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Advanced Plugin Config
This tutorial covers some of the more advanced plugin config features available
to Supybot plugin authors.
What's This Tutorial For?
Brief overview of what this tutorial covers and the target audience.
Want to know the crazy advanced features available to you, the Supybot plugin
author? Well, this is the tutorial for you. This article assumes you've read
the Supybot plugin author tutorial since all the basics of plugin config are
handled there first.
In this tutorial we'll cover:
* Using the configure function more effectively by using the functions
provided in supybot.questions
* Creating config variable groups and config variables underneath those
* The built-in config variable types ("registry types") for use with config
* Creating custom registry types to handle config variable values more
Using 'configure' effectively
How to use 'configure' effectively using the functions from
In the original Supybot plugin author tutorial you'll note that we gloss over
the configure portion of the config.py file for the sake of keeping the
tutorial to a reasonable length. Well, now we're going to cover it in more
The supybot.questions module is a nice little module coded specifically to help
clean up the configure section of every plugin's config.py. The boilerplate
config.py code imports the four most useful functions from that module:
* "expect" is a very general prompting mechanism which can specify certain
inputs that it will accept and also specify a default response. It takes
the following arguments:
- prompt: The text to be displayed
- possibilities: The list of possible responses (can be the empty
list, [])
- default (optional): Defaults to None. Specifies the default value
to use if the user enters in no input.
- acceptEmpty (optional): Defaults to False. Specifies whether or not
to accept no input as an answer.
* "anything" is basically a special case of except which takes anything
(including no input) and has no default value specified. It takes only
one argument:
- prompt: The text to be displayed
* "something" is also a special case of except, requiring some input and
allowing an optional default. It takes the following arguments:
- prompt: The text to be displayed
- default (optional): Defaults to None. The default value to use if
the user doesn't input anything.
* "yn" is for "yes or no" questions and basically forces the user to input
a "y" for yes, or "n" for no. It takes the following arguments:
- prompt: The text to be displayed
- default (optional): Defaults to None. Default value to use if the
user doesn't put anything.
All of these functions, with the exception of "yn", return whatever string
results as the answer whether it be input from the user or specified as the
default when the user inputs nothing. The "yn" function returns True for "yes"
answers and False for "no" answers.
For the most part, the latter three should be sufficient, but we expose expect
to anyone who needs a more specialized configuration.
Let's go through a quick example configure that covers all four of these
functions. First I'll give you the code, and then we'll go through it,
discussing each usage of a supybot.questions function just to make sure you
realize what the code is actually doing. Here it is:
def configure(advanced):
# This will be called by supybot to configure this module. advanced is
# a bool that specifies whether the user identified himself as an advanced
# user or not. You should effect your configuration by manipulating the
# registry as appropriate.
from supybot.questions import expect, anything, something, yn
WorldDom = conf.registerPlugin('WorldDom', True)
if yn("""The WorldDom plugin allows for total world domination
with simple commands. Would you like these commands to
be enabled for everyone?""", default=False):
cap = something("""What capability would you like to require for
this command to be used?""", default="Admin")
dir = expect("""What direction would you like to attack from in
your quest for world domination?""",
["north", "south", "east", "west", "ABOVE"],
As you can see, this is the WorldDom plugin, which I am currently working on.
The first thing our configure function checks is to see whether or not the bot
owner would like the world domination commands in this plugin to be available
to everyone. If they say yes, we set the globalWorldDominationRequires
configuration variable to the empty string, signifying that no specific
capabilities are necessary. If they say no, we prompt them for a specific
capability to check for, defaulting to the "Admin" capability. Here they can
create their own custom capability to grant to folks which this plugin will
check for if they want, but luckily for the bot owner they don't really have to
do this since Supybot's capabilities system can be flexed to take care of this.
Lastly, we check to find out what direction they want to attack from as they
venture towards world domination. I prefer "death from above!", so I made that
the default response, but the more boring cardinal directions are available as
choices as well.
Using Config Groups
A brief overview of how to use config groups to organize config variables
Supybot's Hierarchical Configuration
Supybot's configuration is inherently hierarchical, as you've probably already
figured out in your use of the bot. Naturally, it makes sense to allow plugin
authors to create their own hierarchies to organize their configuration
variables for plugins that have a lot of plugin options. If you've taken a look
at the plugins that Supybot comes with, you've probably noticed that several of
them take advantage of this. In this section of this tutorial we'll go over how
to make your own config hierarchy for your plugin.
Here's the brilliant part about Supybot config values which makes hierarchical
structuring all that much easier - values are groups. That is, any config value
you may already defined in your plugins can already be treated as a group, you
simply need to know how to add items to that group.
Now, if you want to just create a group that doesn't have an inherent value you
can do that as well, but you'd be surprised at how rarely you have to do that.
In fact if you look at most of the plugins that Supybot comes with, you'll only
find that we do this in a handful of spots yet we use the "values as groups"
feature quite a bit.
