mirror of
synced 2025-02-17 06:00:42 +01:00
Made commands.wrap stop doing decorators, exposed thread and urlSnarfer, and changed plugins accordingly.
This commit is contained in:
@ -267,7 +267,7 @@ class Bugzilla(callbacks.PrivmsgCommandAndRegexp):
report['product'] = str(summary['product'])
s = '%(product)s bug #%(id)s: %(title)s %(summary)s' % report
irc.reply(s, prefixName=False)
bzSnarfer = wrap(bzSnarfer, decorators=['urlSnarfer'])
bzSnarfer = urlSnarfer(bzSnarfer)
def urlquery2bugslist(self, url, query):
"""Given a URL and query list for a CSV bug list, it'll return
@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ class Ebay(callbacks.PrivmsgCommandAndRegexp):
irc.reply(self._getResponse(url), prefixName=False)
except EbayError, e:
self.log.info('ebaySnarfer exception at %s: %s', url, str(e))
ebaySnarfer = wrap(ebaySnarfer, decorators=['urlSnarfer'])
ebaySnarfer = urlSnarfer(ebaySnarfer)
def _getResponse(self, url):
@ -223,7 +223,7 @@ class Gameknot(callbacks.PrivmsgCommandAndRegexp):
except Exception, e:
gameknotSnarfer = wrap(gameknotSnarfer, decorators=['urlSnarfer'])
gameknotSnarfer = urlSnarfer(gameknotSnarfer)
def gameknotStatsSnarfer(self, irc, msg, match):
@ -232,7 +232,7 @@ class Gameknot(callbacks.PrivmsgCommandAndRegexp):
name = match.group(1)
s = self.getStats(name)
irc.reply(s, prefixName=False)
gameknotStatsSnarfer = wrap(gameknotStatsSnarfer,decorators=['urlSnarfer'])
gameknotStatsSnarfer = urlSnarfer(gameknotStatsSnarfer)
Class = Gameknot
@ -58,7 +58,6 @@ import supybot.conf as conf
import supybot.utils as utils
from supybot.commands import *
import supybot.webutils as webutils
import supybot.privmsgs as privmsgs
import supybot.registry as registry
import supybot.callbacks as callbacks
@ -158,7 +157,7 @@ class Geekquote(callbacks.PrivmsgCommandAndRegexp):
site = match.groupdict()['site']
self.log.info('Snarfing geekquote %s from %s.' % (id, site))
self._gkBackend(irc, msg, site, id)
geekSnarfer = wrap(geekSnarfer, decorators=['urlSnarfer'])
geekSnarfer = urlSnarfer(geekSnarfer)
def geekquote(self, irc, msg, args, id):
@ -168,7 +167,7 @@ class Geekquote(callbacks.PrivmsgCommandAndRegexp):
site = 'bash.org'
self._gkBackend(irc, msg, site, id)
geekquote = wrap(geekquote, [optional(('id', 'geekquote'))])
geekquote = wrap(geekquote, [additional(('id', 'geekquote'))])
def qdb(self, irc, msg, args, id):
@ -176,10 +175,9 @@ class Geekquote(callbacks.PrivmsgCommandAndRegexp):
Returns a random geek quote from qdb.us; the optional argument
<id> specifies which quote to retrieve.
id = privmsgs.getArgs(args, required=0, optional=1)
site = 'qdb.us'
self._gkBackend(irc, msg, site, id)
qdb = wrap(qdb, [optional(('id', 'qdb'))])
qdb = wrap(qdb, [additional(('id', 'qdb'))])
Class = Geekquote
@ -427,7 +427,7 @@ class Google(callbacks.PrivmsgCommandAndRegexp):
if data.results:
url = data.results[0].URL
irc.reply(url, prefixName=False)
googleSnarfer = wrap(googleSnarfer, decorators=['urlSnarfer'])
googleSnarfer = urlSnarfer(googleSnarfer)
_ggThread = re.compile(r'<br>Subject: ([^<]+)<br>', re.I)
_ggGroup = re.compile(r'Newsgroups: (?:<a[^>]+>)?([^<]+)(?:</a>)?', re.I)
@ -460,7 +460,7 @@ class Google(callbacks.PrivmsgCommandAndRegexp):
irc.errorPossibleBug('That doesn\'t appear to be a proper '
'Google Groups page.')
