mirror of
synced 2025-03-02 20:40:45 +01:00
Added example strings.
This commit is contained in:
@ -60,6 +60,16 @@ def configure(onStart, afterConnect, advanced):
print 'You can apply for a key at http://www.amazon.com/webservices'
example = utils.wrapLines("""
<jemfinch> @list Amazon
<supybot> amazonlicensekey, isbn
<jemfinch> (amazonlicense key is used to set the license key to access Amazon's web services. We won't show that here, for obvious reasons.)
<jemfinch> @isbn 0-8050-3906-6
<supybot> "Winning With the French (Openings)", written by Wolfgang Uhlmann; published by Henry Holt & Company, Inc..
<jemfinch> @isbn 0805039066
<supybot> "Winning With the French (Openings)", written by Wolfgang Uhlmann; published by Henry Holt & Company, Inc..
class Amazon(callbacks.Privmsg):
threaded = True
def amazonlicensekey(self, irc, msg, args):
@ -32,12 +32,6 @@
Filters bad words on outgoing messages from the bot, so the bot can't be made
to say bad words.
Commands include:
from baseplugin import *
@ -45,6 +39,7 @@ from baseplugin import *
import re
import sets
import utils
import ircdb
import ircmsgs
import privmsgs
@ -57,6 +52,29 @@ def configure(onStart, afterConnect, advanced):
words = anything('What words? (separate individual words by spaces)')
onStart.append('addbadwords %s' % words)
example = utils.wrapLines("""
<jemfinch> @load BadWords
<supybot> The operation succeeded.
<jemfinch> @list BadWords
<supybot> addbadword, addbadwords, removebadword, removebadwords
<jemfinch> @addbadword darn
<supybot> The operation succeeded.
<jemfinch> @rot13 qnea
<supybot> !@#$
<jemfinch> @removebadword darn
<supybot> The operation succeeded.
<jemfinch> @rot13 qnea
<supybot> darn
<jemfinch> @addbadwords darn dang shoot
<supybot> The operation succeeded.
<jemfinch> @rot13 qnea qnat fubbg
<supybot> !@#$ !@#$ !@#$!
<jemfinch> @removebadwords darn dang shoot
<supybot> The operation succeeded.
<jemfinch> @rot13 qnea qnat fubbg
<supybot> darn dang shoot
nastyChars = '!@#$' * 256
def subber(m):
return nastyChars[:len(m.group(1))]
@ -51,6 +51,22 @@ import privmsgs
import ircutils
import callbacks
example = utils.wrapLines("""
<jemfinch> @list ChannelDB
<supybot> channelstats, karma, seen, stats
<jemfinch> @channelstats
<supybot> Error: Command must be sent in a channel or include a channel in its arguments.
<jemfinch> (Obviously, you gotta give it a channel :))
<jemfinch> @channelstats #sourcereview
<supybot> On #sourcereview there have been 46965 messages, containing 1801703 characters, 319510 words, 4663 smileys, and 657 frowns; 2262 of those messages were ACTIONs. There have been 2404 joins, 139 parts, 1 kicks, 323 mode changes, and 129 topic changes.
<jemfinch> @stats #sourcereview jemfinch
<supybot> jemfinch has sent 16131 messages; a total of 687961 characters, 118915 words, 1482 smileys, and 226 frowns; 797 of those messages were ACTIONs. jemfinch has joined 284 times, parted 25 times, kicked someone 0 times been kicked 0 times, changed the topic 2 times, and changed the mode 2 times.
<jemfinch> @karma #sourcereview birthday_sex
<supybot> Karma for 'birthday_sex' has been increased 1 time and decreased 0 times for a total karma of 1.
<jemfinch> @seen #sourcereview inkedmn
<supybot> inkedmn was last seen here 1 day, 18 hours, 42 minutes, and 23 seconds ago saying 'ah'
smileys = (':)', ';)', ':]', ':-)', ':-D', ':D', ':P', ':p', '(=', '=)')
frowns = (':|', ':-/', ':-\\', ':\\', ':/', ':(', ':-(', ':\'(')
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
Add the module docstring here. This will be used by the setup.py script.