Creating a Config Group
As stated before, config variables themselves are groups, so you can create a
group simply by creating a configuration variable:
conf.registerGlobalValue(WorldDom, 'globalWorldDominationRequires',
registry.String('', """Determines the capability required to access the
world domination commands in this plugin."""))
As you probably know by now this creates the config variable
supybot.plugins.WorldDom.globalWorldDominationRequires which you can access/set
using the Config plugin directly on the running bot. What you may not have
known prior to this tutorial is that that variable is also a group.
Specifically, it is now the WorldDom.globalWorldDominationRequires group, and
we can add config variables to it! Unfortunately, this particular bit of
configuration doesn't really require anything underneath it, so let's create a
new group which does using the "create only a group, not a value" command.
Let's create a configurable list of targets for different types of attacks
(land, sea, air, etc.). We'll call the group attackTargets. Here's how you
create just a config group alone with no value assigned:
conf.registerGroup(WorldDom, 'attackTargets')
The first argument is just the group under which you want to create your new
group (and we got WorldDom from conf.registerPlugin which was in our
boilerplate code from the plugin creation wizard). The second argument is, of
course, the group name. So now we have WorldDom.attackTargets (or, fully,
Adding Values to a Group
Actually, you've already done this several times, just never to a custom group
of your own. You've always added config values to your plugin's config group.
With that in mind, the only slight modification needed is to simply point to
the new group:
conf.registerGlobalValue(WorldDom.attackTargets, 'air',
registry.SpaceSeparatedListOfStrings('', """Contains the list of air
And now we have a nice list of air targets! You'll notice that the first
argument is WorldDom.attackTargets, our new group. Make sure that the
conf.registerGroup call is made before this one or else you'll get a nasty
The Built-in Registry Types
A rundown of all of the built-in registry types available for use with config
The "registry" module defines the following config variable types for your use
(I'll include the 'registry.' on each one since that's how you'll refer to it in
code most often). Most of them are fairly self-explanatory, so excuse the
boring descriptions:
* registry.Boolean - A simple true or false value. Also accepts the
following for true: "true", "on" "enable", "enabled", "1", and the
following for false: "false", "off", "disable", "disabled", "0",
* registry.Integer - Accepts any integer value, positive or negative.
* registry.NonNegativeInteger - Will hold any non-negative integer value.
* registry.PositiveInteger - Same as above, except that it doesn't accept 0
as a value.
* registry.Float - Accepts any floating point number.
* registry.PositiveFloat - Accepts any positive floating point number.
* registry.Probability - Accepts any floating point number between 0 and 1
(inclusive, meaning 0 and 1 are also valid).
* registry.String - Accepts any string that is not a valid Python command
* registry.NormalizedString - Accepts any string (with the same exception
above) but will normalize sequential whitespace to a single space..
* registry.StringSurroundedBySpaces - Accepts any string but assures that
it has a space preceding and following it. Useful for configuring a
string that goes in the middle of a response.
* registry.StringWithSpaceOnRight - Also accepts any string but assures
that it has a space after it. Useful for configuring a string that
begins a response.
* registry.Regexp - Accepts only valid (Perl or Python) regular expressions
* registry.SpaceSeparatedListOfStrings - Accepts a space-separated list of
There are a few other built-in registry types that are available but are not
usable in their current state, only by creating custom registry types, which
we'll go over in the next section.
Custom Registry Types
How to create and use your own custom registry types for use in customizing
plugin config variables.
Why Create Custom Registry Types?
For most configuration, the provided types in the registry module are
sufficient. However, for some configuration variables it's not only convenient
to use custom registry types, it's actually recommended. Customizing registry
types allows for tighter restrictions on the values that get set and for
greater error-checking than is possible with the provided types.
What Defines a Registry Type?
First and foremost, it needs to subclass one of the existing registry types
from the registry module, whether it be one of the ones in the previous section
or one of the other classes in registry specifically designed to be subclassed.
Also it defines a number of other nice things: a custom error message for your
type, customized value-setting (transforming the data you get into something
else if wanted), etc.
Creating Your First Custom Registry Type
As stated above, priority number one is that you subclass one of the types in
the registry module. Basically, you just subclass one of those and then
customize whatever you want. Then you can use it all you want in your own
plugins. We'll do a quick example to demonstrate.
We already have registry.Integer and registry.PositiveInteger, but let's say we
want to accept only negative integers. We can create our own NegativeInteger
registry type like so:
class NegativeInteger(registry.Integer):
"""Value must be a negative integer."""
def setValue(self, v):
if v >= 0:
registry.Integer.setValue(self, v)
All we need to do is define a new error message for our custom registry type
(specified by the docstring for the class), and customize the setValue
function. Note that all you have to do when you want to signify that you've
gotten an invalid value is to call self.error(). Finally, we call the parent
class's setValue to actually set the value.
What Else Can I Customize?
Well, the error string and the setValue function are the most useful things
that are available for customization, but there are other things. For examples,
look at the actual built-in registry types defined in registry.py (in the src
directory distributed with the bot).
What Subclasses Can I Use?
Chances are one of the built-in types in the previous section will be
sufficient, but there are a few others of note which deserve mention:
* registry.Value - Provides all the core functionality of registry types
(including acting as a group for other config variables to reside
underneath), but nothing more.
