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synced 2025-02-18 14:40:51 +01:00
Update others/amazon.py to latest version and add the new region support to
plugins/Amazon.py (supybot.plugins.Amazon.region)
This commit is contained in:
@ -54,15 +54,26 @@ Other usage notes:
__author__ = "Mark Pilgrim (f8dy@diveintomark.org)"
__version__ = "0.61"
__version__ = "0.64.1"
__cvsversion__ = "$Revision$"[11:-2]
__date__ = "$Date$"[7:-2]
__copyright__ = "Copyright (c) 2002 Mark Pilgrim"
__license__ = "Python"
# Powersearch and return object type fix by Joseph Reagle <geek@goatee.net>
# Locale support by Michael Josephson <mike@josephson.org>
# Modification to _contentsOf to strip trailing whitespace when loading Amazon key
# from a file submitted by Patrick Phalen.
# Support for specifying locale and associates ID as search parameters and
# internationalisation fix for the SalesRank integer conversion by
# Christian Theune <ct@gocept.com>, gocept gmbh & co. kg
# Support for BlendedSearch contributed by Alex Choo
from xml.dom import minidom
import os, sys, getopt, cgi, urllib
import os, sys, getopt, cgi, urllib, string
import timeoutsocket # http://www.timo-tasi.org/python/timeoutsocket.py
@ -70,7 +81,9 @@ except ImportError:
ASSOCIATE = "webservices-20"
LOCALE = "us"
# don't touch the rest of these constants
class AmazonError(Exception): pass
@ -88,6 +101,12 @@ _licenseLocations = (
(lambda key: _contentsOf(_getScriptDir(), _amazonfile1), '%s in the amazon.py directory' % _amazonfile1),
(lambda key: _contentsOf(_getScriptDir(), _amazonfile2), '%s in the amazon.py directory' % _amazonfile2)
_supportedLocales = {
"us" : (None, "xml.amazon.com"),
"uk" : ("uk", "xml-eu.amazon.com"),
"de" : ("de", "xml-eu.amazon.com"),
"jp" : ("jp", "xml.amazon.co.jp")
## administrative functions
def version():
@ -96,7 +115,30 @@ def version():
released %(__date__)s
""" % globals()
def setAssociate(associate):
def getAssociate(override=None):
return override or ASSOCIATE
## utility functions
def _checkLocaleSupported(locale):
if not _supportedLocales.has_key(locale):
raise AmazonError, ("Unsupported locale. Locale must be one of: %s" %
string.join(_supportedLocales, ", "))
def setLocale(locale):
"""set locale"""
global LOCALE
LOCALE = locale
def getLocale(locale=None):
"""get locale"""
return locale or LOCALE
def setLicense(license_key):
"""set license key"""
@ -133,7 +175,7 @@ def _contentsOf(dirname, filename):
filename = os.path.join(dirname, filename)
if not os.path.exists(filename): return None
fsock = open(filename)
contents = fsock.read()
contents = fsock.read().strip()
return contents
@ -170,13 +212,19 @@ def unmarshal(element):
rc = "".join([e.data for e in element.childNodes if isinstance(e, minidom.Text)])
if element.tagName == 'SalesRank':
rc = int(rc.replace(',', ''))
rc = rc.replace('.', '')
rc = rc.replace(',', '')
rc = int(rc)
return rc
def buildURL(search_type, keyword, product_line, type, page, license_key):
url = "http://xml.amazon.com/onca/xml3?v=2.0&f=xml&t=webservices-20"
def buildURL(search_type, keyword, product_line, type, page, license_key, locale, associate):
url = "http://" + _supportedLocales[locale][1] + "/onca/xml3?f=xml"
url += "&t=%s" % associate
url += "&dev-t=%s" % license_key.strip()
url += "&type=%s" % type
if _supportedLocales[locale][0]:
url += "&locale=%s" % _supportedLocales[locale][0]
if page:
url += "&page=%s" % page
if product_line:
@ -189,7 +237,7 @@ def buildURL(search_type, keyword, product_line, type, page, license_key):
def search(search_type, keyword, product_line, type = "heavy", page = None,
license_key = None, http_proxy = None):
license_key=None, http_proxy = None, locale = None, associate = None):
"""search Amazon
You need a license key to call this function; see
@ -235,7 +283,10 @@ def search(search_type, keyword, product_line, type="heavy", page=None,
URL - URL of this item
license_key = getLicense(license_key)
url = buildURL(search_type, keyword, product_line, type, page, license_key)
locale = getLocale(locale)
associate = getAssociate(associate)
url = buildURL(search_type, keyword, product_line, type, page,
license_key, locale, associate)
proxies = getProxies(http_proxy)
u = urllib.FancyURLopener(proxies)
usock = u.open(url)
@ -245,57 +296,69 @@ def search(search_type, keyword, product_line, type="heavy", page=None,
# PrettyPrint(xmldoc)
if search_type == "BlendedSearch":
data = unmarshal(xmldoc).BlendedSearch
data = unmarshal(xmldoc).ProductInfo
if hasattr(data, 'ErrorMsg'):
raise AmazonError, data.ErrorMsg
if search_type == "BlendedSearch":
# a list of ProductLine containing a list of ProductInfo
# containing a list of Details.
return data
return data.Details
def searchByKeyword(keyword, product_line="books", type="heavy", page=1, license_key=None, http_proxy=None):
return search("KeywordSearch", keyword, product_line, type, page, license_key, http_proxy)
def searchByKeyword(keyword, product_line="books", type="heavy", page=1, license_key=None, http_proxy=None, locale=None, associate=None):
return search("KeywordSearch", keyword, product_line, type, page, license_key, http_proxy, locale, associate)
def browseBestSellers(browse_node, product_line="books", type="heavy", page=1, license_key=None, http_proxy=None):
return search("BrowseNodeSearch", browse_node, product_line, type, page, license_key, http_proxy)
def browseBestSellers(browse_node, product_line="books", type="heavy", page=1, license_key=None, http_proxy=None, locale=None, associate=None):
return search("BrowseNodeSearch", browse_node, product_line, type, page, license_key, http_proxy, locale, associate)
def searchByASIN(ASIN, type="heavy", license_key=None, http_proxy=None):
return search("AsinSearch", ASIN, None, type, None, license_key, http_proxy)
def searchByASIN(ASIN, type="heavy", license_key=None, http_proxy=None, locale=None, associate=None):
return search("AsinSearch", ASIN, None, type, None, license_key, http_proxy, locale, associate)
def searchByUPC(UPC, type="heavy", license_key=None, http_proxy=None):
return search("UpcSearch", UPC, None, type, None, license_key, http_proxy)
def searchByUPC(UPC, type="heavy", license_key=None, http_proxy=None, locale=None, associate=None):
return search("UpcSearch", UPC, None, type, None, license_key, http_proxy, locale, associate)
def searchByAuthor(author, type="heavy", page=1, license_key=None, http_proxy=None):
return search("AuthorSearch", author, "books", type, page, license_key, http_proxy)
def searchByAuthor(author, type="heavy", page=1, license_key=None, http_proxy=None, locale=None, associate=None):
return search("AuthorSearch", author, "books", type, page, license_key, http_proxy, locale, associate)
def searchByArtist(artist, product_line="music", type="heavy", page=1, license_key=None, http_proxy=None):
def searchByArtist(artist, product_line="music", type="heavy", page=1, license_key=None, http_proxy=None, locale=None, associate=None):
if product_line not in ("music", "classical"):
raise AmazonError, "product_line must be in ('music', 'classical')"
return search("ArtistSearch", artist, product_line, type, page, license_key, http_proxy)
return search("ArtistSearch", artist, product_line, type, page, license_key, http_proxy, locale, associate)
def searchByActor(actor, product_line="dvd", type="heavy", page=1, license_key=None, http_proxy=None):
def searchByActor(actor, product_line="dvd", type="heavy", page=1, license_key=None, http_proxy=None, locale=None, associate=None):
if product_line not in ("dvd", "vhs", "video"):
raise AmazonError, "product_line must be in ('dvd', 'vhs', 'video')"
return search("ActorSearch", actor, product_line, type, page, license_key, http_proxy)
return search("ActorSearch", actor, product_line, type, page, license_key, http_proxy, locale, associate)
def searchByDirector(director, product_line="dvd", type="heavy", page=1, license_key=None, http_proxy=None):
def searchByDirector(director, product_line="dvd", type="heavy", page=1, license_key=None, http_proxy=None, locale=None, associate=None):
if product_line not in ("dvd", "vhs", "video"):
raise AmazonError, "product_line must be in ('dvd', 'vhs', 'video')"
return search("DirectorSearch", director, product_line, type, page, license_key, http_proxy)
return search("DirectorSearch", director, product_line, type, page, license_key, http_proxy, locale, associate)
def searchByManufacturer(manufacturer, product_line="pc-hardware", type="heavy", page=1, license_key=None, http_proxy=None):
def searchByManufacturer(manufacturer, product_line="pc-hardware", type="heavy", page=1, license_key=None, http_proxy=None, locale=None, associate=None):
if product_line not in ("electronics", "kitchen", "videogames", "software", "photo", "pc-hardware"):
raise AmazonError, "product_line must be in ('electronics', 'kitchen', 'videogames', 'software', 'photo', 'pc-hardware')"
return search("ManufacturerSearch", manufacturer, product_line, type, page, license_key, http_proxy)
return search("ManufacturerSearch", manufacturer, product_line, type, page, license_key, http_proxy, locale, associate)
def searchByListMania(listManiaID, type="heavy", page=1, license_key=None, http_proxy=None):
return search("ListManiaSearch", listManiaID, None, type, page, license_key, http_proxy)
def searchByListMania(listManiaID, type="heavy", page=1, license_key=None, http_proxy=None, locale=None, associate=None):
return search("ListManiaSearch", listManiaID, None, type, page, license_key, http_proxy, locale, associate)
def searchSimilar(ASIN, type="heavy", page=1, license_key=None, http_proxy=None):
return search("SimilaritySearch", ASIN, None, type, page, license_key, http_proxy)
def searchSimilar(ASIN, type="heavy", page=1, license_key=None, http_proxy=None, locale=None, associate=None):
return search("SimilaritySearch", ASIN, None, type, page, license_key, http_proxy, locale, associate)
def searchByWishlist(wishlistID, type="heavy", page=1, license_key=None, http_proxy=None):
return search("WishlistSearch", wishlistID, None, type, page, license_key, http_proxy)
def searchByWishlist(wishlistID, type="heavy", page=1, license_key=None, http_proxy=None, locale=None, associate=None):
return search("WishlistSearch", wishlistID, None, type, page, license_key, http_proxy, locale, associate)
def searchByPower(keyword, product_line="books", type="heavy", page=1, license_key=None, http_proxy=None):
return search("PowerSearch", keyword, product_line, type, page, license_key, http_proxy)
def searchByPower(keyword, product_line="books", type="heavy", page=1, license_key=None, http_proxy=None, locale=None, associate=None):
return search("PowerSearch", keyword, product_line, type, page, license_key, http_proxy, locale, associate)
# >>> RecentKing = amazon.searchByPower('author:Stephen King and pubdate:2003')
# >>> SnowCrash = amazon.searchByPower('title:Snow Crash')
def searchByBlended(keyword, type="heavy", page=1, license_key=None, http_proxy=None, locale=None, associate=None):
return search("BlendedSearch", keyword, None, type, page, license_key, http_proxy, locale, associate)
@ -63,6 +63,9 @@ def configure(advanced):
You can apply for a key at
class Region(registry.OnlySomeStrings):
validStrings = ('us', 'uk', 'de', 'jp')
class LicenseKey(registry.String):
def set(self, s):
# In case we decide we need to recover
@ -82,14 +85,20 @@ conf.registerChannelValue(conf.supybot.plugins.Amazon, 'linkSnarfer',
registry.Boolean(False, """Determines whether the bot will reply to
Amazon.com URLs in the channel with a description of the item at the
conf.registerChannelValue(conf.supybot.plugins.Amazon, 'region', Region('us',
"""Determines the region that will be used when performing searches."""))
