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synced 2025-03-05 14:00:40 +01:00
RSS: update l10n-fi & messages.pot
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
# RSS plugin in Limnoria.
# Copyright (C) Limnoria 2011
# Mikaela Suomalainen <mkaysi@outlook.com>, 2011, 2012.
# Copyright (C) Limnoria 2011-2014
# Mikaela Suomalainen <mkaysi@outlook.com>, 2011-2014.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-05-31 15:04+EEST\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-05-31 15:10+0200\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-08-01 19:48+EEST\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-08-01 20:03+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Mikaela Suomalainen <mikaela.suomalainen@outlook.com>\n"
"Language-Team: Finnish <>\n"
"Language: fi\n"
@ -23,13 +23,15 @@ msgstr ""
"Kelvolliset arvot ovat 'asInFeed' (kuten syötteessä), 'oldestFirst' (vanhin "
"ensin), 'newestFirst' (uusin ensin)."
#: config.py:54
#: config.py:55
msgid ""
"Determines whether the bot will bold the title of the feed when\n"
" it announces news."
msgstr "Määrittää korostetaanko syötteen otsikko uutisia kuuluttaessa."
"Determines what feeds should be accessible as\n"
" commands."
msgstr ""
"Määrittää mitten syötteiden pitäisi olla käytettävissä\n"
" komentoina."
#: config.py:57
#: config.py:62
msgid ""
"Determines what string is\n"
" used to separate headlines in new feeds."
@ -37,30 +39,44 @@ msgstr ""
"Määrittää mitä merkkiketjua käytetään\n"
" erottamaan otsikot uusissa syötteissä."
#: config.py:60
# This looks like something that shouldn't be translated.
#: config.py:65
msgid "$date: $title <$link>"
msgstr "$date: $title <$link>"
#: config.py:65
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Determines what\n"
" prefix is prepended (if any) to the news item announcements made in the\n"
" channel."
"The format the bot\n"
" will use for displaying headlines of a RSS feed that is triggered\n"
" manually. In addition to fields defined by feedparser ($published\n"
" (the entry date), $title, $link, $description, $id, etc.), the "
" variables can be used: $feed_name, $date (parsed date, as defined in\n"
" supybot.reply.format.time)"
msgstr ""
"Määrittää kanavalla tehtyihin uutiskuulutuksiin liitettävän etuliitteen (jos "
"Muoto, jota käytetään manuaalisesti pyydetyn RSS-syltteen otsikoissa.\n"
" Feedparserin määrittämien kenttien ($published (julkaisuaika), $title, "
" $description, $id jne.) lisäksi voidaan käyttää seuraavia muuttujia: "
" $date (parsittu päiväys, jonka määrittää asetus supybot.reply.format.time)"
#: config.py:60
msgid "News from "
msgstr "Uutisia kohteesta "
#: config.py:72
msgid "News from $feed_name: $title <$link>"
msgstr "Uutisia lähteestä $feed_name: $title <$link>"
#: config.py:64
msgid ": "
msgstr ": "
#: config.py:64
#: config.py:73
msgid ""
"Determines what\n"
" suffix is appended to the feed name in a news item."
msgstr "Määrittää uutissyötteen nimeen liitettävän jälkiliitteen."
"The format the bot will use for displaying headlines of a RSS feed\n"
" that is announced. See supybot.plugins.RSS.format for the available\n"
" variables."
msgstr ""
"Muoto, jotaa botti käyttää kuulutettavan RSS-syötteen otsikoiden "
" Kelvolliset muuttujat näkee asetuksesta supybot.plugins.RSS.format."
#: config.py:67
#: config.py:81
msgid ""
"Determines which RSS feeds\n"
" should be announced in the channel; valid input is a list of strings\n"
@ -71,7 +87,7 @@ msgstr ""
"-osoitteita) välilyönneillä erotettuina."
#: config.py:71
#: config.py:85
msgid ""
"Indicates how many seconds the bot will\n"
" wait between retrieving RSS feeds; requests made within this period "
@ -83,7 +99,7 @@ msgstr ""
" palauttavat välimuistissa olevia tuloksia."
#: config.py:75
#: config.py:89
msgid ""
"Determines whether feed items should be\n"
" sorted by their update timestamp or kept in the same order as they "
@ -95,27 +111,7 @@ msgstr ""
" syötteessä."
#: config.py:83
msgid ""
"Determines what feeds should be accessible as\n"
" commands."
msgstr ""
"Määrittää mitten syötteiden pitäisi olla käytettävissä\n"
" komentoina."
#: config.py:86
msgid ""
"Determines whether the bot will list the link\n"
" along with the title of the feed when the rss command is called.\n"
" supybot.plugins.RSS.announce.showLinks affects whether links will be\n"
" listed when a feed is automatically announced."
msgstr ""
"Määrittää luetteleeko botti linkin\n"
" syötteen otsikon kanssa, kun rss komentoa kutsutaan.\n"
" supybot.plugins.RSS.announce.showLinks vaikuttaa luetellaanko\n"
" linkit, kun syöte on kuulutettu automaattisesti."
#: config.py:97
#: config.py:96
msgid ""
"Indicates how many headlines an rss feed\n"
" will output by default, if no number is provided."
@ -123,7 +119,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Ilmaisee kuinka monta otsikkoa RSS-syötteen ulostulossa on oletuksena,\n"
" jos määrää ei määritetä komennossa."
#: config.py:100
#: config.py:99
msgid ""
"Indicates how many headlines an rss feed\n"
" will output when it is first added to announce for a channel."
@ -132,7 +128,7 @@ msgstr ""
"kerralla, kun sen kuuluttaminen\n"
" lisätään kanavalle."
#: config.py:103
#: config.py:102
msgid ""
"Space separated list of \n"
" strings, lets you filter headlines to those containing one or more "
@ -143,7 +139,7 @@ msgstr ""
" yhteen tai useampaan kohteeseen, jotka ovat tällä valkoisella listalla."
#: config.py:107
#: config.py:106
msgid ""
"Space separated list of \n"
" strings, lets you filter headlines to those not containing any items\n"
@ -153,17 +149,30 @@ msgstr ""
" tämä sallii kohteiden, jotka ovat tällä mustalla listalla, suodattamisen "
#: config.py:113
#: plugin.py:91
msgid ""
"Determines whether the bot will list the link\n"
" along with the title of the feed when a feed is automatically\n"
" announced."
"[<number of headlines>]\n"
" Reports the titles for %s at the RSS feed %u. If\n"
" <number of headlines> is given, returns only that many headlines.\n"
" RSS feeds are only looked up every supybot.plugins.RSS.waitPeriod\n"
" seconds, which defaults to 1800 (30 minutes) since that's what most\n"
" websites prefer."
msgstr ""
"Määrittää luetteleeko botti linkin\n"
" syötteen otsikon kautta, kun syöte kuulutetaan\n"
" automaattisesti."
"[<otsikoiden määrä>]\n"
" Raportoi otsikot kohteelle %s RSS-syötteessä %u. Jos <otsikoiden määrä> on\n"
" annettu, tämä palauttaa vain sen määrän otsikoita. RSS-syötteitä "
" asetuksen supybot.plugins.RSS.waitPeriod sekuntejen mukaan, joka on\n"
" oletuksena 1800 (30 minuuttia), koska se on useimpien verkkosivujen suosima "
#: plugin.py:57
#: plugin.py:106
msgid "Return feed items, sorted according to sortFeedItems."
msgstr "Palauttaa syötteen kohteet järjestettynä sortFeedItems :in mukaan."