* registry.OnlySomeStrings - Allows you to specify only a certain set of
strings as valid values. Simply override validStrings in the inheriting
class and you're ready to go.
* registry.SeparatedListOf - The generic class which is the parent class to
registry.SpaceSeparatedListOfStrings. Allows you to customize four
things: the type of sequence it is (list, set, tuple, etc.), what each
item must be (String, Boolean, etc.), what separates each item in the
sequence (using custom splitter/joiner functions), and whether or not
the sequence is to be sorted. Look at the definitions of
registry.SpaceSeparatedListOfStrings and
registry.CommaSeparatedListOfStrings at the bottom of registry.py for
more information. Also, there will be an example using this in the
section below.
Using My Custom Registry Type
Using your new registry type is relatively straightforward. Instead of using
whatever registry built-in you might have used before, now use your own custom
class. Let's say we define a registry type to handle a comma-separated list of
class CommaSeparatedListOfProbabilities(registry.SeparatedListOf):
Value = registry.Probability
def splitter(self, s):
return re.split(r'\s*,\s*', s)
joiner = ', '.join
Now, to use that type we simply have to specify it whenever we create a config
variable using it:
conf.registerGlobalValue(SomePlugin, 'someConfVar',
CommaSeparatedListOfProbabilities('0.0, 1.0', """Holds the list of
probabilities for whatever."""))
Note that we initialize it just the same as we do any other registry type, with
two arguments: the default value, and then the description of the config
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Advanced Plugin Testing
The complete guide to writing tests for your plugins.
Why Write Tests?
Why should I write tests for my plugin? Here's why.
For those of you asking "Why should I write tests for my plugin? I tried it
out, and it works!", read on. For those of you who already realize that
Testing is Good (TM), skip to the next section.
Here are a few quick reasons why to test your Supybot plugins.
* When/if we rewrite or change certain features in Supybot, tests make
sure your plugin will work with these changes. It's much easier to run
supybot-test MyPlugin after upgrading the code and before even reloading
the bot with the new code than it is to load the bot with new code and
then load the plugin only to realize certain things don't work. You may
even ultimately decide you want to stick with an older version for a while
as you patch your custom plugin. This way you don't have to rush a patch
while restless users complain since you're now using a newer version that
doesn't have the plugin they really like.
* Running the automated tests takes a few seconds, testing plugins in IRC
on a live bot generally takes quite a bit longer. We make it so that
writing tests generally doesn't take much time, so a small initial
investment adds up to lots of long-term gains.
* If you want your plugin to be included in any of our releases (the core
Supybot if you think it's worthy, or our supybot-plugins package), it has
to have tests. Period.
For a bigger list of why to write unit tests, check out this article:
and also check out what the Extreme Programming folks have to say about unit
Plugin Tests
How to write tests for commands in your plugins.
This tutorial assumes you've read through the plugin author tutorial, and that
you used supybot-plugin-create to create your plugin (as everyone should). So,
you should already have all the necessary imports and all that boilerplate
stuff in test.py already, and you have already seen what a basic plugin test
looks like from the plugin author tutorial. Now we'll go into more depth about
what plugin tests are available to Supybot plugin authors.
Plugin Test Case Classes
Supybot comes with two plugin test case classes, PluginTestCase and
ChannelPluginTestCase. The former is used when it doesn't matter whether or
not the commands are issued in a channel, and the latter is used for when it
does. For the most part their API is the same, so unless there's a distinction
between the two we'll treat them as one and the same when discussing their
The Most Basic Plugin Test Case
At the most basic level, a plugin test case requires three things:
* the class declaration (subclassing PluginTestCase or
* a list of plugins that need to be loaded for these tests (does not
include Owner, Misc, or Config, those are always automatically loaded) -
often this is just the name of the plugin that you are writing tests for
* some test methods
Here's what the most basic plugin test case class looks like (for a plugin
named MyPlugin):
class MyPluginTestCase(PluginTestCase):
plugins = ('MyPlugin',)
def testSomething(self):
# assertions and such go here
Your plugin test case should be named TestCase as you see above, though it
doesn't necessarily have to be named that way (supybot-plugin-create puts that
in place for you anyway). As you can see we elected to subclass PluginTestCase
because this hypothetical plugin apparently doesn't do anything
As you probably noticed, the plugins attribute of the class is where the list
of necessary plugins goes, and in this case just contains the plugin that we
are testing. This will be the case for probably the majority of plugins. A lot
of the time test writers will use a bot function that performs some function
that they don't want to write code for and they will just use command nesting
to feed the bot what they need by using that plugin's functionality. If you
choose to do this, only do so with core bot plugins as this makes distribution
of your plugin simpler. After all, we want people to be able to run your
plugin tests without having to have all of your plugins!
One last thing to note before moving along is that each of the test methods
should describe what they are testing. If you want to test that your plugin
only responds to registered users, don't be afraid to name your test method
testOnlyRespondingToRegisteredUsers or testNotRespondingToUnregisteredUsers.
