { "rel": "self", "type": "application/activity+json", "href": actor_url, } ], } return (200, headers, json.dumps(content).encode()) else: return None def instance_actor(self, write_content): self.send_response(200) self.send_header("Content-type", ap.ACTIVITY_MIMETYPE) self.end_headers() if not write_content: return pem = ap.get_public_key_pem() actor_url = ap.get_instance_actor_url() hostname = urllib.parse.urlparse(actor_url).hostname actor = { "@context": [ "https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams", "https://w3id.org/security/v1", ], "id": actor_url, "preferredUsername": hostname, "type": "Service", "publicKey": { "id": actor_url + "#main-key", "owner": actor_url, "publicKeyPem": pem.decode(), }, "inbox": actor_url + "/inbox", } self.wfile.write(json.dumps(actor).encode()) class Fediverse(callbacks.PluginRegexp): """Fetches information from ActivityPub servers. Enabling Secure Fetch ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The default configuration works with most ActivityPub servers, but not all of them, because they require an HTTP Signature to fetch profiles and statuses. Because of how HTTP Signatures work, you need to add some configuration for Limnoria to support it. First, you should set ``supybot.servers.http.port`` to a port you want your bot to listen on (by default it's 8080). If there are already plugins using it (eg. if Fediverse is already running), you should either unload all of them and load them back, or restart your bot. Then, you must configure a reverse-proxy in front of your bot (eg. nginx), and it must support HTTPS. Finally, set ``supybot.servers.http.publicUrl`` to the public URL of this server (when opening this URL in your browser, it should show a page with a title like "Supybot web server index"). """ threaded = True regexps = ["usernameSnarfer", "urlSnarfer_"] callBefore = ("Web",) def __init__(self, irc): super().__init__(irc) self._startHttp() self._actor_cache = utils.structures.TimeoutDict(timeout=600) # Used when snarfing, to cheaply avoid querying non-ActivityPub # servers. # Is also written to when using commands that successfully find # ActivityPub data. self._webfinger_support_cache = utils.structures.TimeoutDict( timeout=60 * 60 * 24 ) def _startHttp(self): callback = FediverseHttp() callback._plugin = self httpserver.hook("fediverse", callback) def die(self): self._stopHttp() super().die() def _stopHttp(self): httpserver.unhook("fediverse") def _has_webfinger_support(self, hostname): if hostname not in self._webfinger_support_cache: try: self._webfinger_support_cache[hostname] = ap.has_webfinger_support( hostname ) except Exception as e: self.log.error( "Checking Webfinger support for %s raised %s", hostname, e ) return False return self._webfinger_support_cache[hostname] def _get_actor(self, irc, username): if username in self._actor_cache: return self._actor_cache[username] match = _username_regexp.match(username) if match: localuser = match.group("localuser") hostname = match.group("hostname") try: actor = ap.get_actor(localuser, hostname) except ap.ActorNotFound: irc.error("Unknown user %s." % username, Raise=True) else: match = utils.web.urlRe.match(username) if match: # TODO: error handling actor = ap.get_resource_from_url(match.group(0)) try: hostname = urllib.parse.urlparse(actor.get("id")).hostname username = "@%s@%s" % ( hostname, actor.get["preferredUsername"], ) except Exception: username = None else: irc.errorInvalid("fediverse username", username) if username: self._actor_cache[username] = actor self._webfinger_support_cache[hostname] = True self._actor_cache[actor["id"]] = actor return actor def _format_actor_fullname(self, actor): try: hostname = urllib.parse.urlparse(actor.get("id")).hostname except Exception: hostname = "" username = actor.get("preferredUsername", "") name = actor.get("name", username) return "\x02%s\x02 (@%s@%s)" % (name, username, hostname) def _format_author(self, irc, author): if isinstance(author, str): # it's an URL try: author = self._get_actor(irc, author) except ap.ActivityPubError as e: return _("") % str(e) else: return self._format_actor_fullname(author) elif isinstance(author, dict): if author.get("type") == "Group": # Typically, there is an actor named "Default channel" # on PeerTube, which we do not want to show. return None if author.get("id"): return self._format_author(irc, author["id"]) elif isinstance(author, list): return format( "%L", filter( bool, [self._format_author(irc, item) for item in author] ), ) else: return "" def _format_status(self, irc, msg, status): if status["type"] == "Create": return self._format_status(irc, msg, status["object"]) elif status["type"] == "Note": cw = status.get("summary") author_fullname = self._format_author( irc, status.get("attributedTo") ) if cw: if