mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 04:50:43 +01:00
Oops, forgot to remove stuff from Fun.
This commit is contained in:
@ -37,17 +37,9 @@ __revision__ = "$Id$"
import plugins
import gc
import re
import sys
import md5
import sha
import string
import random
import urllib
import inspect
import mimetypes
from itertools import imap
import conf
import utils
@ -42,7 +42,6 @@ import re
import sys
import md5
import sha
import string
import random
import urllib
import inspect
@ -65,63 +64,13 @@ class Fun(callbacks.Privmsg):
self.outFilters = ircutils.IrcDict()
def outFilter(self, irc, msg):
if msg.command == 'PRIVMSG':
if msg.args[0] in self.outFilters:
if ircmsgs.isAction(msg):
s = ircmsgs.unAction(msg)
s = msg.args[1]
methods = self.outFilters[msg.args[0]]
for filtercommand in methods:
myIrc = MyFunProxy()
filtercommand(myIrc, msg, [s])
s = myIrc.s
if ircmsgs.isAction(msg):
msg = ircmsgs.action(msg.args[0], s)
msg = ircmsgs.IrcMsg(msg=msg, args=(msg.args[0], s))
return msg
_filterCommands = ['jeffk', 'leet', 'rot13', 'hexlify', 'binary', 'lithp',
'scramble', 'morse', 'reverse', 'urlquote', 'md5','sha',
'colorize', 'squish']
def outfilter(self, irc, msg, args, channel):
"""[<channel>] [<command>]
Sets the outFilter of this plugin to be <command>. If no command is
given, unsets the outFilter. <channel> is only necessary if the
message isn't sent in the channel itself.
command = privmsgs.getArgs(args, required=0, optional=1)
if command:
command = callbacks.canonicalName(command)
if command in self._filterCommands:
method = getattr(self, command)
self.outFilters.setdefault(channel, []).append(method)
irc.reply(msg, conf.replySuccess)
irc.error(msg, 'That\'s not a valid filter command.')
self.outFilters[channel] = []
irc.reply(msg, conf.replySuccess)
outfilter = privmsgs.checkChannelCapability(outfilter, 'op')
def squish(self, irc, msg, args):
Removes all the spaces from <text>.
text = privmsgs.getArgs(args)
text = ''.join(text.split())
irc.reply(msg, text)
def ping(self, irc, msg, args):
"""takes no arguments
Checks to see if the bot is alive.
irc.reply(msg, 'pong', prefixName=False)
def hexip(self, irc, msg, args):
@ -178,30 +127,6 @@ class Fun(callbacks.Privmsg):
(base, number) = privmsgs.getArgs(args, required=2)
irc.reply(msg, str(long(number, int(base))))
def binary(self, irc, msg, args):
Returns the binary representation of <text>.
L = []
for c in privmsgs.getArgs(args):
LL = []
i = ord(c)
counter = 8
while i:
counter -= 1
if i & 1:
i >>= 1
while counter:
counter -= 1
irc.reply(msg, ''.join(L))
def encode(self, irc, msg, args):
"""<encoding> <text>
@ -228,27 +153,6 @@ class Fun(callbacks.Privmsg):
except LookupError:
irc.error(msg, 'There is no such encoding %r' % encoding)
def hexlify(self, irc, msg, args):
Returns a hexstring from the given string; a hexstring is a string
composed of the hexadecimal value of each character in the string
text = privmsgs.getArgs(args)
irc.reply(msg, text.encode('hex_codec'))
def unhexlify(self, irc, msg, args):
Returns the string corresponding to <hexstring>. Obviously,
<hexstring> must be a string of hexadecimal digits.
text = privmsgs.getArgs(args)
irc.reply(msg, text.decode('hex_codec'))
except TypeError:
irc.error(msg, 'Invalid input.')
def xor(self, irc, msg, args):
"""<password> <text>
@ -315,16 +219,6 @@ class Fun(callbacks.Privmsg):
s = urllib.unquote(text)
irc.reply(msg, s)
def rot13(self, irc, msg, args):
Rotates <text> 13 characters to the right in the alphabet. Rot13 is
commonly used for text that simply needs to be hidden from inadvertent
reading by roaming eyes, since it's easily reversible.