You may have noticed some rather long and seemingly unwieldy test method names
in our code, but that's okay because they help us know exactly what's failing
when we run our tests. With an ambiguously named test method we may have to
crack open test.py after running the tests just to see what it is that failed.
For this reason you should also test only one thing per test method. Don't
write a test method named testFoobarAndBaz. Just write two test methods,
testFoobar and testBaz. Also, it is important to note that test methods must
begin with test and that any method within the class that does begin with test
will be run as a test by the supybot-test program. If you want to write
utility functions in your test class that's fine, but don't name them
something that begins with test or they will be executed as tests.
Including Extra Setup
Some tests you write may require a little bit of setup. For the most part it's
okay just to include that in the individual test method itself, but if you're
duplicating a lot of setup code across all or most of your test methods it's
best to use the setUp method to perform whatever needs to be done prior to
each test method.
The setUp method is inherited from the whichever plugin test case class you
chose for your tests, and you can add whatever functionality you want to it.
Note the important distinction, however: you should be adding to it and not
overriding it. Just define setUp in your own plugin test case class and it
will be run before all the test methods are invoked.
Let's do a quick example of one. Let's write a setUp method which registers a
test user for our test bot:
def setUp(self):
ChannelPluginTestCase.setUp(self) # important!!
# Create a valid user to use
self.prefix = 'foo!bar@baz'
self.feedMsg('register tester moo', to=self.nick, frm=self.prefix))
m = self.getMsg() # Response to registration.
Now notice how the first line calls the parent class's setUp method first?
This must be done first. Otherwise several problems are likely to arise. For
one, you wouldn't have an irc object at self.irc that we use later on nor
would self.nick be set.
As for the rest of the method, you'll notice a few things that are available
to the plugin test author. self.prefix refers to the hostmask of the
hypothetical test user which will be "talking" to the bot, issuing commands.
We set it to some generically fake hostmask, and then we use feedMsg to feed
it a private message (using the bot's nick, accessible via self.nick) to
register the username "tester" with the password "moo". We have to do it this
way (rather than what you'll find out is the standard way of issuing commands
to the bot in test cases a little later) because registration must be done in
private. And lastly, since feedMsg doesn't dequeue any messages from the bot
after getting fed a message, we perform a getMsg to get the response. You're
not expected to know all this yet, but do take note of it since using these
methods in test-writing is not uncommon. These utility methods as well as all
of the available assertions are covered in the next section.
So, now in any of the test methods we write, we'll be able to count on the
fact that there will be a registered user "tester" with a password of "moo",
and since we changed our prefix by altering self.prefix and registered after
doing so, we are now identified as this user for all messages we send unless
we specify that they are coming from some other prefix.
The Opposite of Setting-up: Tearing Down
If you did some things in your setUp that you want to clean up after, then
this code belongs in the tearDown method of your test case class. It's
essentially the same as setUp except that you probably want to wait to invoke
the parent class's tearDown until after you've done all of your tearing down.
But do note that you do still have to invoke the parent class's tearDown
method if you decide to add in your own tear-down stuff.
Setting Config Variables for Testing
Before we delve into all of the fun assertions we can use in our test methods
it's worth noting that each plugin test case can set custom values for any
Supybot config variable they want rather easily. Much like how we can simply
list the plugins we want loaded for our tests in the plugins attribute of our
test case class, we can set config variables by creating a mapping of
variables to values with the config attribute.
So if, for example, we wanted to disable nested commands within our plugin
testing for some reason, we could just do this:
class MyPluginTestCase(PluginTestCase):
config = {'supybot.commands.nested': False}
def testThisThing(self):
# stuff
And now you can be assured that supybot.commands.nested is going to be off for
all of your test methods in this test case class.
Plugin Test Methods
The full list of test methods and how to use them.
You know how to make plugin test case classes and you know how to do just
about everything with them except to actually test stuff. Well, listed below
are all of the assertions used in tests. If you're unfamiliar with what an
assertion is in code testing, it is basically a requirement of something that
must be true in order for that test to pass. It's a necessary condition. If
any assertion within a test method fails the entire test method fails and it
goes on to the next one.
All of these are methods of the plugin test classes themselves and hence are
accessed by using self.assertWhatever in your test methods. These are sorted
in order of relative usefulness.
* assertResponse(query, expectedResponse) - Feeds query to the bot as a
message and checks to make sure the response is expectedResponse. The
test fails if they do not match (note that prefixed nicks in the
response do not need to be included in the expectedResponse).
* assertError(query) - Feeds query to the bot and expects an error in
return. Fails if the bot doesn't return an error.
* assertNotError(query) - The opposite of assertError. It doesn't matter
what the response to query is, as long as it isn't an error. If it is
not an error, this test passes, otherwise it fails.
* assertRegexp(query, regexp, flags=re.I) - Feeds query to the bot and
expects something matching the regexp (no m// required) in regexp with
the supplied flags. Fails if the regexp does not match the bot's
* assertNotRegexp(query, regexp, flags=re.I) - The opposite of
assertRegexp. Fails if the bot's output matches regexp with the
supplied flags.