googleGroups = wrap(googleGroups, decorators=['urlSnarfer'])
googleGroups = urlSnarfer(googleGroups)
_calcRe = re.compile(r'<td nowrap><font size=\+1><b>(.*?)</b>', re.I)
_calcSupRe = re.compile(r'<sup>(.*?)</sup>', re.I)
@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ class Python(callbacks.PrivmsgCommandAndRegexp):
resp.append('%s: %s' % self._bold(m.groups()))
if resp:
irc.reply('; '.join(resp), prefixName = False)
aspnRecipes = wrap(aspnRecipes, decorators=['urlSnarfer'])
aspnRecipes = urlSnarfer(aspnRecipes)
Class = Python
@ -189,7 +189,7 @@ class ShrinkUrl(callbacks.PrivmsgCommandAndRegexp):
if m is None:
print irc, irc.__class__
shrinkSnarfer = wrap(shrinkSnarfer, decorators=['urlSnarfer'])
shrinkSnarfer = urlSnarfer(shrinkSnarfer)
def _getLnUrl(self, url):
@ -219,7 +219,7 @@ class ShrinkUrl(callbacks.PrivmsgCommandAndRegexp):
ln = wrap(ln, ['url'], decorators=['thread'])
ln = thread(wrap(ln, ['url']))
_tinyRe = re.compile(r'<blockquote><b>(http://tinyurl\.com/\w+)</b>')
def _getTinyUrl(self, url):
@ -250,7 +250,7 @@ class ShrinkUrl(callbacks.PrivmsgCommandAndRegexp):
s = 'Could not parse the TinyURL.com results page.'
tiny = wrap(tiny, ['url'], decorators=['thread'])
tiny = thread(wrap(tiny, ['url']))
Class = ShrinkUrl
@ -510,7 +510,7 @@ class Sourceforge(callbacks.PrivmsgCommandAndRegexp):
irc.reply(resp, prefixName=False)
except TrackerError, e:
sfSnarfer = wrap(sfSnarfer, decorators=['urlSnarfer'])
sfSnarfer = urlSnarfer(sfSnarfer)
Class = Sourceforge
@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ class URL(callbacks.PrivmsgCommandAndRegexp):
title = utils.htmlToText(m.group(1).strip())
s = 'Title: %s (at %s)' % (title, domain)
irc.reply(s, prefixName=False)
titleSnarfer = wrap(titleSnarfer, decorators=['urlSnarfer'])
titleSnarfer = urlSnarfer(titleSnarfer)
def stats(self, irc, msg, args, channel):
@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ class URL(callbacks.PrivmsgCommandAndRegexp):
irc.reply('I have %s in my database.' % utils.nItems('URL', count))
stats = wrap(stats, ['channeldb'])
def last(self, irc, msg, args, optlist, channel):
def last(self, irc, msg, args, channel, optlist):
"""[<channel>] [--{from,with,without,near,proto}=<value>] --nolimit
Gives the last URL matching the given criteria. --from is from whom
@ -279,7 +279,7 @@ class Misc(callbacks.Privmsg):
s = 'The current (running) version of this Supybot is %s. %s' % \
(conf.version, newest)
version = wrap(version, decorators=['thread'])
version = wrap(thread(version))
# XXX This should be converted to use commands.wrap, but since it's not
# using privmsgs.*, I'm saving it for later.
@ -501,6 +501,8 @@ class RichReplyMethods(object):
return self._error(self.__makeReply(v, s), **kwargs)
def errorNoUser(self, s='', name='that user', **kwargs):
if 'Raise' not in kwargs:
kwargs['Raise'] = True
v = self._getConfig(conf.supybot.replies.noUser)
v = v % name
@ -79,6 +79,12 @@ class UrlSnarfThread(world.SupyThread):
super(UrlSnarfThread, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def run(self):
super(UrlSnarfThread, self).run()
except webutils.WebError, e:
log.debug('Exception in urlSnarfer: %s' % utils.exnToString(e))
class SnarfQueue(ircutils.FloodQueue):
timeout = conf.supybot.snarfThrottle
def key(self, channel):
@ -134,11 +140,6 @@ def urlSnarfer(f):
newf = utils.changeFunctionName(newf, f.func_name, f.__doc__)
return newf
decorators = ircutils.IrcDict({
'thread': thread,
'urlSnarfer': urlSnarfer,
# Converters, which take irc, msg, args, and a state object, and build up the
@ -756,26 +757,16 @@ class Spec(object):
# This is used below, but we need to rename it so its name isn't
# shadowed by our locals.
_decorators = decorators
def wrap(f, specList=[], decorators=None, **kw):
def wrap(f, specList=[], **kw):
spec = Spec(specList, **kw)
# XXX This is a hack, but it's just a workaround until I know the right way
# to fix this problem.
if decorators is not None and 'urlSnarfer' in decorators:
kw['allowExtra'] = True
def newf(self, irc, msg, args, **kwargs):
state = spec(irc, msg, args, stateAttrs={'cb': self, 'log': self.log})
f(self, irc, msg, args, *state.args, **state.kwargs)
newf = utils.changeFunctionName(newf, f.func_name, f.__doc__)
if decorators is not None:
decorators = map(_decorators.__getitem__, decorators)
for decorator in decorators:
newf = decorator(newf)
return newf
return utils.changeFunctionName(newf, f.func_name, f.__doc__)
__all__ = ['wrap', 'context', 'additional', 'optional', 'any', 'compose',
'Spec', 'first',
'Spec', 'first', 'urlSnarfer', 'thread',
'many', 'getopts', 'getConverter', 'addConverter', 'callConverter']
if world.testing:
Reference in New Issue
Block a user