This is a module to contain Debian-specific commands.
from baseplugin import *
@ -75,6 +75,15 @@ def configure(onStart, afterConnect, advanced):
print 'I\'ll disable debfile now.'
onStart.append('disable debfile')
example = utils.wrapLines("""
<jemfinch> @list Debian
<supybot> debfile, debversion, usepythonzegrep
<jemfinch> @debversion python
<supybot> Total matches: 3, shown: 3. python 2.1.3-3.2 (stable), python 2.2.3-3 (testing), python 2.3-4 (unstable)
<jemfinch> @debfile /usr/bin/python
<supybot> python/python, devel/crystalspace-dev, python/python1.5, python/python2.1, python/python2.1-popy, python/python2.2, python/python2.2-popy, python/python2.3, python/python2.3-popy, devel/sloccount, graphics/pythoncad, mail/pms
class Debian(callbacks.Privmsg, PeriodicFileDownloader):
threaded = True
@ -53,6 +53,18 @@ def configure(onStart, afterConnect, advanced):
from questions import expect, anything, something, yn
onStart.append('load Gameknot')
example = utils.wrapLines("""
<jemfinch> @list Gameknot
<supybot> gkstats
<jemfinch> @gkstats jemfinch
<supybot> jemfinch (team: Grasshoppers) is rated 1526 and has 0 active games and a record of W-58, L-30, D-5 (win/loss/draw %: 62.37/32.26/5.38). jemfinch was last seen on Gameknot 6 minutes ago.
<jemfinch> blah blah blah I'm talking about http://gameknot.com/stats.pl?ddipaolo blah blah blah
<supybot> ddipaolo blah blah blah (team: Grasshoppers) is rated 1159 and has 4 active games and a record of W-135, L-136, D-8 (win/loss/draw %: 48.39/48.75/2.87). ddipaolo blah blah blah was last seen on Gameknot 3 hours 48 minutes ago.
<jemfinch> hmm, I wonder what the game http://gameknot.com/chess.pl?bd=1038943 is all about.
<supybot> Challenge from ddipaolo: inkedmn (901; W-69, L-84, D-4) vs. ddipaolo (1159; W-135, L-136, D-8); inkedmn to move. <http://gameknot.com/chess.pl?bd=1038943>
class Gameknot(callbacks.PrivmsgCommandAndRegexp):
threaded = True
regexps = sets.Set(['gameknotSnarfer', 'gameknotStatsSnarfer'])
@ -172,11 +184,11 @@ class Gameknot(callbacks.PrivmsgCommandAndRegexp):
wStats = '%s; W-%s, L-%s, D-%s' % (wRating, wWins, wLosses, wDraws)
bStats = '%s; W-%s, L-%s, D-%s' % (bRating, bWins, bLosses, bDraws)
'%s: %s (%s) vs. %s (%s); %s <%s>' % (
gameTitle, wName, wStats, bName, bStats, toMove, url)))
except ValueError:
'That doesn\'t appear to be a proper Gameknot game.'))
except Exception, e:
irc.error(msg, debug.exnToString(e))
@ -185,7 +197,7 @@ class Gameknot(callbacks.PrivmsgCommandAndRegexp):
name = match.group(1)
s = self.getStats(name)
irc.queueMsg(ircmsgs.privmsg(msg.args[0], s))
irc.queueMsg(callbacks.reply(msg, s))
Class = Gameknot
@ -71,6 +71,24 @@ def configure(onStart, afterConnect, advanced):
print 'You\'ll need to get a key before you can use this plugin.'
print 'You can apply for a key at http://www.google.com/apis/'
example = utils.wrapLines("""
<jemfinch> @list google
<supybot> google, googlefight, googleinfo, googlelicensekey, googlesite, googlespell, metagoogle
<jemfinch> @google jemfinch
<supybot> [Twisted-commits] Like, you know, a bugfix. jemfinch reported.: http://twistedmatrix.com/pipermail/twisted-commits/2002-August/002956.html :: Character Analysis of JemFinch NetEssays.NET - Thousands of FREE ...: http://www.netessays.net/viewpaper/1379.html :: SourceForge.net: Developer Profile: http://sourceforge.net/users/jemfinch/ (search took 0.174663 seconds)
<jemfinch> @googlefight jemfinch supybot moobot ddipaolo
<supybot> 'moobot': 959, 'jemfinch': 236, 'ddipaolo': 229, 'supybot': 80
<jemfinch> @googleinfo
<supybot> This google module has been called 5 times total; 5 times in the past 24 hours. Google has spent 1.229932 seconds searching for me.