* assertHelp(query) - Expects query to return the help for that command.
Fails if the command help is not triggered.
* assertAction(query, expectedResponse=None) - Feeds query to the bot and
expects an action in response, specifically expectedResponse if it is
supplied. Otherwise, the test passes for any action response.
* assertActionRegexp(query, regexp, flags=re.I) - Basically like
assertRegexp but carries the extra requirement that the response must
be an action or the test will fail.
* feedMsg(query, to=None, frm=None) - Simply feeds query to whoever is
specified in to or to the bot itself if no one is specified. Can also
optionally specify the hostmask of the sender with the frm keyword.
Does not actually perform any assertions.
* getMsg(query) - Feeds query to the bot and gets the response.
Other Tests
If you had to write helper code for a plugin and want to test it, here's
Previously we've only discussed how to test stuff in the plugin that is
intended for IRC. Well, we realize that some Supybot plugins will require
utility code that doesn't necessarily require all of the overhead of setting
up IRC stuff, and so we provide a more lightweight test case class,
SupyTestCase, which is a very very light wrapper around unittest.TestCase
(from the standard unittest module) that basically just provides a little
extra logging. This test case class is what you should use for writing those
test cases which test things that are independent of IRC.
For example, in the MoobotFactoids plugin there is a large chunk of utility
code dedicating to parsing out random choices within a factoid using a class
called OptionList. So, we wrote the OptionListTestCase as a SupyTestCase for
the MoobotFactoids plugin. The setup for test methods is basically the same as
before, only you don't have to define plugins since this is independent of
You still have the choice of using setUp and tearDown if you wish, since those
are inherited from unittest.TestCase. But, the same rules about calling the
setUp or tearDown method from the parent class still apply.
With all this in hand, now you can write great tests for your Supybot plugins!
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Ok, some explanation of the capabilities system is probably in order. With
most IRC bots (including the ones I've written myself prior to this one) "what
a user can do" is set in one of two ways. On the *really* simple bots, each
user has a numeric "level" and commands check to see if a user has a "high
enough level" to perform some operation. On bots that are slightly more
complicated, users have a list of "flags" whose meanings are hardcoded, and the
bot checks to see if a user possesses the necessary flag before performing some
operation. Both methods, IMO, are rather arbitrary, and force the user and the
programmer to be unduly confined to less expressive constructs.
This bot is different. Every user has a set of "capabilities" that is
consulted every time they give the bot a command. Commands, rather than
checking for a user level of 100, or checking if the user has an 'o' flag, are
instead able to check if a user has the 'owner' capability. At this point such
a difference might not seem revolutionary, but at least we can already tell
that this method is self-documenting, and easier for users and developers to
understand what's truly going on.
User Capabilities
What the heck can these capabilities DO?
If that was all, well, the capability system would be *cool*, but not many
people would say it was *awesome*. But it **is** awesome! Several things are
happening behind the scenes that make it awesome, and these are things that
couldn't happen if the bot was using numeric userlevels or single-character
flags. First, whenever a user issues the bot a command, the command dispatcher
checks to make sure the user doesn't have the "anticapability" for that
command. An anticapability is a capability that, instead of saying "what a
user can do", says what a user *cannot* do. It's formed rather simply by
adding a dash ('-') to the beginning of a capability; 'rot13' is a capability,
and '-rot13' is an anticapability.
Anyway, when a user issues the bot a command, perhaps 'calc' or 'help', the bot
first checks to make sure the user doesn't have the '-calc' or the '-help'
(anti)capabilities before even considering responding to the user. So commands
can be turned on or off on a *per user* basis, offering fine-grained control
not often (if at all!) seen in other bots. This can be further refined by
limiting the (anti)capability to a command in a specific plugin or even an
entire plugin. For example, the rot13 command is in the Filter plugin. If a
user should be able to use another rot13 command, but not the one in the Format
plugin, they would simply need to be given '-Format.rot13' anticapability.
Similarly, if a user were to be banned from using the Filter plugin altogether,
they would simply need to be given the '-Format' anticapability.
Channel Capabilities
What if #linux wants completely different capabilities from #windows?
But that's not all! The capabilities system also supports *channel*
capabilities, which are capabilities that only apply to a specific channel;
they're of the form '#channel,capability'. Whenever a user issues a command to
the bot in a channel, the command dispatcher also checks to make sure the user
doesn't have the anticapability for that command *in that channel*, and if the
user does, the bot won't respond to the user in the channel. Thus now, in
addition to having the ability to turn individual commands on or off for an
individual user, we can now turn commands on or off for an individual user on
an individual channel!
So when a user 'foo' sends a command 'bar' to the bot on channel '#baz', first
the bot checks to see if the user has the anticapability for the command by
itself, '-bar'. If so, it errors right then and there, telling the user that
he lacks the 'bar' capability. If the user doesn't have that anticapability,
then the bot checks to see if the user issued the command over a channel, and
if so, checks to see if the user has the antichannelcapability for that
command, '#baz,-bar'. If so, again, he tells the user that he lacks the 'bar'
capability. If neither of these anticapabilities are present, then the bot
just responds to the user like normal.