class Amazon(callbacks.PrivmsgCommandAndRegexp):
threaded = True
callBefore = ['URL']
regexps = ['amzSnarfer']
def __init__(self):
self.__parent = super(Amazon, self)
def callCommand(self, name, irc, msg, *L, **kwargs):
super(Amazon, self).callCommand(name, irc, msg, *L, **kwargs)
self.__parent.callCommand(name, irc, msg, *L, **kwargs)
except amazon.NoLicenseKey, e:
irc.error('You must have a free Amazon web services license key '
'in order to use this command. You can get one at '
@ -153,9 +162,11 @@ class Amazon(callbacks.PrivmsgCommandAndRegexp):
s = '%(title)s, written by %(author)s; published by ' \
'%(publisher)s; price: %(price)s%(url)s'
chan = msg.args[0]
bold = self.registryValue('bold', chan)
region = self.registryValue('region', chan)
book = amazon.searchByKeyword(isbn)
bold = self.registryValue('bold', msg.args[0])
book = amazon.searchByKeyword(isbn, locale=region)
res = self._genResults(s, attribs, book, url, bold, 'title')
if res:
@ -187,9 +198,11 @@ class Amazon(callbacks.PrivmsgCommandAndRegexp):
s = '%(title)s, written by %(author)s; published by ' \
'%(publisher)s; price: %(price)s%(url)s'
chan = msg.args[0]
region = self.registryValue('region', chan)
bold = self.registryValue('bold', chan)
books = amazon.searchByKeyword(keyword)
bold = self.registryValue('bold', msg.args[0])
books = amazon.searchByKeyword(keyword, locale=region)
res = self._genResults(s, attribs, books, url, bold, 'title')
if res:
@ -227,9 +240,12 @@ class Amazon(callbacks.PrivmsgCommandAndRegexp):
s = '%(title)s (%(media)s), rated %(mpaa)s; released ' \
'%(date)s; published by %(publisher)s; price: %(price)s%(url)s'
chan = msg.args[0]
region = self.registryValue('region', chan)
bold = self.registryValue('bold', chan)
videos = amazon.searchByKeyword(keyword, product_line=product)
bold = self.registryValue('bold', msg.args[0])
videos = amazon.searchByKeyword(keyword, product_line=product,
res = self._genResults(s, attribs, videos, url, bold, 'title')
if res:
@ -259,9 +275,11 @@ class Amazon(callbacks.PrivmsgCommandAndRegexp):
'URL' : 'url'
s = '%(title)s; price: %(price)s%(url)s'
chan = msg.args[0]
region = self.registryValue('region', chan)
bold = self.registryValue('bold', chan)
item = amazon.searchByASIN(asin)
bold = self.registryValue('bold', msg.args[0])
item = amazon.searchByASIN(asin, locale=region)
res = self._genResults(s, attribs, item, url, bold, 'title')
if res:
@ -294,9 +312,11 @@ class Amazon(callbacks.PrivmsgCommandAndRegexp):
'URL' : 'url'
s = '%(title)s %(manufacturer)s; price: %(price)s%(url)s'
chan = msg.args[0]
region = self.registryValue('region', chan)
bold = self.registryValue('bold', chan)
item = amazon.searchByUPC(upc)
bold = self.registryValue('bold', msg.args[0])
item = amazon.searchByUPC(upc, locale=region)
res = self._genResults(s, attribs, item, url, bold, 'title')
if res:
@ -328,9 +348,11 @@ class Amazon(callbacks.PrivmsgCommandAndRegexp):
s = '%(title)s, written by %(author)s; published by ' \
'%(publisher)s; price: %(price)s%(url)s'
chan = msg.args[0]
region = self.registryValue('region', chan)
bold = self.registryValue('bold', chan)
