Updated as a precursor to making it database-independent.

This commit is contained in:
Jeremy Fincher 2004-08-11 23:28:45 +00:00
parent 22ddd5cb92
commit 985eb7beee

View File

@ -70,17 +70,9 @@ conf.registerChannelValue(conf.supybot.plugins.Karma, 'allowSelfRating',
registry.Boolean(False, """Determines whether users can adjust the karma
of their nick."""))
class Karma(callbacks.PrivmsgCommandAndRegexp, plugins.ChannelDBHandler):
addressedRegexps = ['increaseKarma', 'decreaseKarma']
def __init__(self):
def die(self):
def makeDb(self, filename):
class SqliteKarmaDB(object):
def _getDb(self, channel):
filename = plugins.makeChannelFilename(channel, 'Karma.db')
if os.path.exists(filename):
db = sqlite.connect(filename)
@ -99,6 +91,110 @@ class Karma(callbacks.PrivmsgCommandAndRegexp, plugins.ChannelDBHandler):
db.create_function('nickeq', 2, p)
return db
def get(self, channel, thing):
db = self._getDb(channel)
thing = thing.lower()
cursor = db.cursor()
cursor.execute("""SELECT added, subtracted FROM karma
WHERE normalized=%s""", thing)
if cursor.rowcount == 0:
return None
return map(int, cursor.fetchone())
def gets(self, channel, things):
db = self._getDb(channel)
normalizedThings = dict(zip(map(str.lower, things), things))
criteria = ' OR '.join(['normalized=%s'] * len(normalizedThings))
sql = """SELECT name, added-subtracted FROM karma
WHERE %s ORDER BY added-subtracted DESC""" % criteria
cursor.execute(sql, *normalizedThings)
L = [(name, int(karma)) for (name, karma) in cursor.fetchall()]
for (name, _) in L:
del normalizedThings[name.lower()]
neutrals = normalizedThings.values()
return (L, neutrals)
def top(self, channel, limit):
db = self._getDb(channel)
cursor = db.cursor()
cursor.execute("""SELECT name, added-subtracted FROM karma
ORDER BY added-subtracted DESC LIMIT %s""", limit)
return [(t[0], int(t[1])) for t in cursor.fetchall()]
def bottom(self, channel, limit):
db = self._getDb(channel)
cursor = db.cursor()
cursor.execute("""SELECT name, added-subtracted FROM karma
ORDER BY added-subtracted ASC LIMIT %s""", limit)
return [(t[0], int(t[1])) for t in cursor.fetchall()]
def rank(self, channel, thing):
db = self._getDb(channel)
cursor = db.cursor()
cursor.execute("""SELECT added-subtracted FROM karma
WHERE name=%s""", thing)
if cursor.rowcount == 0:
return None
karma = int(cursor.fetchone()[0])
cursor.execute("""SELECT COUNT(*) FROM karma
WHERE added-subtracted > %s""", karma)
rank = int(cursor.fetchone()[0])
return rank
def size(self, channel):
db = self._getDb(channel)
cursor = db.cursor()
cursor.execute("""SELECT COUNT(*) FROM karma""")
return int(cursor.fetchone()[0])
def increment(self, channel, name):
db = self._getDb(channel)
cursor = db.cursor()
normalized = name.lower()
cursor.execute("""INSERT INTO karma VALUES (NULL, %s, %s, 0, 0)""",
name, normalized)
cursor.execute("""UPDATE karma SET added=added+1
WHERE normalized=%s""", normalized)
def decrement(self, channel, thing):
db = self._getDb(channel)
cursor = db.cursor()
normalized = name.lower()
cursor.execute("""INSERT INTO karma VALUES (NULL, %s, %s, 0, 0)""",
name, normalized)
cursor.execute("""UPDATE karma SET subtracted=subtracted+1
WHERE normalized=%s""", normalized)
def most(self, channel, kind, limit):
if kind == 'increased':
orderby = 'added'
elif kind == 'decreased':
orderby = 'subtracted'
elif kind == 'active':
orderby = 'added+subtracted'
raise ValueError, 'invalid kind'
sql = """SELECT name, %s FROM karma ORDER BY %s DESC LIMIT %s""" % \
(orderby, orderby, limit)
db = self._getDb(channel)
cursor = db.cursor()
return [(name, int(i)) for (name, i) in cursor.fetchall()]
def KarmaDB():
return SqliteKarmaDB()
class Karma(callbacks.PrivmsgCommandAndRegexp):
addressedRegexps = ['increaseKarma', 'decreaseKarma']
def __init__(self):
self.db = KarmaDB()
def karma(self, irc, msg, args):
"""[<channel>] [<thing> [<thing> ...]]
@ -109,18 +205,13 @@ class Karma(callbacks.PrivmsgCommandAndRegexp, plugins.ChannelDBHandler):
the message isn't sent on the channel itself.
channel = privmsgs.getChannel(msg, args)
db = self.getDb(channel)
cursor = db.cursor()
if len(args) == 1:
name = args[0]
normalized = name.lower()
cursor.execute("""SELECT added, subtracted
FROM karma
WHERE normalized=%s""", normalized)
if cursor.rowcount == 0:
t = self.db.get(channel, name)
if t is None:
irc.reply('%s has neutral karma.' % name)
(added, subtracted) = imap(int, cursor.fetchone())
(added, subtracted) = t