self.registryValue( "format.statuses.showContentWithCW", msg.channel, irc.network, ): # show CW and content res = [ _("%s: \x02[CW %s]\x02 %s") % ( author_fullname, cw, html_to_text(status["content"]), ) ] else: # show CW but not content res = [_("%s: CW %s") % (author_fullname, cw)] else: # no CW, show content res = [ _("%s: %s") % ( author_fullname, html_to_text(status["content"]), ) ] for attachment in status.get("attachment", []): res.append(utils.str.url(attachment.get("url"))) return " ".join(res) elif status["type"] == "Announce": # aka boost; let's go fetch the original status try: content = ap.signed_request( status["object"], headers={"Accept": ap.ACTIVITY_MIMETYPE} ) status = json.loads(content.decode()) return self._format_status(irc, msg, status) except ap.ActivityPubProtocolError as e: return "" % e.args[0] elif status["type"] == "Video": author_fullname = self._format_author( irc, status.get("attributedTo") ) return format( _("\x02%s\x02 (%T) by %s: %s"), status["name"], abs(parse_xsd_duration(status["duration"]).total_seconds()), author_fullname, html_to_text(status["content"]), ) else: assert False, "Unknown status type %s: %r" % ( status["type"], status, ) @wrap(["somethingWithoutSpaces"]) def profile(self, irc, msg, args, username): """<@user@instance> Returns generic information on the account @user@instance.""" actor = self._get_actor(irc, username) irc.reply( _("%s: %s") % ( self._format_actor_fullname(actor), html_to_text(actor["summary"]), ) ) def _format_profile(self, irc, msg, actor): return _("%s: %s") % ( self._format_actor_fullname(actor), html_to_text(actor["summary"]), ) def usernameSnarfer(self, irc, msg, match): if callbacks.addressed(irc, msg): return if not self.registryValue( "snarfers.username", msg.channel, irc.network ): return if not self._has_webfinger_support(match.group("hostname")): self.log.debug( "Not snarfing, host doesn't have Webfinger support." ) return try: actor = self._get_actor(irc, match.group(0)) except ap.ActivityPubError as e: self.log.info("Could not fetch %s: %s", match.group(0), e) # Be silent on errors return irc.reply(self._format_profile(irc, msg, actor), prefixNick=False) usernameSnarfer.__doc__ = _username_regexp.pattern @urlSnarfer def urlSnarfer_(self, irc, msg, match): channel = msg.channel network = irc.network url = match.group(0) if not channel: return if callbacks.addressed(irc, msg): return snarf_profile = self.registryValue( "snarfers.profile", channel, network ) snarf_status = self.registryValue("snarfers.status", channel, network) if not snarf_profile and not snarf_status: return hostname = urllib.parse.urlparse(url).hostname if not self._has_webfinger_support(hostname): self.log.debug( "Not snarfing, host doesn't have Webfinger support." ) return try: resource = ap.get_resource_from_url(url) except ap.ActivityPubError: return try: if snarf_profile and resource["type"] in ("Person", "Service"): irc.reply(self._format_profile(irc, msg, resource)) elif snarf_status and resource["type"] in ( "Create", "Note", "Announce", ): irc.reply( self._format_status(irc, msg, resource), prefixNick=False ) except ap.ActivityPubError: return urlSnarfer_.__doc__ = utils.web._httpUrlRe @wrap(["somethingWithoutSpaces"]) def featured(self, irc, msg, args, username): """<@user@instance> Returnes the featured statuses of @user@instance (aka. pinned toots). """ actor = self._get_actor(irc, username) if "featured" not in actor: irc.reply(_("No featured statuses.")) return statuses = json.loads( ap.signed_request(actor["featured"]).decode() ).get("orderedItems", []) if not statuses: irc.reply(_("No featured statuses.")) return irc.replies( filter( bool, (self._format_status(irc, msg, status) for status in statuses), ) ) @wrap(["somethingWithoutSpaces"]) def statuses(self, irc, msg, args, username): """<@user@instance> Returned the last statuses of @user@instance. """ actor = self._get_actor(irc, username) if "outbox" not in actor: irc.error(_("No status."), Raise=True) outbox = json.loads(ap.signed_request(actor["outbox"]).decode()) # Fetches the first page of the outbox. This should be a good-enough # approximation of the number of statuses to show. statuses = json.loads(ap.signed_request(outbox["first"]).decode()).get( "orderedItems", [] ) irc.replies( filter( bool, (self._format_status(irc, msg, status) for status in statuses), ) ) @wrap(["url"]) def status(self, irc, msg, args, url): """ Shows the content of the status at . """ try: status = ap.get_resource_from_url(url) except ap.ActivityPubError as e: irc.error(_("Could not get status: %s") % e.args[0], Raise=True) else: hostname = urllib.parse.urlparse(url).hostname self._webfinger_support_cache[hostname] = True irc.reply(self._format_status(irc, msg, status)) Class = Fediverse # vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab textwidth=79: