Updated for database independence

This commit is contained in:
James Vega 2004-08-13 03:50:38 +00:00
parent 3a949e420a
commit c2d5ac56ce
2 changed files with 191 additions and 125 deletions

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@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ import time
import getopt
import os.path
import supybot.dbi as dbi
import supybot.conf as conf
import supybot.utils as utils
import supybot.ircdb as ircdb
@ -54,12 +55,22 @@ except ImportError:
raise callbacks.Error, 'You need to have PySQLite installed to use this ' \
'plugin. Download it at <http://pysqlite.sf.net/>'
class Quotes(plugins.ChannelDBHandler, callbacks.Privmsg):
def __init__(self):
class QuoteRecord(object):
__metaclass__ = dbi.Record
__fields__ = [
def __str__(self):
format = conf.supybot.humanTimestampFormat()
return 'Quote %r added by %s at %s.' % \
(self.text, ircdb.users.getUser(self.by).name,
time.strftime(format, time.localtime(float(self.at))))
def makeDb(self, filename):
class SqliteQuotesDB(object):
def _getDb(self, channel):
filename = plugins.makeChannelFilename('Quotes.db', channel)
if os.path.exists(filename):
return sqlite.connect(db=filename, mode=0755,
converters={'bool': bool})
@ -75,6 +86,100 @@ class Quotes(plugins.ChannelDBHandler, callbacks.Privmsg):
return db
def add(self, channel, by, quote):
db = self._getDb(channel)
cursor = db.cursor()
at = int(time.time())
cursor.execute("""INSERT INTO quotes VALUES (NULL, %s, %s, %s)""",
by, at, quote)
cursor.execute("""SELECT id FROM quotes
WHERE added_by=%s AND added_at=%s AND quote=%s""",
by, at, quote)
return int(cursor.fetchone()[0])
def size(self, channel):
db = self._getDb(channel)
cursor = db.cursor()
cursor.execute("""SELECT COUNT(*) FROM quotes""")
return int(cursor.fetchone()[0])
def random(self, channel):
db = self._getDb(channel)
cursor = db.cursor()
cursor.execute("""SELECT id, added_by, added_at, quote FROM quotes
ORDER BY random() LIMIT 1""")
(id, by, at, text) = cursor.fetchone()
return QuoteRecord(id, by=by, at=int(at), text=text)
def search(self, channel, **kwargs):
criteria = []
formats = []
predicateName = ''
db = self._getDb(channel)
for v in kwargs['id']:
criteria.append('id=%s' % v)
for v in kwargs['with']:
criteria.append('quote LIKE %s')
formats.append('%%%s%%' % v)
for v in kwargs['by']:
for v in kwargs['predicate']:
def p(s):
return int(bool(v.search(s)))
predicateName += 'p'
db.create_function(predicateName, 1, p)
criteria.append('%s(quote)' % predicateName)
for s in kwargs['args']:
i = int(s)
criteria.append('id=%s' % i)
except ValueError:
s = '%%%s%%' % s
criteria.append('quote LIKE %s')
sql = """SELECT id, added_by, added_at, quote FROM quotes
WHERE %s""" % ' AND '.join(criteria)
cursor = db.cursor()
cursor.execute(sql, *formats)
if cursor.rowcount == 0:
return None
elif cursor.rowcount == 1:
(id, by, at, text) = cursor.fetchone()
return QuoteRecord(id, by=by, at=int(at), text=text)
quotes = []
for (id, by, at, text) in cursor.fetchall():
quotes.append(QuoteRecord(id, by=by, at=int(at), text=text))
return quotes
def get(self, channel, id):
db = self._getDb(channel)
cursor = db.cursor()
cursor.execute("""SELECT added_by, added_at, quote FROM quotes
WHERE id=%s""", id)
if cursor.rowcount == 0:
raise KeyError, id
(by, at, text) = cursor.fetchone()
return QuoteRecord(id, by=by, at=int(at), text=text)
def remove(self, channel, id):
db = self._getDb(channel)
cursor = db.cursor()
cursor.execute("""DELETE FROM quotes WHERE id=%s""", id)
if cursor.rowcount == 0:
raise KeyError, id
def QuotesDB():
return SqliteQuotesDB()
class Quotes(callbacks.Privmsg):
def __init__(self):
self.db = QuotesDB()
def add(self, irc, msg, args):
"""[<channel>] <quote>
@ -83,18 +188,8 @@ class Quotes(plugins.ChannelDBHandler, callbacks.Privmsg):
channel = privmsgs.getChannel(msg, args)
quote = privmsgs.getArgs(args)
db = self.getDb(channel)
cursor = db.cursor()
quotetime = int(time.time())
cursor.execute("""INSERT INTO quotes
VALUES(NULL, %s, %s, %s)""",
msg.nick, quotetime, quote)
sql = """SELECT id FROM quotes
WHERE added_by=%s AND added_at=%s AND quote=%s"""
cursor.execute(sql, msg.nick, quotetime, quote)
quoteid = cursor.fetchone()[0]
irc.replySuccess('(Quote #%s added)' % quoteid)
id = self.db.add(channel, msg.nick, quote)
irc.replySuccess('(Quote #%s added)' % id)
def stats(self, irc, msg, args):
@ -104,17 +199,23 @@ class Quotes(plugins.ChannelDBHandler, callbacks.Privmsg):
channel = privmsgs.getChannel(msg, args)
db = self.getDb(channel)
cursor = db.cursor()
cursor.execute("""SELECT COUNT(*) FROM quotes""")
maxid = int(cursor.fetchone()[0])
if maxid is None:
maxid = 0
size = self.db.size(channel)
s = 'There %s %s in my database.' % \
(utils.be(maxid), utils.nItems('quote', maxid))
(utils.be(size), utils.nItems('quote', size))
def get(self, irc, msg, args):
def _replyQuote(self, irc, quote):
if isinstance(quote, QuoteRecord):
irc.reply('#%s: %s' % (quote.id, quote.text))
elif len(quote) > 10:
irc.reply('More than 10 quotes matched your criteria. '
'Please narrow your query.')
quotes = ['#%s: "%s"' % (q.id, utils.ellipsisify(q.text, 30))
for q in quote]
def search(self, irc, msg, args):
"""[<channel>] --{id,regexp,from,with}=<value> ]
Returns quote(s) matching the given criteria. --from is who added the
@ -126,66 +227,35 @@ class Quotes(plugins.ChannelDBHandler, callbacks.Privmsg):
'from=', 'with='])
if not optlist and not rest:
raise callbacks.ArgumentError
criteria = []
formats = []
predicateName = ''
db = self.getDb(channel)
for (option, argument) in optlist:
kwargs = {'args': rest, 'id': [], 'with': [], 'by': [], 'predicate': []}
for (option, arg) in optlist:
option = option.lstrip('-')
if option == 'id':
argument = int(argument)
criteria.append('id=%s' % argument)
arg = int(arg)
except ValueError:
irc.error('--id value must be an integer.')
elif option == 'with':
criteria.append('quote LIKE %s')
formats.append('%%%s%%' % argument)
elif option == 'from':
elif option == 'regexp':
r = utils.perlReToPythonRe(argument)
r = utils.perlReToPythonRe(arg)
except ValueError:
r = re.compile(argument, re.I)
r = re.compile(arg, re.I)
except re.error, e:
def p(s):
return int(bool(r.search(s)))
predicateName += 'p'
db.create_function(predicateName, 1, p)
criteria.append('%s(quote)' % predicateName)
for s in rest:
i = int(s)
criteria.append('id=%s' % i)
except ValueError:
s = '%%%s%%' % s
criteria.append('quote LIKE %s')
sql = """SELECT id, quote FROM quotes
WHERE %s""" % ' AND '.join(criteria)
cursor = db.cursor()
cursor.execute(sql, *formats)
if cursor.rowcount == 0:
quote = self.db.search(channel, **kwargs)
if quote is None:
irc.reply('No quotes matched that criteria.')
elif cursor.rowcount == 1:
(id, quote) = cursor.fetchone()
irc.reply('#%s: %s' % (id, quote))
elif cursor.rowcount > 10:
irc.reply('More than 10 quotes matched your criteria. '
'Please narrow your query.')
results = cursor.fetchall()
idsWithSnippets = []
for (id, quote) in results:
s = '#%s: "%s..."' % (id, quote[:30])
self._replyQuote(irc, quote)
### FIXME: we need to remove those predicates from the database.
def random(self, irc, msg, args):
@ -195,16 +265,11 @@ class Quotes(plugins.ChannelDBHandler, callbacks.Privmsg):
the message isn't sent in the channel itself.
channel = privmsgs.getChannel(msg, args)
db = self.getDb(channel)
cursor = db.cursor()
cursor.execute("""SELECT id FROM quotes
ORDER BY random()
LIMIT 1""")
if cursor.rowcount != 1:
irc.error('It seems that quote database is empty.')
