Removed standardSubstitute test.

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Jeremy Fincher 2004-11-06 19:21:15 +00:00
parent 21d5745677
commit 964fa95bfd
1 changed files with 0 additions and 47 deletions

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@ -34,53 +34,6 @@ import sets
import supybot.irclib as irclib import supybot.irclib as irclib
import supybot.plugins as plugins import supybot.plugins as plugins
class holder:
users = sets.Set(map(str, range(1000)))
class FunctionsTestCase(SupyTestCase):
class irc:
class state:
channels = {'#foo': holder()}
nick = 'foobar'
def testStandardSubstitute(self):
f = plugins.standardSubstitute
msg = ircmsgs.privmsg('#foo', 'filler', prefix='biff!quux@xyzzy')
s = f(self.irc, msg, '$rand')
except ValueError:'$rand wasn\'t an int.')
s = f(self.irc, msg, '$randomInt')
except ValueError:'$randomint wasn\'t an int.')
self.assertEqual(f(self.irc, msg, '$botnick'), self.irc.nick)
self.assertEqual(f(self.irc, msg, '$who'), msg.nick)
self.assertEqual(f(self.irc, msg, '$WHO'),
msg.nick, 'stand. sub. not case-insensitive.')
self.assertEqual(f(self.irc, msg, '$nick'), msg.nick)
self.assertNotEqual(f(self.irc, msg, '$randomdate'), '$randomdate')
q = f(self.irc,msg,'$randomdate\t$randomdate')
dl = q.split('\t')
if dl[0] == dl[1]: ('Two $randomdates in the same string were the same')
q = f(self.irc, msg, '$randomint\t$randomint')
dl = q.split('\t')
if dl[0] == dl[1]: ('Two $randomints in the same string were the same')
self.assertNotEqual(f(self.irc, msg, '$today'), '$today')
self.assertNotEqual(f(self.irc, msg, '$now'), '$now')
n = f(self.irc, msg, '$randnick')
self.failUnless(n in self.irc.state.channels['#foo'].users)
n = f(self.irc, msg, '$randomnick')
self.failUnless(n in self.irc.state.channels['#foo'].users)
n = f(self.irc, msg, '$randomnick '*100)
L = n.split()
self.failIf(all(L[0].__eq__, L), 'all $randomnicks were the same')
c = f(self.irc, msg, '$channel')
self.assertEqual(c, msg.args[0])