Update Weather.wunder to use BeautifulSoup. Remove the #! line and add a

__contributors__ line.
This commit is contained in:
James Vega 2004-09-19 21:14:43 +00:00
parent 3e44335f28
commit c873d0eabb

View File

@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (c) 2002-2004, Jeremiah Fincher
# All rights reserved.
@ -34,14 +32,23 @@ This plugin does weather-related stuff. It can't change the weather, though,
so don't get your hopes up. We just report it.
__revision__ = "$Id$"
import supybot
import supybot.plugins as plugins
__revision__ = "$Id$"
__contributors__ = {
supybot.authors.jamessan: ['cnn', 'wunder',
'temperatureUnit configuration variable',
'convert configuration variable'],
supybot.authors.jemfinch: ['weather'],
supybot.authors.bwp: ['ham'],
import re
import sets
import urllib
import BeautifulSoup
import supybot.conf as conf
import supybot.utils as utils
import supybot.webutils as webutils
@ -84,9 +91,13 @@ class Weather(callbacks.Privmsg):
the name of 'weather' which should override this help."""
weatherCommands = ['ham', 'cnn', 'wunder']
threaded = True
def __init__(self):
self.__parent = super(Weather, self)
def callCommand(self, name, irc, msg, *L, **kwargs):
super(Weather, self).callCommand(name, irc, msg, *L, **kwargs)
self.__parent.callCommand(name, irc, msg, *L, **kwargs)
except webutils.WebError, e:
@ -338,36 +349,9 @@ class Weather(callbacks.Privmsg):
irc.error('Could not find weather information.')
_wunderUrl = 'http://www.weatherunderground.com/' \
_wunderLoc = re.compile(r'<title>[^:]+: ([^<]+)</title>', re.I | re.S)
_wunderFTemp = re.compile(
re.I | re.S)
_wunderCond = re.compile(r'</b></font><br>\s+<font size=-1><b>([^<]+)</b>',
re.I | re.S)
_wunderHumid = re.compile(r'Humidity:</td><td[^>]+><b>(\d+%)</b>',
re.I | re.S)
_wunderDew = re.compile(r'Dew Point:</td><td[^>]+><b>\s+<nobr><b>'
re.I | re.S)
_wunderHeat = re.compile(
re.I | re.S)
_wunderWind = re.compile(
r'\s+from the\s+<b>(\w{3})</b>', re.I | re.S)
_wunderPressure = re.compile(
r'<b>(\d+)</b>&nbsp;(hPa)', re.I | re.S)
_wunderVisible = re.compile(
re.I | re.S)
_wunderUv = re.compile(r'UV:</td><td[^>]+><b>(\d\d?)</b>( out of \d\d?)',
re.I | re.S)
_wunderTime = re.compile(r'Updated:\s+<b>([\w\s:,]+)</b>', re.I | re.S)
_wunderUrl = 'http://mobile.wunderground.com/cgi-bin/' \
_wunderLoc = re.compile(r'Page (.+?) Forecast</title>', re.I | re.S)
_wunderMultiLoc = re.compile(r'<a href="([^"]+)', re.I | re.S)
def wunder(self, irc, msg, args):
"""<US zip code | US/Canada city, state | Foreign city, country>
@ -376,74 +360,75 @@ class Weather(callbacks.Privmsg):
loc = ' '.join(args)
url = '%s%s' % (self._wunderUrl, urllib.quote(loc))
text = webutils.getUrl(url) # Caught in callCommand.
text = webutils.getUrl(url)
if 'Search not found' in text:
irc.error(noLocationError, Raise=True)
if 'Search results for' in text:
text = text[text.index('Search results for'):]
newloc = self._wunderMultiLoc.search(text)
if 'Click on a city name' in text:
soup = BeautifulSoup.BeautifulSoup()
newloc = soup.first('a').get('href')
if newloc is None:
irc.error('Multiple locations found. '
'Please be more specific.', Raise=True)
url = 'http://www.wunderground.com%s' % newloc.group(1)
text = webutils.getUrl(url)
except webutils.WebError, e:
irc.error(str(e), Raise=True)
url = 'http://mobile.wunderground.com%s' % newloc
text = webutils.getUrl(url)
soup = BeautifulSoup.BeautifulSoup()
# Get the table with all the weather info
table = soup.first('table', {'border':'1'})
trs = table.fetch('tr')
time = trs.pop(0).first('b').string
except AttributeError:
time = ''
info = {}
def isText(t):
return not isinstance(t,BeautifulSoup.NavigableText) and t.contents
def getText(t):
s = getattr(t, 'string', None)
if s is None:
t = t.contents
num = t[0].string
units = t[1].string
# htmlToText strips leading whitespace, so we have to handle
# strings with &nbsp; differently.
if units.startswith('&nbsp;'):
units = utils.htmlToText(units)
s = ' '.join((num, units))
units = utils.htmlToText(units)
s = ' '.join((num, units[0], units[1:]))
return s
for tr in trs:
k = tr.first('td').string
v = filter(isText, tr.fetch('td')[1].contents)
value = map(getText, v)
info[k] = ' '.join(value)
location = self._wunderLoc.search(text)
temp = self._wunderFTemp.search(text)
temp = info['Temperature']
convert = self.registryValue('convert', msg.args[0])
if location and temp:
location = location.group(1)
location = location.replace(' Forecast', '')
(temp, deg, unit) = temp.groups()
(temp, deg, unit) = temp.split()
if convert:
temp = self._getTemp(int(temp), deg, unit, msg.args[0])
temp = deg.join((temp, unit))
time = self._wunderTime.search(text)
if time is not None:
time = ' (%s)' % time.group(1)
resp = ['The current temperature in %s is %s (%s).' %\
(location.group(1), temp, time)]
conds = info['Conditions']
resp.append('Conditions: %s.' % info['Conditions'])
humidity = info['Humidity']
resp.append('Humidity: %s.' % info['Humidity'])
(dew, deg, unit) = info['Dew Point'].split()
if convert:
dew = self._getTemp(int(dew), deg, unit, msg.args[0])
time = ''
resp = ['The current temperature in %s is %s%s.' %\
(location, temp, time)]
heat = self._wunderHeat.search(text)
if heat is not None:
(heat, deg, unit) = map(str.strip, heat.groups())
if convert:
heat = self._getTemp(int(heat), deg, unit, msg.args[0])
resp.append('Heat Index: %s.' % heat)
conds = self._wunderCond.search(text)
if conds is not None:
resp.append('Conditions: %s.' % conds.group(1))
humidity = self._wunderHumid.search(text)
if humidity is not None:
resp.append('Humidity: %s.' % humidity.group(1))
dewpt = self._wunderDew.search(text)
if dewpt is not None:
(dew, deg, unit) = dewpt.groups()
if convert:
dew = self._getTemp(int(dew), deg, unit, msg.args[0])
dew = deg.join((dew, unit))
resp.append('Dew Point: %s.' % dew)
wind = self._wunderWind.search(text)
if wind is not None:
resp.append('Wind: %s at %s %s (%s %s).' % (wind.group(5),
press = self._wunderPressure.search(text)
if press is not None:
resp.append('Pressure: %s %s (%s %s).' % press.groups())
vis = self._wunderVisible.search(text)
if vis is not None:
resp.append('Visibility: %s %s (%s %s).' % vis.groups())
uv = self._wunderUv.search(text)
if uv is not None:
resp.append('UV: %s%s' % uv.groups())
dew = deg.join((dew, unit))
resp.append('Dew Point: %s.' % dew)
resp.append('Wind: %s at %s %s.' % tuple(info['Wind'].split()))
resp.append('Pressure: %s.' % info['Pressure'])
resp.append('Visibility: %s.' % info['Visibility'])
resp = map(utils.htmlToText, resp)
irc.reply(' '.join(resp))