text = privmsgs.getArgs(args)
irc.reply(msg, text.encode('rot13'))
def coin(self, irc, msg, args):
"""takes no arguments
@ -359,46 +253,6 @@ class Fun(callbacks.Privmsg):
irc.error(msg, 'Dice must be of the form <dice>d<sides>')
def lithp(self, irc, msg, args):
Returns the lisping version of <text>
text = privmsgs.getArgs(args)
text = text.replace('sh', 'th')
text = text.replace('SH', 'TH')
text = text.replace('ss', 'th')
text = text.replace('SS', 'TH')
text = text.replace('s', 'th')
text = text.replace('z', 'th')
text = text.replace('S', 'Th')
text = text.replace('Z', 'Th')
text = text.replace('x', 'kth')
text = text.replace('X', 'KTH')
text = text.replace('cce', 'kth')
text = text.replace('CCE', 'KTH')
text = text.replace('tion', 'thion')
text = text.replace('TION', 'THION')
irc.reply(msg, text)
_leettrans = string.maketrans('oOaAeElBTiIts', '004433187!1+5')
_leetres = ((re.compile(r'\b(?:(?:[yY][o0O][oO0uU])|u)\b'), 'j00'),
(re.compile(r'fear'), 'ph33r'),
(re.compile(r'[aA][tT][eE]'), '8'),
(re.compile(r'[aA][tT]'), '@'),
(re.compile(r'[sS]\b'), 'z'),
(re.compile(r'x'), '><'),)
def leet(self, irc, msg, args):
Returns the l33tspeak version of <text>
s = privmsgs.getArgs(args)
for (r, sub) in self._leetres:
s = re.sub(r, sub, s)
s = s.translate(self._leettrans)
irc.reply(msg, s)
def objects(self, irc, msg, args):
"""takes no arguments.
@ -492,22 +346,6 @@ class Fun(callbacks.Privmsg):
irc.reply(msg, random.choice(self._eightballs))
_scrambleRe = re.compile(r'(?:\b|(?![a-zA-Z]))([a-zA-Z])([a-zA-Z]*)'\
def scramble(self, irc, msg, args):
Replies with a string where each word is scrambled; i.e., each internal
letter (that is, all letters but the first and last) are shuffled.
def _subber(m):
L = list(m.group(2))
return '%s%s%s' % (m.group(1), ''.join(L), m.group(3))
text = privmsgs.getArgs(args)
s = self._scrambleRe.sub(_subber, text)
irc.reply(msg, s)
def roulette(self, irc, msg, args):
"""takes no arguments.
@ -524,207 +362,6 @@ class Fun(callbacks.Privmsg):
irc.reply(msg, '*click*')
_code = {
"A" : ".-",
"B" : "-...",
"C" : "-.-.",
"D" : "-..",
"E" : ".",
"F" : "..-.",
"G" : "--.",
"H" : "....",
"I" : "..",
"J" : ".---",
"K" : "-.-",
"L" : ".-..",
"M" : "--",
"N" : "-.",
"O" : "---",
"P" : ".--.",
"Q" : "--.-",
"R" : ".-.",
"S" : "...",
"T" : "-",
"U" : "..-",
"V" : "...-",
"W" : ".--",
"X" : "-..-",
"Y" : "-.--",
"Z" : "--..",
"0" : "-----",
"1" : ".----",
"2" : "..---",
"3" : "...--",
"4" : "....-",
"5" : ".....",
"6" : "-....",
"7" : "--...",
"8" : "---..",
"9" : "----.",
_revcode = dict([(y, x) for (x, y) in _code.items()])
_unmorsere = re.compile('([.-]+)')
def unmorse(self, irc, msg, args):
"""<morse code text>
Does the reverse of the morse/ditdaw command.
text = privmsgs.getArgs(args)
text = text.replace('_', '-')
def morseToLetter(m):
s = m.group(1)
return self._revcode.get(s, s)
text = self._unmorsere.sub(morseToLetter, text)
text = text.replace(' ', '\x00')
text = text.replace(' ', '')
text = text.replace('\x00', ' ')
irc.reply(msg, text)
def morse(self, irc, msg, args):
Gives the more code equivalent of a given string.
text = privmsgs.getArgs(args)
L = []
for c in text.upper():
if c in self._code:
irc.reply(msg, ' '.join(L))
def reverse(self, irc, msg, args):
Reverses <text>.