Default Capabilities
So what capabilities am I dealing with already?
There are several default capabilities the bot uses. The most important of
these is the 'owner' capability. This capability allows the person having it
to use *any* command. It's best to keep this capability reserved to people who
actually have access to the shell the bot is running on. It's so important, in
fact, that the bot will not allow you to add it with a command--you'll have you
edit the users file directly to give it to someone.
There is also the 'admin' capability for non-owners that are highly trusted to
administer the bot appropriately. They can do things such as change the bot's
nick, cause the bot to ignore a given user, make the bot join or part channels,
etc. They generally cannot do administration related to channels, which is
reserved for people with the next capability.
People who are to administer channels with the bot should have the
'#channel,op' capability--whatever channel they are to administrate, they
should have that channel capability for 'op'. For example, since I want
inkedmn to be an administrator in #supybot, I'll give him the '#supybot,op'
capability. This is in addition to his 'admin' capability, since the 'admin'
capability doesn't give the person having it control over channels.
'#channel,op' is used for such things as giving/receiving ops, kickbanning
people, lobotomizing the bot, ignoring users in the channel, and managing the
channel capabilities. The '#channel,op' capability is also basically the
equivalent of the 'owner' capability for capabilities involving
#channel--basically anyone with the #channel,op capability is considered to
have all positive capabilities and no negative capabilities for #channel.
One other globally important capability exists: 'trusted'. This is a command
that basically says "This user can be trusted not to try and crash the bot." It
allows users to call commands like 'icalc' in the 'Math' plugin, which can
cause the bot to begin a calculation that could potentially never return (a
calculation like '10**10**10**10'). Another command that requires the 'trusted'
capability is the 're' command in the 'Utilities' plugin, which (due to the
regular expression implementation in Python (and any other language that uses
NFA regular expressions, like Perl or Ruby or Lua or ...) which can allow a
regular expression to take exponential time to process). Consider what would
happen if someone gave the bot the command 're [format join "" s/./ [dict go]
/] [dict go]' It would basically replace every character in the output of
'dict go' (14,896 characters!) with the entire output of 'dict go', resulting
in 221MB of memory allocated! And that's not even the worst example!
Final Word
From a programmer's perspective, capabilties are flexible and easy to use. Any
command can check if a user has any capability, even ones not thought of when
the bot was originally written. Plugins can easily add their own
capabilities--it's as easy as just checking for a capability and documenting
somewhere that a user needs that capability to do something.
From an user's perspective, capabilities remove a lot of the mystery and
esotery of bot control, in addition to giving a bot owner absolutely
finegrained control over what users are allowed to do with the bot.
Additionally, defaults can be set by the bot owner for both individual channels
and for the bot as a whole, letting an end-user set the policy he wants the bot
to follow for users that haven't yet registered in his user database. It's
really a revolution!
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,343 @@
Using Supybot's utils module
Supybot provides a wealth of utilities for plugin writers in the supybot.utils
module, this tutorial describes these utilities and shows you how to use them.
The Format Function
The supybot.utils.str module provides a bunch of utility functions for
handling string values. This section contains a quick rundown of all of the
functions available, along with descriptions of the arguments they take. First
and foremost is the format function, which provides a lot of capability in
just one function that uses string-formatting style to accomplish a lot. So
much so that it gets its own section in this tutorial. All other functions
will be in other sections. format takes several arguments - first, the format
string (using the format characters described below), and then after that,
each individual item to be formatted. Do not attempt to use the % operator to
do the formatting because that will fall back on the normal string formatting
operator. The format function uses the following string formatting characters.
* % - literal "%"
* i - integer
* s - string
* f - float
* r - repr
* b - form of the verb "to be" (takes an int)
* h - form of the verb "to have" (takes an int)
* L - commaAndify (takes a list of strings or a tuple of ([strings], and))
* p - pluralize (takes a string)
* q - quoted (takes a string)
* n - n items (takes a 2-tuple of (n, item) or a 3-tuple of (n, between, item))
* t - time, formatted (takes an int)
* u - url, wrapped in braces
Here are a few examples to help elaborate on the above descriptions:
>>> format("Error %q has been reported %n. For more information, see %u.",
"AttributeError", (5, "time"), "http://supybot.com")
'Error "AttributeError" has been reported 5 times. For more information,
see <http://supybot.com>.'
>>> i = 4
>>> format("There %b %n at this time. You are only allowed %n at any given
time", i, (i, "active", "thread"), (5, "active", "thread"))
'There are 4 active threads at this time. You are only allowed 5 active
threads at any given time'
>>> i = 1
>>> format("There %b %n at this time. You are only allowed %n at any given
time", i, (i, "active", "thread"), (5, "active", "thread"))
'There is 1 active thread at this time. You are only allowed 5 active
threads at any given time'
>>> ops = ["foo", "bar", "baz"]
>>> format("The following %n %h the %s capability: %L", (len(ops), "user"),
len(ops), "op", ops)
'The following 3 users have the op capability: foo, bar, and baz'
As you can see, you can combine all sorts of combinations of formatting
strings into one. In fact, that was the major motivation behind format. We
have specific functions that you can use individually for each of those
formatting types, but it became much easier just to use special formatting
chars and the format function than concatenating a bunch of strings that were
the result of other utils.str functions.