books = amazon.searchByAuthor(author)
bold = self.registryValue('bold', msg.args[0])
books = amazon.searchByAuthor(author, locale=region)
res = self._genResults(s, attribs, books, url, bold, 'title')
if res:
@ -427,9 +449,12 @@ class Amazon(callbacks.PrivmsgCommandAndRegexp):
s = '%(title)s (%(media)s), by %(artist)s; published by ' \
'%(publisher)s; price: %(price)s%(url)s'
chan = msg.args[0]
region = self.registryValue('region', chan)
bold = self.registryValue('bold', chan)
items = amazon.searchByArtist(artist, product_line=product)
bold = self.registryValue('bold', msg.args[0])
items = amazon.searchByArtist(artist, product_line=product,
res = self._genResults(s, attribs, items, url, bold, 'title')
if res:
@ -468,9 +493,12 @@ class Amazon(callbacks.PrivmsgCommandAndRegexp):
s = '%(title)s (%(media)s), rated %(mpaa)s; released ' \
'%(date)s; published by %(publisher)s; price: %(price)s%(url)s'
chan = msg.args[0]
region = self.registryValue('region', chan)
bold = self.registryValue('bold', chan)
items = amazon.searchByActor(actor, product_line=product)
bold = self.registryValue('bold', msg.args[0])
items = amazon.searchByActor(actor, product_line=product,
res = self._genResults(s, attribs, items, url, bold, 'title')
if res:
@ -509,9 +537,12 @@ class Amazon(callbacks.PrivmsgCommandAndRegexp):
s = '%(title)s (%(media)s), rated %(mpaa)s; released ' \
'%(date)s; published by %(publisher)s; price: %(price)s%(url)s'
chan = msg.args[0]
region = self.registryValue('region', chan)
bold = self.registryValue('bold', chan)
items = amazon.searchByDirector(director, product_line=product)
bold = self.registryValue('bold', msg.args[0])
items = amazon.searchByDirector(director, product_line=product,
res = self._genResults(s, attribs, items, url, bold, 'title')
if res:
@ -548,10 +579,13 @@ class Amazon(callbacks.PrivmsgCommandAndRegexp):
'URL' : 'url'
s = '%(title)s; price: %(price)s%(url)s'
chan = msg.args[0]
region = self.registryValue('region', chan)
bold = self.registryValue('bold', chan)
items = amazon.searchByManufacturer(manufacturer,
bold = self.registryValue('bold', msg.args[0])
res = self._genResults(s, attribs, items, url, bold, 'title')
if res:
@ -565,9 +599,6 @@ class Amazon(callbacks.PrivmsgCommandAndRegexp):
if not self.registryValue('linkSnarfer', msg.args[0]):
match = match.group(1)
# attribs is limited to ProductName since the URL can link to
# *any* type of product. The only attribute we know it will have
# is ProductName
attribs = {'ProductName' : 'title',
'Manufacturer' : 'publisher',
'Authors' : 'author',
@ -579,9 +610,11 @@ class Amazon(callbacks.PrivmsgCommandAndRegexp):
s = '%(title)s; %(artist)s; %(author)s; %(mpaa)s; %(media)s; '\
'%(date)s; %(publisher)s; price: %(price)s'
chan = msg.args[0]
region = self.registryValue('region', chan)
bold = self.registryValue('bold', chan)
item = amazon.searchByASIN(match)
bold = self.registryValue('bold', msg.args[0])
item = amazon.searchByASIN(match, locale=region)
res = self._genResults(s, attribs, item, False, bold, 'title')
if res:
res = utils.commaAndify(res)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user