total = added - subtracted
if self.registryValue('simpleOutput', channel):
s = '%s: %s' % (name, total)
@ -131,58 +222,32 @@ class Karma(callbacks.PrivmsgCommandAndRegexp, plugins.ChannelDBHandler):
utils.nItems('time', subtracted), total)
elif len(args) > 1:
normalizedArgs = sets.Set(imap(str.lower, args))
criteria = ' OR '.join(['normalized=%s'] * len(normalizedArgs))
sql = """SELECT name, added-subtracted
FROM karma WHERE %s
ORDER BY added-subtracted DESC""" % criteria
cursor.execute(sql, *normalizedArgs)
if cursor.rowcount > 0:
L = []
for (n, t) in cursor.fetchall():
L.append('%s: %s' % (n, t))
if normalizedArgs:
if len(normalizedArgs) == 1:
ss = '%s has no karma' % normalizedArgs.pop()
LL = list(normalizedArgs)
ss = '%s have neutral karma' % utils.commaAndify(LL)
s = '%s. %s.' % (utils.commaAndify(L), ss)
s = utils.commaAndify(L) + '.'
(L, neutrals) = self.db.gets(channel, args)
if L:
s = utils.commaAndify(['%s: %s' % t for t in L])
if neutrals:
neutral = '. %s %s neutral karma' % \
s += neutral
irc.reply(s + '.')
irc.reply('I didn\'t know the karma for any '
'of those things.')
irc.reply('I didn\'t know the karma for any of those things.')
else: # No name was given. Return the top/bottom N karmas.
limit = self.registryValue('rankingDisplay', channel)
cursor.execute("""SELECT name, added-subtracted
FROM karma
ORDER BY added-subtracted DESC
LIMIT %s""", limit)
highest=['%r (%s)' % (t[0], int(t[1])) for t in cursor.fetchall()]
cursor.execute("""SELECT name, added-subtracted
FROM karma
ORDER BY added-subtracted ASC
LIMIT %s""", limit)
lowest=['%r (%s)' % (t[0], int(t[1])) for t in cursor.fetchall()]
cursor.execute("""SELECT added-subtracted FROM karma
WHERE name=%s""", msg.nick)
top = self.db.top(channel, limit)
highest = ['%r (%s)' % t for t in self.db.top(channel, limit)]
lowest = ['%r (%s)' % t for t in self.db.bottom(channel, limit)]
if not (highest and lowest):
irc.error('I have no karma for this channel.')
rankS = ''
if cursor.rowcount != 0:
personal = int(cursor.fetchone()[0])
cursor.execute("""SELECT COUNT(*) FROM karma
WHERE added-subtracted > %s""", personal)
rank = int(cursor.fetchone()[0]) + 1
cursor.execute("""SELECT COUNT(*) FROM karma""")
total = int(cursor.fetchone()[0])
rank = self.db.rank(channel, msg.nick)
if rank is not None:
total = self.db.size(channel)
rankS = ' You (%s) are ranked %s out of %s.' % \
(msg.nick, rank, total)
rankS = ''
s = 'Highest karma: %s. Lowest karma: %s.%s' % \
(utils.commaAndify(highest), utils.commaAndify(lowest), rankS)
@ -199,57 +264,38 @@ class Karma(callbacks.PrivmsgCommandAndRegexp, plugins.ChannelDBHandler):
kind = privmsgs.getArgs(args)
kind = self._mostAbbrev[kind]
if kind == 'increased':
orderby = 'added'
elif kind == 'decreased':
orderby = 'subtracted'
elif kind == 'active':
orderby = 'added+subtracted'
sql = "SELECT name, %s FROM karma ORDER BY %s DESC LIMIT %s" % \
(orderby, orderby,
self.registryValue('mostDisplay', channel))
db = self.getDb(channel)
cursor = db.cursor()
L = ['%s: %s' % (name, int(i)) for (name, i) in cursor.fetchall()]
L = self.db.most(channel, kind)
if L:
L = ['%r: %s' % (name, i) for (name, i) in L]
irc.error('I have no karma for this channel.')
except KeyError:
except (KeyError, ValueError):
raise callbacks.ArgumentError
def increaseKarma(self, irc, msg, match):
channel = msg.args[0]
if not ircutils.isChannel(channel):
name = match.group(1)
normalized = name.lower()
if not self.registryValue('allowSelfRating', msg.args[0]):
if normalized == msg.nick.lower():
if ircutils.strEqual(name, msg.nick):
db = self.getDb(msg.args[0])
cursor = db.cursor()
cursor.execute("""INSERT INTO karma VALUES (NULL, %s, %s, 0, 0)""",
name, normalized)
cursor.execute("""UPDATE karma
SET added=added+1
WHERE normalized=%s""", normalized)
self.db.increment(channel, name)
if self.registryValue('response', msg.args[0]):
def decreaseKarma(self, irc, msg, match):
channel = msg.args[0]
if not ircutils.isChannel(channel):
name = match.group(1)
normalized = name.lower()
if not self.registryValue('allowSelfRating', msg.args[0]):
if normalized == msg.nick.lower():
if ircutils.strEqual(name, msg.nick):
db = self.getDb(msg.args[0])
cursor = db.cursor()
cursor.execute("""INSERT INTO karma VALUES (NULL, %s, %s, 0, 0)""",
name, normalized)
cursor.execute("""UPDATE karma
SET subtracted=subtracted+1
WHERE normalized=%s""", normalized)
self.db.decrement(channel, name)
if self.registryValue('response', msg.args[0]):