The Other Functions
These are the functions that can't be handled by format. They are sorted in
what I perceive to be the general order of usefulness (and I'm leaving the
ones covered by format for the next section).
* ellipsisify(s, n) - Returns a shortened version of a string. Produces up
to the first n chars at the nearest word boundary.
- s: the string to be shortened
- n: the number of characters to shorten it to
* perlReToPythonRe(s) - Converts a Perl-style regexp (e.g., "/abcd/i" or
"m/abcd/i") to an actual Python regexp (an re object)
- s: the regexp string
* perlReToReplacer(s) - converts a perl-style replacement regexp (eg,
"s/foo/bar/g") to a Python function that performs such a replacement
- s: the regexp string
* dqrepr(s) - Returns a repr() of s guaranteed to be in double quotes.
(Double Quote Repr)
- s: the string to be double-quote repr()'ed
* toBool(s) - Determines whether or not a string means True or False and
returns the appropriate boolean value. True is any of "true", "on",
"enable", "enabled", or "1". False is any of "false", "off", "disable",
"disabled", or "0".
- s: the string to determine the boolean value for
* rsplit(s, sep=None, maxsplit=-1) - functionally the same as str.split in
the Python standard library except splitting from the right instead of the
left. Python 2.4 has str.rsplit (which this function defers to for those
versions >= 2.4), but Python 2.3 did not.
- s: the string to be split
- sep: the separator to split on, defaults to whitespace
- maxsplit: the maximum number of splits to perform, -1 splits all
possible splits.
* normalizeWhitespace(s) - reduces all multi-spaces in a string to a
single space
- s: the string to normalize
* depluralize(s) - the opposite of pluralize
- s: the string to depluralize
* unCommaThe(s) - Takes a string of the form "foo, the" and turns it into
"the foo"
- s: string, the
* distance(s, t) - computes the levenshtein distance (or "edit distance")
between two strings
- s: the first string
- t: the second string
* soundex(s, length=4) - computes the soundex for a given string
- s: the string to compute the soundex for
- length: the length of the soundex to generate
* matchCase(s1, s2) - Matches the case of the first string in the second
- s1: the first string
- s2: the string which will be made to match the case of the first
The Commands Format Already Covers
These commands aren't necessary because you can achieve them more easily by
using the format command, but they exist if you decide you want to use them
anyway though it is greatly discouraged for general use.
* commaAndify(seq, comma=",", And="and") - transforms a list of items into
a comma separated list with an "and" preceding the last element. For
example, ["foo", "bar", "baz"] becomes "foo, bar, and baz". Is smart
enough to convert two-element lists to just "item1 and item2" as well.
- seq: the sequence of items (don't have to be strings, but need to
be 'str()'-able)
- comma: the character to use to separate the list
- And: the word to use before the last element
* pluralize(s) - Returns the plural of a string. Put any exceptions to the
general English rules of pluralization in the plurals dictionary in
- s: the string to pluralize
* nItems(n, item, between=None) - returns a string that describes a given
number of an item (with any string between the actual number and the item
itself), handles pluralization with the pluralize function above. Note
that the arguments here are in a different order since between is
- n: the number of items
- item: the type of item
- between: the optional string that goes between the number and the
type of item
* quoted(s) - Returns the string surrounded by double-quotes.
- s: the string to quote
* be(i) - Returns the proper form of the verb "to be" based on the number
provided (be(1) is "is", be(anything else) is "are")
- i: the number of things that "be"
* has(i) - Returns the proper form of the verb "to have" based on the
number provided (has(1) is "has", has(anything else) is "have")
- i: the number of things that "has"
This module provides a number of useful data structures that aren't found in
the standard Python library. For the most part they were created as needed for
the bot and plugins themselves, but they were created in such a way as to be
of general use for anyone who needs a data structure that performs a like
duty. As usual in this document, I'll try and order these in order of
usefulness, starting with the most useful.
The queue classes
The structures module provides two general-purpose queue classes for you to
use. The "queue" class is a robust full-featured queue that scales up to
larger sized queues. The "smallqueue" class is for queues that will contain
fewer (less than 1000 or so) items. Both offer the same common interface,
which consists of:
* a constructor which will optionally accept a sequence to start the queue
off with
* enqueue(item) - adds an item to the back of the queue
* dequeue() - removes (and returns) the item from the front of the queue
* peek() - returns the item from the front of the queue without removing
* reset() - empties the queue entirely
In addition to these general-use queue classes, there are two other more
specialized queue classes as well. The first is the "TimeoutQueue" which holds
a queue of items until they reach a certain age and then they are removed from
the queue. It features the following:
* TimeoutQueue(timeout, queue=None) - you must specify the timeout (in
seconds) in the constructor. Note that you can also optionally pass it a
queue which uses any implementation you wish to use whether it be one of
the above (queue or smallqueue) or if it's some custom queue you create
that implements the same interface. If you don't pass it a queue instance
to use, it will build its own using smallqueue.