text = privmsgs.getArgs(args)
irc.reply(msg, text[::-1])
def _color(self, c):
if c == ' ':
return c
fg = str(random.randint(2, 15)).zfill(2)
return '\x03%s%s' % (fg, c)
def colorize(self, irc, msg, args):
Returns <text> with each character randomly colorized.
text = privmsgs.getArgs(args)
L = [self._color(c) for c in text]
irc.reply(msg, ''.join(L))
def jeffk(self, irc, msg, args):
Returns <text> as if JeffK had said it himself.
def randomlyPick(L):
return random.choice(L)
def quoteOrNothing(m):
return randomlyPick(['"', '']).join(m.groups())
def randomlyReplace(s, probability=0.5):
def f(m):
if random.random() < probability:
return m.expand(s)
return m.group(0)
return f
def randomExclaims(m):
if random.random() < 0.85:
return ('!' * random.randrange(1, 5)) + m.group(1)
return '.' + m.group(1)
def randomlyShuffle(m):
L = list(m.groups())
return ''.join(L)
def lessRandomlyShuffle(m):
L = list(m.groups())
if random.random() < .4:
return ''.join(L)
def randomlyLaugh(text, probability=.3):
if random.random() < probability:
if random.random() < .5:
insult = random.choice([' fagot1', ' fagorts', ' jerks',
'fagot' ' jerk', ' dumbshoes',
' dumbshoe'])
insult = ''
laugh1 = random.choice(['ha', 'hah', 'lol', 'l0l', 'ahh'])
laugh2 = random.choice(['ha', 'hah', 'lol', 'l0l', 'ahh'])
laugh1 = laugh1 * random.randrange(1, 5)
laugh2 = laugh2 * random.randrange(1, 5)
exclaim = random.choice(['!', '~', '!~', '~!!~~',
'!!~', '~~~!'])
exclaim += random.choice(['!', '~', '!~', '~!!~~',
'!!~', '~~~!'])
if random.random() < 0.5:
exclaim += random.choice(['!', '~', '!~', '~!!~~',
'!!~', '~~~!'])
laugh = ''.join([' ', laugh1, laugh2, insult, exclaim])
text += laugh
return text
text = privmsgs.getArgs(args)
if random.random() < .03:
irc.reply(msg, randomlyLaugh('NO YUO', probability=1))
alwaysInsertions = {
r'er\b': 'ar',
r'\bthe\b': 'teh',
r'\byou\b': 'yuo',
r'\bis\b': 'si',
r'\blike\b': 'liek',
r'[^e]ing\b': 'eing',
for (r, s) in alwaysInsertions.iteritems():
text = re.sub(r, s, text)
randomInsertions = {
r'i': 'ui',
r'le\b': 'al',
r'i': 'io',
r'l': 'll',
r'to': 'too',
r'that': 'taht',
r'[^s]c([ei])': r'sci\1',
r'ed\b': r'e',
r'\band\b': 'adn',
r'\bhere\b': 'hear',
r'\bthey\'re': 'their',
r'\bthere\b': 'they\'re',
r'\btheir\b': 'there',
r'[^e]y': 'ey',
for (r, s) in randomInsertions.iteritems():
text = re.sub(r, randomlyReplace(s), text)
text = re.sub(r'(\w)\'(\w)', quoteOrNothing, text)
text = re.sub(r'\.(\s+|$)', randomExclaims, text)
text = re.sub(r'([aeiou])([aeiou])', randomlyShuffle, text)
text = re.sub(r'([bcdfghkjlmnpqrstvwxyz])([bcdfghkjlmnpqrstvwxyz])',
lessRandomlyShuffle, text)
text = randomlyLaugh(text)
if random.random() < .4:
text = text.upper()
irc.reply(msg, text)
Class = Fun
# vim:set shiftwidth=4 tabstop=8 expandtab textwidth=78:
@ -35,8 +35,8 @@ import re
import utils
class FunTest(ChannelPluginTestCase, PluginDocumentation):
plugins = ('Fun',)
class FilterTest(ChannelPluginTestCase, PluginDocumentation):
plugins = ('Filter',)
def testNoErrors(self):
self.assertNotError('leet foobar')
self.assertNotError('lithp meghan sweeney')
Reference in New Issue
Block a user