# @format theme: minima title: Mikaela's Supybot site tagline: Things official documentation may not tell you author: name: "Aminda Suomalainen" url: "https://aminda.eu/" description: > # this means to ignore newlines until "baseurl:" Mikaela's Supybot site where nowadays the only content is security issues of stock Supybot. baseurl: "" # the subpath of your site, e.g. /blog/ url: "https://supybot.mikaela.info/" # the base hostname & protocol for your site github_username: Mikaela lang: en timezone: Etc/UTC encoding: utf-8 plugins: # - jekyll-mentions - jekyll-redirect-from - jekyll-sitemap - jekyll-seo-tag sitemap: file: "/sitemap.xml" include: [robots.txt] robots: nofollow, noai icon: https://github.com/ProgVal/Supybot-website/raw/master/static/logo.png markdown: kramdown kramdown: parse_block_html: true #webmaster_verifications: #google: #bing: defaults: - scope: path: "*" values: image: https://github.com/ProgVal/Supybot-website/raw/master/static/logo.png