#: plugin.py:130
msgid ""
"This plugin is useful both for announcing updates to RSS feeds in a\n"
" channel, and for retrieving the headlines of RSS feeds via command. "
@ -180,11 +189,15 @@ msgstr ""
" komentoa määrittämään mitkä syötteet pitäisi kuuluttaa annetulla "
#: plugin.py:335
msgid "Return feed items, sorted according to sortFeedItems."
msgstr "Palauttaa syötteen kohteet järjestettynä sortFeedItems :in mukaan."
#: plugin.py:175
msgid "I already have a command in this plugin named %s."
msgstr "Minulla on jo komento %s tässä lisä-osassa."
#: plugin.py:388
#: plugin.py:181
msgid "I already have a feed with that URL named %s."
msgstr "Minulla on jo syöte nimeltä %s."
#: plugin.py:346
msgid ""
"<name> <url>\n"
@ -198,7 +211,7 @@ msgstr ""
" URL osoitteesta..\n"
" "
#: plugin.py:399
#: plugin.py:359
msgid ""
@ -212,11 +225,11 @@ msgstr ""
" lisäosasta.\n"
" "
#: plugin.py:405
#: plugin.py:366
msgid "That's not a valid RSS feed command name."
msgstr "Tuo ei ole kelvollinen RSS sylte komento nimi."
#: plugin.py:416
#: plugin.py:375
msgid ""
@ -231,11 +244,11 @@ msgstr ""
" vaadittu vain jos viestiä ei lähetetä kanavalla itsellään.\n"
" "
#: plugin.py:423
#: plugin.py:382
msgid "I am currently not announcing any feeds."
msgstr "Minä en tällä hetkellä kuuluta yhtään syötettä."
#: plugin.py:428
#: plugin.py:387
msgid ""
"[<channel>] <name|url> [<name|url> ...]\n"
@ -257,7 +270,7 @@ msgstr ""
" viestiä ei lähetetä kanavalla itsellään.\n"
" "
#: plugin.py:446
#: plugin.py:409
msgid ""
"[<channel>] <name|url> [<name|url> ...]\n"
@ -279,9 +292,10 @@ msgstr ""
" ei lähetetä kanavalla itsellään.\n"
" "
#: plugin.py:464
#: plugin.py:427
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"<url> [<number of headlines>]\n"
"<name|url> [<number of headlines>]\n"
" Gets the title components of the given RSS feed.\n"
" If <number of headlines> is given, return only that many headlines.\n"
@ -294,11 +308,11 @@ msgstr ""
" "
#: plugin.py:477
#: plugin.py:443
msgid "Couldn't get RSS feed."
msgstr "RSS syötettä ei pystytty hakemaan."
#: plugin.py:492
#: plugin.py:457
msgid ""
@ -312,10 +326,64 @@ msgstr ""
" URL, kuvauksen, ja viimeisen päivityksen, jos saatavilla.\n"
" "
#: plugin.py:505
#: plugin.py:472
msgid "I couldn't retrieve that RSS feed."
msgstr "En voinut noutaa tuota RSS syötettä."
#: plugin.py:518
#: plugin.py:480
#, fuzzy
msgid "time unavailable"
msgstr "aika ei ole saatavilla"
#: plugin.py:481 plugin.py:482 plugin.py:483
msgid "unavailable"
msgstr "ei saatavilla"
#: plugin.py:485
msgid "Title: %s; URL: %u; Description: %s; Last updated: %s."
msgstr "Otsikko: %s; URL: %u; Kuvaus: %s; Viimeeksi päivitetty: %s."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Determines whether the bot will bold the title of the feed when\n"
#~ " it announces news."
#~ msgstr "Määrittää korostetaanko syötteen otsikko uutisia kuuluttaessa."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Determines what\n"
#~ " prefix is prepended (if any) to the news item announcements made in "
#~ "the\n"
#~ " channel."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Määrittää kanavalla tehtyihin uutiskuulutuksiin liitettävän etuliitteen "
#~ "(jos mikään)."