<jemfinch> @googlespell recind
<supybot> rescind
<jemfinch> @metagoogle jemfinch
<supybot> Search for 'jemfinch' returned approximately 214 results in 0.072376 seconds.
<jemfinch> @googlesite slashdot.org SCO
<supybot> Slashdot | How SCO Helped Linux Go Enterprise: http://yro.slashdot.org/yro/03/07/22/0528203.shtml?tid=106&tid=185 :: Slashdot | SCO Threatens Red Hat and SuSE: http://science.slashdot.org/articles/03/04/23/1925259.shtml :: Slashdot | Linus Torvalds about SCO , IP, MS and Transmeta: http://slashdot.org/articles/03/07/05/1728201.shtml?tid=106&tid=185 (search took 0.210749 seconds)
totalSearches = 0
totalTime = 0
last24hours = structures.queue()
@ -52,6 +52,17 @@ def configure(onStart, afterConnect, advanced):
from questions import expect, anything, something, yn
onStart.append('load IMDB')
example = utils.wrapLines("""
<jemfinch> @list IMDB
<supybot> imdb
<jemfinch> @imdb die hard
<supybot> "Die Hard" (1988) belongs to the action and thriller genres. It's been rated 8.0 out of 10. More information is available at <http://imdb.com/Title?0095016>
<jemfinch> @imdb the usual suspects
<supybot> "The Usual Suspects" (1995) belongs to the crime, thriller, and mystery genres. It's been rated 8.7 out of 10. More information is available at <http://imdb.com/Title?0114814>
<jemfinch> @imdb kevin spacey
<supybot> "Kevin Spacey" is apparently a person. More information is available at <http://us.imdb.com/Name?Spacey,+Kevin>
class IMDB(callbacks.Privmsg):
threaded = True
def _formatMovie(self, movie):
@ -42,11 +42,53 @@ from baseplugin import *
import re
import base64
import ircmsgs
smport ircmsgs
import ircutils
import privmsgs
import callbacks
example = utils.wrapLines("""
<jemfinch> @list Moobot
<supybot> cool, dawdit, ditdaw, give, hi, mime, morse, reverse, stack, unmime, unmorse
<jemfinch> @cool supybot
<supybot> :cool: supybot :cool:
<jemfinch> @dawdit supybot
<supybot> supybot
<jemfinch> @ditdaw supybot
<supybot> ... ..- .--. -.-- -... --- -
<jemfinch> @dawdit [ditdaw supybot]
<supybot> SUPYBOT
<jemfinch> @give yourself a beer
* supybot gives himself a beer
<jemfinch> @hi
<supybot> howdy, jemfinch!
<jemfinch> @reverse supybot
<supybot> tobypus
<jemfinch> @mime supybot
<supybot> c3VweWJvdA==
<jemfinch> @unmime [mime supybot]
<supybot> supybot
<jemfinch> @unmorse [morse supybot]
<supybot> SUPYBOT
<jemfinch> @stack push 1
<supybot> "1" pushed.
<jemfinch> @stack push 2
<supybot> "2" pushed.
<jemfinch> @help stack
<supybot> stack <'push'|'pop'|'size'|'xray'> <text> (for more help use the morehelp command)
<jemfinch> @stack size
<supybot> Stack size is 2.
<jemfinch> @stack xray 1
<supybot> 2
<jemfinch> @stack pop
<supybot> 2
<jemfinch> @stack pop
<supybot> 1
<jemfinch> @stack pop
<supybot> Error: Stack is empty.
class Moobot(callbacks.Privmsg):
def cool(self, irc, msg, args):
@ -132,11 +174,17 @@ class Moobot(callbacks.Privmsg):
dawdit = unmorse
def hi(self, irc, msg, args):
"takes no arguments"
"""takes no arguments
Says hi to you.
irc.reply(msg, 'howdy, %s!' % msg.nick)
def reverse(self, irc, msg, args):
Reverses <text>.
text = privmsgs.getArgs(args)
irc.reply(msg, text[::-1])
@ -190,7 +238,9 @@ class Moobot(callbacks.Privmsg):
irc.error(msg, 'I don\'t recognize that stack command.')
def give(self, irc, msg, args):
"""<someone> <something>"""
"""<someone> <something>
Um, gives <someone> <something>."""