* reset(), enqueue(item), dequeue() - all same as above queue classes
* setTimeout(secs) - allows you to change the timeout value
And for the final queue class, there's the "MaxLengthQueue" class. As you may
have guessed, it's a queue that is capped at a certain specified length. It
features the following:
* MaxLengthQueue(length, seq=()) - the constructor naturally requires that
you set the max length and it allows you to optionally pass in a sequence
to be used as the starting queue. The underlying implementation is
actually the queue from before.
* enqueue(item) - adds an item onto the back of the queue and if it would
push it over the max length, it dequeues the item on the front (it does
not return this item to you)
* all the standard methods from the queue class are inherited for this class
The Other Structures
The most useful of the other structures is actually very similar to the
"MaxLengthQueue". It's the "RingBuffer", which is essentially a MaxLengthQueue
which fills up to its maximum size and then circularly replaces the old
contents as new entries are added instead of dequeuing. It features the
* RingBuffer(size, seq=()) - as with the MaxLengthQueue you specify the
size of the RingBuffer and optionally give it a sequence.
* append(item) - adds item to the end of the buffer, pushing out an item
from the front if necessary
* reset() - empties out the buffer entirely
* resize(i) - shrinks/expands the RingBuffer to the size provided
* extend(seq) - append the items from the provided sequence onto the end
of the RingBuffer
The next data structure is the TwoWayDictionary, which as the name implies is
a dictionary in which key-value pairs have mappings going both directions. It
features the following:
* TwoWayDictionary(seq=(), **kwargs) - Takes an optional sequence of (key,
value) pairs as well as any key=value pairs specified in the constructor
as initial values for the two-way dict.
* other than that, no extra features that a normal Python dict doesn't
already offer with the exception that any (key, val) pair added to the
dict is also added as (val, key) as well, so the mapping goes both ways.
Elements are still accessed the same way you always do with Python
There is also a MultiSet class available, but it's very unlikely that it will
serve your purpose, so I won't go into it here. The curious coder can go check
the source and see what it's all about if they wish (it's only used once in our
code, in the Relay plugin).
The web portion of Supybot's utils module is mainly used for retrieving data
from websites but it also has some utility functions pertaining to HTML and
email text as well. The functions in web are listed below, once again in order
of usefulness.
* getUrl(url, size=None, headers=None) - gets the data at the URL provided
and returns it as one large string
- url: the location of the data to be retrieved or a urllib2.Request
object to be used in the retrieval
- size: the maximum number of bytes to retrieve, defaults to None,
meaning that it is to try to retrieve all data
- headers: a dictionary mapping header types to header data
* getUrlFd(url, headers=None) - returns a file-like object for a url
- url: the location of the data to be retrieved or a urllib2.Request
object to be used in the retrieval
- headers: a dictionary mapping header types to header data
* htmlToText(s, tagReplace=" ") - strips out all tags in a string of HTML,
replacing them with the specified character
- s: the HTML text to strip the tags out of
- tagReplace: the string to replace tags with
* strError(e) - pretty-printer for web exceptions, returns a descriptive
string given a web-related exception
- e: the exception to pretty-print
* mungeEmail(s) - a naive e-mail obfuscation function, replaces "@" with
"AT" and "." with "DOT"
- s: the e-mail address to obfuscate
* getDomain(url) - returns the domain of a URL
- url: the URL in question
The Best of the Rest
Highlights the most useful of the remaining functionality in supybot.utils
Rather than document each of the remaining portions of the supybot.utils
module, I've elected to just pick out the choice bits from specific parts and
document those instead. Here they are, broken out by module name.
supybot.utils.file - file utilities
* touch(filename) - updates the access time of a file by opening it for
writing and immediately closing it
* mktemp(suffix="") - creates a decent random string, suitable for a
temporary filename with the given suffix, if
* the AtomicFile class - used for files that need to be atomically
written, i.e., if there's a failure the original
file remains unmodified. For more info consult
file.py in src/utils
supybot.utils.gen - general utilities
* timeElapsed(elapsed, [lots of optional args]) - given the number of
seconds elapsed, returns a string with the English description of the
amount of time passed, consult gen.py in src/utils for the exact
argument list and documentation if you feel you could use this
* exnToString(e) - improved exception-to-string function. Provides nicer
output than a simple str(e).
* InsensitivePreservingDict class - a dict class that is case-insensitive
when accessing keys
supybot.utils.iter - iterable utilities
* len(iterable) - returns the length of a given iterable
* groupby(key, iterable) - equivalent to the itertools.groupby function
available as of Python 2.4. Provided for
backwards compatibility.
* any(p, iterable) - Returns true if any element in the iterable satisfies
the predicate p
* all(p, iterable) - Returns true if all elements in the iterable satisfy
the predicate p
* choice(iterable) - Returns a random element from the iterable
Reference in New Issue
Block a user