Fewer questions, easier to use an maintain.

This commit is contained in:
Jeremy Fincher 2004-08-11 06:20:59 +00:00
parent 8a53eab39d
commit ef007332b5

View File

@ -135,24 +135,6 @@ def getDirectoryName(default, basedir=os.curdir):
done = True
return (dir, os.path.dirname(orig_dir))
def getRegistryValue(setting, prompt='', showHelp=True, showType=True):
if not prompt:
prompt = 'What would you like to set this option to?'
if showHelp:
help = ''
if showType:
help = '%s: ' % type(setting).__name__
help = '%s%s' % (help, setting.help)
output(textwrap.fill(help), unformatted=False)
ret = None
while not ret:
setting.set(expect(prompt, [], default=str(setting)))
ret = setting()
except registry.InvalidRegistryValue, reason:
return ret
def main():
import supybot.log as log
import supybot.conf as conf
@ -493,7 +475,7 @@ def main():
# Sundry
output("""Although supybot offers a supybot-adduser.py script, with which
output("""Although supybot offers a supybot-adduser script, with which
you can add users to your bot's user database, it's *very* important that
you have an owner user for you bot.""")
if yn('Would you like to add an owner user for your bot?', default=True):
@ -573,123 +555,51 @@ def main():
not yn('Would you like to turn this colorization off?',
# conf.supybot.log.level
output("""Your bot can handle debug messages at several priorities,
CRITICAL, ERROR, WARNING, INFO, and DEBUG, in decreasing order of priority.
By default, your bot will log all of these priorities except DEBUG. You
can, however, specify that it only log messages above a certain priority
priority = str(conf.supybot.log.level)
logLevel = something('What would you like the minimum priority to be? '
'Just press enter to accept the default.',
while logLevel not in ['debug', 'info', 'warning', 'error', 'critical']:
output("""That's not a valid priority. Valid priorities include
logLevel = something('What would you like the minimum priority to '
'be? Just press enter to accept the default.',
if advanced:
output("""Here's some stuff you only get to choose if you're an
advanced user :)""")
# enablePipeSyntax
output("""Supybot allows nested commands. You've probably read about
them in our website or documentation. By default, they work with a
syntax that looks something like Lisp with square brackets. I.e., to
call the command foo on the output of bar, you would use "foo [bar]".
Supybot is also capable of providing a pipe syntax similar to *nix
pipes. In addition to "foo [bar]", you could achieve the same effect
with "bar | foo", which some people find more natural. This syntax
is disabled by default because so many people have pipes in their
nicks, and we've found it to be somewhat frustrating to have to quote
such nicks in commands.""")
response = yn('Would you like to enable this pipe syntax?', default=0)
# conf.supybot.log.level
output("""Your bot can handle debug messages at several priorities,
CRITICAL, ERROR, WARNING, INFO, and DEBUG, in decreasing order of
priority. By default, your bot will log all of these priorities except
DEBUG. You can, however, specify that it only log messages above a
certain priority level.""")
priority = str(conf.supybot.log.level)
logLevel = something('What would you like the minimum priority to be?'
' Just press enter to accept the default.',
while logLevel not in ['debug','info','warning','error','critical']:
output("""That's not a valid priority. Valid priorities include
logLevel = something('What would you like the minimum priority to '
'be? Just press enter to accept the default.',
# conf.supybot.reply.withNickPrefix
output("""By defualt, the bot will respond to all commands with a
Nick: <response> response. That is, the user making the command will
have their nick prefixed to the command.
If supybot.reply.withNickPrefix is set to False, replies from the bot
will not include this nick prefix.""")
not yn('Would you like to turn off this nick prefix?',
# conf.supybot.databases.plugins.channelSpecific
# conf.supybot.reply.whenAddressedByNick
output("""By default, the bot will respond when addressed by its nick.
That is, if the bot's nick is 'botnick', then 'botnick: foo' will call
the foo command. If replyWhenAddressedByNick is False, the bot will
not respond to such messages. Make sure you have a prefixChar set if
you set this, otherwise people will only be able to communicate with
the bot through private messages.""")
not yn('Would you like to turn off the bot\'s replies to messages '
'prefixed with its nick?', default=False))
output("""Many plugins in Supybot are channel-specific. Their
databases, likewise, are specific to each channel the bot is in. Many
people don't want this, so we have one central location in which to
say that you would prefer all databases for all channels to be shared.
This variable, supybot.databases.plugins.channelSpecific, is that
# conf.supybot.reply.showSimpleSyntax
output("""By default, when the bot receives a message with invalid
arguments, the bot returns the full help (syntax and description) of
the command. If showOnlySyntax is set to True, though, the bot will
return just the syntax of the command. Of course, the help will still
be available via the help command.""")
yn('Would you like to show only the syntax of commands when '
'they\'re given invalid arguments?', default=False))
# conf.supybot.reply.whenNotCommand
output("""By default, when people address your bot but don't give it
a valid command, it'll respond with a message saying that they didn't
give it a valid command. When your channel grows more accustomed to
the bot, they may prefer that it not do that, since any command you
give the bot (at least within the included plugins) will respond with
something, so invalid commands are still noticeable. This decreases
the channel traffic somewhat.""")
not yn('Would you like to turn off the bot\'s replies when he\'s '
'addressed but given a non-command?', default=False))
# conf.supybot.reply.withPrivateNotice
output("""When a user sends a command to the bot from within a
channel, the bot, by default, also responds to that channel. In some
rather busy channels this might be considered spam, especially if the
command returns several lines in its result. In this case you may want
to notice the user instead.""")
yn('Would you like the bot to notice replies to users in private '
'when a command is executed in a channel?', default=False))
# conf.supybot.throttleTime
output("""In order to prevent flooding itself off the network,
your bot by default will not send more than one message per second to
the network. This is, however, configurable.""")
if yn('Would you like to change the minimum amount of time between '
'messages your bot sends to the network?', default=False):
while True:
'How long do you want your bot to wait between '
'sending messages to the server? Floating '
'point values are accepted.'))
except InvalidRegistryValue:
output("""That's not a valid time. You'll need to give
a floating-point number.""")
# This is close to the end.
if not advanced:
output("""There are a lot of options we didn't ask you about simply
because we'd rather you get up and running and have time left to play
around with your bot. But come back and see us! When you've played
around with your bot enough to know what you like, what you don't like,
what you'd like to change, then come back and run this script again
and tell us you're an advanced user. Some of those questions might be
boring, but they'll really help you customize your bot :)""")
not yn('Would you like plugin databases to be shared by all '
'channels, rather than specific to each channel the '
'bot is in?'))
output("""There are a lot of options we didn't ask you about simply
because we'd rather you get up and running and have time
left to play around with your bot. But come back and see
us! When you've played around with your bot enough to
know what you like, what you don't like, what you'd like
to change, then take a look at your configuration file
when your bot isn't running and read the comments,
tweaking values to your heart's desire.""")
# Let's make sure that src/ plugins are loaded.
conf.registerPlugin('Admin', True)
conf.registerPlugin('Channel', True)