(someone, something) = privmsgs.getArgs(args, needed=2)
if someone == 'me':
someone = msg.nick
@ -198,6 +248,7 @@ class Moobot(callbacks.Privmsg):
someone = 'himself'
response = 'gives %s %s' % (someone, something)
irc.queueMsg(ircmsgs.action(ircutils.replyTo(msg), response))
raise callbacks.CannotNest
Class = Moobot
@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ from baseplugin import *
import urllib2
import debug
import utils
import privmsgs
import callbacks
@ -51,6 +52,17 @@ def configure(onStart, afterConnect, advanced):
from questions import expect, anything, something, yn
onStart.append('load OSU')
example = utils.wrapLines("""
<jemfinch> @list OSU
<supybot> osubuilding, osuemail
<jemfinch> @osuemail jeremiah fincher
<supybot> fincher.8@osu.edu
<jemfinch> @osubuilding DL
<supybot> Dreese Laboratories, 2015 Neil Avenue, Columbus, Ohio, 43210
<jemfinch> @osubuilding CE
<supybot> Celeste Laboratory Of Chemistry, 120 W 18th Avenue, Columbus, Ohio, 43210
buildings = {
'AA': 'Agricultural Administration Building, ' \
'2120 Fyffe Road, Columbus, Ohio, 43210',
@ -31,11 +31,6 @@
Provides commands for manipulating channel topics.
Commands include:
from baseplugin import *
@ -50,6 +45,25 @@ import ircmsgs
import privmsgs
import callbacks
example = utils.wrapLines("""
--- Topic for #sourcereview is Welcome to #sourcereview, home of cool people. (jemfinch) || supybot now has an IMDB module! (jemfinch) || jemfinch, make lasturl show more information about the url in quesiton. (jemfinch) || jemfinch, think about how you're going to have threads notify the main loop that data is ready. (jemfinch)
--- Topic for #sourcereview set by supybot at Tue Aug 26 15:38:35
<jemfinch> @list Topic
<supybot> jemfinch: addtopic, changetopic, removetopic, shuffletopic, topic
<jemfinch> @shuffletopic
--- supybot has changed the topic to: supybot now has an IMDB module! (jemfinch) || jemfinch, make lasturl show more information about the url in quesiton. (jemfinch) || Welcome to #sourcereview, home of cool people. (jemfinch) || jemfinch, think about how you're going to have threads notify the main loop that data is ready. (jemfinch)
<jemfinch> @removetopic 0
--- supybot has changed the topic to: jemfinch, make lasturl show more information about the url in quesiton. (jemfinch) || Welcome to #sourcereview, home of cool people. (jemfinch) || jemfinch, think about how you're going to have threads notify the main loop that data is ready. (jemfinch)
<jemfinch> @changetopic 0 s/make/MAKE/
--- supybot has changed the topic to: jemfinch, MAKE lasturl show more information about the url in quesiton. (jemfinch) || Welcome to #sourcereview, home of cool people. (jemfinch) || jemfinch, think about how you're going to have threads notify the main loop that data is ready. (jemfinch)
<jemfinch> @removetopic -1
--- supybot has changed the topic to: jemfinch, MAKE lasturl show more information about the url in quesiton. (jemfinch) || Welcome to #sourcereview, home of cool people. (jemfinch)
<jemfinch> @addtopic supybot will make a beta release soon!
--- supybot has changed the topic to: jemfinch, MAKE lasturl show more information about the url in quesiton. (jemfinch) || Welcome to #sourcereview, home of cool people. (jemfinch) || supybot will make a beta release soon! (jemfinch)
<jemfinch> @topic -1
<supybot> jemfinch: supybot will make a beta release soon! (jemfinch)
class Topic(callbacks.Privmsg):
topicSeparator = ' || '
topicFormatter = '%s (%s)'
@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ import re
from twisted.protocols import dict
import utils
import ircutils
import privmsgs
import callbacks
@ -50,7 +51,24 @@ def configure(onStart, afterConnect, advanced):
# like to be run when the bot is started; append to afterConnect the
# commands you would like to be run when the bot has finished connecting.
from questions import expect, anything, something, yn
onStart.append('load TwistedCommands')
import twisted
onStart.append('load TwistedCommands')
except ImportError:
print 'Sorry, you don\'t seem to have Twisted installed.'
print 'You can\'t use this module without Twisted being installed.'
print 'Once you\'ve installed Twisted, change conf.driverModule to'
print '"twistedDrivers" and add "load TwistedCommands" to your config'
print 'file.'
example = utils.wrapLines("""
<jemfinch> @load TwistedCommands
<supybot> The operation succeeded.