(id,) = cursor.fetchone()
self.get(irc, msg, [channel, '--id', str(id)])
quote = self.db.random(channel)
if quote:
self._replyQuote(irc, quote)
self.error('I have no quotes for this channel.')
def info(self, irc, msg, args):
"""[<channel>] <id>
@ -215,16 +280,15 @@ class Quotes(plugins.ChannelDBHandler, callbacks.Privmsg):
channel = privmsgs.getChannel(msg, args)
id = privmsgs.getArgs(args)
db = self.getDb(channel)
cursor = db.cursor()
cursor.execute("""SELECT * FROM quotes WHERE id=%s""", id)
if cursor.rowcount == 1:
(id, added_by, added_at, quote) = cursor.fetchone()
timestamp = time.strftime(conf.supybot.humanTimestampFormat(),
irc.reply('Quote %r added by %s at %s.' %
(quote, added_by, timestamp))
id = int(id)
except ValueError:
irc.error('Invalid id: %r' % id)
quote = self.db.get(channel, id)
except KeyError:
irc.error('There isn\'t a quote with that id.')
def remove(self, irc, msg, args):
@ -235,13 +299,15 @@ class Quotes(plugins.ChannelDBHandler, callbacks.Privmsg):
channel = privmsgs.getChannel(msg, args)
id = privmsgs.getArgs(args)
db = self.getDb(channel)
cursor = db.cursor()
cursor.execute("""DELETE FROM quotes WHERE id=%s""", id)
if cursor.rowcount == 0:
irc.error('There was no such quote.')
id = int(id)
except ValueError:
irc.error('That\'s not a valid id: %r' % id)
self.db.remove(channel, id)
except KeyError:
irc.error('There was no such quote.')
Class = Quotes

View File

@ -37,39 +37,39 @@ except ImportError:
sqlite = None
if sqlite is not None:
class QuotesTestCase(PluginTestCase, PluginDocumentation):
class QuotesTestCase(ChannelPluginTestCase, PluginDocumentation):
plugins = ('Quotes',)
def test(self):
self.assertRegexp('stats #foo', '0')
self.assertRegexp('add #foo foo', 'Quote #1 added')
self.assertRegexp('stats #foo', '1')
self.assertResponse('get #foo --id 1', '#1: foo')
self.assertResponse('get #foo 1', '#1: foo')
self.assertRegexp('add #foo bar','Quote #2 added')
self.assertResponse('get #foo 2', '#2: bar')
self.assertResponse('get #foo --id 2', '#2: bar')
self.assertRegexp('add #foo baz','Quote #3 added')
self.assertRegexp('stats #foo', '3')
self.assertResponse('get #foo 3', '#3: baz')
self.assertRegexp('get #foo --regexp m/ba/', 'bar.*baz')
self.assertRegexp('get #foo --regexp ba', 'bar.*baz')
self.assertRegexp('get #foo --with bar', '#2: bar')
self.assertRegexp('get #foo bar', '#2: bar')
self.assertNotError('info #foo 1')
self.assertNotError('random #foo')
self.assertError('remove #foo 4')
self.assertError('info #foo 4')
self.assertNotError('get #foo 3')
self.assertNotError('remove #foo 3')
self.assertRegexp('stats #foo', '2')
self.assertNotError('remove #foo 1')
self.assertError('info #foo 3')
self.assertError('info #foo 1')
self.assertRegexp('random #foo', '#2')
self.assertError('remove #foo 3')
self.assertNotError('remove #foo 2')
self.assertRegexp('stats #foo', '0')
self.assertError('random #foo')
self.assertRegexp('stats', '0')
self.assertRegexp('add foo', 'Quote #1 added')
self.assertRegexp('stats', '1')
self.assertResponse('quotes search --id 1', '#1: foo')
self.assertResponse('quotes search 1', '#1: foo')
self.assertRegexp('add bar','Quote #2 added')
self.assertResponse('quotes search 2', '#2: bar')
self.assertResponse('quotes search --id 2', '#2: bar')
self.assertRegexp('add baz','Quote #3 added')
self.assertRegexp('stats', '3')
self.assertResponse('quotes search 3', '#3: baz')
self.assertRegexp('quotes search --regexp m/ba/', 'bar.*baz')
self.assertRegexp('quotes search --regexp ba', 'bar.*baz')
self.assertRegexp('quotes search --with bar', '#2: bar')
self.assertRegexp('quotes search bar', '#2: bar')
self.assertNotError('info 1')
self.assertError('remove 4')
self.assertError('info 4')
self.assertNotError('quotes search 3')
self.assertNotError('remove 3')
self.assertRegexp('stats', '2')
self.assertNotError('remove 1')
self.assertError('info 3')
self.assertError('info 1')
self.assertRegexp('random', '#2')
self.assertError('remove 3')
self.assertNotError('remove 2')
self.assertRegexp('stats', '0')