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synced 2025-03-01 12:00:41 +01:00
Added example, and made dice commaAndify its numbers.
This commit is contained in:
@ -64,6 +64,88 @@ import ircmsgs
import privmsgs
import privmsgs
import callbacks
import callbacks
example = """
<jemfinch> @list FunCommands
<supybot> base, binary, calc, chr, coin, cpustats, decode, dice, dns, encode, hexlify, kernel, last, lastfrom, leet, levenshtein, lithp, md5, mimetype, netstats, objects, ord, pydoc, rot13, rpn, sha, soundex, unhexlify, uptime, urlquote, urlunquote, xor
<jemfinch> @netstats
<supybot> I have received 211 messages for a total of 19535 bytes. I have sent 109 messages for a total of 8672 bytes.
<jemfinch> @ord A
<supybot> 65
<jemfinch> @chr 65
<supybot> A
<jemfinch> @base 2 10101010101001010101010101
<supybot> 44733781
<jemfinch> @binary jemfinch
<supybot> 0110101001100101011011010110011001101001011011100110001101101000
<jemfinch> (that's what the bits in a string look like for 'jemfinch')
<jemfinch> @encode string-escape "\x00\x01"
<supybot> \x00\x01
<jemfinch> @decode string-escape "\\x01\\x02"
<supybot> '\x01\x02'
<jemfinch> @hexlify jemfinch
<supybot> 6a656d66696e6368
<jemfinch> @unhexlify 6a656d66696e6368
<supybot> jemfinch
<jemfinch> @xor password The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
<supybot> '$\t\x16S\x06\x1a\x1b\x07\x1bA\x11\x01\x18\x18\x1cD\x16\x0e\x0bS\x1d\x1a\x1f\x14\x03A\x1c\x05\x12\x1dR\x10\x18\x04S\x1f\x16\x15\x0bD\x14\x0e\x14]'
<jemfinch> (now watch this -- a nested command :))
<jemfinch> @xor password [xor password The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.]
<supybot> The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
<jemfinch> (xor is a reversible encryption method. It's easy to crack, so don't use it for real things :))
<jemfinch> @rot13 jemfinch
<supybot> wrzsvapu
<jemfinch> @rot13 [rot13 jemfinch]
<supybot> jemfinch
<jemfinch> @mimetype someSong.mp3
<supybot> audio/mpeg
<jemfinch> @md5 jemfinch
<supybot> cb2faabafafa9037493cf33779a2dc2e
<jemfinch> @unhexlify [md5 jemfinch]
<supybot> /7I<7y.
<jemfinch> @sha jemfinch
<supybot> b06a020b92ff41317f152139a4dda98f6c638812
<jemfinch> @coin
<supybot> heads
<jemfinch> @coin
<supybot> heads
<jemfinch> @coin
<supybot> tails
<jemfinch> @dice 2d20
<supybot> 3 and 10
<jemfinch> @lithp Sally sells seashells by the seashore.
<supybot> THally thellth theathellth by the theathore.
<jemfinch> @dice 4d100
<supybot> 25, 97, 85, and 93
<jemfinch> @leet All your base are belong to us!!
<supybot> 411 y0ur b453 4r3 b310ng +0 uz!!
<jemfinch> @cpustats
<supybot> I have taken 5.4 seconds of user time and 0.29 seconds of system time, for a total of 5.69 seconds of CPU time. My children have taken 0.0 seconds of user time and 0.0 seconds of system time for a total of 0.0 seconds of CPU time. I've taken a total of 0.00329929635973% of this computer's time. Out of 2 spawned threads, I have 1 active.
<jemfinch> @uptime
<supybot> I have been running for 28 minutes and 47 seconds.
<jemfinch> @calc e**(i*pi) + 1
<supybot> 0
<jemfinch> @calc 1+2+3
<supybot> 6
<jemfinch> @rpn 1 2 3 + +
<supybot> 6
<jemfinch> @objects
<supybot> I have 24941 objects: 234 modules, 716 classes, 5489 functions, 1656 dictionaries, 827 lists, and 14874 tuples (and a few other different types). I have a total of 119242 references.
<jemfinch> @levenshtein supybot supbot
<supybot> 1
<jemfinch> (taht's the edit distance between "supybot" and "supbot")
<jemfinch> @soundex jemfinch
<supybot> J515
<jemfinch> @soundex supercallifragilisticexpealadocious
<supybot> S162
<jemfinch> @soundex supercallifragilisticexpealadocious 20
<supybot> S1624162423221432200
<jemfinch> @pydoc str
<supybot> str(object) -> string. Return a nice string representation of the object. If the argument is a string, the return value is the same object.
<jemfinch> @dns kernel.org
<jemfinch> @kernel
class FunCommands(callbacks.Privmsg):
class FunCommands(callbacks.Privmsg):
def __init__(self):
def __init__(self):
@ -304,7 +386,7 @@ class FunCommands(callbacks.Privmsg):
L = [0] * dice
L = [0] * dice
for i in xrange(dice):
for i in xrange(dice):
L[i] = random.randrange(1, sides+1)
L[i] = random.randrange(1, sides+1)
irc.reply(msg, ', '.join([str(x) for x in L]))
irc.reply(msg, utils.commaAndify([str(x) for x in L]))
irc.error(msg, 'Dice must be of the form <dice>d<sides>')
irc.error(msg, 'Dice must be of the form <dice>d<sides>')
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