#~ msgid "News from "
#~ msgstr "Uutisia kohteesta "
#~ msgid ": "
#~ msgstr ": "
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Determines what\n"
#~ " suffix is appended to the feed name in a news item."
#~ msgstr "Määrittää uutissyötteen nimeen liitettävän jälkiliitteen."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Determines whether the bot will list the link\n"
#~ " along with the title of the feed when the rss command is called.\n"
#~ " supybot.plugins.RSS.announce.showLinks affects whether links will be\n"
#~ " listed when a feed is automatically announced."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Määrittää luetteleeko botti linkin\n"
#~ " syötteen otsikon kanssa, kun rss komentoa kutsutaan.\n"
#~ " supybot.plugins.RSS.announce.showLinks vaikuttaa luetellaanko\n"
#~ " linkit, kun syöte on kuulutettu automaattisesti."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Determines whether the bot will list the link\n"
#~ " along with the title of the feed when a feed is automatically\n"
#~ " announced."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Määrittää luetteleeko botti linkin\n"
#~ " syötteen otsikon kautta, kun syöte kuulutetaan\n"
#~ " automaattisesti."
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-03-22 16:34+EET\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-08-01 19:48+EEST\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n"
@ -20,108 +20,107 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Valid values include 'asInFeed', 'oldestFirst', 'newestFirst'."
msgstr ""
#: config.py:54
#: config.py:55
msgid ""
"Determines whether the bot will bold the title of the feed when\n"
" it announces news."
"Determines what feeds should be accessible as\n"
" commands."
msgstr ""
#: config.py:57
#: config.py:62
msgid ""
"Determines what string is\n"
" used to separate headlines in new feeds."
msgstr ""
#: config.py:60
#: config.py:65
msgid "$date: $title <$link>"
msgstr ""
#: config.py:65
msgid ""
"Determines what\n"
" prefix is prepended (if any) to the news item announcements made in the\n"
" channel."
"The format the bot\n"
" will use for displaying headlines of a RSS feed that is triggered\n"
" manually. In addition to fields defined by feedparser ($published\n"
" (the entry date), $title, $link, $description, $id, etc.), the following\n"
" variables can be used: $feed_name, $date (parsed date, as defined in\n"
" supybot.reply.format.time)"
msgstr ""
#: config.py:60
msgid "News from "
#: config.py:72
msgid "News from $feed_name: $title <$link>"
msgstr ""
#: config.py:64
msgid ": "
msgstr ""
#: config.py:64
#: config.py:73
msgid ""
"Determines what\n"
" suffix is appended to the feed name in a news item."
"The format the bot will use for displaying headlines of a RSS feed\n"
" that is announced. See supybot.plugins.RSS.format for the available\n"
" variables."
msgstr ""
#: config.py:67
#: config.py:81
msgid ""
"Determines which RSS feeds\n"
" should be announced in the channel; valid input is a list of strings\n"
" (either registered RSS feeds or RSS feed URLs) separated by spaces."
msgstr ""
#: config.py:71
#: config.py:85
msgid ""
"Indicates how many seconds the bot will\n"
" wait between retrieving RSS feeds; requests made within this period will\n"
" return cached results."
msgstr ""
#: config.py:75
#: config.py:89
msgid ""
"Determines whether feed items should be\n"
" sorted by their update timestamp or kept in the same order as they appear\n"
" in a feed."
msgstr ""
#: config.py:83
msgid ""
"Determines what feeds should be accessible as\n"
" commands."
msgstr ""
#: config.py:86
msgid ""
"Determines whether the bot will list the link\n"
" along with the title of the feed when the rss command is called.\n"
" supybot.plugins.RSS.announce.showLinks affects whether links will be\n"
" listed when a feed is automatically announced."
msgstr ""
#: config.py:97
#: config.py:96
msgid ""
"Indicates how many headlines an rss feed\n"
" will output by default, if no number is provided."