<jemfinch> @list TwistedCommands
<supybot> dict
<jemfinch> @dict rose
<supybot> adj : having a dusty purplish pink color; "the roseate glow of dawn" [syn: {roseate}, {rosaceous}] n 1: any of many plants of the genus Rosa, or pinkish table wine from red grapes whose skins were removed after fermentation began [syn: {blush wine}, {pink wine}, {rose wine}]
class TwistedCommands(callbacks.Privmsg):
def defaultErrback(self, irc, msg):
@ -77,6 +77,27 @@ def configure(onStart, afterConnect, advanced):
if yn('Would you like to disable this command?') == 'y':
onStart.append('disable progstats')
example = utils.wrapLines("""
<jemfinch> @list Unix
<supybot> crypt, errno, fortune, progstats, spell
<jemfinch> @crypt jemfinch
<supybot> XJsAYQVv6ACAs
<jemfinch> @help crypt
<supybot> crypt <password> [<salt>] (for more help use the morehelp command)
<jemfinch> @crypt jemfinch XXX
<supybot> XXU51Sc5CjpkY
<jemfinch> @errno ENOMEM
<supybot> ENOMEM (#12): Cannot allocate memory
<jemfinch> @errno 11
<supybot> EAGAIN (#11): Resource temporarily unavailable
<jemfinch> @fortune
<supybot> Q: What's the difference between Bell Labs and the Boy Scouts of America? A: The Boy Scouts have adult supervision.
<jemfinch> @progstats
<supybot> Process ID 1264 running as user "jfincher" and as group "1000" from directory "/home/jfincher/src/my/python/supybot" with the command line "src/bot.py conf/supybot.conf". Running on Python 2.3+ (#2, Aug 10 2003, 11:33:47) [GCC 3.3.1 (Debian)].
<jemfinch> @spell recind
<supybot> Possible spellings for "recind" (26 found, 26 shown): rescind, rec ind, rec-ind, resined, rebind, remind, rewind, recent, resend, rescinds, rescinder, reined, resound, rezoned, rend, rind, reascend, recited, refined, refund, relined, repined, resins, resin, rosined, reckoned.
def progstats():
pw = pwd.getpwuid(os.getuid())
response = 'Process ID %i running as user "%s" and as group "%s" '\
@ -45,6 +45,33 @@ def configure(onStart, afterConnect, advanced):
from questions import expect, anything, yn
onStart.append('load Utilities')
example = utils.wrapLines("""
<jemfinch> @list Utilities
<supybot> echo, ignore, re, repr, shrink, strconcat, strjoin, strlen, strlower, strtranslate, strupper
<jemfinch> @echo foo bar baz
<supybot> foo bar baz
<jemfinch> @ignore foo bar baz
<jemfinch> (he just ignores them; it's useful to run commands in sequence without caring about 'The operation succeeded' responses.)
<jemfinch> @repr "\n"
<supybot> "\n"
<jemfinch> @eval 'x'*1000
<supybot> My response would've been too long.
<jemfinch> @shrink [eval 'x'*1000]
<supybot> 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
<jemfinch> (it was shrunken to 400 characters)
<jemfinch> @strlen [shrink [eval 'x'*1000]]
<supybot> 400
<jemfinch> @strjoin + foo bar baz
<supybot> foo+bar+baz
<jemfinch> @strlower FOO BAR BAZ
<supybot> foo bar baz
<jemfinch> @strupper FOO bar baz
<supybot> FOO BAR BAZ
<jemfinch> @strtranslate abc def "abc is easy as 123"
<supybot> def is edsy ds 123
<jemfinch> @strconcat foo bar
class Utilities(callbacks.Privmsg):
def ignore(self, irc, msg, args):
"""takes no arguments
Reference in New Issue
Block a user