msgstr ""
#: config.py:100
#: config.py:99
msgid ""
"Indicates how many headlines an rss feed\n"
" will output when it is first added to announce for a channel."
msgstr ""
#: config.py:103
#: config.py:102
msgid ""
"Space separated list of \n"
" strings, lets you filter headlines to those containing one or more items\n"
" in this whitelist."
msgstr ""
#: config.py:107
#: config.py:106
msgid ""
"Space separated list of \n"
" strings, lets you filter headlines to those not containing any items\n"
" in this blacklist."
msgstr ""
#: config.py:113
#: plugin.py:91
msgid ""
"Determines whether the bot will list the link\n"
" along with the title of the feed when a feed is automatically\n"
" announced."
"[<number of headlines>]\n"
" Reports the titles for %s at the RSS feed %u. If\n"
" <number of headlines> is given, returns only that many headlines.\n"
" RSS feeds are only looked up every supybot.plugins.RSS.waitPeriod\n"
" seconds, which defaults to 1800 (30 minutes) since that's what most\n"
" websites prefer."
msgstr ""
#: plugin.py:57
#: plugin.py:106
#, docstring
msgid "Return feed items, sorted according to sortFeedItems."
msgstr ""
#: plugin.py:130
#, docstring
msgid ""
"This plugin is useful both for announcing updates to RSS feeds in a\n"
@ -130,12 +129,15 @@ msgid ""
" command to determine what feeds should be announced in a given channel."
msgstr ""
#: plugin.py:335
#, docstring
msgid "Return feed items, sorted according to sortFeedItems."
#: plugin.py:175
msgid "I already have a command in this plugin named %s."
msgstr ""
#: plugin.py:388
#: plugin.py:181
msgid "I already have a feed with that URL named %s."
msgstr ""
#: plugin.py:346
#, docstring
msgid ""
"<name> <url>\n"
@ -145,7 +147,7 @@ msgid ""
" "
msgstr ""
#: plugin.py:399
#: plugin.py:359
#, docstring
msgid ""
@ -155,11 +157,11 @@ msgid ""
" "
msgstr ""
#: plugin.py:405
#: plugin.py:366
msgid "That's not a valid RSS feed command name."
msgstr ""
#: plugin.py:416
#: plugin.py:375
#, docstring
msgid ""
@ -169,11 +171,11 @@ msgid ""
" "
msgstr ""
#: plugin.py:423
#: plugin.py:382
msgid "I am currently not announcing any feeds."
msgstr ""
#: plugin.py:428
#: plugin.py:387
#, docstring
msgid ""
"[<channel>] <name|url> [<name|url> ...]\n"
@ -185,7 +187,7 @@ msgid ""
" "
msgstr ""
#: plugin.py:446
#: plugin.py:409
#, docstring
msgid ""
"[<channel>] <name|url> [<name|url> ...]\n"
@ -197,21 +199,21 @@ msgid ""
" "
msgstr ""
#: plugin.py:464
#: plugin.py:427
#, docstring
msgid ""
"<url> [<number of headlines>]\n"
"<name|url> [<number of headlines>]\n"
" Gets the title components of the given RSS feed.\n"
" If <number of headlines> is given, return only that many headlines.\n"
" "
msgstr ""
#: plugin.py:477
#: plugin.py:443
msgid "Couldn't get RSS feed."
msgstr ""
#: plugin.py:492
#: plugin.py:457
#, docstring
msgid ""
@ -221,11 +223,19 @@ msgid ""
" "
msgstr ""
#: plugin.py:505
#: plugin.py:472
msgid "I couldn't retrieve that RSS feed."
msgstr ""
#: plugin.py:518
#: plugin.py:480
msgid "time unavailable"
msgstr ""
#: plugin.py:481 plugin.py:482 plugin.py:483
msgid "unavailable"
msgstr ""
#: plugin.py:485
msgid "Title: %s; URL: %u; Description: %s; Last updated: %s."
msgstr ""
Reference in New Issue
Block a user